5,992 research outputs found

    Insight into the Digital Health System of Ukraine (eHealth): Trends, Definitions, Standards, and Legislative Revisions

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    Purpose. This article aims to provide an in-depth examination of the digital health system of Ukraine, focusing on the emerging trends, precise definitions, established standards, and recent legislative revisions that shape the practice and implementation of eHealth solutions within the country. Background. The digital health landscape in Ukraine has witnessed significant transformations, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent military conflicts. These events have catalyzed the expansion of telemedicine services, leading to innovative approaches in healthcare delivery. The national strategy underscores the necessity for human-centric and accessible telemedicine, reinforced by technological neutrality, and harmonization with global standards. Methods. A review of the current literature, national strategies, and legal documents was conducted, alongside an analysis of data usage and service provision patterns in various Ukrainian regions. Participation in the "Science for Safety and Sustainable Development of Ukraine" competition facilitated project initiatives like the development of a cloud-based platform for patient-centered telerehabilitation for oncology patients. Findings. The utilization of telemedicine has significantly increased in conflict-affected regions, demonstrating the need for, and the effective deployment of, digital health strategies under crisis conditions. Private health facilities and entrepreneurs have been pivotal in the provision of telemedicine services. Legislative efforts have been geared toward framing telemedicine as an integral component of the national eHealth system, ensuring interoperability, and aligning with international standards and the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT). Interpretation. The findings underscore the resilience and adaptability of the Ukrainian healthcare system in the face of adversity. There is a clear trend towards a more integrated, patient-focused, and technologically advanced healthcare model, aligning with international trends and prioritizing public health goals over private profits. This progress, however, is contingent upon continuous development, investment in technological infrastructure, and legislative support to sustain and advance digital health initiatives

    О построении циркулянтных матриц, связанных с MDS-матрицами

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    The objective of this paper is to suggest a method of the construction of circulant ma-trices, which are appropriate for being MDS (Maximum Distance Separable) matrices utilising in cryptography. Thus, we focus on designing so-called bi-regular circulant matrices, and furthermore, impose additional restraints on matrices in order that they have the maximal number of some element occurrences and the minimal number of distinct elements. The reason to construct bi-regular matrices is that any MDS matrix is necessarily the bi-regular one, and two additional restraints on matrix elements grant that matrix-vector multiplication for the samples constructed may be performed effciently. The results obtained include an upper bound on the number of some ele-ment occurrences for which the circulant matrix is bi-regular. Furthermore, necessary and sucient conditions for the circulant matrix bi-regularity are derived. On the ba-sis of these conditions, we developed an effcient bi-regularity verication procedure. Additionally, several bi-regular circulant matrix layouts of order up to 31 with the maximal number of some element occurrences are listed. In particular, it appeared that there are no layouts of order 32 with more than 5 occurrences of any element which yield a bi-regular matrix (and hence an MDS matrix)

    Analysis of the confirmation time in proof-of-work blockchains

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    In blockchain networks driven by Proof of Work, clients spend a certain amount of cryptocurrency (called fees) to control the speed of confirmation of the transactions that they generate. In fact, transactions are confirmed according to a strong priority policy that favors those offering the highest fees. The problem of determining the optimal fee to offer to satisfy certain delay requirements is still widely open and, at the state of the art, mainly reactive methods based on historical data are available. In this work, we propose a queueing model based on the exact transient analysis of a M/MB/1 system to address this problem. The model takes into account (i) the state of the Mempool (the backlog of pending work) when the transaction is generated, (ii) the current transaction arrival intensity and (iii) the distribution of the fees offered by other transactions to the miners. We apply the model to study the performance of the Bitcoin blockchain. Its parameterization is based on an extensive statistical analysis of the transaction characteristics. To this aim, we collected data from over 1.5 million of pending transactions observed in the Mempool of our Bitcoin node. The outcome of our analysis allows us to provide an algorithm to quickly compute the expected transaction confirmation time given the blockchain state, and to highlight new insights on the relations between the transaction fees and confirmation time in BTC blockchain

    Coherent and Non-Coherent Double Diffractive Production of QQˉ Q \bar {Q} - pairs in Collisions of Heavy Ions at High Energies

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    The double coherent and non-coherent diffractive production of heavy quark - antiquark pairs (QQˉQ \bar{Q}) in heavy ion scattering at high energies (LHC) is considered. The total and differential cross sections of these processes with the formation of ccˉc \bar{c} and bbˉb \bar{b} pairs in pppp, CaCaCaCa and PbPbPbPb collisions are evaluated. The contribution of the considered mechanisms is a few per cent of the number of heavy quark - antiquark pairs obtained in the processes of hard (QCD) scattering, and it will be taken into account in the registration of cc, bb quarks or, for instance, in the study of the heavy quarkonia suppression effects in Quark - Gluon Plasma, in the search for intermediate mass Higgs bosons and so on. It is shown that the cross section of the coherent scattering process is great enough. This makes it suitable for studying collective effects in nuclear interactions at high energies. An example of such effects is given: large values of the invariant mass of a QQˉQ \bar{Q}pair, M_{Q \bar{Q}} \gsim 100 GeV, in association with a large rapidity gap between diffractive jets Δη>5\Delta \eta > 5.Comment: 22 pages, 5(.eps) figures, 3 tables, LaTe

    On the Use of Proof-of-Work in Permissioned Blockchains: Security and Fairness

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    In permissioned blockchains, a set of identifiable miners validates transactions and creates new blocks. In scholarship, the proposed solution for the consensus protocol is usually inspired by the Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT) based on voting rather than the proof-of-work (PoW). The advantage of PoW with respect to BFT is that it allows the final user to evaluate the cost required to change a confirmed transaction without the need to trust the consortium of miners. In this paper, we analyse the problems that arise from the application of PoW in permissioned blockchains. In standard PoW, it may be easy for colluded miners to temporarily reach 50% of the total hash power (HP). Moreover, since mining rewards are not usually expected in permissioned contexts, the problem of balancing the computational efforts among the miners becomes crucial. We propose a solution based on a sliding window algorithm to address these problems and analyse its effectiveness in terms of fairness and security. Furthermore, we present a quantitative, analytical model in order to assess its capacity to balance the hash power provided by heterogeneous miners. Our study considers the trade-off between the need to trust the entire consortium of miners guaranteed by the global HP invested by the mining process and the need to prevent collusion among malicious miners aimed at reaching 50% of the total HP. As a result, the model can be used to find the optimal parameters for the sliding window protocol

    General characteristics of morphometric parameters nerve structures of the tentorium cerebelli

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    Objective. Establish morphometric features of the position, shape and size of tentorium cerebelli nerves in middle-aged people. Methods - macro and microscopic examination of tentorium cerebelli and its nerve structures, morphometry of all departments of tentorium cerebelli, microscopic study of the structure and innervation of tentorium cerebelli leaves stained with hematoxylin-eosin, and also by the Schubich-Hodos method using Schiff's reagent, individual preparations impregnated by the method of Rasskazova-Kupriyanov. The obtained data were systematized from the position of the doctrine V.M. Shevkunenko about individual anatomical variability and were substantiated by means of a variational-statistical analysis. Results. The study found that the main source of innervation of tentorium cerebelli is tentorial nerve. There are two main forms of the branching of tentorial nerve in the tissue tentorium cerebelli: one-sided and double-sided. The diameter of the nerve trunks of tentorial nerve reaches values from 2.70 to 3.16 mm in men and 2.46 to 2.98 mm in women; the diameter of the lateral and medial branches does not exceed 1.55-2.30 mm (men) and 1.47-2.12 mm (women); the diameter of the intermediate twigs is 500-900 microns in the first and 350-920 microns in the others; the diameter of the fins is 40-170 and 10-160 microns. The highest rates of brachicephals are slightly reduced in mesocephals, and reach the smallest values in the dolichocephals. The length of the trunks tentorial nerve is in the range from 1.50 to 2.28 cm; the length of the main branches does not exceed 2,05-3,10 cm; the length of the zone of innervation of the terminal branches of the tentorial nerve is from 1.40 to 1.95 cm. This parameter has the highest rates in people with a dolichocephalic form of the head, the smallest - in people with brachycephalic form

    Розрахунок розмірів газ-динамічного комплексу

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    In the paper exact and approximation analytical expressions for calculation of the gas-dynamic jets parameters for gas-dynamic complex are obtained. The sizes of gas-dynamic complex for providing of the unmanned aerial vehicle takeoff and landing with help of these expressions be defined. In particular, the relationship between the aerodynamic characteristics of the unmanned aerial vehicle and braking distance in artificial airstream is obtained. The mathematical model of the unmanned aerial vehicle motion in artificial airstream is based on kinematics and flight dynamics equations. Peculiarity of this model is that it is used real function of velocity distribution in a transverse cross-section of axisymmetric flooded.Отримано точні і наближені аналітичні вирази для розрахунку параметрів газодинамічних струменів для газодинамічного комплексу. За допомогою цих виразів визначено розміри газодинамічного комплексу для забезпечення зльоту і посадки безпілотного літального апарату. Зокрема, отримано зв'язок між аеродинамічними характеристиками безпілотного літального апарату і відстанню гальмування в штучному повітряному потоці. Математичну модель руху безпілотного літального апарату в штучному повітряному потоці побудовано на базі рівнянь кінематики і динаміки польоту. Особливість описаної моделі полягає в тому, що вона використовує реальну функцію розподілу швидкості в поперечному перерізі осесиметричного затопленого струменя