11 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini berjudul Penerapan Materi Pelatihan Marimba Dalam “2009 Carolina Gold Percussion” Di Marching Band Gita Swara Spansa Kalimantan Tengah. Latar belakang penulisan skripsi ini berawal dari pengamatan serta pengalaman peneliti dalam berlatih memainkan Marimba dengan menggunakan materi yang ada dalam jurnal 2009 Carolina Gold Percussion. Penelitian dilakukan di Marching Band Gita Swara Spansa Kalimantan Tengah yang beralamatkan di Jl. A. Yani No 44 Muara Teweh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menggambarkan pemilihan materi, metode penyampaian materi, dan hasil dari penerapan materi pelatihan marimba dalam jurnal 2009 Carolina Gold Percussion di Marching Bang Gita Swara Spansa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif, yang dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui gambaran secara sistematis, faktual dan aktual mengenai objek yang dikaji. Peneliti mengumpulkan, menyusun, menginterpretasikan data, dan mengolahnya untuk mengetahui lebih jelas menyangkut permasalahan penelitian. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diperoleh beberapa hasil yang cukup baik, yaitu 1) peserta pelatihan mendapatkan pengetahuan tentang teknik pegangan dua Mallet, teknik pukulan tunggal, pukulan ganda, pukulan rebound, dan pukulan legato dengan menggunakan dua Mallet, dan 12 kunci major, 2) peserta pelatihan mampu bekerja sama dalam melaksanakan proses pelatihan, 3) peserta pelatihan memiliki keterampilan dalam memainkan Marimba yang bisa bermanfaat dalam acara pertunjukan dan kompetensi atau perlombaan Marching Band. Kata Kunci : Penerapan, Pelatihan, Marimba, Marching Band, Muara Teweh This study, entitled Implementation Training Materials Marimba In "2009 Carolina Gold Percussion" In Marching Band Gita Swara Spansa Central Kalimantan. The background of this thesis starts from observation and experience of researchers in practice playing Marimba by using the material in the journal in 2009 Carolina Gold Percussion. The study was conducted in Marching Band Gita Swara Spansa Central Kalimantan at Jl. A. Yani No. 44 Estuary Teweh. This study aims to identify and describe the selection of materials, delivery methods, and the results of the application of training materials in the journal marimba 2009 Carolina Gold Marching Percussion in Bang Gita Swara Spansa. The method used is descriptive method with qualitative approach, which is intended to describe a systematic, factual and actual about the object being studied. Researchers collect, collate, interpret the data and process it to determine more clearly the problems regarding the study. Based on the research results, obtained some good results, namely 1) trainees gain knowledge of techniques handle two Mallet, stroke technique single, double blow, blow rebound, and blow legato using two Mallet, and 12 key majors, 2) participants Training able to collaborate in the training process, 3) trainees have the skills in playing the Marimba which could be useful in the event of performances and competencies or race Marching Band. Keywords: Implementation, Training, Marimba, Marching Band, Muara Tewe


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    This research aims to find out the comparison of income and the risk of chili pepper (Capsicum annum L.) farming and cayenne pepper (Capsicum Frutescens L.) farming.  The study was conducted in three villages at Sumberejo Sub-district of Tanggamus Regency.  This research used a survey method and respondents in this research were 30 chili pepper farmers and 30 cayenne pepper farmers.  The data analysis used is farm income analysis and risk analysis uses coefficient of variation. To find out the comparison of income and risk of farming was independent sample t-test. The results showed that the income of chili pepper farming was higher than that of cayenne pepper farming with the income of IDR119,047,409.08 per hectare and IDR49,579,450.49 per hectare. There is no significant difference between production risk and income from chili pepper and cayenne pepper farming. The price risk of chili pepper farming is higher than that of cayenne pepper.Key words: Chili farming, income, ris

    Pemanfaatan Kulit Nanas Sebagai Bahan Pembuatan Sirup Segar Dan Higenis

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    Nanas adalah salah satu komoditas andalan masyarakat desa Lendang Nangka UtaraKecamatan Masbagik Kabupaten Lombok Timur, hampir seluruh masyarakat Desa tersebutmempunyai lahan untuk menanam buah Nanas, sehingga Desa tersebut terkenal dengan DeseNanas. Buah Nanas adalah buah yang mempunyai banyak kandungan gizi yang bermamfaatuntuk kesehatan tubuh,selain itu rasanya yang manis membuat buah ini disukai oleh banyakorang, tidak heran semakin hari permintaan akan buah ini meningkat.Untuk meningkatkan harga Nanas yang ada terkadang para petani menjual BuahNanas dalam keaadaan sudah dikupas (siap dikonsumsi), tapi yang terjadi adalah terjadipenumpukan kulit Nanas yang akan menimbulkan masalah baru yakni pemandangan yangkurang bagus dan yang kedua adalah kemungkinan akan menyebabkan gangguan kesehatanakibat pembususukan kulit Nanas tersebut.Kulit Nanas yang selama ini dibuang dan tidak terpakai bisa dijadikan sirup yangmempunyai nilai Gizi yang cukup dan juga rasa yang enak. Adapun tujuan ahir dari programini adalah terbentuknya kelompok masyarakat yang mampu memamfaatkan kulit Nanasmenjadi Sirup dan dikemas dengan dengan modern sehigga mampu menembus pasar lokal,sehingga mampu meningkatkan kesejahterann masyarakat


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    Latar Belakang : Pemeriksaan payudara sendiri (Sadari) merupakan salah satu cara untuk mendeteksi kanker Payudara. Sadari ini akan lebih baik dilakukan sejak usia remaja, karena saat ini penderita kanker payudara saat ini juga dialami pada usia remaja.  Kelurahan Anduring merupakan salah satu kelurahan yang ada di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Ambacang. Saat ini di Kelurahan Anduring terdapat 12 orang penderita kanker payudara. Bahkan 2 orang diantaranya masih tergolong remaja. Pemberian informasi pada remaja putri ataupun kepada ibu - ibu tentang bagaimana melakukan deteksi dini pada kanker payudara masih sangat kurang sekali. Sehingga ditemuan kasus kanker payudara yang sudah dalam stadium lanjut. Bahkan 4 orang penderita kanker payudara, satu diantaranya remaja putri meninggal dunia karena kanker payudara yang terlambat di tangani. Metode : Pembentukan kelompok Duta sadari remaja Puteri, identifikasi kebutuhan melalui pengumpulan data dan observasi, Perancangan kegiatan melalui persiapan dan inisiasi. Pada tahap implementasi kegiatan yang akan dilakukan pengenalan antar anggota kelompok, pelatihan yang dilakukan langsung kepada remaja putri, pembimbingan dan sosialisasi kepada  kelompok remaja putri. Materi yang diberikan adalah tentang, konsep kanker payudara, teknik sadari pink, penggunaan media payudara tiruan dengan bahan plastisin dll. Evaluasi dilaksanakan dengan pemberian kuisioner dan mencobakan langsung teknik- teknik sadari. Hasil: Terlaksananya pemberian informasi dan adanya panduan praktis serta praktek langsung pemeriksaan payudara sendiri dengan menggunakan model payudara plastisin. Terbentuknya kelompok Duta Sadari yang dilanjutkan melalui Aplikasi WhatsApp Grup, sehingga kegiatan remaja putri dipantau bersama


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    ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui formulasi yang optimal pada pembuatan penyedap rasa serbuk berbahan dasar ikan kembung dan jamur shiitake. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan meliputi dua tahap yaitu penelitian pendahuluan dan penelitian utama. Penelitian pendahuluan dilakukan untuk mengetahui kadar protein yang terdapat pada ikan kembung dan jamur shiitake, mengetahui formula dasar, dan penentuan batas atas dan batas bawah. Penelitian utama bertujuan untuk mendapatkan formula penyedap rasa serbuk ikan kembung dan jamur shiitake yang optimal menggunakan Design Expert 13.0 metode Mixture D-Optimal. Rancangan respon yang digunakan adalah respon kimia meliputi analisis kadar protein dan analisis kadar air, respon fisik meliputi daya larut dan nilai rendemen, dan respon organoleptik mutu hedonik atribut rasa gurih. Hasil penelitian utama berdasarkan prediksi program Design Expert 13.0 menunjukkan bahwa formula yang optimal yaitu dengan konsentrasi ikan kembung 51,95%, jamur shiitake 32,87%; garam 1,45%; dan gula 0,73% menghasilkan kadar protein 31,20%, kadar air 4,00%, daya larut 48,00%, nilai rendemen 47,10%, dan skor organoleptik mutu hedonik atribut rasa gurih 6,00 dengan nilai desirability 0,58. Kata kunci : Optimasi Formula, Penyedap Rasa Serbuk, Ikan Kembung, Jamur Shiitake, Design Expert, Mixture D-Optimal


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    The volatility of chili prices is a protracted problem that has not been completely resolved. Meanwhile, the majority of Dusun Responsibility Mulyo people are chili farmers whose livelihoods are supported by the sale of chili products. Therefore, this service is carried out with the aim of maintaining the stability of chili farmers' income which has an impact on the welfare of the Dusun Responsibility Mulyo community and stimulates the potential of MSMEs in the village. The method used is PAR and a case study approach with participatory observation. The solution that can be used is to conduct training and provide assistance in processing chili products into semi-finished processed materials, namely “Abon Cabai

    The Effect of KPRS Akad Selection on the Profitability of Bank Jatim Syari'ah Kediri Branch

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    One of the most productive financing products is KPR Syari'ah. The KPRS application at BJS Kediri uses two contracts, namely Murabahah and Musyarakah Mutanaqishah (MMQ). The difference in contracts causes different performance results for KPRS, especially in terms of profitability. Then, which contract has the potential to be more profitable for BJS Kediri? This research is a descriptive quantitative research. The sample is 28 from the performance and financial statements for the period 2016–2022. Data collection using documentation, observation and interview techniques. The data processing and analysis techniques used are the Coefficient of Determination Test and Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA) with the help of SPSS 29.0 Software for Window. The results showed that the contract that affects the profitability of BJS is MMQ, while the Murabahah contract. Then, NPF only moderated the effect of Murabahah on BJS Profitability and not on MMQ. Researchers concluded that the KPRS contract that is more profitable for BJS is MMQ, but it still requires more attention in several aspects such as promotion and recording system


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    ABSTRACT Childbirth is the most awaited thing by pregnant women, but on the other hand it is a thrilling thing. Pain that makes the desired happiness filled with fear and anxiety. Several studies have shown that primitive people experience longer and painful labor, while people who have advanced give birth without pain and most (90%) deliveries are accompanied by pain (Elly S, 2017). Pain during labor has an impact on increasing the activity of the sympathetic nervous system which results in nausea and vomiting, excessive sweating, and changes in blood pressure, pulse, breathing, and skin color. One effort to minimize labor pain is to use breathing relaxation techniques. This study aims to determine the effect of breathing relaxation techniques on reducing labor pain in the first stage of the active phase. The type of design used in this study was pre-experimental with one group pretest-posttest design. The number of samples is 10 respondents. The technique of collecting sample data using purposive sampling method. Data collection techniques used a questionnaire and a Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) pain scale. From the results of the data before being given the deep breathing relaxation technique with a score of 2.60 (SD: 0.699) (min: 2) (max: 4) while after being given the breathing relaxation technique the score was 2.50 (SD: 0.707) (min: 1) (max: 3) means that inpartu mothers experience a decrease in labor pain in the active phase of the 1st stage. Wilcoxon test results obtained a Z value of 2.598 with a significant value of 0.009 < (0.05). So that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted, this shows that there is an effect of deep breathing relaxation techniques on reducing labor pain in the active phase of the 1st stage at the Kasih Ibu Clinic, Deli Tua District, Deli Serdang Regency in 2022. Keywords: Breathing Relaxation Technique, First Stage of Labor Pain, Active Phase

    A mini review on immune role of chemokines and its receptors in snakehead murrel Channa striatus

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    Chemokines are ubiquitous cytokine molecules involved in migration of cells during inflammation and normal physiological processes. Though the study on chemokines in mammalian species like humans have been extensively studied, characterization of chemokines in teleost fishes is still in the early stage. The present review provides an overview of chemokines and its receptors in a teleost fish, Channa striatus. C. striatus is an air breathing freshwater carnivore, which has enormous economic importance. This species is affected by an oomycete fungus, Aphanomyces invadans and a Gram negative bacteria Aeromonas hydrophila is known to cause secondary infection. These pathogens impose immune changes in the host organism, which in turn mounts several immune responses. Of these, the role of cytokines in the immune response is immense, due to their involvement in several activities of inflammation such as cell trafficking to the site of inflammation and antigen presentation. Given that importance, chemokines in fishes do have significant role in the immunological and other physiological functions of the organism, hence there is a need to understand the characteristics, activities and performace of these small molecules in details