25 research outputs found

    Cyano-modified silica-gel as a sorbent in planar chromatography

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    Cilj ove disertacije bio je ispitivanje karakteristika i mogućnosti primene cijanomodifikovanog silika-gela kao sorbenta umerene polarnosti za odvajanja kako u normalno-faznoj tako i u reverzno-faznoj planarnoj hromatografiji. Planarna, odnosno tankoslojna hromatografija kao podvrsta tečne hromatografije je odabrana pre svega zbog svoje jednostavnosti, brzine i efikasnosti. Cijano-modifikovani silika-gel, zahvaljujući prisustvu različitih površinskih aktivnih centara (cijano-grupa i alkil-nizova unetih modifikacijom kao i nemodifikovanih silanolnih grupa), može da ostvaruje nekoliko vrsta specifičnih interakcija sa odvajanim supstancama. Stoga je u okviru ovog rada detaljno proučavano retenciono ponašanje različitih klasa neorganskih i organskih supstanci na tankom sloju pomenutog sorbenta za koje je pretpostavljeno da bi mogle specifično da interaguju pre svega sa cijano-grupama sorbenta i svojim ponašanjem ukažu na učešće ovih aktivnih centara u procesu hromatografskog razdvajanja. U tom smislu, posebna pažnja je posvećena ispitivanju sorbenada koji sadrže aromatične delove strukture, kao što su mešoviti (b-diketonato) i (b-ketoiminato) kompleksi prelaznih metala sa različitim brojem fenil-grupa u molekulu, različiti derivati fenola, kao i triazinski derivati i fenoksikarboksilne kiseline, primenom različitih reverezno-faznih i normalno-faznih hromatografskih sistema. U istom cilju poreñeni su rezultati ispitivanja hromatografskog ponašanja istih analita u različitim hromatografskim sistemima, odnosno na tankim slojevima sorbenata sa definisanim površinskim aktivnim sorpcionim centrima. Pored toga, jedan od ciljeva istraživanja bio je i proširenje primene cijanomodifikovanog silika-gela kao specifičnog sorbenta za hromatografiju hidrofilnih interakcija (Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography, HILIC) kao relativno novu hromatografsku tehniku. Takođe, cilj ovoga rada bio je da se, osim teorijskog, istakne i praktičan značaj izvedenih hromatografskih odvajanja, pa je stoga u okviru RP hromatografskih uslova proučavana primenljivost cijano-modifikovanog silika-gela kao sorbenta u hromatografskim sistemima koji se koriste za modelovanje zemljište-voda podeonih koeficijenata normiranih na sadržaj organskog ugljenika (logKOC) kao jednim od ključnih parametara koji odreñuju sudbinu organskih jedinjenja u životnoj sredini.The aim of this thesis is testing features and possibilities of using cyanomodified silica-gel as a sorbent of medium polarity for separation in both normal-phase and reversed-phase planar chromatography. Planar i.e. thin-layer chromatography as subgroup of liquid chromatography was chosen due to its simplicity, rapidity and efficiency. Cyano-modified silica-gel, due to the presence of various surface-area active centers (cyano-groups and alkyl-chains inserted by modification as well as nonmodified silanol groups), may achieve several types of specific interactions with separated substances. Thus, within this thesis we thoroughly carried out testing of retention behaviour of different inorganic and organic substances on a thin layer of mentioned sorbent that we assume may have specific interaction mainly with cyano groups of sorbent and, consequently indicate the participation of these active centers in the process of chromatographic separation. In that sense, special attention was paid to investigating sorbends which contain aromatic structure parts, such as mixed (β-diketonate) and (β-ketoiminato) complexes of transition metals with different number of phenyl groups in molecule, various derivatives of phenols as well as triazines and phenoxycarboxylic acids by applying different normal-phase and reversed-phase chromatographic systems. With the same aim, we compared chromatographic behaviour of the same analytes in different chromatographic systems, i.e. on thin layers of sorbents with defined surface active sorption centers. Apart from that, one of the aims of this research was to enhance the use of cyano-modified silica-gel as specific sorbent for hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) as a relatively new chromatographic technique. In addition, the aim of this thesis is to emphasize the practical significance of studied chromatographic besides the theoretical one. Thus, within reversed-phase chromatographic conditions, we examined the use of cyano-modified silica-gel as sorbent for modeling of soil-water partition coefficients normalized to the organic carbon content (logKoc) as one of the key parameters that define the destiny of organic substances in the environment

    Supplementary data for the article: Andrić, F.; Šegan, S.; Dramićanin, A.; Majstorović, H.; Milojković-Opsenica, D. Linear Modeling of the Soil-Water Partition Coefficient Normalized to Organic Carbon Content by Reversed-Phase Thin-Layer Chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A 2016, 1458, 136–144. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chroma.2016.06.063

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    Supplementary material for: [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chroma.2016.06.063]Related to published version: [http://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2288]Related to accepted version: [http://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3561

    Croatia and the Region in the WEC’s Scenario Concept (WEC – World Energy Council)

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    Najznačajniji World Energy Council (WEC) projekt u razdoblju od 2004. do 2007. godine je studija Energy Policy Scenarios to 2050, na kojem članovi WEC-a i nezavisni stručnjaci rade tri posljednje godine, a čiji su rezultati predstavljeni na kongresu u Rimu od 9. do 16. studenog 2007. godine. Energetska budućnost svijeta se promatra po kontinentima, pa je tako i energetska budućnost Europe jedan od podprojekata. Prateći koncept analize energetske budućnosti Europe u Energy Policy Scenarios to 2050 3, u ovom je članku obrađena regija jugoistočne Europe unutar Europe, a koja u spomenutom radu nije posebno promatrana. Razrađen je koncept mogućih scenarija regije, i povezanosti s događanjima u EU i ostalom dijelu Europe. Obzirom da se dijelovi regije znatno razlikuju po gospodarskoj snazi i razvojnom potencijalu, za regiju bi bilo korisno napraviti energetske analize prema razrađenom konceptu scenarija. Za razumijevanje problema i prepoznavanje mogućnosti regije analizirani su glavni energetski pokazatelji, posebno u dijelu koji se odnosi na električnu energiju i plin. Dane su preporuke o daljnjim aktivnostima, koje se dijelom odnose i na šire područje Europe.The most significant project of the World Energy Council (WEC), in the period from 2004 to 2007, is the Energy Policy Scenarios to 2050 study, in which the members of the WEC and independent experts have been working on for the last three years. The results of this were presented in the congress in Rome from November 9-16, 2007. The energy future of the world is viewed by continents, and because of this the energy future of Europe is one of the pre-projects. By following the concept of analyzing the energy future of Europe in the Energy Policy Scenarios to 20503, the region of southeastern Europe within Europe was processed. This region was not previously monitored in particular in this mentioned work. A concept was drawn up of possible region scenarios and a connection with events in EU and the rest of Europe. Since the region significantly differs by its economic strength as well as by its developmental potential, it would be useful for the region to have an energy analysis done according to the elaborated concept of the scenario. To make the problems and possibilities of the region more understandable, the main energy indicators were analyzed especially in the part which refers to electric energy and gas. Recommendations were given concerning further activities which partly also refer to the broader area of Europe


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    The rhizosphere is a dynamic environment in which many parameters may influence biogenicity. The important factors determining the microbial community in the rhizosphere are plant and soil nutrient supply. The aim of this paper was to determine the abundance of basic microbiological groups in the rhizosphere of four wheat subspecies, in three fertilization treatments in the organic farming system. A field experiment was conducted using a randomized complete block design with four replicates. It was carried out on the leached chernozem soil type. There was significant variability in the abundance of the studied physiological groups of microorganisms between the wheat subspecies, as well as between the fertilization treatments. The rhizosphere of common wheat had the greatest abundance of fungi (24.37 x 103 g-1). The rhizosphere of compactum wheat had the largest abundance of oligonitrophilic bacteria (361.47 x 105 g-1) and amonificators (119.27 x 105 g-1). There were no significant differences in the abundance of actinomycetes between the cultivars of common, compactum and durum wheat, but their lowest number was found in the spelt wheat cultivar (11.25 x 103 g-1). The combined application of biofertilizer and organic fertilizer resulted in a significantly greater abundance of amonificators (56.6%), fungi (28.2%) and oligonitrophiles (14.6%) than in the control treatment. The results show that the crop variety and application of appropriate fertilizer formulations can influence the abundance of the studied groups of microorganisms. This is particularly the case in organic farming, which relies completely on natural resources and processes. Copyright © 2022 Jialin Yuan et al


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    Cilj: Ispitivanje stavova i stupnja znanja medicinskih sestara/ tehničara, KBC-a Split, o šećernoj bolesti u svrhu što bolje kvalitete života i skrbi oboljelih od šećerne bolesti. Ispitanici i metode: Kao prikaz rezultata provedenog istraživanja koristile su grafičke i tabelarne metode te metode deskriptivne statistike; aritmetička sredina kao srednja vrijednost, te standardna devijacija kao pokazatelja odstupanja oko srednjih vrijednosti. Istraživanje je bilo vremenski ograničeno, anonimno i dobrovoljno, uz prisutnost ispitivača. Anketirana skupina zaposlenici su određenih Klinika, Kliničkog bolničkog centra- Split (n=194). Kao instrument ispitivanja koristio se anketni upitnik koji se sastojao od općih podataka, ispitivanja stavova i čimbenika koji utječu na šećernu bolest te od ispitivanja osnovnog znanja o šećernoj bolesti. Rezultati: Najveća razina znanja o čimbenicima koji utječu na šećernu bolest je utvrđena među ispitanicima sa odjela vaskularne kirurgije gdje je utvrđena srednja razina 68,75 bodova sa prosječnim odstupanjem od aritmetičke sredine 11,70 bodova, dok je najmanja razina utvrđena među ispitanicima koji nisu svrstani u klinike/zavode/odjele kod kojih je srednja razina 46,11 bodova sa prosječnim odstupanjem od aritmetičke sredine 19,53. Najveća razina znanja o šećernoj bolesti i specifičnostima inzulinske terapije, i oralnih antidijabetika, utvrđena je među ispitanicima sa odjela vaskularne kirurgije gdje je utvrđena srednja razina 64,81 bod sa prosječnim odstupanjem od aritmetičke sredine 13,26 bodova, dok je najmanja razina utvrđena među ispitanicima koji nisu svrstani u klinike/zavode/odjele kod kojih je srednja razina 37,04 boda sa prosječnim odstupanjem od aritmetičke sredine 22,91 boda. Zaključak: Prisutnost statistički značajnih razlika kod ispitivanja čimbenika koji utječu na šećernu bolest (F=3,42; P=0,003), te znanja o šećernoj bolesti i primjeni ordinirane terapije (F=3,97; P<0,001), gdje su ispitanici vaskularne kirurgije imali najbolju razinu znanja, sa oko 64 boda, ukazuje na prolazan ali nezadovoljavajuć stupanj znanja ispitanika ostalih KlinikaAbstract: Objective: Examining the attitudes and level of knowledge of nurses/technicians, KBC Split, about diabetes in order to improve the quality of life and care of patients with diabetes. Respondents and methods: Graphic and tabular methods and descriptive statistics methods were used to present the results of the research; the arithmetic mean as the mean value, and the standard deviation as an indicator of deviations around the mean values. The research was time-limited, anonymous and voluntary, with the presence of the examiner. The surveyed group are employees of certain Clinics, Clinical Hospital Center - Split (n=194). A survey questionnaire was used as a research instrument, which consisted of general data, examination of attitudes and factors affecting diabetes, and examination of basic knowledge about diabetes. Results: The highest level of knowledge about factors influencing diabetes was found among respondents from the department of vascular surgery, where the average level was 68.75 points with an average deviation from the arithmetic mean of 11.70 points, while the lowest level was found among respondents who were not classified in clinics/institutes/departments where the mean level is 46.11 points with an average deviation from the arithmetic mean of 19.53. The highest level of knowledge about diabetes and the specifics of insulin therapy and oral antidiabetic drugs was found among respondents from the Department of Vascular Surery, where the mean level was 64.81 points with an average deviation from the arithmetic mean of 13.26 points, while the lowest level was found among respondents who are not classified in clinics/institutes/departments where the mean level is 37.04 points with an average deviation from the arithmetic mean of 22.91 points. Conclusion: The presence of statistically significant differences when examining factors affecting diabetes (F=3.42; P=0.003), and knowledge about diabetes and the use of prescribed therapy (F=3.97; P<0.001), where the respondents vascular surgery had the best level of knowledge, with around 64 points, indicating a passable but unsatisfactory level of knowledge of respondents from other Clinics


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    Cilj: Provedeno istraživanje je imalo za cilj istražiti i usporediti znanje medicinskih sestara Klinike za neurologiju i Klinike za kirurgiju sa svrhom prevencije nastanka dekubitusa kod broja hospitaliziranih bolesnika te poboljšanje kvalitete pružanja zdravstvene njege. Metode: Za istraživanje smo koristili jednokratno anketiranje medicinskih sestara/tehničara Klinike za neurologiju i Klinike za kirurgiju o znanju prevencije dekubitusa. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 80 ispitanika. Istraživanje se provodilo tijekom polovice prosinca 2015. god. i siječnja 2016. god. na način jednokratnog anketiranja ispitanika/medicinskih sestara/tehničara o njihovom znanju u svrhu prevencije dekubitusa. Za statističku analizu svi podaci su unijeti i obrađeni su u Microsoft Excel tablicama. Statistička analiza uključivala je distribuciju frekvencije. Za analizu podataka korištena je deskriptivna statistika. Rezultati: Ispitanici Klinike za neurologiju i Klinike za kirurgiju na sva pitanja, većim udjelom, odgovorilo je sa uglavnom ili u potpunosti se slažem, što su ujedno i točni odgovori te ankete. Zanimljiv je podatak da se na pitanje je li pojavnost dekubitusa ovisi o kvaliteti zdravstvene njege, u potpunosti se slaže 36,26 % ispitanika, dok se s tom tvrdnjom slaže uglavnom 32,5 % ispitanika, i to 36,84 % ispitanika Klinike za neurologiju i 36,07 % ispitanika Klinike za kirurgiju su se u potpunosti složili s ovom tvrdnjom. Zaključak: Medicinske sestre/tehničari Klinike za neurologiju imale su više točnih odgovora na općenita pitanja o pojavi, nastanku te kontroli dekubitusa dok osoblje su medicinske sestre/tehničari Klinike za kirurgiju pokazali znanje kod prevencije i intervencije dekubitusa, stoga ne možemo reći da su ispitanici jedne Klinike znali više od druge. Ispitanici Klinike za neurologiju i Klinike za kirurgiju, osim edukacije, shvaćaju i u teoriji i u praksi kako kvaliteta zdravstvene njege ne ovisi samo o financijskoj situaciji tih Klinika već i o njihovom iskustvu, praksi, dosjetljivosti, improvizaciji te njihovom znanju. Ovo istraživanje je pokazalo kako su medicinske sestre/tehničari splitskog KBC- a, u globalu, educirani i imaju znanje koje je potrebno kako bi spriječili nastanak dekubitalnog vrijeda, što naravno nije uvijek dovoljno kako bi se spriječilo oštećenje kože i pojava dekubitusa, a što ne znači da se dekubitus neće pojaviti. Sama pojava dekubitusa ovisi i o faktorima kao što su tip kože bolesnika, status bolesnika, vremenski interval u kojem je bolesnik u postelji, aktivnost bolesnika, odjel na kojem se nalazi bolesnik, opremljenost tog istog odjela te broj medicinskih sestara na odjelu.Research objectives: The aim of this study to investigate and compare the knowledge of nurses Department of Neurology and the Department of Surgery for the purpose of prevention of pressure ulcers at the number of hospitalized patients and improve the quality of health care. Methods: For the study we used a one-time survey of nurses Department of Neurology and the Department of Surgery of the knowledge of prevention of pressure ulcers. The study included 80 patients. The survey was conducted during the mid-December 2015. and January 2016. the way one-time survey respondents / nurses on their knowledge in order to prevent pressure sores. For the statistical analysis of all data is entered and processed in Microsoft Excel tables. Statistical analysis included the distribution of frequencies. For data analysis was used descriptive statistics. Results: The subjects of the department of Neurology and the Department of Surgery on all issues, higher share responded with mostly or strongly agree, which are the correct answers to this survey. It is interesting that the question is whether the incidence of pressure ulcers depends on the quality of health care, fully agrees 36,26 % of respondents, while the assertion agrees largely 32,5 % of respondents, and to 36,84 % of the Department of Neurology and 36,07 % of the Department of Surgery were fully agreed with this statement. Conclusion: The nurses Department of Neurology had more correct answers to general questions about the occurrence, the occurrence and control of pressure ulcers while staff nurses of Department of Surgery demonstrated knowledge in the prevention and intervention of pressure ulcers, therefore we can not say that the respondents one clinics know more than others. Respondents Department of Neurology and the Department of Surgery, besides education, understanding and in theory and in practice to quality health care depends not only on the financial situation of these Clinic but also about their experience, practice, ingenuity, improvisation and their knowledge. This study showed that nurses Split KBC and, in general, educated and have the knowledge you need to prevent the emergence of pressure ulcer, which of course is not always enough to prevent skin damage and the appearance of pressure sores, and what not means that a pressure ulcer will occur. The phenomenon of pressure ulcers depends on factors such as skin type patients, the status of the patient, the time interval in which the patient is in bed, patient activity, the department that contains patient, equipment of the same department and the number of nurses on the hospital ward


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    Cilj: Ispitivanje stavova i stupnja znanja medicinskih sestara/ tehničara, KBC-a Split, o šećernoj bolesti u svrhu što bolje kvalitete života i skrbi oboljelih od šećerne bolesti. Ispitanici i metode: Kao prikaz rezultata provedenog istraživanja koristile su grafičke i tabelarne metode te metode deskriptivne statistike; aritmetička sredina kao srednja vrijednost, te standardna devijacija kao pokazatelja odstupanja oko srednjih vrijednosti. Istraživanje je bilo vremenski ograničeno, anonimno i dobrovoljno, uz prisutnost ispitivača. Anketirana skupina zaposlenici su određenih Klinika, Kliničkog bolničkog centra- Split (n=194). Kao instrument ispitivanja koristio se anketni upitnik koji se sastojao od općih podataka, ispitivanja stavova i čimbenika koji utječu na šećernu bolest te od ispitivanja osnovnog znanja o šećernoj bolesti. Rezultati: Najveća razina znanja o čimbenicima koji utječu na šećernu bolest je utvrđena među ispitanicima sa odjela vaskularne kirurgije gdje je utvrđena srednja razina 68,75 bodova sa prosječnim odstupanjem od aritmetičke sredine 11,70 bodova, dok je najmanja razina utvrđena među ispitanicima koji nisu svrstani u klinike/zavode/odjele kod kojih je srednja razina 46,11 bodova sa prosječnim odstupanjem od aritmetičke sredine 19,53. Najveća razina znanja o šećernoj bolesti i specifičnostima inzulinske terapije, i oralnih antidijabetika, utvrđena je među ispitanicima sa odjela vaskularne kirurgije gdje je utvrđena srednja razina 64,81 bod sa prosječnim odstupanjem od aritmetičke sredine 13,26 bodova, dok je najmanja razina utvrđena među ispitanicima koji nisu svrstani u klinike/zavode/odjele kod kojih je srednja razina 37,04 boda sa prosječnim odstupanjem od aritmetičke sredine 22,91 boda. Zaključak: Prisutnost statistički značajnih razlika kod ispitivanja čimbenika koji utječu na šećernu bolest (F=3,42; P=0,003), te znanja o šećernoj bolesti i primjeni ordinirane terapije (F=3,97; P<0,001), gdje su ispitanici vaskularne kirurgije imali najbolju razinu znanja, sa oko 64 boda, ukazuje na prolazan ali nezadovoljavajuć stupanj znanja ispitanika ostalih KlinikaAbstract: Objective: Examining the attitudes and level of knowledge of nurses/technicians, KBC Split, about diabetes in order to improve the quality of life and care of patients with diabetes. Respondents and methods: Graphic and tabular methods and descriptive statistics methods were used to present the results of the research; the arithmetic mean as the mean value, and the standard deviation as an indicator of deviations around the mean values. The research was time-limited, anonymous and voluntary, with the presence of the examiner. The surveyed group are employees of certain Clinics, Clinical Hospital Center - Split (n=194). A survey questionnaire was used as a research instrument, which consisted of general data, examination of attitudes and factors affecting diabetes, and examination of basic knowledge about diabetes. Results: The highest level of knowledge about factors influencing diabetes was found among respondents from the department of vascular surgery, where the average level was 68.75 points with an average deviation from the arithmetic mean of 11.70 points, while the lowest level was found among respondents who were not classified in clinics/institutes/departments where the mean level is 46.11 points with an average deviation from the arithmetic mean of 19.53. The highest level of knowledge about diabetes and the specifics of insulin therapy and oral antidiabetic drugs was found among respondents from the Department of Vascular Surery, where the mean level was 64.81 points with an average deviation from the arithmetic mean of 13.26 points, while the lowest level was found among respondents who are not classified in clinics/institutes/departments where the mean level is 37.04 points with an average deviation from the arithmetic mean of 22.91 points. Conclusion: The presence of statistically significant differences when examining factors affecting diabetes (F=3.42; P=0.003), and knowledge about diabetes and the use of prescribed therapy (F=3.97; P<0.001), where the respondents vascular surgery had the best level of knowledge, with around 64 points, indicating a passable but unsatisfactory level of knowledge of respondents from other Clinics


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    Cilj: Provedeno istraživanje je imalo za cilj istražiti i usporediti znanje medicinskih sestara Klinike za neurologiju i Klinike za kirurgiju sa svrhom prevencije nastanka dekubitusa kod broja hospitaliziranih bolesnika te poboljšanje kvalitete pružanja zdravstvene njege. Metode: Za istraživanje smo koristili jednokratno anketiranje medicinskih sestara/tehničara Klinike za neurologiju i Klinike za kirurgiju o znanju prevencije dekubitusa. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 80 ispitanika. Istraživanje se provodilo tijekom polovice prosinca 2015. god. i siječnja 2016. god. na način jednokratnog anketiranja ispitanika/medicinskih sestara/tehničara o njihovom znanju u svrhu prevencije dekubitusa. Za statističku analizu svi podaci su unijeti i obrađeni su u Microsoft Excel tablicama. Statistička analiza uključivala je distribuciju frekvencije. Za analizu podataka korištena je deskriptivna statistika. Rezultati: Ispitanici Klinike za neurologiju i Klinike za kirurgiju na sva pitanja, većim udjelom, odgovorilo je sa uglavnom ili u potpunosti se slažem, što su ujedno i točni odgovori te ankete. Zanimljiv je podatak da se na pitanje je li pojavnost dekubitusa ovisi o kvaliteti zdravstvene njege, u potpunosti se slaže 36,26 % ispitanika, dok se s tom tvrdnjom slaže uglavnom 32,5 % ispitanika, i to 36,84 % ispitanika Klinike za neurologiju i 36,07 % ispitanika Klinike za kirurgiju su se u potpunosti složili s ovom tvrdnjom. Zaključak: Medicinske sestre/tehničari Klinike za neurologiju imale su više točnih odgovora na općenita pitanja o pojavi, nastanku te kontroli dekubitusa dok osoblje su medicinske sestre/tehničari Klinike za kirurgiju pokazali znanje kod prevencije i intervencije dekubitusa, stoga ne možemo reći da su ispitanici jedne Klinike znali više od druge. Ispitanici Klinike za neurologiju i Klinike za kirurgiju, osim edukacije, shvaćaju i u teoriji i u praksi kako kvaliteta zdravstvene njege ne ovisi samo o financijskoj situaciji tih Klinika već i o njihovom iskustvu, praksi, dosjetljivosti, improvizaciji te njihovom znanju. Ovo istraživanje je pokazalo kako su medicinske sestre/tehničari splitskog KBC- a, u globalu, educirani i imaju znanje koje je potrebno kako bi spriječili nastanak dekubitalnog vrijeda, što naravno nije uvijek dovoljno kako bi se spriječilo oštećenje kože i pojava dekubitusa, a što ne znači da se dekubitus neće pojaviti. Sama pojava dekubitusa ovisi i o faktorima kao što su tip kože bolesnika, status bolesnika, vremenski interval u kojem je bolesnik u postelji, aktivnost bolesnika, odjel na kojem se nalazi bolesnik, opremljenost tog istog odjela te broj medicinskih sestara na odjelu.Research objectives: The aim of this study to investigate and compare the knowledge of nurses Department of Neurology and the Department of Surgery for the purpose of prevention of pressure ulcers at the number of hospitalized patients and improve the quality of health care. Methods: For the study we used a one-time survey of nurses Department of Neurology and the Department of Surgery of the knowledge of prevention of pressure ulcers. The study included 80 patients. The survey was conducted during the mid-December 2015. and January 2016. the way one-time survey respondents / nurses on their knowledge in order to prevent pressure sores. For the statistical analysis of all data is entered and processed in Microsoft Excel tables. Statistical analysis included the distribution of frequencies. For data analysis was used descriptive statistics. Results: The subjects of the department of Neurology and the Department of Surgery on all issues, higher share responded with mostly or strongly agree, which are the correct answers to this survey. It is interesting that the question is whether the incidence of pressure ulcers depends on the quality of health care, fully agrees 36,26 % of respondents, while the assertion agrees largely 32,5 % of respondents, and to 36,84 % of the Department of Neurology and 36,07 % of the Department of Surgery were fully agreed with this statement. Conclusion: The nurses Department of Neurology had more correct answers to general questions about the occurrence, the occurrence and control of pressure ulcers while staff nurses of Department of Surgery demonstrated knowledge in the prevention and intervention of pressure ulcers, therefore we can not say that the respondents one clinics know more than others. Respondents Department of Neurology and the Department of Surgery, besides education, understanding and in theory and in practice to quality health care depends not only on the financial situation of these Clinic but also about their experience, practice, ingenuity, improvisation and their knowledge. This study showed that nurses Split KBC and, in general, educated and have the knowledge you need to prevent the emergence of pressure ulcer, which of course is not always enough to prevent skin damage and the appearance of pressure sores, and what not means that a pressure ulcer will occur. The phenomenon of pressure ulcers depends on factors such as skin type patients, the status of the patient, the time interval in which the patient is in bed, patient activity, the department that contains patient, equipment of the same department and the number of nurses on the hospital ward


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    Cilj: Provedeno istraživanje je imalo za cilj istražiti i usporediti znanje medicinskih sestara Klinike za neurologiju i Klinike za kirurgiju sa svrhom prevencije nastanka dekubitusa kod broja hospitaliziranih bolesnika te poboljšanje kvalitete pružanja zdravstvene njege. Metode: Za istraživanje smo koristili jednokratno anketiranje medicinskih sestara/tehničara Klinike za neurologiju i Klinike za kirurgiju o znanju prevencije dekubitusa. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 80 ispitanika. Istraživanje se provodilo tijekom polovice prosinca 2015. god. i siječnja 2016. god. na način jednokratnog anketiranja ispitanika/medicinskih sestara/tehničara o njihovom znanju u svrhu prevencije dekubitusa. Za statističku analizu svi podaci su unijeti i obrađeni su u Microsoft Excel tablicama. Statistička analiza uključivala je distribuciju frekvencije. Za analizu podataka korištena je deskriptivna statistika. Rezultati: Ispitanici Klinike za neurologiju i Klinike za kirurgiju na sva pitanja, većim udjelom, odgovorilo je sa uglavnom ili u potpunosti se slažem, što su ujedno i točni odgovori te ankete. Zanimljiv je podatak da se na pitanje je li pojavnost dekubitusa ovisi o kvaliteti zdravstvene njege, u potpunosti se slaže 36,26 % ispitanika, dok se s tom tvrdnjom slaže uglavnom 32,5 % ispitanika, i to 36,84 % ispitanika Klinike za neurologiju i 36,07 % ispitanika Klinike za kirurgiju su se u potpunosti složili s ovom tvrdnjom. Zaključak: Medicinske sestre/tehničari Klinike za neurologiju imale su više točnih odgovora na općenita pitanja o pojavi, nastanku te kontroli dekubitusa dok osoblje su medicinske sestre/tehničari Klinike za kirurgiju pokazali znanje kod prevencije i intervencije dekubitusa, stoga ne možemo reći da su ispitanici jedne Klinike znali više od druge. Ispitanici Klinike za neurologiju i Klinike za kirurgiju, osim edukacije, shvaćaju i u teoriji i u praksi kako kvaliteta zdravstvene njege ne ovisi samo o financijskoj situaciji tih Klinika već i o njihovom iskustvu, praksi, dosjetljivosti, improvizaciji te njihovom znanju. Ovo istraživanje je pokazalo kako su medicinske sestre/tehničari splitskog KBC- a, u globalu, educirani i imaju znanje koje je potrebno kako bi spriječili nastanak dekubitalnog vrijeda, što naravno nije uvijek dovoljno kako bi se spriječilo oštećenje kože i pojava dekubitusa, a što ne znači da se dekubitus neće pojaviti. Sama pojava dekubitusa ovisi i o faktorima kao što su tip kože bolesnika, status bolesnika, vremenski interval u kojem je bolesnik u postelji, aktivnost bolesnika, odjel na kojem se nalazi bolesnik, opremljenost tog istog odjela te broj medicinskih sestara na odjelu.Research objectives: The aim of this study to investigate and compare the knowledge of nurses Department of Neurology and the Department of Surgery for the purpose of prevention of pressure ulcers at the number of hospitalized patients and improve the quality of health care. Methods: For the study we used a one-time survey of nurses Department of Neurology and the Department of Surgery of the knowledge of prevention of pressure ulcers. The study included 80 patients. The survey was conducted during the mid-December 2015. and January 2016. the way one-time survey respondents / nurses on their knowledge in order to prevent pressure sores. For the statistical analysis of all data is entered and processed in Microsoft Excel tables. Statistical analysis included the distribution of frequencies. For data analysis was used descriptive statistics. Results: The subjects of the department of Neurology and the Department of Surgery on all issues, higher share responded with mostly or strongly agree, which are the correct answers to this survey. It is interesting that the question is whether the incidence of pressure ulcers depends on the quality of health care, fully agrees 36,26 % of respondents, while the assertion agrees largely 32,5 % of respondents, and to 36,84 % of the Department of Neurology and 36,07 % of the Department of Surgery were fully agreed with this statement. Conclusion: The nurses Department of Neurology had more correct answers to general questions about the occurrence, the occurrence and control of pressure ulcers while staff nurses of Department of Surgery demonstrated knowledge in the prevention and intervention of pressure ulcers, therefore we can not say that the respondents one clinics know more than others. Respondents Department of Neurology and the Department of Surgery, besides education, understanding and in theory and in practice to quality health care depends not only on the financial situation of these Clinic but also about their experience, practice, ingenuity, improvisation and their knowledge. This study showed that nurses Split KBC and, in general, educated and have the knowledge you need to prevent the emergence of pressure ulcer, which of course is not always enough to prevent skin damage and the appearance of pressure sores, and what not means that a pressure ulcer will occur. The phenomenon of pressure ulcers depends on factors such as skin type patients, the status of the patient, the time interval in which the patient is in bed, patient activity, the department that contains patient, equipment of the same department and the number of nurses on the hospital ward