164 research outputs found

    Mission and Socioeconomic Potential of the Company’s Anti-Corruption Audit in the Context of European Integration

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    Anti-corruption audit is an important tool in the current conditions, especially for companies operating in the context of European integration. The mission of anti-corruption audit in this context is to ensure compliance with transparency, ethics and rules of business conduct in conditions where corruption can cause negative consequences both for the company itself and for society as a whole. Anti-corruption audit is becoming a necessary element of the strategy for companies. It contributes to the creation of an honest and open business environment, which has a positive impact on the company’s relations with international partners. It also helps to make the business more competitive, maintain the trust of partners, investors and consumers, promotes socioeconomic development both at the company level and at the national level. The implementation of anti-corruption practices and measures has a direct impact on the investment climate, the competitiveness of enterprises, public trust, and the overall level of economic development. Achieving optimal results requires a system approach and active support from the company’s management or government. It is important to develop a clear anti-corruption policy, conduct education and training for staff, create a system of control and monitoring, and publicly disclose information about anti-corruption measures. This will help create a sustainable and ethical business environment, contribute to further development and integration into the European economy, foster the socioeconomic development of our country. Prospects for further research in this direction are: analysis of the efficiency of anti-corruption measures; research on how anti-corruption audit interacts with other aspects of European integration, such as reforms in the judiciary, human rights and legal reform; study of public attitudes towards anti-corruption measures and their impact on public opinion

    Extreme Sensitivity to Detuning for Globally Coupled Phase Oscillators

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    Peter Ashwin, Oleksandr Burylko, Yuri Maistrenko, and Oleksandr Popovych, Physical Review Letters, Vol. 96, p. 054102 (2006). "Copyright © 2006 by the American Physical Society."We discuss the sensitivity of a population of coupled oscillators to differences in their natural frequencies, i.e., to detuning. We argue that for three or more oscillators, one can get great sensitivity even if the coupling is strong. For N globally coupled phase oscillators we find there can be bifurcation to extreme sensitivity, where frequency locking can be destroyed by arbitrarily small detuning. This extreme sensitivity is absent for N=2, appears at isolated parameter values for N=3 and N=4, and can appear robustly for open sets of parameter values for ≥ 5 oscillators

    proGenomes2: an improved database for accurate and consistent habitat, taxonomic and functional annotations of prokaryotic genomes

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    Microbiology depends on the availability of annotated microbial genomes for many applications. Comparative genomics approaches have been a major advance, but consistent and accurate annotations of genomes can be hard to obtain. In addition, newer concepts such as the pan-genome concept are still being implemented to help answer biological questions. Hence, we present proGenomes2, which provides 87 920 high-quality genomes in a user-friendly and interactive manner. Genome sequences and annotations can be retrieved individually or by taxonomic clade. Every genome in the database has been assigned to a species cluster and most genomes could be accurately assigned to one or multiple habitats. In addition, general functional annotations and specific annotations of antibiotic resistance genes and single nucleotide variants are provided. In short, proGenomes2 provides threefold more genomes, enhanced habitat annotations, updated taxonomic and functional annotation and improved linkage to the NCBI BioSample database. The database is available at http://progenomes.embl.de/

    Riddling : Chimera’s dilemma

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    We wish to acknowledge the support: Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) under Grants 2011/19296-1, 2015/05186-0, 2015/07311-7, 2015/50122-0, and 2017/20920-8, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientıfico e Tecnologico (CNPq), and Coordena¸cao de Aperfei¸coamento de Pessoal de Nıvel Superior (CAPES).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Transformation of the Personnel Management System in the Conditions of Digitalization of HR Processes.

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    Людський капітал є рушійною силою цифрової економіки. Використання цифрових технологій має значний вплив на весь життєвий цикл персоналу в організації, включаючи наймання, адаптацію та звільнення. Авторами розглянуто сутність системи управління персоналом, різні моделі побудови системи управління персоналом в організації, досліджено застосування тієї чи іншої моделі для конкретної організації. Авторами досліджено та наочно представлено особливості об’єктів, суб’єктів та цілей системи управління персоналом. Автори також дослідили вплив діджиталізації на систему управління персоналом, які вимоги висуваються до професійних компетенцій персоналу та нові та вже застосовані тренди автоматизації HR та рекрутингу, які допоможуть працювати краще та ефективніше. Узагальнення теоретичного та емпіричного досвіду, когнітивних технологій на основі використання штучного інтелекту та цифрових даних в управлінні персоналом дозволило авторам виділити інноваційні рішення та запропонувати алгоритм трансформації системи управління персоналом в умовах цифровізації процесів управління персоналом. Крім того, запропоновано критерії та шкалу оцінки ефективності трансформації системи управління персоналом в контексті цифровізації HR-процесів. Завдяки цьому, а також використанню таких елементів у рамках управління персоналом, як хмарні технології, можливість працювати віддалено, великі дані, соціальні медіа та штучний інтелект, компанії можуть збільшити свою перевагу над конкурентами.Human capital is the driving force behind the digital economy. The use of digital technology has a significant impact on the entire life cycle of personnel in an organization, including hiring, onboarding, and firing. The authors examined the essence of the personnel management system, various models for building a personnel management system in an organization, and studied applying a particular model for a specific organization. The authors studied and visually presented the features of objects, subjects and goals of the personnel management system. The authors also examined the impact of digitalization on the personnel management system, what requirements are imposed on personnel's professional competencies, and new and already used trends in HR automation and recruiting that will help to work better and more efficiently. Generalization of theoretical and empirical experience, cognitive technologies based on the use of artificial intelligence and digital data in HR management allowed the authors to highlight innovative solutions and propose an algorithm for transforming the personnel management system in the context of digitalization of HR processes. Besides, the authors proposed criteria and a scale for assessing the effectiveness of the transformation of the personnel management system in the context of the digitalization of HR processes. Thanks to this, as well as the use of such elements in the framework of personnel management as cloud technology, the ability to work remotely, big data, social media and artificial intelligence, companies, can increase their lead over competitors

    Проектирование доступа для адреналэктомии с применением компьютерно-томографического 3D-моделирования

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    Introduction. In the literature, the insufficient attention is paid to preoperative planning of access to adrenal masses using modern computed tomographic navigation capabilities. The purpose. To demonstrate the possibilities of designing a safe access for adrenalectomy with the appliation of three-dimensional printed models based on the integral assessment of preoperative computed tomographic data. Materials and methods. The possibilities of preoperative design of access for adrenalectomy were studied in 362 patients with adrenal tumors, for whom computed tomography was performed on an Aquillion 64 (Toshiba, Japan). Results. Reliable anthropometric (BMI, body shape) and CT criteria for designing surgical access to the right and left NP were determined. Three patients with a borderline number of risk criteria for the development of vascular complications associated with technical difficulties of adrenalectomy (for the right AP, ≥4, for the left AP, ≥3) underwent CT-segmentation of images followed by the creation of three-dimensional plates — a model of the AP tumor with adjacent organs and vessels. Conclusion. Preoperative computed tomographic access design, taking into account the criteria of the risk of complications and the application of three-dimensional printed models, make it possible to reasonably use endoscopic and open adrenalectomy options, significantly improving the immediate results of patient treatment.Введение. Дооперационному планированию доступа к образованиям надпочечников при помощи современных возможностей компьютерно-томографической навигации в литературе уделяется недостаточно внимания. Цели и задачи: продемонстрировать возможности проектирования безопасного доступа для адреналэктомии с использованием трехмерных печатных моделей, основанных на интегральной оценке предоперационных компьютерно-томографических данных. Материалы и методы. Изучены возможности дооперационного проектирования доступа для адреналэктомии у 362 больных опухолями надпочечников, которым компьютерная томография выполнена на установке Aquillion 64 (Toshiba, Япония). Результаты. Определены достоверные антропометрические (ИМТ, форма телосложения) и КТ-критерии проектирования хирургического доступа к правому и левому НП. Трем больным с пограничным числом критериев риска развития сосудистых осложнений, связанных с техническими трудностями адреналэктомии (для правого НП  ≥4, для левого НП  ≥3), была проведена КТ-сегментация изображений с последующим созданием трехмерных пластинатов — модель опухоли НП с соседними органами и сосудами. Заключение. Дооперационное компьютерно-томографическое проектирование доступа с учетом критериев риска развития осложнений и использование трехмерных печатных моделей позволяют обоснованно применять эндоскопические и открытые варианты адреналэктомии, достоверно улучшая непосредственные результаты лечения больных

    Landscape of mobile genetic elements and their antibiotic resistance cargo in prokaryotic genomes

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    Prokaryotic Mobile Genetic Elements (MGEs) such as transposons, integrons, phages and plasmids, play important roles in prokaryotic evolution and in the dispersal of cargo functions like antibiotic resistance. However, each of these MGE types is usually annotated and analysed individually, hampering a global understanding of phylogenetic and environmental patterns of MGE dispersal. We thus developed a computational framework that captures diverse MGE types, their cargos and MGE-mediated horizontal transfer events, using recombinases as ubiquitous MGE marker genes and pangenome information for MGE boundary estimation. Applied to ∼84k genomes with habitat annotation, we mapped 2.8 million MGE-specific recombinases to six operational MGE types, which together contain on average 13% of all the genes in a genome. Transposable elements (TEs) dominated across all taxa (∼1.7 million occurrences), outnumbering phages and phage-like elements (<0.4 million). We recorded numerous MGE-mediated horizontal transfer events across diverse phyla and habitats involving all MGE types, disentangled and quantified the extent of hitchhiking of TEs (17%) and integrons (63%) with other MGE categories, and established TEs as dominant carriers of antibiotic resistance genes. We integrated all these findings into a resource (proMGE.embl.de), which should facilitate future studies on the large mobile part of genomes and its horizontal dispersal

    SPIRE: a Searchable, Planetary-scale mIcrobiome REsource

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    Meta'omic data on microbial diversity and function accrue exponentially in public repositories, but derived information is often siloed according to data type, study or sampled microbial environment. Here we present SPIRE, a Searchable Planetary-scale mIcrobiome REsource that integrates various consistently processed metagenome-derived microbial data modalities across habitats, geography and phylogeny. SPIRE encompasses 99 146 metagenomic samples from 739 studies covering a wide array of microbial environments and augmented with manually-curated contextual data. Across a total metagenomic assembly of 16 Tbp, SPIRE comprises 35 billion predicted protein sequences and 1.16 million newly constructed metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) of medium or high quality. Beyond mapping to the high-quality genome reference provided by proGenomes3 (http://progenomes.embl.de), these novel MAGs form 92 134 novel species-level clusters, the majority of which are unclassified at species level using current tools. SPIRE enables taxonomic profiling of these species clusters via an updated, custom mOTUs database (https://motu-tool.org/) and includes several layers of functional annotation, as well as crosslinks to several (micro-)biological databases. The resource is accessible, searchable and browsable via http://spire.embl.de