20 research outputs found

    Best practice report - installation procedures

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    Deliverable 3.6.2 from the MERiFIC Project A report prepared as part of the MERiFIC Project "Marine Energy in Far Peripheral and Island Communities"This report is a deliverable of MERiFIC Task 3. 6: ‘Installation Procedures’ and has been produced in a cross border collaboration between IFREMER and the University of Exeter. In this report different elements are presented for the planning and organisation of installation operations for the deployment of Marine energy plants. The optimization of installation procedures are discussed and brought in a context to potential costs optimization and the availability of suitable vessels is considered. Installation procedures, which were also investigated, should include pre-installation surveys so as to optimize the design of moorings and secure laying of the power cable, a specific feature of the commissioning of such Marine energy plants. Attention should also be given to the Health and Safety procedures. Finally, the influence of the weather conditions on the success of these installation operations was discussed and studied. Especially, "Access time" and "Waiting time" weather windows were assessed for different sites in both areas of south west Cornwall and the Iroise Sea, pointing out the importance of the seasonal variability of the wave climate for the planning of installation operations.MERiFIC was selected under the European Cross-Border Cooperation Programme INTERREG IV A France (Channel) – England, co-funded by the ERDF

    Best practice report – operation and maintenance requirements

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    Deliverable 3.6.3 from the MERiFIC Project A report prepared as part of the MERiFIC Project "Marine Energy in Far Peripheral and Island Communities"This report is a deliverable of MERiFIC Work Package 3.6: ‘Operation and Maintenance requirements’ and has been produced as a cross border collaboration between IFREMER and the University of Exeter. The report provides an overview of guidelines and recommendations for the management of O&M operations necessary for an optimal exploitation of Marine energy plants, with a focus on the specific areas of South West Cornwall, UK and Iroise sea, Brittany, France. An overview of the onshore infrastructures and ports possibly suitable for management of such O&M operations is also provided. Management of scheduled and unscheduled maintenance operations are discussed in their various aspects including site accessibility. It should be noted that this topic, including weather window assessment for operations is discussed in more details in the additional MERIFIC report D3.6.2: Best Practice for installation proceduresMERiFIC was selected under the European Cross-Border Cooperation Programme INTERREG IV A France (Channel) – England, co-funded by the ERDF

    Intercomparison of Three Open-Source Numerical Flumes for the Surface Dynamics of Steep Focused Wave Groups

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    NewWave-type focused wave groups are commonly used to simulate the design wave for a given sea state. These extreme wave events are challenging to reproduce numerically by the various Numerical Wave Tanks (NWTs), due to the high steepness of the wave group and the occurring wave-wave interactions. For such complex problems, the validation of NWTs against experimental results is vital for confirming the applicability of the models. Intercomparisons among different solvers are also important for selecting the most appropriate model in terms of balancing between accuracy and computational cost. The present study compares three open-source NWTs in OpenFOAM, SWASH and HOS-NWT, with experimental results for limiting breaking focused wave groups. The comparison is performed by analysing the propagation of steep wave groups and their extracted harmonics after employing an accurate focusing methodology. The scope is to investigate the capabilities of the solvers for simulating extreme NewWave-type groups, which can be used as the “design wave” for ocean and coastal engineering applications. The results demonstrate the very good performance of the numerical models and provide valuable insights to the design of the NWTs, while highlighting potential limitations in the reproduction of specific harmonics of the wave group.</jats:p

    Workshop on identification of future emerging technologies in the ocean energy sector

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    As part of the Commission's internal Low Carbon Energy Observatory (LCEO) project, the Joint Research Centre (JRC) is developing an inventory of Future Emerging Technologies (FET) relevant to energy supply. A key part of the LCEO initiative is the consultation of external experts, addressing both those with in-depth experience in specific fields and those with a broad perspective on relevant science and engineering aspects. In this context, on March 27, 2018 the JRC organised a Workshop on Identification of Future Emerging Technologies for Ocean Enery, on it premises in Ispra. The workshop was organized on the idea of a colloquium between international experts to discuss about future emerging technologies considering different aspects such as their technology readiness level (TRL) , the potential advantages and challenges affecting their development, and evaluating the possible speed of development . A number of different technological solutions were discussed, identified directly by the invited experts on the condition that they respected the following criteria: • To be a technology for energy supply/conversion in the field of ocean energy. • To be a radically new technology/concept, not achievable by incremental research on mainstream technologies (this should match the concept of the Future Emerging Technology in the Horizon 2020 work program http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/en/h2020-section/future-and-emerging-technologies). • To be in an early stage of development: their Technology Readiness Level should not be more than 3. Questionnaires were sent to experts for the identification of ocean energy FETs. The templates can be found in Appendix B. The structure of the workshop was builtupon the inputs received from the experts and on in-house analysis undertaken by the JRC. The aim of this document is to gather, organize and highlight all the knowledge and information, provided by the external and internal experts, which were discussed during the workshop.JRC.C.7-Knowledge for the Energy Unio

    Evaluation of the 3D Flow Dynamics in a Moonpool

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    Caractérisation statistique des conditions d'états de mer multimodales dans le golfe de Gascogne pour le dimensionnement des structures en mer.

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    La caractérisation de la réponse de structures placées en mer et soumises à l'action des vagues passe le plus souvent par des approches fréquentielles nécessitant de fait une bonne description du contenu spectral du chargement. Le contenu fréquentiel de l'état de mer constituant l'excitation est le plus souvent modélisé par une fonction analytique, spectre de densité d'énergie de type JONSWAP ou Pierson-Moskowitz par exemple, fonction dont la forme unimodale ne permet pas de représenter correctement la distribution spectrale de l'énergie au sein d'un état de mer complexe constitué de la superposition de plusieurs systèmes de vagues, houle et mer du vent. Une telle approximation de la distribution de l'énergie peut conduire à des biais importants dans l'évaluation de la réponse d'une structure. S'appuyant sur le jeu de données de partitionnement issu de la base de données HOMERE, une cartographie des statistiques d'occurrence des états de mer complexes est réalisée. Ces statistiques montrent la prévalence des états de mer multimodaux sur la zone considérée et confirment l'importance et la nécessité de prendre en compte une description plus fine de la distribution spectro-angulaire de l'énergie au sein des états de mer. Ces cartographies font également apparaître une variabilité tant saisonnière que spatiale de ce caractère multimodal des états de mer qu'il sera également important de prendre en compte dans les études de climatologies pour le dimensionnement des structures en mer