
Best practice report – operation and maintenance requirements


Deliverable 3.6.3 from the MERiFIC Project A report prepared as part of the MERiFIC Project "Marine Energy in Far Peripheral and Island Communities"This report is a deliverable of MERiFIC Work Package 3.6: ‘Operation and Maintenance requirements’ and has been produced as a cross border collaboration between IFREMER and the University of Exeter. The report provides an overview of guidelines and recommendations for the management of O&M operations necessary for an optimal exploitation of Marine energy plants, with a focus on the specific areas of South West Cornwall, UK and Iroise sea, Brittany, France. An overview of the onshore infrastructures and ports possibly suitable for management of such O&M operations is also provided. Management of scheduled and unscheduled maintenance operations are discussed in their various aspects including site accessibility. It should be noted that this topic, including weather window assessment for operations is discussed in more details in the additional MERIFIC report D3.6.2: Best Practice for installation proceduresMERiFIC was selected under the European Cross-Border Cooperation Programme INTERREG IV A France (Channel) – England, co-funded by the ERDF

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