53 research outputs found

    Hexapeptides that interfere with HIV-1 fusion peptide activity in liposomes block GP41-mediated membrane fusion

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    Upon receptor-mediated activation, the gp41 hydrophobic, conserved fusion peptide inserts into the target mem- brane and promotes the kind of perturbations required for the progression of the HIV-cell fusion reaction. Using a synthetic combinatorial library we have identified all D-amino acid hexapeptide sequences that inhibited the fusion peptide capacity of perturbing model membranes. Two hexapeptides that effectively inhibited the fusion peptide in these systems were subsequently shown to inhibit cell-cell fusion promoted by gp41 expressed at cell surfaces. These observations might be of importance for understanding the mechanisms underlying fusion peptide activity and suggest new strategies for screening compounds that target these viral sequences

    Novel Methodology for the Detection of Enveloped Viruses

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    Presented at Viruses 2020—Novel Concepts in Virology, Barcelona, Spain, 5–7 February 2020 (abstract)Viral infections in humans cause a huge burden in worldwide healthcare that has increased due to the emergence of new pathogenic viruses, such as in the recent Ebola virus (EBOV) outbreaks. Viral particles in body fluids are often at very low levels, making diagnosis difficult. In order to address this problem, we have developed a new detection platform to isolate and detect different enveloped viruses. We have recently identified that sialic acid-binding Ig‑like lectin 1 (Siglec-1/CD169) is one cellular receptor used by EBOV and HIV-1 to enter myeloid cells, key target cells for infection and pathogenesis. For viral uptake, the V-set domain of this myeloid cell receptor recognizes the gangliosides of viral membranes that were dragged during viral budding from the plasma membrane of infected cells. We took advantage of this specific interaction between Siglec‑1 and viral gangliosides to develop a new detection methodology. We have generated a recombinant protein that contains the V-set domain of Siglec-1 fused to the human IgG Fc domain for anchoring in latex beads. These coated beads allow the isolation of viral particles and their measurement by flow cytometry. We have tested its efficacy to detect HIV-1 and EBOV and its specificity by using anti-Siglec‑1 antibodies that prevent the interaction and serve as a negative control. To test the capacity of our method, we used synthetic liposomes to assess the effect of ganglioside concentration in membranes as well as the size of viral particles. This methodology would facilitate the diagnosis of infections by concentrating viral particles in a fast and direct method. At a time when global human mobility facilitates the dissemination of infectious agents, our approach represents a rapid and effective method to maximize the identification of both known and emerging enveloped viruses as part of public health viral surveillance strategies

    Raman Spectroscopy as a Tool to Study the Pathophysiology of Brain Diseases

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    The Raman phenomenon is based on the spontaneous inelastic scattering of light, which depends on the molecular characteristics of the dispersant. Therefore, Raman spectroscopy and imaging allow us to obtain direct information, in a label-free manner, from the chemical composition of the sample. Since it is well established that the development of many brain diseases is associated with biochemical alterations of the affected tissue, Raman spectroscopy and imaging have emerged as promising tools for the diagnosis of ailments. A combination of Raman spectroscopy and/or imaging with tagged molecules could also help in drug delivery and tracing for treatment of brain diseases. In this review, we first describe the basics of the Raman phenomenon and spectroscopy. Then, we delve into the Raman spectroscopy and imaging modes and the Raman-compatible tags. Finally, we center on the application of Raman in the study, diagnosis, and treatment of brain diseases, by focusing on traumatic brain injury and ischemia, neurodegenerative disorders, and brain cancer.The APC was funded by grant PID2020-117405GB100, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and, as appropriate, by “ERDF A way of making Europe” by the “European Union” or by the “European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR”; by the Basque Government, grant numbers ELKARTEK22/86 and IT1625-22; and by Fundación Ramón Areces, grant number CIVP20S11276

    GIBaren kontrako tratamendua. Berrikuspen historikoa

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    Despite its relatively recent emergence, HIV has managed to become a public health problem on a global scale and according to the WHO[1] it standed in the top 10 causes of death until 2016. When it first appeared the reaction of health systems in developed countries was slow, but HIV soon became one of the most studied viruses. Nowadays we know many of the details of its biology, its life cycle and the pathophysiology of the disease it causes: the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). This knowledge promted the pharmacological research, which, from a few compounds of limited efficacy, managed to create several families of molecules. Although these molecules are not capable to eradicate the virus, they have turned a deadly infection into a chronic disease, specially in the first world countries, where the provision of these drugs is guaranteed. The development of new drugs against HIV was arduous and it became possible thanks to the advances in molecular biology, physics and pharmaceutical chemistry that took place in the last century. However, there is still a long way to go and, although there are still many aspects of HIV to be elucidated, some deep changes in its treatment can be foreseen in the upcoming years.; Giza immunoeskasiaren birusa (GIBa) oldar sartzea nahiko berria izan arren, mundu mailako osasun- arazo publiko bihurtu da. WHO [1]-aren arabera, 2016ra arte heriotza-arrazoietan lehenengo hamarretako bat zen, eta nahiz eta haren agerpenak herrialde garatuen osasun-sistemetan erreakzio motela eragin, laster, gehien ikerturiko birusetakoa bilakatu zen. Gaur egun, haren biologiaren, bizi-zikloaren eta eragindako gaixotasuna den hartutako immunoeskasiaren sindromeari (HIESari) buruzko fisiopatologiaren inguruko xehetasun ugari ezagutzen dugu. Hau guztia ikerketa farmakologikoetara islatu da, non eraginkortasun mugatua zuten konposatu batzuetatik abiatuta, molekula-familia ugari sortu den. Molekula hauek ezin dute birusa ezabatu, baina infekzio hilkorra gaixotasun kroniko bihurtu dute; batez ere, lehen munduan, non konposatu hauen lorpena bermatuta dagoen. Molekula hauen garapena zaila izan da, eta, horretarako, teknikarik aurreratuenak erabili dira; hots, azken mendean biologiaren, fisikaren eta farmazia-kimikaren alorretan egindako goren-mailako aurrerapenak. Hala eta guztiz ere, oraindik sendabide eraginkorraren lorpenaren bidean gaude, eta GIBaren alde asko argitzeke dagoen arren, hurrengo urteetako terapeutikan aldaketa sakon batzuk aurreikus daitezke

    HIV-1 Capture and Transmission by Dendritic Cells : The Role of Viral Glycolipids and the Cellular Receptor Siglec-1

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    Altres ajuts: Work in JMP group is supported by the Spanish AIDS network "Red Temática Cooperativa de Investigación en SIDA" (RD06/0006)Dendritic cells (DCs) are essential in order to combat invading viruses and trigger antiviral responses. Paradoxically, in the case of HIV-1, DCs might contribute to viral pathogenesis through trans -infection, a mechanism that promotes viral capture and transmission to target cells, especially after DC maturation. In this review, we highlight recent evidence identifying sialyllactose-containing gangliosides in the viral membrane and the cellular lectin Siglec-1 as critical determinants for HIV-1 capture and storage by mature DCs and for DC-mediated trans -infection of T cells. In contrast, DC-SIGN, long considered to be the main receptor for DC capture of HIV-1, plays a minor role in mature DC-mediated HIV-1 capture and trans -infection

    Cholesterol in the Viral Membrane is a Molecular Switch Governing HIV-1 Env Clustering

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    HIV-1 entry requires the redistribution of envelope glycoproteins (Env) into a cluster and the presence of cholesterol (chol) in the viral membrane. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the specific role of chol in infectivity and the driving force behind Env clustering remain unknown. Here, gp41 is demonstrated to directly interact with chol in the viral membrane via residues 751-854 in the cytoplasmic tail (CT751-854). Super-resolution stimulated emission depletion (STED) nanoscopy analysis of Env distribution further demonstrates that both truncation of gp41 CT751-854 and depletion of chol leads to dispersion of Env clusters in the viral membrane and inhibition of virus entry. This work reveals a direct interaction of gp41 CT with chol and indicates that this interaction is an important orchestrator of Env clustering.The authors are grateful to Barbara Müller, N. Landau, and Tom Hope for providing the plasmids pCHIV and pCAGGS NL4-3 Env, pMM310, and peGFP-Vpr, respectively. Proteomic analysis was performed by the SGIKER service of the University of the Basque Country. The authors would like to thank Advanced Light Microscopy Unit at the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), Barcelona, Spain for the access to Leica STED microscope. The following reagents were obtained through the NIH AIDS Reagent Program (Division of NIAID, NIH): Anti-HIV-1 gp41 Hybridome (Chessie 8) (Cat# 526) from Dr. George Lewis; Antiviral bicyclam JM-2987 (hydrobromide salt of AMD-3100) from NIAID, DAIDS (cat# 8128). This project was supported by the Basque Government (grant number IT1264-19 to M.L. and F.-X.C.) and the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities (BFU-2015-68981-P). This work was supported in part by the Fundación Biofísica Bizkaia and the Basque Excellence Research Centre (BERC) program of the Basque Government. J.A.N.-G. was supported by a FI predoctoral fellowship from the Basque Government and currently by Fundación Biofísica Bizkaia. A.A. was supported by Fundación Biofísica Bizkaia. S.O. was supported by an IKASIKER fellowship from the Basque Government. J.C. was supported by European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 793830. H.G.-K. was supported by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeischaft within TRR86

    Functional organization of the HIV lipid envelope

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    The chemical composition of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) membrane is critical for fusion and entry into target cells, suggesting that preservation of a functional lipid bilayer organization may be required for efficient infection. HIV-1 acquires its envelope from the host cell plasma membrane at sites enriched in raft-type lipids. Furthermore, infectious particles display aminophospholipids on their surface, indicative of dissipation of the inter-leaflet lipid asymmetry metabolically generated at cellular membranes. By combining two-photon excited Laurdan fluorescence imaging and atomic force microscopy, we have obtained unprecedented insights into the phase state of membranes reconstituted from viral lipids (i.e., extracted from infectious HIV-1 particles), established the role played by the different specimens in the mixtures, and characterized the effects of membrane-active virucidal agents on membrane organization. In determining the molecular basis underlying lipid packing and lateral heterogeneity of the HIV-1 membrane, our results may help develop compounds with antiviral activity acting by perturbing the functional organization of the lipid envelope

    Identification of a New Cholesterol-Binding Site within the IFN-gamma Receptor that is Required for Signal Transduction

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    [EN] The cytokine interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) is a master regulator of innate and adaptive immunity involved in a broad array of human diseases that range from atherosclerosis to cancer. IFN-gamma exerts it signaling action by binding to a specific cell surface receptor, the IFN-gamma receptor (IFN-gamma R), whose activation critically depends on its partition into lipid nanodomains. However, little is known about the impact of specific lipids on IFN-gamma R signal transduction activity. Here, a new conserved cholesterol (chol) binding motif localized within its single transmembrane domain is identified. Through direct binding, chol drives the partition of IFN-gamma R2 chains into plasma membrane lipid nanodomains, orchestrating IFN-gamma R oligomerization and transmembrane signaling. Bioinformatics studies show that the signature sequence stands for a conserved chol-binding motif presented in many mammalian membrane proteins. The discovery of chol as the molecular switch governing IFN-gamma R transmembrane signaling represents a significant advance for understanding the mechanism of lipid selectivity by membrane proteins, but also for figuring out the role of lipids in modulating cell surface receptor function. Finally, this study suggests that inhibition of the chol-IFN gamma R2 interaction may represent a potential therapeutic strategy for various IFN-gamma-dependent diseases.This work was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities (BFU-2015-68981-P and PID2020-117405GB-I00) and the Basque Government (IT1264-19, IT1625-22) to F.-X.C. and M.L. F.-X.C. acknowledge the generous support of Fundacion Ramon Areces (grant CIVP20S11276). O.T. was supported by a Basque Government grant (IT1270-19) I.R.-B., O.M., J.A.N.-G., and D.C. were supported by the Fundacion Biofisica Bizkaia. The Lamaze laboratory was supported from Agence Nationale de la Recherche grants ANR-11-LABX-0038, ANR-10-IDEX-0001-02, and ANR NanoGammaR-15-CE11-0025-01. The Bernardino de la Serna Lab acknowledges support from Belinda and Bill Gates Foundation and BBSRC (INV-016631 and BB/V019791/1, respectively). This work was supported in part by the Fundacion Biofisica Bizkaia and the Basque Excellence Research Centre (BERC) program of the Basque Government. The authors thank J. M. Gonzalez Manas for helpful comments on the manuscript. The authors thank the technical and human support provided by the analytical and high-resolution microscopy facility (SGIker) of UPV/EHU and European funding (ERDF and ESF)

    Super-Resolution Microscopy Using a Bioorthogonal-Based Cholesterol Probe Provides Unprecedented Capabilities for Imaging Nanoscale Lipid Heterogeneity in Living Cells

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    Despite more than 20 years of work since the lipid raft concept was proposed, the existence of these nanostructures remains highly controversial due to the lack of noninvasive methods to investigate their native nanorganization in living unperturbed cells. There is an unmet need for probes for direct imaging of nanoscale membrane dynamics with high spatial and temporal resolution in living cells. In this paper, a bioorthogonal-based cholesterol probe (chol-N-3) is developed that, combined with nanoscopy, becomes a new powerful method for direct visualization and characterization of lipid raft at unprecedented resolution in living cells. The chol-N-3 probe mimics cholesterol in synthetic and cellular membranes without perturbation. When combined with live-cell super-resolution microscopy, chol-N-3 demonstrates the existence of cholesterol-rich nanodomains of <50 nm at the plasma membrane of resting living cells. Using this tool, the lipid membrane structure of such subdiffraction limit domains is identified, and the nanoscale spatiotemporal organization of cholesterol in the plasma membrane of living cells reveals multiple cholesterol diffusion modes at different spatial localizations. Finally, imaging across thick organ samples outlines the potential of this new method to address essential biological questions that were previously beyond reach.M.L., O.T., and J.A.N.-G. contributed equally to this work. This work was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science Innovation and Universities, (Grant No. BFU-2015-68981-P) and the Basque Government (Grant No. IT1264-19) to F.-X.C. and M.L.. The authors thank J. M. Gonzalez Manas and Sergio Perez Acebron for helful comments on the manuscript. The authors thank the technical and human support provided by the analytical and high-resolution microscopy facility (SGIker) of UPV/EHU and European funding (ERDF and ESF). J.B.d.l.S. acknowledges funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the BBSRC (Grant Nos. INV-016631 and BB/V019791/1, respectively). This work was supported in part by the Fundacion Biofisica Bizkaia (FBB) and the Basque Excellence Research Centre (BERC) program of the Basque Government. J.A.N.-G. was supported by a FI predoctoral fellowship from the Basque Government and currently by FBB. Documen

    Sialyllactose in Viral Membrane Gangliosides Is a Novel Molecular Recognition Pattern for Mature Dendritic Cell Capture of HIV-1

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    An accessible sialyllactose moiety on viral membrane gangliosides is shown to be essential for HIV-1 uptake into mature dendritic cells, thereby promoting viral transfer and infection of bystander CD4+ T lymphocytes