544 research outputs found

    Conformational mechanism for the stability of microtubule-kinetochore attachments

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    Regulating the stability of microtubule(MT)-kinetochore attachments is fundamental to avoiding mitotic errors and ensure proper chromosome segregation during cell division. While biochemical factors involved in this process have been identified, its mechanics still needs to be better understood. Here we introduce and simulate a mechanical model of MT-kinetochore interactions in which the stability of the attachment is ruled by the geometrical conformations of curling MT-protofilaments entangled in kinetochore fibrils. The model allows us to reproduce with good accuracy in vitro experimental measurements of the detachment times of yeast kinetochores from MTs under external pulling forces. Numerical simulations suggest that geometrical features of MT-protofilaments may play an important role in the switch between stable and unstable attachments

    Kinetochore-driven formation of kinetochore fibers contributes to spindle assembly during animal mitosis

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    It is now clear that a centrosome-independent pathway for mitotic spindle assembly exists even in cells that normally possess centrosomes. The question remains, however, whether this pathway only activates when centrosome activity is compromised, or whether it contributes to spindle morphogenesis during a normal mitosis. Here, we show that many of the kinetochore fibers (K-fibers) in centrosomal Drosophila S2 cells are formed by the kinetochores. Initially, kinetochore-formed K-fibers are not oriented toward a spindle pole but, as they grow, their minus ends are captured by astral microtubules (MTs) and transported poleward through a dynein-dependent mechanism. This poleward transport results in chromosome bi-orientation and congression. Furthermore, when individual K-fibers are severed by laser microsurgery, they regrow from the kinetochore outward via MT plus-end polymerization at the kinetochore. Thus, even in the presence of centrosomes, the formation of some K-fibers is initiated by the kinetochores. However, centrosomes facilitate the proper orientation of K-fibers toward spindle poles by integrating them into a common spindle

    Perito contador: os procedimentos adotados nos cálculos de liquidação de sentença trabalhista

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso, apresentado para obtenção do grau de Bacharel, no curso de Ciências Contábeis da Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense, UNESC.A perícia contábil tem se tornado cada vez mais necessária no âmbito trabalhista, devido à necessidade de esclarecimento de situações para fundamentar sentenças judiciais. O perito contador é nomeado pelo juiz para levantar provas técnicas que subsidiarão seu veredito, apurar fatos, realizar pesquisas e cálculos. Possui grande responsabilidade dentro do processo judicial, pois existem regras, normas e Leis que devem ser seguidas, para executar tais procedimentos nos processos trabalhistas. O presente estudo por meio de uma pesquisa verifica os procedimentos adotados pelo perito contador na elaboração dos cálculos de liquidação de sentença trabalhista, pretende-se identificar as etapas da perícia contábil, conhecer a importância da liquidação de sentença e descrever as responsabilidades do perito contador. Para a elaboração deste estudo, foi efetuada uma pesquisa bibliográfica do tipo descritiva e foi elaborado um questionário eletrônico, enviado por e-mail para os peritos contadores registrados no Conselho Regional de Contabilidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (CRC/SC), e utilizado o serviço de envio de pesquisas acadêmicas do Conselho Regional de Contabilidade de Santa Catarina (CRC/SC), com o objetivo de verificar os procedimentos adotados pelos profissionais na elaboração dos cálculos de liquidação de sentença. Assim após a aplicação e análise dos resultados, pode-se concluir que foram possíveis identificar as etapas da perícia contábil, conhecer a importância da liquidação de sentença, e descrever as responsabilidades do perito contador por meio dos procedimentos adotados por ele na execução dos cálculos de liquidação

    Chromosome Segregation Is Biased by Kinetochore Size

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    Chromosome missegregation during mitosis or meiosis is a hallmark of cancer and the main cause of prenatal death in humans. The gain or loss of specific chromosomes is thought to be random, with cell viability being essentially determined by selection. Several established pathways including centrosome amplification, sister-chromatid cohesion defects, or a compromised spindle assembly checkpoint can lead to chromosome missegregation. However, how specific intrinsic features of the kinetochore—the critical chromosomal interface with spindle microtubules—impact chromosome segregation remains poorly understood. Here we used the unique cytological attributes of female Indian muntjac, the mammal with the lowest known chromosome number (2n = 6), to characterize and track individual chromosomes with distinct kinetochore size throughout mitosis. We show that centromere and kinetochore functional layers scale proportionally with centromere size. Measurement of intra-kinetochore distances, serial-section electron microscopy, and RNAi against key kinetochore proteins confirmed a standard structural and functional organization of the Indian muntjac kinetochores and revealed that microtubule binding capacity scales with kinetochore size. Surprisingly, we found that chromosome segregation in this species is not random. Chromosomes with larger kinetochores bi-oriented more efficiently and showed a 2-fold bias to congress to the equator in a motor-independent manner. Despite robust correction mechanisms during unperturbed mitosis, chromosomes with larger kinetochores were also strongly biased to establish erroneous merotelic attachments and missegregate during anaphase. This bias was impervious to the experimental attenuation of polar ejection forces on chromosome arms by RNAi against the chromokinesin Kif4a. Thus, kinetochore size is an important determinant of chromosome segregation fidelity

    Necropolítica e a história da cor do céu da minha pele

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    O presente trabalho, intitulado Necropolítica e a História da Cor do Céu da Minha Pele, tem como objetivo, através de uma composição múltipla de textos-fragmentos-artes-intervenções, dissertar sobre parte dos processos necropolíticos na diáspora brasileira e suas diferentes dimensões de ataque, compreendidas como um circuito de violências raciais que vão desde as estruturais “silenciosas” no dia-a-dia, passando pela política de estigma, até as violências físicas, tão comuns no cotidiano brasileiro, bem como os diferentes modos de resistir a tais violências. Através disso, será trazido brevemente para a discussão aspectos indispensáveis na análise, em diferentes vias possíveis, do conceito sempre em movimento negritude . Longe de qualquer pretensão essencialista, serão abordadas hipóteses já estudadas por outras autoras e outros autores que trabalharam/trabalham tais questões, costurando-as, entre fragmentos artístico e literários, à análise de cenas- experiências-respostas narradas nos questionários da pesquisa Necropolítica e População Negra: problematizações sobre racismo e antirracismo e seus desdobramentos em tempos de pandemia e pós-pandemia da Covid-19

    Synchronizing chromosome segregation by flux-dependent force equalization at kinetochores

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    The synchronous movement of chromosomes during anaphase ensures their correct inheritance in every cell division. This reflects the uniformity of spindle forces acting on chromosomes and their simultaneous entry into anaphase. Although anaphase onset is controlled by the spindle assembly checkpoint, it remains unknown how spindle forces are uniformly distributed among different chromosomes. In this paper, we show that tension uniformity at metaphase kinetochores and subsequent anaphase synchrony in Drosophila S2 cells are promoted by spindle microtubule flux. These results can be explained by a mechanical model of the spindle where microtubule poleward translocation events associated with flux reflect relaxation of the kinetochore–microtubule interface, which accounts for the redistribution and convergence of kinetochore tensions in a timescale comparable to typical metaphase duration. As predicted by the model, experimental acceleration of mitosis precludes tension equalization and anaphase synchrony. We propose that flux-dependent equalization of kinetochore tensions ensures a timely and uniform maturation of kinetochore–microtubule interfaces necessary for error-free and coordinated segregation of chromosomes in anaphase