1,825 research outputs found


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    Under-coverage is one of the most common problems of sampling frames. To reduce the impact of coverage error on survey estimates several frames can be combined in order to achieve a complete (or nearly complete) coverage of the target population. Multiple frame estimators have been developed to be used in the context of multiple frame surveys. Sampling frames may overlap which is the case when a single unit of the sampling frame is related with more than one element of the target population. Indirect sampling (Lavallée, 1995) is an alternative approach to classical sampling theory in dealing with the overlapping problem of sampling frames on survey estimates. Not infrequently a survey may need more than one sampling frame in order to improve coverage and simultaneously the sampling frame overlap. In this paper a new class of estimators is presented which is the result from merging multiple frames estimators (only the particular case of dual frames will be presented) with indirect sampling estimators in order to bring together in a single estimator the effect of several frames on survey estimates.Indirect Sampling, Generalized Weight Share Method, Dual Frame Surveys

    Me, You and Everybody We Know: A Hypernarrative on Digital Identity

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    Contribuições iniciais contrastivas entre “la gente” e “a gente”

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    IX Congresso Brasileiro de Hispanistas realizado nos dias 22 a 25 agosto 2016O presente trabalho nasce de ocorrências realizadas em sala de aula de Português para hispanofalantes, mais especificamente na graduação da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino- Americana. Tem por objetivo relatar as dificuldades apresentadas por hispanofalantes quanto ao uso das formas “a gente” em Português Brasileiro (doravante PB), as quais vem sendo investigadas no grupo de pesquisa do CNPq/UNILA “Estudos (Sócio)Linguísticos e de Culturas em Espanhol e Português como Línguas Estrangeiras”, na linha “Estudos Linguísticoculturais de Português Língua Estrangeira”. Como é sabido, tanto falantes de Espanhol quanto falantes do PB acreditam que é bastante fácil aprenderem a língua um do outro. Todavia, algumas formas dessas línguas são muito semelhantes, às vezes na identidade sonora, como os chamados falsos amigos, mas muitas dessas semelhanças acabam gerando dificuldades em vez de facilidades. Sendo o foco desse trabalho a aquisição/aprendizagem de Português por hispanofalantes, serão abordadas as interferências do Espanhol na produção da forma “a gente” em Língua Portuguesa. A exposição será realizada de forma contrastiva, com embasamento teórico em pesquisas linguísticas realizadas sobre a forma “a gente” (cf. Maia, 2009, 2011; Zilles, 2007; Lopes, 1999; dentre outros), bem como na abordagem feita à forma “la gente”(cf. García Romero, 2004; dentre outros), a partir de dados coletados de produções dos discentesUNILA­-UNIOEST

    Hacia una comunicación saludable

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    Las grandes transformaciones sociales, económicas, políticas, tecnológicas y científicas que trajo aparejadas el siglo XXI, volvieron necesaria la capacidad de adaptación y crecimiento constante de todas las organizaciones, públicas o privadas, indistintamente de la actividad que desempeñen. Estos cambios afectan directamente, hasta el día de hoy, el desarrollo de las instituciones de salud que, con el objetivo de alcanzar este ritmo vertiginoso, se ven envueltas en una carrera de constante innovación tecnológica, científica, de desarrollo humano y capacidad gerencial. En este escenario, la comunicación estratégica se convierte en un instrumento clave para identificar y buscar la adaptación a las nuevas necesidades sociales, abarcar los nichos vacíos dentro del sector, lograr la diferenciación en un mercado altamente competitivo y obtener una notoriedad que instale la marca en la mente de sus públicos. La aplicación de nuevos métodos y estrategias que involucren la dimensión comunicacional y humana es fundamental para promover un nuevo modelo de gestión médico-hospitalario que, impulsado con tecnología de avanzada, sea más eficiente y logre responder a las demandas de los públicos internos y externos. Como profesionales egresadas de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, asumimos el compromiso de retribuir a nuestra alta casa de estudios la formación académica y humana que nos fue ofrecida durante nuestra carrera de Comunicación Social en la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales a través de la realización de un arduo trabajo de investigación y la confección de un Plan Integral de Comunicación que aporte al crecimiento comunicacional de la nueva institución asistencial que de ella depende, el Hospital Universitario.Fil: Berro, Paula. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales. Licenciatura en Sociología.Fil: Voloschin, Maia Sofía. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales. Licenciatura en Sociología

    Access to information, and concerns, myths and truths about food safety during the COVID-19 pandemic: an overview of the Portuguese population

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    The COVID-19 pandemic raised questions and concerns about the possibility of the virus being transmitted through food, as the virus was found in sewage, shrimps and packages of frozen food. During the first wave of COVID-19, concerns about the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 through food arose. As the number of cases began to increase rapidly, so did the availability of information regarding the virus and ways to prevent infection. A significant portion of this information was disseminated by the media and the general public. Identifying and understanding the main doubts and concerns about food hygiene and safety raised by the Portuguese population during the first wave of COVID-19 is important in order to understand whether these issues have influenced their practices and what lessons can be learnt for food safety and hygiene education. The aims of this work were (1) to understand the doubts and concerns of the Portuguese population regarding food safety and hygiene during the first wave of COVID-19, and how these issues were clarified, (2) to analyze the population’s opinion on food/hygiene myths and truths related to the transmission and prevention of the infection, and (3) to understand how the first wave of COVID-19 may have influenced the population’s practices linked to food handling and consumption. The main doubts of the respondents were related to food handling (41.6%) and the possibility of transmission of COVID-19 through food (17%). Television was the main source of information used to clarify these doubts (32.9%), followed by a guideline issued by the Directorate-General of Health (30.7%). However, most respondents (50.9%) said that they had only found answers to some of their questions. Most respondents reported washing and disinfecting hands before (85% and 63.4%, respectively) and after (73.8% and 57.3%, respectively) the handling and organization of food purchases. Most respondents did not believe the myths about COVID-19 and food safety, but this depended on their level of education. Some practices may have changed as a result of the pandemic, particularly with regard to washing and disinfecting hands and food, as well as kitchen hygiene.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Português para estrangeiros em Foz do Iguaçu: integração pela diversidade e interdisciplinaridade

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    Anais do 35º Seminário de Extensão Universitária da Região Sul - Área temática: EducaçãoEm Foz do Iguaçu, cidade turística de tríplice fronteira, há um número considerável de estrangeiros (estudantes, professores e comerciantes) que necessitam do Português Brasileiro em seu dia a dia. Para atender a essa demanda, o projeto “Português para Estrangeiros em Foz do Iguaçu: Integração pela diversidade e interdisciplinaridade” da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino- Americana (UNILA) vem ofertando, desde o segundo semestre de 2014, aulas ministradas por nacionalidades. bolsistas Tem e voluntários construído uma a discentes metodologia das mais embasada variadas numa visão variacionista, integracionista e de inclusão cidadã. Portanto, a didática empregada vem buscando superar as lacunas presentes nos métodos de ensino de língua estrangeira, trabalhando em classe não apenas o Português Brasileiro, mas também o respeito às diferenças, e contribuindo para a inclusão cidadã dos aprendizes estrangeiros. Como resultado, estes manifestam seu desenvolvimento na língua já a partir das primeiras aulas, haja vista também que nelas são trabalhados temas cotidianos nos quais os alunos estão sempre imerso

    Risk communication strategies (on listeriosis) for high-risk groups

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    Background: Most cases of listeriosis are domestically acquired. Although consumers have a key role in its prevention, it is generally agreed that individuals at higher risk have a low awareness of the infection. Scope and approach: A summary of the scientific information on listeriosis awareness among high-risk groups will be presented. Reasons explaining unawareness and potential strategies to communicate with target groups in a manner that can effectively change risk behaviours reducing the burden of listeriosis will be discussed. Key findings and conclusions: Research efforts are needed in particular experimental studies that can identify which communication factors have a causal effect on peoples’ risk behaviour and how these factors influence the processing of information by consumers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Role of bovine herpesvirus type 5 (BoHV-5) in diseases of cattle. Recent findings on BoHV-5 association with genital disease

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    Bovine herpesvirus type 5 (BoHV-5) belongs to the family Herpesviridae, subfamily Alphaherpesvirinae, genus Varicellovirus. This virus is a major causative agent of non-suppurative meningoencephalitis in young cattle. It was first isolated in 1962 from a neurological disease outbreak in Australia. BoHV-5 is genetically and antigenically related to bovine herpesvirus type 1 (BoHV-1), a highly prevalent virus responsible for respiratory and genital disease in cattle. Initially, BoHV-5 was considered a subtype of BoHV-1 (BoHV-1.3). However, the exclusive presentation of outbreaks of neurological disease suggested that the virus was a new agent with characteristics of neuropathogenicity. Even though both are neurotropic viruses, only BoHV-5 is capable of replicating extensively in the central nervous system and inducing neurological disease. Occasionally, encephalitis caused by BoHV-1 has been reported. Like other alpha-herpesviruses, BoHV-5 can establish latency in nervous ganglia and, by stress factors or glucocorticoid treatment, latent virus can be reactivated. During episodes of reactivation, the virus is excreted in nasal, ocular and genital secretions and transmitted to other susceptible hosts. Recently, BoHV-5 has been associated with infection of the reproductive tract. The virus has been isolated and the presence of viral DNA has been demonstrated in semen samples from Brazil and Australia and natural transmission of the virus through contaminated semen has also been described. Embryos and oocytes are permissive for BoHV-5 infection and BoHV-5 DNA has been detected in the central nervous system of aborted fetuses. The objective of this review is to compile the limited information on the recent association between BoHV-5 and reproductive disorders in cattle.Fil: Favier, Paula Ariela. Ministerio de Ciencia. Tecnología e Innovación Productiva. Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; ArgentinaFil: Marin, Maia Solange. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Buenos Aires Sur. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce; ArgentinaFil: Perez, Sandra. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; Argentin