39 research outputs found

    Desain Dan Pengembangan Mesin Pengolah Krupuk Singkong Untuk Meningkatkan Nilai Tambah Produk Olahan Singkong di Kabupaten Banyuwangi

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    Abstrak:  Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk membantu masyarakat industri kecil pembuat krupuk singkong yang mengalami kekurangan pengetahuan teknologi produksi, perluasan pasar dan manajemen pembukuan. Untuk menyelesaikan permaslahan mitra maka perlu dibuatkan mesin pengepress, rak pengering dan mesin pemotong adonan krupuk singkong yang strukturnya bisa dibuat secara mudah dan murah untuk kepentingan perajin krupuk singkong dan dapat dioperasikan secara sederhana. Mesin pengepress dengan sumber tenaga dari mesin hidrolis dan untuk mesin pemotong adonan dengan tenaga dari motor listrik 1/2 HP, akan tetapi memiliki kemampuan dapat mengepress, mengeringkan dan memotong adonan krupuk. Di lingkungan perajin krupuk, proses pengepressan dan perajangan krupuk singkong masih dilakukan secara manual dengan kapasitas yang rendah/sedikit, membutuhkan banyak tenaga, waktu yang relatif lama dan tidak higienis. Dari kegiatan ini ditargetkan bahwa: pembuatan mesin pengepress dan mesin pemotong adonan krupuk dapat meyelesaikan permasalahan utama yang dihadapi oleh kelompok perajin krupuk yang berada di kecamatan Tegalsari kabupaten Banyuwangi. Hasil dari mesin press dengan kadar air kurang dari 18% dan hasil dari mesin pemotong adonan krupuk ini dihasilkan ukuran yang seragam dengan ketebalan dengan ukuran seragam 2-3 mm. Dengan demikian permintaan akan kebutuhan krupuk singkong akan terus mengalir sehingga akan meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat serta akan menyerap tenaga kerja baru. Abstract: This activity aims to help the small industry community who make cassava crackers who experience a lack of knowledge on production technology, market expansion and bookkeeping management. To solve the partner problem, it is necessary to make a pressing machine, drying rack and cassava cracker dough cutting machine whose structure can be made easily and cheaply for the benefit of cassava cracker crafter and can be operated simply. A pressing machine with a power source from a hydraulic machine and a dough cutting machine with power from a 1/2 HP electric motor, but has the ability to press, dry and cut cracker dough. In the krupuk craftsman environment, the pressing and chopping processes of cassava crackers are still done manually with a low / low capacity, requiring a lot of energy, relatively long time and unhygienic. From this activity it is targeted that: the manufacture of pressing machines and cracker dough cutting machines can solve the main problems faced by the group of cracker craftsmen in Tegalsari sub-district, Banyuwangi district. The results from the press machine with a moisture content of less than 18% and the results from this cracker dough cutting machine produce a uniform size with a thickness with a uniform size of 2-3 mm. Thus the demand for the need for cassava crackers will continue to flow so that it will increase people's income and will absorb new workers

    Pembuatan Alat Peraga Motor Bakar 4-langkah untuk Mendukung Pembelajaran Sistem Kbk

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    . In implementing competence based curriculum it needssupport of resources, one of them is laboratory equipment. Mechanicalengineering students should understand how the engine run, what its componentsand how is ignition work. Theoretical study could not make them fullyunderstood, whereas to mount and dismount an engine block is time consuming andcostly. The moderate way to understandthem is by observing a model of gasoline engine. The project aim is to designand to manufacture a used 4-stroke block engine motorcycle being a model.Design considerate that the model should able to show how is an engine works,how the work of ignition, and what are components of transmission.Manufacturing consideration is that the engine block should not machine thebearing and supporting posts. Manufacturing of engine block was carried out atmachining laboratory by an-5mm end mill. Assembling the component to themachined block shows that the model can fulfill the requirements


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    PG X in Jember is one of the agro-industries that processing sugar cane into sugar crystals. This factory works seasonally. To ensure the consumer demand for sugar, the sugar factory should operate efficiently during their production season. In fact, it was found that at the downtime at the boiler department at this factory was up to 181 hours for six months production period in the year 2018. This happened mainly in the bagasse conveyor section. This paper is focused on efforts to find out the cause of the high downtime and its possible solution. Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) analysis was employed for measuring machine effectiveness. It is found that the lowest OEE value of 68.27% was in June, while the highest one up to 98.46% was reached in September. The most affecting factor to the low OEE value is reducing speed losses. It affected by 46% to the overall six big losses factors. Based on fishbone analysis, the main cause of the high value of reducing speed losses is lack of supervision in transporting bagasse to the conveyor. The inappropriate dimension of the scrapper (a part of the conveyor) is another reason. Therefore, it is recommended to increase supervision in transporting bagasse to the conveyor. Another recommendation is to reduce the scrapper length. Analysis of the free body diagram of this element shows that reducing its length from 1.215 mm to 1.195 mm will reduce the displacement from 6.67 mm to 4.72 mm without degrading the function of this part

    Effect of particle size on ignition and oxidation of single aluminum: molecular dynamics study

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    Alumina nanoparticle is one of the attractive nanoparticles synthesized by the plasma method. The oxidation step in this method is challenging to explain experimentally. This work was to perform a molecular dynamics simulation to determine the oxidation mechanism of aluminum nanoparticles with different sizes and oxidation levels in the oxide layer. This work was to perform a molecular dynamics simulation to determine the oxidation mechanism of aluminum nanoparticles with different sizes and oxidation levels in the oxide layer. The simulation method employed the ReaxFF potential. The material used is aluminum nanoparticles in three different sizes (8, 12, and 16 nm) with an oxide layer thickness of 0.5 nm. Aluminum nanoparticles were given a relaxation treatment of 300 K for 1 ps and then heated to a temperature of 3250 K with a heating rate of 5×1013 K/s and cooled to 300 K. The ensemble used is a canonical ensemble with the Nose/Hoover thermostat method. The result shows that the higher the temperature applied to the system, the more oxygen molecules adsorption occurs on the surface of the oxide layer and the diffusion of oxygen to the particle core. The higher temperature applied also causes gaps, or void spaces, between the core and the shell. The reaction barrier for diffusion of oxygen also decreased significantly due to void space, and the surface of the aluminum core dissociates to the surface (alumina shell). Particles with a smaller size have a shorter ignition delay time. In addition, the smaller the particle size, the more oxygen molecules' reacted with aluminum particles in the particle cor


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    Limited knowledge of society about cultivation activities in the urban area leads to low practical urban farming activities during the pandemic. This study aimed to develop a productive urban community to increase family food security and apply science and technology through aquaponic ponds to optimize small areas around their house. This community service activity was conducted in the Karangrejo subdistrict, Sumbersari district, Jember Regency, East Java Indonesia, on September – November 2020. Three methods were applied during this activity, including counseling for food security during pandemics, training for aquaponic techniques, and accompaniment during the harvesting period. Success indicators of this program showed by the increment of the community's knowledge and skill about food security, aquaponic, and harvesting techniques. Through assistance to the community from the beginning to the end, we expected that this nutrition aquaponic pond program could be a provision to motivate people for continuing productive activities during the pandemic. This community service activity could optimize limited land around the house as nutrition sources for urban communities. The community's participation and contribution to maintaining the aquaponic pond and cultivation activity become a key for the sustainable cultivation cycle of aquaponics products. Society could improve the skill and knowledge for urban communities to create autonomy metropolitan areas during pandemic Covid-19. --- Kerterbatasan kapasitas pengetahuan masyarakat tentang teknik bercocok tanam, menyebabkan banyak masyarakat belum maksimal menerapkan aktivitas urban farming di masa pandemi.  Tujuan diadakannya kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk menciptakan masyarakat urban yang produktif dan mandiri dalam menjaga ketahanan pangan dan gizi keluarga, dan menerapkan iptek praktek budidaya tanaman dan ikan air tawar secara akuaponik sebagai bentuk optimalisasi lahan sempit di sekitar rumah. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dilaksanakan di lahan milik salah satu anggota komunitas ibu-ibu kelompok pengajian yang berlokasi di Lingkungan Pelindu Barat, Kecamatan Sumbersari, Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur pada bulan September-November 2020. Metode pengabdian dilakukan  dengan tiga tahapan yakni penyuluhan tentang ketahanan pangan keluarga di masa pandemi Covid-19, pelatihan teknik budidaya akuaponik dan pendampingan kegiatan panen produk akuapoik. Indikator keberhasilan kegiatan ini yakni peningkatan aktivitas produktif untuk memenuhi kebutuhan gizi keluarga, peningkatan keterampilan tentang teknik budidaya akuaponik, dan peningkatan pengetahuan teknik panen sayuran dan ikan lele dari hasil akuaponik. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa kolam gizi aquponik dapat menjadi salah satu solusi yang dapat diberikan untuk mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan lahan sempit sekaligus menjadi sumber gizi masyarakat di kawasan urban. Selain mendapatkan tambahan keilmuan, masyarakat juga dimotivasi untuk ikut aktif berpartisipasi dalam pemeliharaan dan kegiatan bercocok tanam, dengan harapan bahwa keberlanjutan siklus budidaya ikan dan sayur dapat terus berkelanjutan. Bekal pengetahuan dan skill yang diberikan pada kegiatan pengabdian ini diharapkan dapat dikembangkan oleh  masyarakat untuk menjadi kawasan urban mandiri di tengah situasi pandemi


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    Aluminum and aluminum alloys have properties that are less well when coMPared to steel, such as specific heat and has a high conductivity. They are also easily oxidized and form an aluminum oxide Al2O3 which have a high melting point. Consequently, when they are welded the fusion between base and weld metal will be blocked. Moreover, if the cooling process is too fast it will form a smooth cavity ex-pouch of hydrogen. Friction stir welding (FSW) is a challenging alternative for joining aluminum alloy. In FSW, process occur in the solid state (solid state joining). In this research, some attempts were carried out to find the best quality of welding, in term of mechanical properties and microstructure. Tool rotation speed was varied at 780, 980, 1120 rpm. Whereas, feed rate used was keep constantly at 15 mm/min. The material to be welded is a- 4.0 mm thick aluminum AA 1100 strips. Result showed that the highest strength obtained is 56.528 MPa at 1120 rpm and the lowest strength obtained is 38.472 MPa at 980 rpm. Wormholes and the lack of penetration defects are the main things that reduce the tensile strength. From micro observations known on the grains shape of the stir zone, FeAl3 particles is spread more evenly in matrix of Al due to the stir process during the welding process. Hardness tests showed that the weld metal is softer than the base metal. Keywords: Aluminum, welding, FS


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    Two purposes of painting of the automobile body, i.e. protection and aesthetic. For the aesthetic one, scientifically measured its glossiness. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of painting parameters using a spray to its glossiness. Three parameters varied were: (i) comparison of paint composition and thinner (1:1.2; 1:1.4 and 1:1.6), (ii) spraying distance (110 mm, 130 mm and 150 mm), and air pressure (3.5 bar; 4.5 bar and 5.5 bar, while the glossiness measured in gloss unit (GU) using a gloss meter. The experimental design method used was the response surface method with Box-Behnken design. A series of tests were carried out prior to ANOVA and optimization with Minitab: (i) lack of fit test, (ii) simultaneous parameter test, (iii) the coefficient of determination test, (iv) identical test, (v) independent test and (vi) normal distribution test. Out of three parameters, the most influential one is composition with a coefficient of mathematical equation of 6.592. In this study, the highest value in the 10th trial was 57.3 GU which was occurred when the parameters used were: distance of 130 mm, composition 1: 1.6 and pressure 3.5 bar. On the contrary, the smallest value GU in the 7th experiment was 35 GU with a distance of 110 mm, composition 1:1.4 and pressure 5.5 bar. From processing data using Minitab, the maximum gloss value was 58.76 GU with distance 116.86 mm, composition 1: 1.6 and pressure 3.5 bar. Keywords: painting, Box-Behnken design, gloss mete

    Analisis Kekuatan Tarik dan Kekasaran Kawat Tembaga Hasil Drawing akibat Variasi Persentase Reduksi

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    Wire drawing is cold working process to reduce the cross-sectional area. The value of reduction is different in every process, depend on the needs and working parameters. The degree of reduction causes differences of copper wire rod in the characteristics and quality, such as its tensile strength and roughness. The purpose of this research is to determine the influence degree of reduction to the tensile strength and roughness of copper wire. The research method is comparing the tensile strength and roughness of copper wires control with drawed copper wires, without repetition stage. The speciments used in this research are pure copper rods (99.9%) with 3.1 mm, 3.2 mm and 3.25 mm in diameter and 2.8 mm of die output, so will get the degree of reductions are 19%, 23% and 26%. The results of this research was the wire drawing process increase the tensile strength of copper rods from 86.87 MPa to 100.74 MPa on 19% reduction. On 23% reduction the tensile strength increase from 82.24 MPa to 105.62 MPa. The greatest increase of tensile strength was result by 26% reduction, it was from 86.87 MPa to 115.36 MPa With the more of degree of reduction on the drawing process led the increase of tensile strength will be greater. This research also obtained the result that the wire drawing process result the decrease roughness of copper rods from 0,144 μm to 0,089 μm on 19% reduction, from 0.146 μm to 0.087 μm on 23% reduction and the copper rod roughness decrease from 0.159 μm to 0.083 μm on 26% reduction. The increase of degree of reduction produce insignificantly result of surface roughness changing. Keywords: Roughness, Tensile Strength, Wire Drawing, Reduction, Coppe


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    Manufacture of biodegradable plastics in this study begins with making the dough using a single screw extruder, then the dough is molded by using a compression molding machine. The basic material used is a mixture of jatropha seed meal, corn starch, CMC (composition 7: 2: 1). This study aimed to study the effect of Helic corner and screw compression ratio of the batter character and biodegradable plastic produced. Helic screw angle was varied from 2,5o; 5o; 7.5 ° and screw compression ratio varied from 1.5; 2.5; 3.5. The results showed an increase in the angle of screw Helic simplify the process of molding (lowering the value of Tg, Tm, ΔH and texture of the dough) and to improve the mechanical physical properties of the biodegradable plastic produced (tensile strength, strain increases while the thickness and Water Vapor transmition rate decreases). Improved compression ratio increase and decrease the thermal properties of dough texture and increase the tensile strength and strain, decrease the thickness and Water Vapor transmition rate of biodegradable plastic produced. Keyword: biodegradable plastic, mold, helical degree, compression rati

    Forces Perspective of Drillability of Titanium Alloy 6Al-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo

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    This paper concerns on drillability of Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo (Ti-6246) from the point view of thrust force (Fz) & torque (Mz) using a TiAlN CVD coated carbide tool. The condition of the material was varied with three different heat treatments. Whereas, the machining parameters were varied in cutting speed, feed rate and cooling application method. Taguchi method L-18 was employed to design the experiments. Both type of forces, thrust force and torque, were measured using a Kistler dynamometer, and the data were analyzed using a Minitab 17 software. The thrust force was influenced by the cutting speed 24%, depth of drilling 21%, heat treatment 13%, and feed rate 11%. The torque was influenced predominantly by feed rate up to 94%. Coolant application has no effect on reducing both thrust force as well as torque