7 research outputs found

    Televaatamine 20-29-aastaste üliõpilaste hulgas

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    Seminar papers dealt with ERR (Estonian Broadcasting Union) survey „Meediateemaline arvamusuuring 2010“ among 20-29 years students and youths and 40-49 years (under)graduates and middle-aged people. Television viewing and its similarities, differences were under the survey. Internet using is watched as a background of these two age-specific and educational groups. Baccalaureat theses (TV Viewing Among Students at Age 20-29) deals with eleven interviews among students who study different type of social sciences. Almost exactly the same questions that are asked in interviews, are also asked in „Meediateemaline arvamusuuring 2010“ survey. In the part of theoretical and emprical framework I have given short overview about integrated model of media choice by McQuail, television-viewing tendencies and about mediausing among students (I used different authors like Tulva, Livingstone, Arnett, Santrock, Siibak, Prensky, Raud) to point out life-span differences among the groups of this survey. Talking about results, one can point out that by virtue of ERR survey, about 67% students watch television daily or almost daily. About half of interviewed student watch television daily or almost daily. Students who watch television daily or almost daily live mainly with their parents or partner. Some of interviewed students watch television only if there is something to watch. Television is also viewed when one has time or is boring. In ERR survey says that about 6% of students watch television from four up to five and more hours a day. About 19% of students prefer to watch television about half an hour up to one hour a day. One can say that students do not watch so much television as an average Estonian (By Emor survey in april an average Estonian watched television about 3 hours and 40 minutes daily). Some of interviewed students watch television from few minutes up to one hour a day. Some of them watch television about six hours a day. It is important to note that television viewing depends also on working day or week-end. In „Meediateemaline arvamusuuring 2010“ survey the most visited newsportal among 20-29 years old students in postimees.ee (about 39%), followed by delfi.ee (about 37%) and reporter.ee (about 20%). Many interviewed students read postimees.ee also epl.ee, delfi.ee. One interviewed student stated that she do not visite newsportals because she gets his information mainly from television. In ERR survey most of students use Internet once a week or often to watch videoclips from videoportals (about 59%). About 35% of students download movies and TV-series. About 8% of studens watch live television. Interviewed students use Internet from two hour up to ten hour a day. Most interviewed students read news, communicate with friends, use socialmedia. Internet is also used for learning. Estonian television channels can also be watched by podcast and this is popular among students: it is used from few times a week up to one or two times a month. Interviewed students also pointed out that they have watched Eurovision Song Contest and football (Word Cup and Estonia-Argentine) on live. One students stated that she uses Internet for downloading movies and TV-series. ERR survey shows that students prefer to watch daily or almost daily TV3 (about 46%), followed by Kanal2, ETV, TV6, Kanal11. Most of interviewed students watch Estonian television channels but also foreign channels such as History Channel, PRO7, Eurosport and CNN. About different themes on television, students in ERR survey are interested the most in movies (about 53%), followed by family, home, relationships, psychology and home, environment (both about 43%). About 41% of students are interested in music. The least interesting theme on television is astrology (about 6%). Most of interviewed students are interested in actual events, politics and entertainment (such as movies, music, sport). Most of 20-29 years old students are interested (regularly) in ERR survey about TV-shows genre, such as foreign action-series (about 12%), general interest magazines (about 8%), news (about 6%) and humour, satire, talkshow (about 4%). The least watched (do not watch at all) TV-shows genre are romantical series (about 56% do not watch them), homemade action-series (about 45%) and family-series, advice and lifestyle and cultural magazines – about 41% students do not watch them. Students who were interviewed, liked to watch talk- and political shows. On the contrary to ERR survey, many interviewed students like to watch homemade action-series. ERR survey points out that the most popular shows are foreign action-series such as Dr House, C.S.I, Bones, Grey anatomy. And news such as TV3 news, Aktuaalne kaamera (in 21.00) and Reporter. The least popular shows are romantical series such as Unelmatelaev, Taltsutamatu hing, Tee õnnele. Many interviewed students prefer to watch news such as Aktuaalne kaamera and Reporter. Also differents talkshows such as Kahekõne, Kolmeraudne, Tähelaev. And foreign comedy-series are watched as Allo, Allo and Minu pere, also action-series such as – Dr House, C.S.I. The most watched homemade action-series are Pilvede all, Kättemaksukontor, Kelgukoerad.http://tartu.ester.ee/record=b2567908~S1*es

    Euroskeptiliste fraktsioonide mõju Euroopa Parlamendis

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    Euroskeptikuid on Euroopa Parlamenti (EP) valitud alatasa, kuid mitte kunagi varem ei ole nad valimistel võitnud nii palju kohti kui 2014. aasta kevadistel valimistel. Käesolevas magistritöös on vaatluse alla võetud parteimanifestide järgi end euroskeptikuteks kuulutanud fraktsioonide ning nendega samu vaateid jagavate fraktsioonitute liikmete hääletuskäitumine täiskogul uue parlamendi esimese tööaasta jooksul. Võrreldud on, kui palju erinevad fraktsioonid, rühmad eelnõude poolt ja vastu hääletavad ning milliste teemakomisjonide poolt euroskeptilised parlamendijõud on. Vaatlusperioodi ajal 16. juulist 2014 - 9. juulini 2015 leidis EP täiskogul aset 304 erinevate nimelist (roll call vote) komisjoni resolutsioonieelnõu hääletust. Töös kasutatavad uurimisandmed on saadud EP hääletusi jälgivast sõltumatult veebilehelt www.votewatch.eu, kus on välja toodud hääletustulemused nii fraktsioonide, rühmade kui iga parlamendiliikme kohta eraldi. Analüüsis on eraldi ning üldiselt välja toodud hääletustulemused nii nende eelnõude puhul, mille täiskogu vastu võttis kui ka tagasi lükkas. Analüüsist selgub, et kui panna ritta kõik 304 eelnõu hääletusel (vastuvõetud ning tagasi lükatud), ning jälgida hääletusi fraktsiooni- ning rühmapõhiselt, oleks hääletatud rohkem eelnõude vastu kui poolt. Täiskogu hääletas 287 eelnõu poolt, ning kui need ritta panna ja jälgida hääletusi fraktsiooni- ning rühmapõhiselt, näeb, et euroskeptikud hääletasid suurema osa täiskogu poolt heakskiidu saanud eelnõude vastu. Kui aga vaadata neid 17 eelnõu, mis täiskogu tagasi lükkas, näeb, et euroskeptikud hääletasid võrdselt eelnõusid poolt ning vastu. Kõige enam hääletasid täiskogu hääletustulemusega vastupidiselt Vaba ja Otsedemokraatliku Euroopa (EFDD) fraktsiooni liikmed, neile järgnesid fraktsioonitute euroskeptikute rühma saadikud (NI). Kõige enam hääletas täiskoguga sarnaselt Ühendatud Vasakpoolsete/Põhjamaade Roheliste Vasakpoolsete liitfraktsioon (GUE/NGL) ning ECR fraktsioon. 2015. aasta loodud uus fraktsioon Rahvaste ja Vabaduste Euroopa (ENF), mis osales 41 eelnõu hääletusel, hääletas võrdselt nii eelnõude poolt kui vastu. Nii nagu oli hääletusel palju eelnõusid, mille üle fraktsioonid ja rühmad erinevalt hääletasid, oli ka palju neid eelnõusid sisaldavaid teemakomisjone, mille poolt ning vastu hääletati. Näiteks hääletasid kõik vaatluse all olevad parlamendijõud suuresti siseturu ja tarbijakaitse ning tööstuse, teadusuuringute ja energeetika komisjonide eelnõude poolt. Ühiseid eelnõusid sisaldavat teemakomisjoni, mille poolt euroskeptilised parlamendijõud ühiselt vastu hääletasid, ei olnud. Küll aga saab fraktsioonid ning grupid jagata kaheks liiniks: ECR - GUE/NGL ning EFDD - fraktsioonitud liikmed – (ENF). Just nende gruppide vahel oli kõige enam neid teemakomisjone, mida toetati või mitte. Ka nende gruppide siseselt oli erinevusi, mistõttu tulevad sealt välja need teemad, mis ühele või teisele fraktsioonile, rühmale meelepärased on.http://www.ester.ee/record=b4578870*es

    Inventing a herbal tradition: The complex roots of the current popularity of Epilobium angustifolium in Eastern Europe

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    Ethnopharmacological relevance: Currently various scientific and popular sources provide a wide spectrum of ethnopharmacological information on many plants, yet the sources of that information, as well as the information itself, are often not clear, potentially resulting in the erroneous use of plants among lay people or even in official medicine. Our field studies in seven countries on the Eastern edge of Europe have revealed an unusual increase in the medicinal use of Epilobium angustifolium L., especially in Estonia, where the majority of uses were specifically related to “men's problems”. The aim of the current work is: to understand the recent and sudden increase in the interest in the use of E. angustifolium in Estonia; to evaluate the extent of documented traditional use of E. angustifolium among sources of knowledge considered traditional; to track different sources describing (or attributed as describing) the benefits of E. angustifolium; and to detect direct and indirect influences of the written sources on the currently documented local uses of E. angustifolium on the Eastern edge of Europe. Materials and methods: In this study we used a variety of methods: semi-structured interviews with 599 people in 7 countries, historical data analysis and historical ethnopharmacological source analysis. We researched historical and archival sources, and academic and popular literature published on the medicinal use of E. angustifolium in the regions of our field sites as well as internationally, paying close attention to the literature that might have directly or indirectly contributed to the popularity of E. angustifolium at different times in history. Results: Our results show that the sudden and recent popularity in the medical use of E. angustifolium in Estonia has been caused by local popular authors with academic medical backgrounds, relying simultaneously on “western” and Russian sources. While Russian sources have propagated (partially unpublished) results from the 1930s, “western” sources are scientific insights derived from the popularization of other Epilobium species by Austrian herbalist Maria Treben. The information Treben disseminated could have been originated from a previous peak in popularity of E. angustifolium in USA in the second half of the 19th century, caused in turn by misinterpretation of ancient herbals. The traditional uses of E. angustifolium were related to wounds and skin diseases, fever, pain (headache, sore throat, childbirth), and abdominal-related problems (constipation, stomach ache) and intestinal bleeding. Few more uses were based on the similarity principle. The main theme, however, is the fragmentation of use and its lack of consistency apart from wounds and skin diseases. Conclusions: Historical ethnobotanical investigations could help to avoid creating repeating waves of popularity of plants that have already been tried for certain diseases and later abandoned as not fully effective. There is, of course, a chance that E. angustifolium could also finally be proven to be clinically safe and cost-effective for treating benign prostatic hyperplasia, but this has not yet happened despite recent intensive research. Documented traditional use would suggest investigating the dermatological, intestinal anti-hemorrhagic and pain inhibiting properties of this plant, if any

    Catalytic cracking in presence of an aromatic addition

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    La langue séductrice (sur la sémantique de la geste ancienne)

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    В иерархии частей тела в традиционной народной культуре язык как орган речи занимает достаточно скромное место по сравнению с другими органами. В статье исследуется один специфический жест — «показывать язык». Этот древний жест, с одной стороны, направлен на устрашение, а с другой, вписывается в игровое поведение. Он присутствует в равной мере в высокой и низкой культуре XIX-XX веков, а также в массовой культуре последних десятилетий.Dans la hiérarchie des parties du corps établie par les cultures populaires traditionnelles, la langue n'occupe pas la place qui devrait normalement lui revenir en tant qu'organe de la parole. En tout cas, par le nombre de croyances qui s'y rapportent et par son rôle dans la vie rituelle, la langue est largement dépassée par beaucoup d'autres organes humains. Cet article s'intéresse au geste de «tirer la langue » et constate que la symbolique archaïque entourant ce geste -avec d'un côté un geste effrayant et agressif, de l'autre la marque d'une conduite riante et joueuse -a été employée tant par les cultures populaire et savante des XIXe et XXe siècles qu'au sein de la culture de masse des dernières décennies.Morozov Igor, Mahov Aleksandr, Le Torrivellec Xavier. La langue séductrice (sur la sémantique de la geste ancienne). In: Cahiers slaves, n°9, 2008. Le corps dans la culture russe et au-delà, sous la direction de Galina Kabakova et Francis Conte. pp. 25-43

    Innate and adaptive immune cell interaction drives inflammasome activation and hepatocyte apoptosis in murine liver injury from immune checkpoint inhibitors

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    Abstract Immune checkpoints (CTLA4 & PD-1) are inhibitory pathways that block aberrant immune activity and maintain self-tolerance. Tumors co-opt these checkpoints to avoid immune destruction. Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) activate immune cells and restore their tumoricidal potential, making them highly efficacious cancer therapies. However, immunotolerant organs such as the liver depend on these tolerogenic mechanisms, and their disruption with ICI use can trigger the unintended side effect of hepatotoxicity termed immune-mediated liver injury from ICIs (ILICI). Learning how to uncouple ILICI from ICI anti-tumor activity is of paramount clinical importance. We developed a murine model to recapitulate human ILICI using CTLA4+/- mice treated with either combined anti-CTLA4 + anti-PDL1 or IgG1 + IgG2. We tested two forms of antisense oligonucleotides to knockdown caspase-3 in a total liver (parenchymal and non-parenchymal cells) or in a hepatocyte-specific manner. We also employed imaging mass cytometry (IMC), a powerful multiplex modality for immunophenotyping and cell interaction analysis in our model. ICI-treated mice had significant evidence of liver injury. We detected cleaved caspase-3 (cC3), indicating apoptosis was occurring, as well as Nod-like receptor protein 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome activation, but no necroptosis. Total liver knockdown of caspase-3 worsened liver injury, and induced further inflammasome activation, and Gasdermin-D-mediated pyroptosis. Hepatocyte-specific knockdown of caspase-3 reduced liver injury and NLRP3 inflammasome activation. IMC-generated single-cell data for 77,692 cells was used to identify 22 unique phenotypic clusters. Spatial analysis revealed that cC3+ hepatocytes had significantly closer interactions with macrophages, Kupffer cells, and NLRP3hi myeloid cells than other cell types. We also observed zones of three-way interaction between cC3+ hepatocytes, CD8 + T-cells, and macrophages. Our work is the first to identify hepatocyte apoptosis and NLRP3 inflammasome activation as drivers of ILICI. Furthermore, we report that the interplay between adaptive and innate immune cells is critical to hepatocyte apoptosis and ILICI