1,487 research outputs found

    Developing Students’ Character Through Mathematics Teaching And Learning

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    The National Education System mandates that the national education serves to develop and shape the character and civilization of the nation. This confirms the quality of Indonesia's human to be developed by each educational unit. This normative national education goals need to be elaborated and implemented in the teaching and learning process, including mathematics teaching and learning. Mathematics teaching and learning should be well designed so that it can be used as a tool in developing positive character of students. Through the mathematics teaching and learning, implicitly or explicitly, can be developed variety of positive characteristics, such as critical thinking skills, logical thinking skills, analytical thinking skills, or meticulous. Such mathematics teaching and learning needs to be done consistently so will lead to habituation to the students that if beyond a certain limit, it belongs to the students' habits and entrenched in him. Key words: mathematics teaching and learning, characte


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    Research purposes are: (1) to describe the planning caracteristics of thematic natural science teaching learning PAIKEM model in Tanduk Goverment Elementary for Islamic School Ampel Boyolali Regency, (2) to describe the implementation characteristics of thematic natural science teaching learning PAIKEM model in Tanduk Goverment Elementary of Islamic School Ampel Boyolali Regency, and (3) to describe the evaluation characteristics of thematic natural science teaching learning PAIKEM model in Tanduk Goverment Elementary for Islamic School Ampel Boyolali Regency. The focuses on, “How is the management characteristic of thematic natural science teaching learning PAIKEM model in Tanduk Goverment Elementary for Islamic School Ampel Boyolali Regency. The research has done in Tanduk Goverment Islamic School Ampel Boyolali Regency while the subjects are the school head master, curriculum departement, public relation departemen, teacher in class thr ee, school committe, students’ parent, and the student. The research uses qualitative approach whit etnographic strategy, considering: (1) Tanduk Goverment Elementary for Islamic School is a core school of some Islamic school weated in Ampel Boyolali Regency. (2) This school uses a different system management with other school that is applying thematic approach and PAIKEM model. To get data, the researcher uses the methode as follows: analizyng syllabus dokument, lesson plan, and assesment sheet. Interviering with the head master, curriculum section, public relation section, the third grade’s teachers, Islamic school committe, the leaner trustee, and the leaners. Observasing teaching learning process in third grade. The data analysis will be conducted in tree stage, there are: data reduction, data presentation, and conclution/verification. There are several important isssues related to sub focus of research, they as the result of this research, are: (1) teaching learning plan including syllabus and lesson plan characterizing thematic natural science teaching learning using PAIKEM model whit maximum class management, (2) the teaching learning implementation is based on the lesson plan beginiing whit an interesting pre- activity, there is communication between students and teacher, although there is a teacher’s expression or teacher’s action that frighten his and her students (make his and her students affraid), and (3) the caracteristic of teaching learning assesment done comprehensively and continously

    Manusia Pontifical dalam Diskursus Modernitas: Studi Komparasi Pemikiran S.H. Nasr dan Carl G. Jung

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    Abstract: This article analyzes Nasr’s thoughts concerning human spirituality and compares Jung’s perspective on the Human soul in the modern era. This article uses a comparative study with a hermeneutical approach to the understanding meaning of spirituality in the contemporary era. The method of this study is library research focusing on Man and Nature and Modern Man in Search of the Soul written by Nasr and Jung. The author uses content analysis to understand the book written by Nasr and Jung. This article concludes that spirituality is critical in modern era as a discourse on religion and humanity.Abstrak: Artikel ini menganalisis pemikiran S.H. Nasr tentang spiritualitas manusia dan hendak mengkomparasikan dengan pandangan Carl G. Jung akan jiwa manusia pada era modern. Artikel ini menggunakan studi komparatif dengan pendekatan hermeneutika dalam memahami makna spiritualitas pada era modern. Metode dalam artikel ini adalah studi pustaka dengan fokus kepada buku Man and Nature Spiritual Crisis of Modern Man yang ditulis oleh S.H. Nasr dan Modern Man in Search of the Soul yang digarap oleh Carl G. Jung. Penulis juga menggunakan analisis isi untuk memahami buku yang ditulis baik oleh Nasr maupun Jung. Artikel ini menyimpulkan bahwa spiritualitas adalang sangat penting dalam era modern sebagai diskursus dalam agama dan kemanusiaan

    Putusan Hakim di Pengadilan Negeri Sampang dalam Kasus Tindak Pidana Pembunuhan yang Berlatar Belakang Carok

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    This journal discusses the verdict in the criminal case of murder carok background. Decision made judges is a complex and difficult process, requiring training experience, and wisdom. In the process of the imposition of the verdict, a judge must be convinced whether a defendant committed the crime or not, by referring to the evidence. Judges have the freedom to move to get a proper criminal particular between the maximum and minimum limits public. Focus purpose of this study was to analyze the factors that become the basis of considerations judge and assess verdict against criminal acts Carok background in Sampang District Court Carok background in Sampang District Court. This research includes the study of normative law by using the approach of legislation (statue approach) and the approach of the case (Case Aprroach). While the types of materials used law is the primary legal materials, secondary and tertiary. The legal materials collection techniques in this study conducted by classifying systematic way. In addition, the materials analysis techniques this study law by way of description, interprentasi, construction, evaluation, and systematic argumentation. From these results, it shows that the factors on which to base consideration of the judge, there are three kinds of considerations. First, juridical considerations. Second, non juridical considerations. Third, consideration of aggravating and mitigating. TheJudges decisionon criminal acts murderbackgroundscarok Judgesjustto see whatandhow toprove (witness statement) by the Public ProsecutorinCourt andthe motiveof thecriminalconductwhere Judgeobtainingconsiderationandthe assurance. Key words: consideration of the judge, crimina Abstrak Jurnal ini membahas tentang putusan Hakim dalam kasus tindak pidana pembunuhan di Pengadilan Negeri Sampang yang berlatar belakang carok. Putusan yang dilakukan Hakim merupakan suatu proses yang kompleks dan sulit, sehingga memerlukan pelatihan pengalaman, dan kebijaksanaan. Dalam proses penjatuhan putusan tersebut, seorang Hakim harus meyakini apakah seorang terdakwa melakukan tindak pidana ataukah tidak,dengan tetap berpedoman pada pembuktian. Hakim memiliki kebebasan bergerak untuk mendapatkan pidana yang tepat antara batas maksimum khusus dan minimum umum. Fokus tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor apa saja yang menjadi dasar pertimbanagn Hakim dan, mengkaji putusan Hakim terhadap tindak pidana pembunuhan yang berlatarbelakang Carok yang ada di Pengadilan Negeri Sampang. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian hukum normatif dengan mengunakan pendekatan Perundang-undangan (statue approach) dan pendekatan kasus (Case Aprroach). Sedangkan jenis bahan hukum yang digunakan adalah bahan hukum primer, skunder dan tersier. Adapun tehnik pengumpulan bahan hukum dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara mengklasifikasi yang sistimatis. Disamping itu, dalam tehnik analisis bahan hukum penelitian ini dengan cara deskripsi, interprentasi, konstruksi, evaluasi, argumentasi dan sistematis. Dari hasil penelitian ini, menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor yang menjadi dasar pertimbangan Hakim tersebut, terdapat tiga macam pertimbangan. Pertama, Pertimbangan yuridis. Kedua, pertimbangan yang bersifat non yuridis. Ketiga, pertimbangan yang memberatkan dan yang meringankan. Adapun putusan Hakim terhadap tindak pidana pembunuhan yang berlatar belakang carok Hakim hanya melihat seperti apa dan bagaimana cara membuktikan (keterangan saksi) oleh Jaksa Penuntut Umum di Pengadilan dan motif melakukan pidananya dari situlah Hakim memperoleh pertimbangan dan Kenyakinan. Kata kunci: pertimbangan hakim, pidan

    Pemikiran Ulama Hanafiyah Tentang Pemanfaatan Barang Gadai

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    Basically, this mortgage is done because of the urgent need for all so difficult when lending to others without giving credence goods as a collateral loan. According to scholars Hana>fiyah recipient lawful liens not take any benefit from pawning goods in any way, although there is consent of the owner, since such means as to permit usury, because the debt will be given full pay, then that means the excess benefit. So because of these advantages there are usury laws. And Ulama Hana>fiyah stated that lien is considered perfect if the goods are pawned it was legally pawn in the hands of the receiver, and the money needed has been received by the pledgor. Lien perfection by scholars Hana>fiyah referred to as al-qabd} al-marhu>n the collateral held by law, if the guarantee had been controlled by creditors then rahn contract that binds both partie

    Studi Kasus sebagai Strategi Riset untuk Mengembangkan Akuntansi Sektor Publik

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    It is undoubtedly recognized that research has an important role in developing theories and practices towards a certain discipline. The existence of a science will stagnate or may disappear without any continuous research, basic or applied research. Public sector accounting theory is less developed compared to the business accounting theory. Because the nature and characteristic of public sector accounting are different from commercial accounting, the research method should be fitted according to its nature. Case study as a preferred research strategy seems very fit for the development of public sector accounting theories and practices. This article, firstly explores various philosophical approaches of research methodology and their effects on accounting research. The article also discusses about the development stage of accounting research, and the role and benefit of case study research in the development of public sector accounting

    Implementasi Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di Fakultas Vokasi

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    The Religious Education course is one of the Personality Development Courses (MPK). Based on the 2006 Director General of Higher Education Decree, every university has the right to develop MPK signs according to their respective characteristics. Therefore, this paper wants to discuss the implementation of Islamic Religious Education learning at the Vocational Faculty of Nahdlatul Ulama University Lampung, which of course is a bit different from learning Islamic Religious Education in General Universities. The main objective of the Vocational Faculty is to prepare graduates who are ready to work and have high performance, therefore the lecturers of Islamic Education at the Faculty of Vocational Studies at Nahdlatul Ulama University, Lampung, try to bridge the gap between religious understanding and practice in the world of work, especially on the subject matter of "Work Ethic in Islam"


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    A phrase is a word or a group of words that may stand as a single grammatical unit. It can be part of a clause or a sentence with or without any specific meaning. Phrases are mandatory constituents of simple, complex and compound sentences. The syntax of Albanian language has an early beginning, but its development is still an ongoing process. The main issues faced by the syntax of Albanian language have been the terminology, definition and classification of grammar and syntactic units. In the syntax of Albanian language there is a constant process of codification, i.e., definition of units and syntactic categories. Our interest here is the definition of the terms word-group, syntagm, phrase and syntactic constituent. On the other hand, the term phrase is well defined in English language. Clear and timely classification of different types of phrases has facilitated syntactic analysis of clauses and sentences. Phrases and the types of phrases are different in English and Albanian language. Apart from the type, the number of phrases is also different. The noun phrase is the most important phrase in both English and Albanian language because of its syntactic functions. While other phrases have more limited syntactic functions, noun phrases may function as a subject, object (direct or indirect object), subject complement, object complement, modifier or apposition.Keywords: Phrases, noun phrases, syntactic functions, English, Albanian


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    English language is a foreign language for Macedonians as well as Albanians living in North Macedonia. It is a mandatory subject at school that students have to attend. In this way, English language cannot be compared to other foreign languages that people in North Macedonia may encounter. It is common to hear two or more young Albanian or Macedonian people speaking in English among themselves. They may use it as a secret code of speaking in spoken and written discourse, especially when using online platforms. Young people living in North Macedonia do not find it difficult to understand English words all around them; they even consider it a modern form of living. On the other hand, most of the older generations living in North Macedonia do not understand English. But nowadays, most people living in North Macedonia, regardless of their age, use technology and Internet and in this way they are already familiar with many English words, and they have also learnt their semantic function even without understanding the specific meaning of the words. The problem that is very often faced by most people is when buying specific products. After a short study, it was proved that almost in all products sold in different shops, even though they might be produced in North Macedonia, or in other countries in the Balkans, everything written on them is in English. Keywords: English language, Albanian language, North Macedonia, globalization, food products, music, cosmetic product


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    English language as an international language is used as a Lingua Franca in a global level. Albanian and English language belong to two different language families and they are therefore quite different in different linguistic levels. Despite of this, many words with English origin were borrowed into Albanian language and most of them are accommodated in a way that they are not considered anymore as words with foreign origin. Nowadays, as we live in the era of technology and Internet, the spread of English words is common, especially among young students. They use them as part of their communication between them, but not only. They encounter English words in their school books, and they hear English words at school, especially when talking to their friends. The problem of language change has the root in the inappropriate and uncontrolled use of the language by all Albanian speakers, especially by journalists, publishers and editors, who through their work have the ability to easily spread new words.Keywords: Anglicisms, foreign words, elementary school students, teachers, Albanian language, English language
