209 research outputs found

    Novel CCII-based Field Programmable Analog Array and its Application to a Sixth-Order Butterworth LPF

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    In this paper, a field programmable analog array (FPAA) is proposed. The proposed FPAA consists of seven configurable analog blocks (CABs) arranged in a hexagonal lattice such that the CABs are directly connected to each other. This structure improves the overall frequency response of the chip by decreasing the parasitic capacitances in the signal path. The CABS of the FPAA is based on a novel fully differential digitally programmable current conveyor (DPCCII). The programmability of the DPCCII is achieved using digitally controlled three-bit MOS ladder current division network. No extra biasing circuit is required to generate specific analog control voltage signals. The DPCCII has constant standby power consumption, offset voltage, bandwidth and harmonic distortions over all its programming range. A sixth-order Butterworth tunable LPF suitable for WLAN/WiMAX receivers is realized on the proposed FPAA. The filter power consumption is 5.4mW from 1V supply; it’s cutoff frequency is tuned from 5.2 MHz to 16.9 MHz. All the circuits are realized using 90nm CMOS technology from TSMC. All simulations are carried out using Cadence

    Computational mutagenesis reveals the role of active-site tyrosine in stabilising a boat conformation for the substrate:QM/MM molecular dynamics studies of wild-type and mutant xylanases

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    Molecular dynamics simulations have been performed for non-covalent complexes of phenyl b-xylobioside with the retaining endo-b-1,4-xylanase from B. circulans (BCX) and its Tyr69Phe mutant using a hybrid QM/MM methodology. A trajectory initiated for the wild-type enzyme–substrate complex with the proximal xylose ring bound at the –1 subsite (adjacent to the scissile glycosidic bond) in the 4C1 chair conformation shows spontaneous transformation to the 2,5B boat conformation, and potential of mean force calculations indicate that the boat is ~30 kJ mol-1 lower in free energy than the chair. Analogous simulations for the mutant lacking one oxygen atom confirm the key role of Tyr69 in stabilizing the boat in preference to the 4C1 chair conformation, with a relative free energy difference of about 20 kJ mol-1, by donating a hydrogen bond to the endocyclic oxygen of the proximal xylose ring. QM/MM MD simulations for phenyl b-xyloside in water, with and without a propionate/propionic acid pair to mimic the catalytic glutamate/glutamic acid pair of the enzyme, show the 4C1 chair to be stable, although a hydrogen bond between the OH group at C2 of xylose and the propionate moiety seems to provide some stabilization for the 2,5B conformatio

    Quinazolinone-based rhodanine-3-acetic acids as potent aldose reductase inhibitors: Synthesis, functional evaluation and molecular modeling study

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    A series of quinazolinone-based rhodanine-3-acetic acids was synthesized and tested for in vitro aldose reductase inhibitory activity. All the target compounds displayed nanomolar activity against the target enzyme. Compounds 3a, 3b, and 3e exhibited almost 3-fold higher activity as compared to the only marketed reference drug epalrestat. Structure-activity relationship studies indicated that bulky substituents at the 3-phenyl ring of the quinazolinone moiety are generally not tolerated in the active site of the enzyme. Insertion of a methoxy group on the central benzylidene ring was found to have a variable effect on ALR-2 activity depending on the nature of peripheral quinazolinone ring substituents. Removal of the acetic acid moiety led to inactive or weakly active target compounds. Docking and molecular dynamic simulations of the most active rhodanine-3-acetic acid derivatives were also carried out, to provide the basis for further structure-guided design of novel inhibitors

    Exploring the potential of biologically active phenolic acids from marine natural products as anticancer agents targeting the epidermal growth factor receptor

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    The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) dimerizes upon ligand bindings to the extracellular domain that initiates the downstream signaling cascades and activates intracellular kinase domain. Thus, activation of autophosphorylation through kinase domain results in metastasis, cell proliferation, and angiogenesis. The main objective of this research is to discover more promising anti-cancer lead compound against EGRF from the phenolic acids of marine natural products using in-silico approaches. Phenolic compounds reported from marine sources are reviewed from previous literatures. Furthermore, molecular docking was carried out using the online tool CB-Dock. The molecules with good docking and binding energies scores were subjected to ADME, toxicity and drug-likeness analysis. Subsequently, molecules from the docking experiments were also evaluated using the acute toxicity and MD simulation studies. Fourteen phenolic compounds from the reported literatures were reviewed based on the findings, isolation, characterized and applications. Molecular docking studies proved that the phenolic acids have good binding fitting by forming hydrogen bonds with amino acid residues at the binding site of EGFR. Chlorogenic acid, Chicoric acid and Rosmarinic acid showed the best binding energies score and forming hydrogen bonds with amino acid residues compare to the reference drug Erlotinib. Among these compounds, Rosmarinic acid showed the good pharmacokinetics profiles as well as acute toxicity profile. The MD simulation study further revealed that the lead complex is stable and could be future drug to treat the cancer disease. Furthermore, in a wet lab environment, both in-vitro and in-vivo testing will be employed to validate the existing computational results

    In silico evaluation of usnic acid derivatives to discover potential antibacterial drugs against DNA gyrase B and DNA topoisomerase IV

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    Due to the rising increase in infectious diseases brought on by bacteria and anti-bacterial drug resistance, antibacterial therapy has become difficult. The majority of first-line antibiotics are no longer effective against numerous germs, posing a new hazard to global human health in the 21st century. Through the drug-likeness screening, 184 usnic acid derivatives were selected from an in-house database of 340 usnic acid compounds. The pharmacokinetics (ADMET) prediction produced fifteen hit compounds, of which the lead molecule was subsequently obtained through a molecular docking investigation. The lead compounds, labelled compound-277 and compound-276, respectively, with the substantial binding affinity towards the enzymes were obtained through further docking simulation on the DNA gyrase and DNA topoisomerase proteins. Additionally, molecular dynamic (MD) simulation was performed for 300 ns on the lead compounds in order to confirm the stability of the docked complexes and the binding pose discovered during docking tests. Due to their intriguing pharmacological characteristics, these substances may be promising therapeutic candidate for anti-bacterial medication

    Selected phytochemicals of Momordica charantia L. as potential anti-DENV-2 through the docking, DFT and molecular dynamic simulation

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    Dengue fever is now one of the major global health concerns particularly for tropical and sub-tropical countries. However, there has been no FDA approved medication to treat dengue fever. Researchers are looking into DENV NS5 RdRp protease as a potential therapeutic target for discovering effective anti-dengue agents. The aim of this study to discover dengue virus inhibitor from a set of five compounds from Momordica charantia L. using a series of in-silico approaches. The compounds were docked into the active area of the DENV-2 NS5 RdRp protease to obtain the hit compounds. The successful compounds underwent additional testing for a study on drug-likeness similarity. Our study obtained Momordicoside-I as a lead compound which was further exposed to the Cytochrome P450 (CYP450) toxicity analysis to determine the toxicity based on docking scores and drug-likeness studies. Moreover, DFT studies were carried out to calculate the thermodynamic, molecular orbital and electrostatic potential properties for the lead compound. Moreover, the lead compound was next subjected to molecular dynamic simulation for 200 ns in order to confirm the stability of the docked complex and the binding posture discovered during docking experiment. Overall, the lead compound has demonstrated good medication like qualities, non-toxicity, and significant binding affinity towards the DENV-2 RdRp enzyme

    Pharmacophore-based virtual screening and in-silico study of natural products as potential DENV-2 RdRp inhibitors

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    Dengue fever is a significant public health concern throughout the world, causing an estimated 500,000 hospitalizations and 20,000 deaths each year, despite the lack of effective therapies. The DENV-2 RdRp has been identified as a potential target for the development of new and effective dengue therapies. This research’s primary objective was to discover an anti-DENV inhibitor using in silico ligand- and structure-based approaches. To begin, a ligand-based pharmacophore model was developed, and 130 distinct natural products (NPs) were screened. Docking of the pharmacophore-matched compounds were performed to the active site of DENV-2 RdRp protease . Eleven compounds were identified as potential DENV-2 RdRp inhibitors based on docking energy and binding interactions. ADMET and drug-likeness were done to predict their pharmacologic, pharmacokinetic, and drug-likeproperties . Compounds ranked highest in terms of pharmacokinetics and drug-like appearances were then subjected to additional toxicity testing to determine the leading compound. Additionally, MD simulation of the lead compound was performed to confirm the docked complex’s stability and the binding site determined by docking. As a result, the lead compound (compound-108) demonstrated an excellent match to the pharmacophore, a strong binding contact and affinity for the RdRp enzyme, favourable pharmacokinetics, and drug-like characteristics. In summary, the lead compound identified in this study could be a possible DENV-2 RdRp inhibitor that may be further studied on in vitro and in vivo models to develop as a drug candidate
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