340 research outputs found

    A Comprehensive Study of Convective and Radiation Heat Transfer in the Flat Plate Absorber Region of a Solar Dryer

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    In this project, a study on the flat plate solar collector for solar dryer was done to determine the factors that affect its performance and type of material that can be used to achieve the optimal performance of the solar collector. The model was developed using MATLAB software and simulation was done to identify the parameters that are involved in the performance of the solar collector. In determining the performance of the solar collector, heat energy balance equation was used to calculate the heat loss coefficient and the outlet temperature of the transfer fluid. The tropical weather data of Malaysia was used during the simulation of this study. Despite that system performance achieved, there is need to establish the study through experimentation techniques

    Wear behavior and mechanical properties of al-based FGM

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    The wear and mechanical properties of Aluminium, Al LM6 and Al/SiC Functionally Graded Material (FGM) which are produced by using horizontal centrifugal casting method have been studied. Two casting parameters with three different level are selected to produce the hollow cylinder namely pouring temperature (690, 710 and 725°C) and motor speed (1300, 1500 and 1700rpm). Taguchi method is used in the analysis to screen all the variables that have significant effects on the wear rate and mechanical properties of Al-based FGM. Furthermore, the optimization of Response Surface Methodology (RSM) is utilized to acquire a model that predict the optimum process parameter. The result indicates that the influencing parameter are load and type of material, and the best wear samples for this level of parameters are Al/SiC with pouring temperature of 725°C, motor speed of 1500 rpm, load of 10 N and sliding velocity of 1 m/s. Meanwhile, types of material are the most influencing parameter for hardness and strength analysis. Graded properties of Al-based FGM are observed from inner towards the outer periphery of the sample. The size of Si is bigger and concentrated at the inner periphery while SiC particles segregate towards the outer periphery due to its high density compared with Aluminium. Results revealed that all composites casted have the best hardness, strength and wear resistance at the outer periphery of the hollow cylinder

    Penguatan Adat dan Revitalisasi Dakwah Penelitian di Muara Lingkat, Kerinci-Jambi

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    This article is derived from a fieldwork carried out in Muara Lingkat, Kerinci- Jambi. The people of Kerinci are ethnically classified as Malay sub-ethnic. Like other Malay people in Sumatra, the people of Kerinci incorporate the religion of Islam or Islamic Shari’a into their customary norms (adat). Customary norms have for centuries played pivotal roles in governing the communities in Muara Lingkat. Yet, the role of customary norms gradually decline in line with the rise of formal institutions in modern society. By analyzing some cases discovered in the field, such as communal conflicts, disputes in the communities, tensions within family members, and the like, the author assumes that that the roles of customary norms become increasingly marginalized and consequently, the role of religion in resolving the problems of the communities decreases. In order to revitalize the roles of customary laws in resolving the problems that the communities in Muara Lingkat face, the author proposes some steps: exploring and reformulating the essence of local customary norms; strengthening local adat institutions; and providing assistance for the communities in establishing adat institutions. Keywords: Islamic dakwah, customary norms, social harmony, kerinci

    Kewenangan Pemerintah Terhadap Pendistribusian Dan Pemanfaatan Tanah Negara Dalam Islam

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    : The Government Authority in the Distribution and Utilization of State Land in Islam. This article will answer how the Islamic government gains the authority in the distribution and utilization of state land as well as the requirements for the economic development. By delving into the works in Islamic jurisprudence genre, the author maintains that the Prophet Muhammad and the caliphs received the legality from the Islamic law to rule the country and the people, and to preserve civil rights including the right to own agricultural land and housing in order to meet people's needs. Furthermore, he asserts that the government is obliged to regulate the allocation of rights, distribution and intensive use of land in order to empower land as asset of the state and the society and thus the consumer needs are fulfilled. Thus, the Islamic government policy is not only confined in providing economic welfare but also in land and housing

    Agama Dan Integrasi Sosial Dalam Pemikiran Clifford Geertz

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    Artikel ini menelaah hasil penelitian Clifford Geertz tentang keberagamaan masarakat di Mojokuto Jawa Timur. Tema yang diusung dalam artikel ini adalah interelasi antara agama dan masyarakat serta interaksi sosial antara berbagai kelompok sosial yang ada di Mojokuto Jawa Timur. Dari kajian terhadap interrelasi agama dan masyarakat dapat dipahami seberapa jauh pengaruh agama terhadap prilaku relegiousitas masyarakat Jawa, termasuk pengaruh budaya lokal terhadap agama itu sendiri, yang menurut pengamatan Clifford Geertz melahirkan ”Agama Jawa”. Sementara dari kajian terhadap interaksi dari berbagai kelompok sosial dapat dipahami bahwa, agama, di samping memiliki fungsi integrasi (kohesi sosial) juga menjadi penyebab terjadinya konflik dalam masyarakat. Ketiga varian agama Jawa; santri, priyayi, dan abangan meskipun secara kualitas berbeda dan saling mengklaim bahwa komunitasnya yang paling baik dan benar namun ketiganya masih memperlihatkan nuansa tradisi Jawa. Bahkan, kaum santri yang ketat sekalipun dalam batas-batas tertentu pada Kenyataannya masih mentolerir tradisi jawa


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    Based on the writer’s preliminary study, it was found that the students could not write in English well. This problem was caused by some factors. Some of them still had lack of vocabulary, so that they were confused to write in English. They were also difficult to use good grammatical order. And they could not write the descriptive paragraph with the clear information. So, the writer was interested in carrying out the research about this problem. The purpose of this research was to obtain the effect of using cartoon media on Students’ writing ability in descriptive text at state Islamic junior high school Dar-el school Pekanbaru. The research was administered at state Islamic junior high school Dar-el Hikmah Pekanbaru. The subject was the eighth grade students of state Islamic junior high school Dar-el Hikmah Pekanbaru and the object of this research was the effect of using cartoon media on Students’ writing ability in descriptive text. The design of this research was Quasi-Experimental Research. The Population of this research was all of the eighth grade students. The total number of population was 223 students. The writer used cluster sampling technique by taking only two classes as sample; VIII.A1 that consisted of 21 students as experimental class and VIII.A2 consisted 21 students as control class. So the number of the samples from two classes was 42 students. To analyze the data, the writer used independent sample t-test formula by using software SPSS 17. After analyzing the data, the researcher found that there is significant effect of using cartoon media on Students’ writing ability in descriptive text at state Islamic junior high school Dar-el Hikmah Pekanbaru, where tobtained= 3.109 with df= 40. In tobtain= 3.109 is bigger than ttable = 2.021 (at significance level of 5%) and ttable = 1.684 (at significance level of 1%); 1.684 ≤3.109≥2.021. It means Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. Key word: Catoon Media, Descriptive Paragraph

    AGAMA DALAM PROSES KEBANGKITAN ADAT DI INDONESIA: Studi Masyarakat Rencong Telang Kerinci Jambi

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    After the fall of the New Order, Indonesia witnessed a political revival of traditions. Four factors have been identified as that lead to the revival: first, orchestrated campaigns by local and international NGOs to protect traditional communities’ access to lands and natural resources; second, as efforts by local elites to fill the power vacuum after the centralist new order government ended; third, struggles by local groups that suffered marginalization during the previous regime to reclaim their rights; finally, efforts by local groups to adopt alternative social norms in organizing their communities.  However, a more detailed description on how these revivals carried out is difficult to find. This article put forward such a description, in the case of the Rencong Telang community in Kerinci, Jambi. After almost two decades of decline, the authority of Adat can finally be restored after the corrupt elites have been replaced. Interestingly, it was personal religiosity that served as the criterion to replace them, while leadership accountability always failed to do so. This finding will also enrich the discussion on the relationship between adat and religion beyond conflict and harmony.Pasca runtuhnya Orde Baru, peran adat mengalami kebangkitan politik di berbagai daerah. Paling tidak ada empat faktor yang dianggap mempengaruhi kebangkitan tersebut: pertama, kampanye LSM internasional yang mendorong hak-hak masyarakat adat; kedua, sebagai upaya mengisi kekosongan otoritas lokal pasca runtuhnya rezim Orde Baru; ketiga, sebagai upaya kelompok minoritas yang merasa tertindas selama Orde Baru; dan terakhir, adat sebagai alternatif membangkitkan idealisme tatanan sosial--namun tidak banyak penjelasan bagaimana proses kebangkitan tersebut terjadi. Kebangkitan otoritas adat di kalangan masyarakat Rencong Telang, Kerinci, Jambi menjadi kasus yang menarik. Setelah hampir dua dekade mengalami kemerosotan--seiring dengan kemerosotan ekonomi yang diiringi perubahan politik akibat desentralisasi--Adat kehilangan otoritasnya karena tokoh adat terjebak pragmatisme politik dan instrumentalisasi adat untuk pragmatisme politik berujung pada saling pecat. Berbagai upaya konsolidasi dilakukan, dan baru berhasil setelah dilakukan penegakan sanksi adat secara tegas. Menariknya, yang menjadi kriteria penegakan sanksi adalah ketaatan beragama. Sehingga agama menjadi kriteria kredibilitas lembaga Adat. Ini sekaligus menjadi tambahan pengayaan bagi kajian relasi adat dan agama yang selama lebih banyak memperdebatkan konflik dan harmoni

    Sudirman: Muhammadiyah dan Mobilitas Sosial Pribumi

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    The research was intended to describe the character general Sudirman as a person educated in Muhammadiyah, and how Muhammadiyah as an Islamic organization became a bridge in General Sudirman's social mobility. From a farmer's son to a general during the years of the end of the colonization and the beginning of Indonesia’s freedom, where social stratification systems were reckoned. It uses historical research methods, using the three stages of heuristic, historical criticism, and presentation or narration. Studies have shown that Sudirman is the most influential figure in defending Indonesia's freedom. Sudirman became one of only three Indonesian soldiers to earn the honorary title of a great general. His career began with his activity in the Muhammadiyah organization as Hizbul Wathan and the young Muhammadiyah. Character shaped during membership and leadership in the organization led Sudirman into a respected and trusted figure to become a war leader of the Indonesian’s army
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