20 research outputs found

    Genome wide identification of wheat and Brachypodium type one protein phosphatases and functional characterization of durum wheat TdPP1a

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    Reversible phosphorylation is an essential mechanism regulating signal transduction during development and environmental stress responses. An important number of dephosphorylation events in the cell are catalyzed by type one protein phosphatases (PP1), which catalytic activity is driven by the binding of regulatory proteins that control their substrate specificity or subcellular localization. Plants harbor several PP1 isoforms accounting for large functional redundancies. While animal PP1s were reported to play relevant roles in controlling multiple cellular processes, plant orthologs remain poorly studied. To decipher the role of plant PP1s, we compared PP1 genes from three monocot species, Brachypodium, common wheat and rice at the genomic and transcriptomic levels. To gain more insight into the wheat PP1 proteins, we identified and characterized TdPP1a, the first wheat type one protein phosphatase from a Tunisian durum wheat variety Oum Rabiaa3. TdPP1a is highly conserved in sequence and structure when compared to mammalian, yeast and other plant PP1s. We demonstrate that TdPP1a is an active, metallo-dependent phosphatase in vitro and is able to interact with AtI2, a typical regulator of PP1 functions. Also, TdPP1a is capable to complement the heat stress sensitivity of the yeast mutant indicating that TdPP1a is functional also in vivo. Moreover, transient expression of TdPP1a::GFP in tobacco leaves revealed that it is ubiquitously distributed within the cell, with a strong accumulation in the nucleus. Finally, transcriptional analyses showed similar expression levels in roots and leaves of durum wheat seedlings. Interestingly, the expression in leaves is significantly induced following salinity stress, suggesting a potential role of TdPP1a in wheat salt stress response

    Genomic characterization of a polyvalent hydrocarbonoclastic bacterium Pseudomonas sp. strain BUN14

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    Bioremediation offers a viable alternative for the reduction of contaminants from the environment, particularly petroleum and its recalcitrant derivatives. In this study, the ability of a strain of Pseudomonas BUN14 to degrade crude oil, pristane and dioxin compounds, and to produce biosurfactants, was investigated. BUN14 is a halotolerant strain isolated from polluted sediment recovered from the refinery harbor on the Bizerte coast, north Tunisia and capable of producing surfactants. The strain BUN14 was assembled into 22 contigs of 4,898,053 bp with a mean GC content of 62.4%. Whole genome phylogeny and comparative genome analyses showed that strain BUN14 could be affiliated with two validly described Pseudomonas Type Strains, P. kunmingensis DSM 25974T and P. chloritidismutans AW-1T. The current study, however, revealed that the two Type Strains are probably conspecific and, given the priority of the latter, we proposed that P. kunmingensis DSM 25974 is a heteronym of P. chloritidismutans AW-1T. Using GC-FID analysis, we determined that BUN14 was able to use a range of hydrocarbons (crude oil, pristane, dibenzofuran, dibenzothiophene, naphthalene) as a sole carbon source. Genome analysis of BUN14 revealed the presence of a large repertoire of proteins (154) related to xenobiotic biodegradation and metabolism. Thus, 44 proteins were linked to the pathways for complete degradation of benzoate and naphthalene. The annotation of conserved functional domains led to the detection of putative genes encoding enzymes of the rhamnolipid biosynthesis pathway. Overall, the polyvalent hydrocarbon degradation capacity of BUN14 makes it a promising candidate for application in the bioremediation of polluted saline environments

    Nouvelle stratégie d'amélioration de la productivité végétale en condition de stress environnemental via un meilleur contrôle du cycle cellulaire

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    Salt stress is one of the main environmental factors limiting plant growth and yield in cereal crops. It is therefore imperative to develop varieties more tolerant to salt stress in order to increase yield and ensure food security. The signaling pathway linking salt stress perception to cellular response was addressed here by studying RSS1-like proteins in plants. RSS1 (Rice Salt Sensitive 1) protein plays an important role in salt stress tolerance. It acts at the interface of stress perception and developmental control and division in meristems. During this work, the RSS1 counterpart named TdRL1 (Triticum durum RSS-Like 1) was isolated from the durum wheat Tunisian variety "Oum Rabiaa". We have demonstrated that TdRL1 carries the conserved D and DEN-Box motifs involved in the post-translational regulation of the protein. In addition, we show that TdRL1 is the functional homologue of RSS1 since it was able to complement the loss-of-function mutant rss1, hypersensitive to salt stress. In addition, heterologous expression of TdRL1 enhances salt stress tolerance in yeast and in Arabidopsis by increasing germination and reducing the accumulation of reactive oxygen species. Our cytological studies have shown that the TdRL1 protein is cytoplasmic in interphase and is localized at the spindle during mitosis. Remarkably, TdRL1 changes its subcellular localization under salt stress treatment and shows a partial accumulation in the nucleus, highlighting the multifunctional nature of this protein during salt stress response. Our data suggest that under salt stress, TdRL1 plays a role in the regulation of the cell cycle in relation with the microtubule network. Pursuing the study of RSS1-like multifunctional proteins will open up new research areas for the creation of wheat varieties that are more resilient to environmental stresses.Le stress salin est l'un des principaux facteurs environnementaux limitant la croissance des plantes et entraînant des pertes de rendement des cultures céréalières. Il est ainsi impératif de développer des variétés plus tolérantes à la salinité afin d’augmenter leurs rendements et assurer la sécurité alimentaire. La voie signalétique reliant la perception du stress salin à la réponse cellulaire, encore peu connue, a été abordée ici par l’étude des protéines RSS1-like conservées chez les plantes. La protéine RSS1 (Rice Salt Sensitive 1) du riz joue un rôle primordial dans la tolérance au stress salin en agissant à l’interface entre la perception des stress et le contrôle du développement et de la division dans les méristèmes. Lors de ce travail, l'homologue de RSS1 nommé TdRL1 (Triticum durum RSS-Like 1) a été isolé à partir de la variété tunisienne de blé dur “Oum Rabiaa“. Nous avons démontré que TdRL1 porte les motifs D et DEN-Box conservés impliqués dans la régulation post-traductionnelle de la protéine. En outre nous avons apporté la preuve que TdRL1 est l’homologue fonctionnel de RSS1 puisqu'il est capable de complémenter le mutant de perte de fonction rss1, hypersensible au stress salin. En outre, l’expression hétérologue de TdRL1 améliore la tolérance au stress salin chez la levure ainsi que chez Arabidopsis et ce par l’augmentation du pouvoir germinatif et la réduction de l’accumulation des espèces oxygénées réactives. Nos études cytologiques ont montré que la protéine TdRL1 est cytoplasmique en interphase et se localise au niveau des microtubules kinétochoriens pendant la mitose. Remarquablement, TdRL1 change de localisation cellulaire sous stress salin et montre une accumulation partielle dans le noyau, soulignant le caractère multifonctionnel de cette protéine dans la réponse au stress salin. L’ensemble des données suggère que sous contrainte saline, TdRL1 joue un rôle dans la régulation du cycle cellulaire en relation avec le réseau microtubulaire. L‘étude de la famille RSS1-like multifonctionnelle permettra ainsi d’aborder de nouvelles voies de recherche pour la création variétale de blé plus résilientes aux stress de l'environnement

    New strategy for plant improvement productivity under stress conditions via a better control of cell cycle

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    Le stress salin est l'un des principaux facteurs environnementaux limitant la croissance des plantes et entraînant des pertes de rendement des cultures céréalières. Il est ainsi impératif de développer des variétés plus tolérantes à la salinité afin d’augmenter leurs rendements et assurer la sécurité alimentaire. La voie signalétique reliant la perception du stress salin à la réponse cellulaire, encore peu connue, a été abordée ici par l’étude des protéines RSS1-like conservées chez les plantes. La protéine RSS1 (Rice Salt Sensitive 1) du riz joue un rôle primordial dans la tolérance au stress salin en agissant à l’interface entre la perception des stress et le contrôle du développement et de la division dans les méristèmes. Lors de ce travail, l'homologue de RSS1 nommé TdRL1 (Triticum durum RSS-Like 1) a été isolé à partir de la variété tunisienne de blé dur “Oum Rabiaa“. Nous avons démontré que TdRL1 porte les motifs D et DEN-Box conservés impliqués dans la régulation post-traductionnelle de la protéine. En outre nous avons apporté la preuve que TdRL1 est l’homologue fonctionnel de RSS1 puisqu'il est capable de complémenter le mutant de perte de fonction rss1, hypersensible au stress salin. En outre, l’expression hétérologue de TdRL1 améliore la tolérance au stress salin chez la levure ainsi que chez Arabidopsis et ce par l’augmentation du pouvoir germinatif et la réduction de l’accumulation des espèces oxygénées réactives. Nos études cytologiques ont montré que la protéine TdRL1 est cytoplasmique en interphase et se localise au niveau des microtubules kinétochoriens pendant la mitose. Remarquablement, TdRL1 change de localisation cellulaire sous stress salin et montre une accumulation partielle dans le noyau, soulignant le caractère multifonctionnel de cette protéine dans la réponse au stress salin. L’ensemble des données suggère que sous contrainte saline, TdRL1 joue un rôle dans la régulation du cycle cellulaire en relation avec le réseau microtubulaire. L‘étude de la famille RSS1-like multifonctionnelle permettra ainsi d’aborder de nouvelles voies de recherche pour la création variétale de blé plus résilientes aux stress de l'environnement.Salt stress is one of the main environmental factors limiting plant growth and yield in cereal crops. It is therefore imperative to develop varieties more tolerant to salt stress in order to increase yield and ensure food security. The signaling pathway linking salt stress perception to cellular response was addressed here by studying RSS1-like proteins in plants. RSS1 (Rice Salt Sensitive 1) protein plays an important role in salt stress tolerance. It acts at the interface of stress perception and developmental control and division in meristems. During this work, the RSS1 counterpart named TdRL1 (Triticum durum RSS-Like 1) was isolated from the durum wheat Tunisian variety "Oum Rabiaa". We have demonstrated that TdRL1 carries the conserved D and DEN-Box motifs involved in the post-translational regulation of the protein. In addition, we show that TdRL1 is the functional homologue of RSS1 since it was able to complement the loss-of-function mutant rss1, hypersensitive to salt stress. In addition, heterologous expression of TdRL1 enhances salt stress tolerance in yeast and in Arabidopsis by increasing germination and reducing the accumulation of reactive oxygen species. Our cytological studies have shown that the TdRL1 protein is cytoplasmic in interphase and is localized at the spindle during mitosis. Remarkably, TdRL1 changes its subcellular localization under salt stress treatment and shows a partial accumulation in the nucleus, highlighting the multifunctional nature of this protein during salt stress response. Our data suggest that under salt stress, TdRL1 plays a role in the regulation of the cell cycle in relation with the microtubule network. Pursuing the study of RSS1-like multifunctional proteins will open up new research areas for the creation of wheat varieties that are more resilient to environmental stresses

    MADFORWATER. WP4 Field pilots for the adaptation and integration of technologies. Task4.3 Operation and optimization of the field pilots. Wastewater treatment performances and Irrigation/treated wastewater reuse performances. Municipal wastewater pilot. UMA-Tunisia

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    This dataset contains the data produced by UMA team in the framework of task 4.3 of MADFORWATER project. Two sets of data were generated during the first and the second periods of survey of the pilot to evaluate: (i) the Municipal Wastewater Treatment Pilot efficiency, and (ii) the impact of the Treated Municipal Wastewater (TMWW) reuse in agriculture. The first part of the data consists of quantitative survey results from monitoring the Pilot at different sampling points, including SP1: pilot plant inlet, sampling point after preliminary treatments in the main WWTP, SP2: outlet of the BOD oxidation section, SP3: outlet of the nitrification section and SP4: sample point after disinfection and secondary settler, constructed wetland (CW) inlet and SP5: sample after the constructed wetland. The monitored physicochemical parameters are: chemical oxygen demand (COD), Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), Total Suspended Solids (TSS), the conductivity, the turbidity, Kjeldahl Nitrogen (NKj), nitrite (NO2), nitrate (NO3), ammonium (NH4), phosphate (PO4) and Total Phosphorous (TP), pH, Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen, E. coli. The second part of the data consist of the irrigation pilot reports on the performance of the Treated Municipal Wastewater (TMWW) reuse in agriculture. The supply of Plant Growth Promoting (PGP) bacteria through irrigation network was also investigated. A first-year corn field trial allowed the evaluation of the plant growth and crop production including roots and shoots fresh and dry weights, plant height, tassel length, plant and ear numbers, grain number, crop yield, crop biomass and 100-grain weight. The second-year field trial on wheat crop estimated the effect of TMWW and PGPB supply on shoot and spike lengths; root, shoot and spike weights; and wheat crop biomass. Data related to crop water productivity and soil microbiological quality are also reported for both crop types (Maize and Wheat)

    Genomic characterization of a polyvalent hydrocarbonoclastic bacterium Pseudomonas sp. strain BUN14

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    Bioremediation ofers a viable alternative for the reduction of contaminants from the environment, particularly petroleum and its recalcitrant derivatives. In this study, the ability of a strain of Pseudomonas BUN14 to degrade crude oil, pristane and dioxin compounds, and to produce biosurfactants, was investigated. BUN14 is a halotolerant strain isolated from polluted sediment recovered from the refnery harbor on the Bizerte coast, north Tunisia and capable of producing surfactants. The strain BUN14 was assembled into 22 contigs of 4,898,053 bp with a mean GC content of 62.4%. Whole genome phylogeny and comparative genome analyses showed that strain BUN14 could be afliated with two validly described Pseudomonas Type Strains, P. kunmingensis DSM 25974T and P. chloritidismutans AW-1T. The current study, however, revealed that the two Type Strains are probably conspecifc and, given the priority of the latter, we proposed that P. kunmingensis DSM 25974 is a heteronym of P. chloritidismutans AW-1T. Using GC-FID analysis, we determined that BUN14 was able to use a range of hydrocarbons (crude oil, pristane, dibenzofuran, dibenzothiophene, naphthalene) as a sole carbon source. Genome analysis of BUN14 revealed the presence of a large repertoire of proteins (154) related to xenobiotic biodegradation and metabolism. Thus, 44 proteins were linked to the pathways for complete degradation of benzoate and naphthalene. The annotation of conserved functional domains led to the detection of putative genes encoding enzymes of the rhamnolipid biosynthesis pathway. Overall, the polyvalent hydrocarbon degradation capacity of BUN14 makes it a promising candidate for application in the bioremediation of polluted saline environments.http://www.nature.com/srep/index.htmlpm2022Genetic

    Genomic organizations of the different wheat, Brachypodium and rice genes.

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    <p>cDNA and genomic sequences were downloaded from EnsemblPlant or phytozome and used to draw gene structures with GSDS tool.</p

    The wheat TdRL1 is the functional homolog of the rice RSS1 and promotes plant salt stress tolerance

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    International audienceKey messageRice rss1 complementation assays show that wheat TdRL1 and RSS1 are true functional homologs. TdRL1 over-expression in Arabidopsis conferred salt stress tolerance and alleviated ROS accumulation.AbstractPlants have developed highly flexible adaptive responses to their ever-changing environment, which are often mediated by intrinsically disordered proteins (IDP). RICE SALT SENSITIVE 1 and Triticum durum RSS1-Like 1 protein (TdRL1) are both IDPs involved in abiotic stress responses, and possess conserved D and DEN-Boxes known to be required for post-translational degradation by the APC/C-cdc20 cyclosome. To further understand their function, we performed a computational analysis to compare RSS1 and TdRL1 co-expression networks revealing common gene ontologies, among which those related to cell cycle progression and regulation of microtubule (MT) networks were over-represented. When over-expressed in Arabidopsis, TdRL1::GFP was present in dividing cells and more visible in cortical and endodermal cells of the Root Apical Meristem (RAM). Incubation with the proteasome inhibitor MG132 stabilized TdRL1::GFP expression in RAM cells showing a post-translational regulation. Moreover, immuno-cytochemical analyses of transgenic roots showed that TdRL1 was present in the cytoplasm and within the microtubular spindle of mitotic cells, while, in interphasic cells, it was rather restricted to the cytoplasm with a spotty pattern at the nuclear periphery. Interestingly in cells subjected to stress, TdRL1 was partly relocated into the nucleus. Moreover, TdRL1 transgenic lines showed increased germination rates under salt stress conditions as compared to wild type. This enhanced salt stress tolerance was associated to an alleviation of oxidative damage. Finally, when expressed in the rice rss1 mutant, TdRL1 suppressed its dwarf phenotype upon salt stress, confirming that both proteins are true functional homologs required for salt stress tolerance in cereals

    The recombinant His::TdPP1a exhibits an iron/manganese-dependent phosphatase activity.

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    <p>(A) SDS–PAGE analyses of total proteins extracted from non induced (lane 1), IPTG induced (lane 2) bacterial cells expressing 6xHis::TdPP1a. The arrow indicates the induced PP1 product (B) SDS–PAGE after purification of 6xHis::TdPP1a protein on Nickel column. Positions of molecular weight markers are indicated on the left. (C) His::TdPP1a phosphatase activity using OMFP as a substrate. Activities registered on 6xHis::TdPP1a protein in absence or in presence of Mn<sup>2+</sup> and Fe<sup>2+</sup> are presented. Values are means of at least 3 independent experiments (± S.E). Stars represent statistical significance (Student’s T-test p<0.01).</p