108 research outputs found

    A Study Comparing the Educational Support for Students Experiencing Learning Disabilities in Australia and Saudi Arabia

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    Learning Disabilities also referred to as (LDs) are very common despite their variations in preference estimates, which are highly dependent on the definition and the nature of the applied diagnostic approach. This study undertakes a comparative analysis of the educational support systems for people with learning disabilities in Australia and Saudi Arabia. Apparently, it can be heart wrecking trying to address the challenges presented by people with LDs. This is especially considering that LDs are life-long problems that can neither be treated nor fixed. Fortunately, with the right interventions and support systems, children with the learning disabilities have the potential to succeed in school and after school lives. Considering that Australia and Saudi Arabia are at different stages of development, the support systems may be varied as well. Although there are different support systems, this paper has primarily focused on three supportive approaches that are applicable in the two countries. Firstly, it has looked at the supportive rules, Acts, and policies. Secondly, the study has also undertaken a comparative analysis of the supportive education systems and teachers in the two countries. Finally, there is a discussion of the supportive government funding

    Thermal Dilatation Measurement of Elastomeric Plastic Sheets

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    Cílem práce bylo navrhnout a sestavit přístroj pro měření lineární teplotní roztažnosti plastových hydroizolačních fólií. V teoretické části jsou srovnány metody používané pro měření teplotní délkové roztažnosti pevných látek a je zde popsán princip termoelektrického chlazení. Pro měření byl vybrán Abbého komparátor, který byl osazen temperovanou komorou s kaskádou Peltierových článků pro termoelektrické chlazení a ohřev vzorku. Experimentální část práce se zabývá konstrukcí přístroje a samotným měřením v zadaném teplotním intervalu.The aim of the thesis was to design and build an apparatus for measuring linear thermal expansion of plastic waterproofing sheets. In the theoretical part of the thesis the methods used for measuring linear thermal expansion of solids were compared and the principle of thermoelectric cooling was described . For the measuring the Abbe comparator has been chosen , which has been equipped with a tempered chamber with a cascade of thermoelectric Peltier elements for cooling and heating of specimen. The experimental part of the thesis deals with the construction of the device and the actual measuring in the specified temperature range.

    City and village school options cooperation with its surroudings

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    Katedra andragogiky a managementu vzděláváníFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    Mobile Lift Table Capacity 300 kg

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá mobilní manipulační plošinou o nosnosti 300 kg. Hlavním cílem je tuto manipulační plošinu navrhnout. Práce se zaměřuje na manipulační plošinu s nůžkovým mechanismem a s elektrohydraulickým pohonem. V první části je řešena technická zpráva pro navrhovanou plošinu a druhá část obsahuje výkresovou dokumentaci.Bachelor’s thesis is dealing with mobile lift table - capacity 300kg. The main target is to create mobile lift table. My work aims at the mobile scissor lift electro-hydraulic table. The first part handle technical documentation of the designed table, the second part contents the plot.

    “Brief history of the Czech Literature”. On the fate of an unpublished textbook about history of the Czech literature from 1847 by the Benedictine Beda Dudík from Rajhrad

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    In the years 1841–1854 the Benedictine Beda Dudík (1815–1890) worked as a teacher at the Episcopal Institute of Philosophy in Brno and then at the Higher Grammar School in Brno. As a teacher and a supporter of a development of the Czech national movement in Moravia he strove for the introduction of teaching of the Czech language and literature in the Moravian church education. He succeeded in his efforts and the Court study commission and the Episcopal ordinariate in Brno permitted teaching of the Czech language within the school curriculum of the Institute of Philosophy. For the successful completion of the teaching, Dudik compiled a textbook for his students about history of the Czech language and book writing and he intended to publish it in print at “Matice česká” in Prague. The textbook was approved successfully in a censorship procedure; however, it was not finally published in print due to disagreements with the authors of the compiled works. Nevertheless, it was significant for the development of national efforts in Moravia and it, first and foremost, revealed the young Beda Dudík as a great supporter of the then minority Czech national movement in Moravia, which changed later when he left his pedagogical experience in favour of his better-known historiographical, official and diplomatic practice

    Tack of textile coated with rubber blend

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    Teoretická část diplomové práce popisuje základní skladbu gumárenské směsi, metody používané k jejímu zpracování a shrnuje dosavadní poznatky v oblasti lepivosti. Experimentální část se zabývá návrhem metod akcelerovaného stárnutí, pomocí nichž bylo provedeno testování vlivu UV záření, ozonu, teploty a vlhkosti na konfekční lepivost. Po slepení definovaným tlakem byla konfekční lepivost stanovena pomocí odlupovacího testu. Povrchy vzorků byly charakterizovány pomocí rastrovací elektronové mikroskopie a infračervené spektroskopie. Byla provedena aditivace směsi za účelem porovnání účinku konfekčních pryskyřic na lepivostní chování gumárenské směsi při akcelerovaném stárnutí. Bylo provedeno srovnání konfekční lepivosti gumárenských směsí upravených konfekční pryskyřicí s neupravenou směsí v průběhu experimentů akcelerovaného stárnutí.The theoretical part of the diploma thesis describes basic composition of the rubber stock and the methods used for its processing. It summarizes current knowledge about building tack. The experimental part of the thesis deals with the methods of accelerated aging proposal, which have been used for testing UV radiation, ozone, temperature and humidity effect on tack. After bringing two samples together by defined pressure, the tack was determined by T-peel test. Surfaces of the samples were characterized by scanning electron microscopy and infrared spectroscopy. The aditivation of the rubber stock was done in order to compare the effects of tackifiers on accelerated aging.

    Implementation of an Automated Vacuum Elevator System

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    في السنوات الأخيرة أصبح مَصعَد الفراغ الهوائي هو خِياراً شائعاً في بيوتِنا والبنايات المنخفظة. يمثّل مَصعَد الفراغ الهوائي مَفهوم جَديد مُطوّر عن فِكرة استبدال الهواء المضغوط بالهواء المُفرّغ. إنّ مَصعَد الفراغ الهوائي قادر على نقل الأشخاص بين طوابق بناية بدون إستعمال لأيّ أحبال، أو أوزان، أو بكرات. في البحث الحالي تَمّ تركيب وتنفيذ نموذج لمنظومة مَصعَد فراغي كهرو هوائي بسيط ومُنخفض الكُلفة. نموذج نظام المصعَد يتألف من ثلاثة طوابق ويَرفع حُمولة 6 كيلوغرام. تَمّ تَوظيف المُسيطر المنطِقي القابل للبرمجة (PLC)، من سلسلة (LS\GLOFA-G7M-DR30U) ذو (16) مَدخل و(12) مَخرج ومُبرمج ببرامج المُخطط السُلمّي (Ladder)، للسيطرة المُؤتّمَتة الكامِلة على مَنظُومة المَصعَد. مِن المتوقع أن تَنتَشر فِكرة نِظام المَصعَد المُقترح على نحو واسع في البنايات السَكّنية الواطِئة.Pneumatic vacuum elevator (PVE) has become a popular choice for our homes and low-rise buildings in recent years. The Pneumatic vacuum elevator represents a new concept evolved from the idea of pressed air applied in the pneumatic elevator replaced by a vacuum air idea. The pneumatic vacuum elevator is able to transport people between building floors without using any cables, counterweight, or pulleys. A simple and low cost construction and implementation for an Electro-pneumatic vacuum elevator system prototype is presented in this paper. The elevator system prototype is constructed with three floors to elevate a maximum load of 6kg. Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) of (LS\GLOFA-G7M-DR30U) series with (16) inputs and (12) outputs programmed with Ladder diagram software is used for the fully automated the elevator system. The idea of the proposed elevator system may be predicted to be widely spread in the low-rise residential buildings

    Terapia racional emotiva conductual para ansiedad y sindrome de Burnout en cuidadores de niños y adolescentes con cáncer, que asisten a FANLYC

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    En la presente investigación se valoró el efecto de la terapia Racional Emotiva Conductual en la disminución de la ansiedad y del nivel del burnout en cuidadores de pacientes con diagnóstico de cáncer de FANLYC. La muestra estuvo conformada por 6 cuidadores en con un rango de edad entre 20 y 60 años. El cual se le evaluó a través del inventario de ansiedad estado (IDARE), inventario de Burnout de Maslach y Jackson. El estudio abordado fue de tipo explicativo de tipo pre experimental con pre test y pos test y un solo grupo, y la selección de la muestra fue no probabilístico de tipo intencional o por conveniencia. El programa terapéutico utilizado tuvo una duración 10 sesiones que se trabajaron de manera grupal, en la primera se realizó una entrevista clínica y la aplicación del pre test; de la sesión 2-9 se realizaron las intervenciones terapéuticas con una duración de una hora aproximadamente por sesión. Y en la última sesión se realizó la aplicación del post test

    Aluminum Filler Content Effect on the Dynamic Behavior of Sandwich Panel Subjectedt Impact Load

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    Experimental investigations had been done in this work to demonstrate the effect of aluminum filler contents on the dynamic behavior of (30%) weight fraction glass-polyester sandwich panel under low velocity impact. The composite sandwich panels are manufactured using the honeycomb core and laminated composite face sheets. The wet hand layup technique is used. The mechanical properties were tested based on ASTM D- 638. The panel is fixed from three sides and the other is free. The impact load is applied. The dynamic response of the plate is measured using vibration data collector (TVC 200). The panel is supported also on a rigid foundation. The steel impactor of 15 kg weight dropped from 2 m height. The deformation is measured using vernier caliper. The results showed that the mechanical properties are improved when the aluminum filler content increased up to 5% and then decreased after that. The dynamic behaviors have the same but differ in magnitude. The minimum deflection and deformation takes at 5% filler content for both face and core. At 5% filler content the deflection and deformation decreased by 20% and 56% respectively less than the unfilled panel. The effects of using different faces with the same core have a little variation