173 research outputs found


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     Abstract: Cybersex has become a growing sexual phenomenon. People from various backgrounds, including students with internet access, are able to engage in cybersex. Cybersex involves typing or observing sexual behaviors through applications or features such as Anonymous Chat. This research aims to describe and understand individuals' experiences in using Anonymous Chat Telegram as a medium for cybersex among students at UIN Antasari. This research adopts a qualitative method and a phenomenological approach, assisted by a Google Form distributed to several student whatsapp groups at UIN Antasari with 21 respondents. From the research findings, several impacts of the anonymous chat feature on the spread of cybersex among UIN Antasari students were identified, including psychological, religious, social, and cultural impacts. To address these issues, a proactive approach is needed from educational institutions, families, and society to promote a better understanding of ethics and values in sexual relationships. This will help prevent UIN Antasari students, and society in general, from being trapped in harmful cybersex behaviors.Keywords: Cybersex, Anonymous Chat, student. Abstrak:  Cybersex telah menjadi fenomena seksual yang semakin berkembang. Orang dari berbagai latar belakang, termasuk mahasiswa yang memiliki akses internet, memungkinkan mereka untuk terlibat dalam cybersex. Cybersex melibatkan mengetik atau mengamati perilaku seksual melalui aplikasi atau fitur seperti Anonymous Chat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan memahami pengalaman individu dalam menggunakan Anonymous Chat Telegram sebagai media cybersex di kalangan mahasiswa UIN Antasari. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kulitatif dan pendekatan fenomenologi, penelitian ini dibantu oleh google form yang disebarkan kebeberapa grup whatsapp mahasiswa UIN Antasari dengan 21 respomden. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan beberapa dampak dari fitur anonymous chat terhadap penyebaran cybersex dikalangan mahasiswa UIN Antsari, seperti damapak psikologis, agama, sosial dan budaya. Dari permasalah tersebut perlu dilakukan pendekatan yang lebih proaktif dari lembaga pendidikan, keluarga, dan masyarakat untuk mempromosikan pemahaman yang baik tentang etika dan nilai-nilai dalam hubungan seksual. Hal ini akan membantu mencegah mahasiswa UIN Antasari pada khususnya dan masyarakat pada umumnya agar tidak terjebak dalam perilaku Cybersex yang merugikan.Kata kunci: Cybersex, Anonymous Chat, mahasiswa

    The Relationship between Components of Meta-cognition and Decision Making Styles among Managers at University of Isfahan and Medical Science University of Isfahan

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    The purpose of this research was to study the relationship between meta recognition indices and decision making styles among administrators of University of Isfahan and Medical Science University of Isfahan. Research Hypo thesis were written based on five meta recognition indices (uncontrollability and the risk of thoughts, positive beliefs about concern, recognition knowledge, recognition confidence, the need to control the thoughts) and five decision making styles (rational, intuitional, dependency, instantaneous, avoidance) and considering the demographic traits of statistical sample (gender, age, the years of tenure, university, position, the scientific rank, educational field). This study has been done through descriptive- correlative method. The statistical population included all administrators (presidium, deans of faculties, the chairpersons and the assistants of faculties) in University of Isfahan and Medical Science University of Isfahan during academic of 2012-2013 that were 180 people. The size of the sample using Kerji and Morgan table was determined 123 people and 118 questionnaires were retuned. Sample modeling was done through random classified method. The information was collected by meta recognition questionnaires (Wells, A., & Cartwright –Hatton,s, 1997) and decision making styles (Scatt &Brous, 1995). The questionnaires reliability was estimated through the Cron bach alpha coefficient respectively 0.74 and 0.76. Validity of questionnaires was verified by five specialists in management and psychology fields. For analyzing the date Pierson correlative coefficient, linear regression Intro Manova were used. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between managers’ meta recognition and decision making style (P<0.01). Also significant relationship was observed between meta recognition indices (uncontrollability, the risk of thoughts, positive beliefs about concern, recognition knowledge, recognition confidence, the need for thought control) and the managers’ decision making styles(rational, intuitional, dependency, instantaneous, avoidance) (p<0.01). Some meta recognition indices (negative beliefs  ,positive beliefs about worry, Cognitive self-consciousness ,cognitive confidence, beliefs  about need to control thoughts) had meaningful power of predicting for all types of decision making styles.(P<0.01). Considering meaningful relationship between meta recognition and, the managers’ decision making styles .there is a need for more research and intervention in this field in order to improve the quality higher education management.                                          Keywords: decision making , meta-cognition, university administrator

    Hearing Profile of Children Below Three Years Old at Jatinangor Integrative Health Care Center, West Java, Indonesia

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    Background: Hearing function is one of the most important factors affecting children’s development process. The first three years of life is a golden period of growth and development of children. This study was conducted to investigate the hearing profile of children below three years old at Jatinangor Integrative Health Care Center (Pos Pelayanan Terpadu, Posyandu), West Java, Indonesia.Methods: An observational cross-sectional study was conducted to 86 children below three years old who was selected by using multistage cluster sampling at 12 Posyandu in Jatinangor sub-district by using in-depth interview related to hearing loss risk factors, reaction test, and tympanometry test.Results: The hearing loss prevalence of children below three years old in the Jatinangor sub-district was 7.0%. Of the 86 children, there were 2.3% (n=2) children with moderate conductive hearing loss, 1.2% (n=1) children with moderate sensorineural hearing loss, and 3.5% (n=3) children with very severe sensorineural hearing loss. Fifty percent of children with sensorineural hearing loss were discovered without any risk factor.Conclusions: The prevalence of hearing loss in children under three years old at the Jatinangor Integrative Health Care Center is slightly higher than the national prevalence. Fifty percent of children are found without risk factors, therefore Universal Newborn Hearing Examination (UNHS) needs to be implemented at the national level in accordance with the guidelines of the Joint Committee for Infant Hearing (JCIH) in which are integrated with primary health care units, tertiary health care centers otorhinolaryngology, and also the audiological center

    An automated approach: from physiological signals classification to signal processing and analysis

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    By increased and widespread usage of wearable monitoring devices a huge volume of data is generated which requires various automated methods for analyzing and processing them and also extracting useful information from them. Since it is almost impossible for physicians and nurses to monitor physical activities of their patients for a long time, there is a need for automated data analysis techniques that abstract the information and highlight the significant events for clinicians and healthcare experts. The main objective of this thesis work was towards an automatic digital signal processing approach from physiological signal classification to processing and analyzing the two most vital physiological signals in long-term healthcare monitoring (ECG and IP). At the first stage, an automated generic physiological signal classifier for detecting an unknown recorded signal was introduced and then different algorithms for processing and analyzing the ECG and IP signals were developed and evaluated. This master thesis was a part of DISSE project which its aim was to design a new health-care system with the aim of providing medical expertise more accessible, affordable, and convenient. In this work, different publicly available databases such as MIT-BIH arrhythmia and CEBS were used in the development and evaluation phases. The proposed novel generic physiological signal classifier has the ability to distinguish five types of physiological signals (ECG, Resp, SCG, EMG and PPG) from each other with 100 % accuracy. Although the proposed classifier was not very successful in distinguishing lead I and II of ECG signal from each other (error of 27% was reported) which means that the general purpose features were enough discriminating to recognize different physiological signals from each other but not enough for classifying different ECG leads. For ECG processing and analysis section, three QRS detection methods were implemented which modified Pan-Tompkins gave the best performance with 97% sensitivity and 96,45% precision. The morphological based ectopic detection method resulted in sensitivity of 85,74% and specificity of 84,34%. Furthermore, for the first PVC detection algorithm (sum of trough) the optimal threshold and range were studied according to the AUC of ROC plot which the highest sensitivity and specificity were obtained with threshold of −5 and range of 11 : 25 that were equal to 87% and 82%, respectively. For the second PVC detection method (R-peak with minimum) the best performance was achieved with threshold of −0.7 that resulted in sensitivity of 68% and specificity of 72%. In the IP analysis section, an ACF approach was implemented for respiratory rate estimation. The estimated respira- tion rate obtained from IP signal and oronasal mask were compared and the total MAE and RMSE errors were computed that were equal to 0.40 cpm and 1.20 cpm, respectively. The implemented signal processing techniques and algorithms can be tested and improved with measured data from wearable devices for ambulatory applications

    Characteristics of Patients Who Underwent Mastoidectomy: A Two Years Experience

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    Background: Mastoidectomy is a surgical procedure to remove an infected portion of the bone behind the ear called mastoiditis when medical treatment is not effective. Patients with chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) complications mostly need this surgery in order to maintain the normal function of hearing. Chronic mastoiditis and cholesteatoma are the most common indications of CSOM. This study was conducted to identify the characteristics of patients who underwent mastoidectomy at Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, from 2012– 2013.Methods: A descriptive study using total sampling method was conducted. Data were collected from medical records of 41 patients who underwent mastoidectomy at Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital from 2012–2013. Inclusion criteria were medical records of patients who  underwent  mastoidectomy, and consisted of variables studied, such as  age, gender, chief complaint, main etiology, method of surgery,  and presence of abnormalities in the structure of middle ear. Incomplete medical records were excluded. The collected data were presented using percentage.Results: Age ranged from 15–64 years (85.37%), male patients were higher (65.9%) compared to female patients (34.1%). Otorrhea (70.73%) was the main chief complaint and infection (100%) was the main cause. Majority of patients had canal wall down (CWD) surgery (63.41%) and many abnormalities were found in the inner ear structure during the surgery.Conclusions: Infection is the only cause and otorrhea is the main indication for mastoidectomy. Most patients have been operated with CWD technique.

    Frequency and Clinical Characteristics of Tympanic Membrane Perforation Outpatients at Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital in 2011–2013

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    Background: Tympanic membrane perforation is a hearing problem that has become a health problem in the society. In Indonesia, there are only a few studies regarding tympanic membrane perforation. This study was aimed to observe the frequency and clinical characteristics of tympanic membrane perforation patients.Methods: This was a descriptive study performed from August to September 2014. The data was taken retrospectively from medical records of tympanic membrane perforation patients at Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital from January 2011 to December 2013.Results: Of 579 tympanic perforation patients, there were only 214 medical records met the inclusion criteria. The frequency of tympanic membrane perforation patients increased in 2011 it was 28%, in 2013 it was 37.6%. The number of male patients (53.3%) was higher than female patients’. Most patients were in productive age (83.2%). Most patients came with the chief complaint of discharge from ear (36.4%) and the most common etiology was infection (84.1%). Otological examination showed that most patients had unilateral perforation (73.8%). Based on the size of perforation, central perforation (52.3%) was the most common otological finding. From audiogram, most patients had conductive hearing loss (41.5%) with moderate degree of hearing loss (30.4%). Most patients were treated by medications (64.5%).Conclusions: The frequency of tympanic membrane steadily increases with clinical characteristic mostly in male patients in productive age admitted with chieft complain of discharge of ear. The most common etiology is infection. Majority of patients have unilateral central perforation that cause conductive hearing lost. [AMJ.2016;3(1):43–8] DOI: 10.15850/amj.v3n1.70

    The effectiveness of mindmaple software toward students’ writing ability at MTs Muslimat NU Palangkara Raya

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    The research is aimed at measuring the significant effect of Mindmapping technique using mindmaple software to increase students’ writing narrative text score at eight graders of MTs Muslimat NU Palangka Raya. The study belonged to quantitative research with Quasy Experimental Design.T he population of study was the eight graders at MTs Muslimat NU Palangka Raya which consisted of three classes. The writer took the sample of two classes are VIIIB as control group and VIIIC as experimental group. The number of students of control group were 34 students and the number of experimental group were 31 students. The sample was determined using cluster sampling technique. The finding showed, that the value of ttest=5.09 with t table=2.00 at 5% level of significance and ttable=2.65 at 1% level of significance with degrees of freedom=61. It showed that the t test was higher than the t table. The results of this study apply quantitative research with experimental design. Developed the plan of data analysis showed that the height of the t observed=5.09 higher than t table =2.00 and =2.65. The result of testing hypothesis determined that the Alternative Hypothesis (Ha)stating significant effect using mindmaple software in writing narrative text at eight graders of MTs Muslimat NU Palangka Raya was accepted and the Null Hypothesis (Ho)stating no significant effect using mindmaples of tware in writing narrative text at eight graders of MTs Muslimat NU Palangka Raya was rejected. It meant that there was significant effect of Mindmapping technique using mindmaple software in writing narrative text at eight graders of MTs Muslimat NU Palangka Raya. It was recommended that both teacher and apply mindmaple software in pre-writing. ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengukur apakah ada pengaruh yang berarti dalam menggunakan Mindmapping tehnik menggunakan software mind maple dalam menulis teks naratif siswa kelas delapan MTs Muslimat NU Palangka Raya. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain Kuasi Eksperimental. Populasi dari studi ini adalah murid kelas delapan (VIII) MTs Muslimat NU Palangka Raya yang tediri dari 03 kelas.Penulis mengambil sampel dari dua kelas yaitu kelas VIII B sebagai kelas control dankelas VIII C sebagai kelas experimental. Jumlah siswa dari kelas control adalah 34 siswa dan jumlah siswa dari kelas VIIIC adalah 31 siswa. Sampel tersebut ditentukan dengan teknik Kluster Sampel. Hasil telah ditemukan, bahwa nilai dari ttes=5.09 dan ttabel= 2.00 pada taraf signifikansi 5% danttabel=2.65 pada taraf signifikansi 1% dengan derajat kebebasan =61. Hasil dari penelitian ini menerapkan penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain eksperimental. Penulis menyusun Rencana data analisis menunjukkan bahwa tobserved=5.09 lebih tinggi dari ttable=2.00 and 2.65. Hasil dari Pengujian Hipotesis menentukan bahwa Hipotesis Alternatif (Ha) yang menyatakan bahwa ada pengaruh yang signifikan perangkat lunak mindmaple dalam pembelajaran teks naratif terhadap keahlian tulisan siswa kelas delapan MTs Muslimat NU Palangka Raya telah diterima dan (Ho) Hipotesis Nihil yang menyatakan bahwa tidak ada pengaruh yang signifikan perangkat lunak mindmaple dalam pembelajaran teks naratif terhadap keahlian tulisan siswa kelas delapan MTs Muslimat NU Palangka Raya telah ditolak. Ini artinya bahwa ada pengaruh yang signifikan oleh tehnik mindmapping menggunakan perangkat lunak Mindmaple dalam pembelajaran teks naratif terhadap keahlian tulisan siswa kelas delapan MTs Muslimat NU Palangka Raya. Penelitian ini direkomendasikan untuk guru agar menerapkan mindmaple saat menulis bebas
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