402 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study is this is to: (1) to assess and analyze the development of human resources in order to improve the performance of employees at TVRI Aceh, (2) to assess and analyze the allocation of funds in order to improve performance on TVRI Aceh, (3) to determine and analyze the infrastructure in order to improve performance on TVRI Aceh. In this study, researchers used a qualitative approach to the selection of informants was done intentionally (purposive sampling) the types and sources of data required. Data collection technique used (a) direct observation (b) interview (c) documentation, further analysis is done interactively, while the technical process of data analysis in this research is the analysis by using interactive model with three (3) components of the analysis, namely data reduction, data presentation, conclusion. The results showed that the relationship of human resources, the allocation of funds and infrastructure to employee performance TVRI Aceh there are still obstacles in the form of limited employee at LPP TVRI Aceh, the allocation of funds is not adequate and infrastructure were outdated in units of transmission, and still there are employees who have not get a chance in education and professional training that exists today in TVRI Aceh. Based on the above results it can be concluded that the relationship of human resources, allocation of infrastructure has a close link to employee performance TVRI Aceh, where these elements have a dependency between one element with other element

    Natural resources and the rural development challenge in Sudan: the case of the Greater Kordofan states

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    This study is a contribution to the research projects in Africa that are concerned with the analysis of the various conflicts that currently face the continent. Political, ethnic, religious, cultural, and other forms of conflicts have increased in number over the past five decades. The academic community has been making its contribution to the understanding and resolution of the conflicts through its research projects. The contributions of the academic community are widely acknowledged in this regard. This study is about those conflicts emanating from differences in the cultural interpretations of natural resources between crop farmers and nomadic herdsmen. The example selected belongs to those conflicts, which are entrenched in the cultural practices of rural communities. These conflicts are unique, since most of them predate the political, economic, and ethnic-based conflicts, most of which have emerged since the colonial era. Understanding these types of conflicts thus constitutes an important area of the development process of countries such as the Republic of Sudan, which already has many conflicts to contend with. The areas elected the North, South and West Kordofan States constitute some of the conflict hotspots of the Republic of Sudan in terms of the cultural-natural resource conflict dynamics. The understanding and resolution of the conflicts between the crop farmers and nomadic herdsmen in the region have the potential to offer enormous benefits to the peace needed for the long-term development of Sudan. The objectives of this study were chosen purposely to contribute to the research projects on the peace-conflict discourse of the Republic of Sudan. They were aimed at finding out how the cultures of the crop farmers and nomadic herdsmen of the Greater Kordofan states explain the conflicts and the efforts of the Sudanese authorities to help address them. The critical realist research approach has been selected as the framework for the study. This involved a number of steps. First, information on the nature of the current policies and plans of the government of Sudan to address the conflicts has been collected as one basic element of the challenge of development of the Greater Kordofan region. The challenge has been discussed in terms of the gap currently existing between the government’s peace building plan objectives on the one hand and the actual outcomes on the other. Next, information was collected from the relevant stakeholders on the reasons for the persistence of the conflicts between the nomadic herdsmen and the crop farmers despite the efforts on the part of the government at building peace between them. Generating information in this way led to the recommendation that the stakeholders identified in this study hold the key to the success of the attempts at building long-term peace between the crop farmers and the nomadic herdsmen of the Greater Kordofan States. The recommendations of the study are based on the idea that opportunities always exist for the stakeholders to introduce positive change in their society.Environmental SciencesPh. D. (Environmental Sciences


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    Pengabdian ini mendeskripsikan rendahnya penghargaan masyarakat terhadap Imam masjid yang dilakukan pada masjid Imam Rijali IAIN Ambon. Metode pengabdian bentuk Community Based Research. Teknik Pengumpulan data menggunakan model FGD, dan Wawancara mendalam. Rumusan masalah terdiri dari dua aspek yakni; mendeskripsikan kondisi realitas tata kelola masjid Imam Rijali IAIN Ambon dan konsep pengkaderan imam masjid untuk mencegah penyuburan paham bermasalah di tengah masyarakat. Tujuan pengabdian ini untuk mendapatkan standarisasi model pengkaderan imam masjid sebagai solusi pencegahan paham radikalisme bermasalah yang ada di masjid. Kajian ini menemukan standarisasi pengkaderan dakwah kebangsaan pada Imam Masjid yang profesional dengan kualitas bacaan Al-Quran yang fasih sesuai dengan ilmu tajwid. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teori konstruksi sosial untuk menganalisis fakta sosial realitas rendahnya penghargaan profesi Imam masjid sebagai tokoh edukasi rohani kebangsaan pada masjid Imam Rijali IAIN Ambon. Kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada tiga aspek temuan antara lain; 1) Diduga kuat peran kolonial Belanda ikut campur terhadap tata kelola masjid yang terjadi pada tahun 1943 yang mengakibatkan dua tradisi pemahaman yakni pemahaman Imam masjid tak perlu digaji dan imam perlu dihargai sebagai tokoh spiritual di masjid desa adat dan masjid kota; 2) Adanya konstruksi sosial yang terbentuk di tengah masyarakat terkait profesi imam yang sudah disepakati  sebagai tradisi; 3) Peran masjid sebagai pusat edukasi rohani kebangsaan belum aktif secara baik. Perlu adanya akademi pengkaderan Imam di masjid sebagai pencetak sumber daya rohani dakwah kebangsaan di masjid sebagai solusi penyiapan kader dakwah kebangsaan. Bila pengkaderan imam masjid dibentuk secara profesional maka peran imam masjid sebagai bintang utama penguatan rohani kebangsaan mampu mencegah paham bermasalah di tengah masyarakat. Kajian ini memberikan dampak positif pada masjid untuk menemukan model pengkaderan imam masjid yang memiliki wawasan dakwah kebangsaan untuk menjaga stabilitas sosial persatuan dan persaudaraan di tengah masyarakat majemuk.

    Comparison of Channel State Information Estimation Using SLM and Clipping-based PAPR Reduction Methods

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    AbstractChannel estimation is a crucial issue in orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) as well as in all multicarrier systems. However, OFDM suffers from a major setback, the peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR). PAPR can be solved using a number of available techniques in literature, such as coding, active constellation extension, amplitude clipping, and selected mapping. The coding approach presents a disadvantage, represented by redundant data that significantly reduce the bit rate. The active constellation extension is an effective method; however, it requires higher transmission power. The clipping method is the simplest, but it produces high bit error rate (BER) degradation. Selected mapping (SLM) is the best among the available methods; however, it sends several bits as side information. In this study, we compare the clipping and SLM methods and show how the channel state information (CSI) estimation is affected in both techniques. Simulation results show that the SLM method is more effective than the clipping technique. The BER significantly increases when the clipping method is used because of the inaccurate estimation of CSI when the high peaks are clipped, such as in the case of the inserted pilots

    Compact wideband multilayer microstrip coupled lines bandpass filter for X-band application

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    A wideband bandpass filter for X-band application using multilayer microstrip coupled lines is presented in this article. Strong coupling required for wideband filter is realized by arranging multiple layers of microstrip lines on two different dielectric substrates and by overlapping these lines. The filter is fabricated on 0.254 mm thickness R/T Duroid 6010 and R/T Duroid 5880 with dielectric constant 10.2 and 2.2, respectively, by using standard photolithography process. Good results are obtained where the frequency responses exhibit that the filter successfully covers whole X-band frequencies by producing 44% bandwidth at 10.2 GHz center frequency with fifth-order Chebyshev response. Measured responses show good agreement with the simulated responses. The measured insertion loss for the multilayer filter is better than 2.5 dB, and the passband return loss is better than −12.4 dB. ©2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett 52: 448–450, 2010; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience. wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/mop.2491

    Motivational orientation and its relationship to academic achievement among students of the Department of History at the University of Diyala

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    The current research aims to identify: 1- Motivational orientation among students of the Department of History, University of Diyala . 2- The significance of the statistical differences according to the gender variable and the stage of study in the motivation orientation of the students of the Department of History at the University of Diyala. 3- The correlation between motivational orientation and academic achievement among students in the Department of History, Diyala University In order to achieve the objectives of the research, the researcher followed the descriptive and associative approach. The research community was represented by students of the History Department at the Faculty of Education for Humanities, Diyala University for the academic year (2021-2022), their number (613). The basic research sample was randomly selected according to the Stephen Thompson equation, as it reached (236) male and female students. The researcher used the scale of motivational orientations as a tool for the current research, and the face validity, structural validity and internal consistency coefficient of the research tool were extracted, and then the reliability was extracted by the two methods of repetition, as the value of the coefficient of reliability reached (0.84) and the Cronbach alpha method ( 0.86) . To extract the results of the current research, the researcher used the statistical portfolio of social sciences (Spss 25 ) to analyze the data and then interpret it

    Comparison of Channel State Information Estimation Using SLM and Clipping-based PAPR Reduction Methods

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    AbstractChannel estimation is a crucial issue in orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) as well as in all multicarrier systems. However, OFDM suffers from a major setback, the peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR). PAPR can be solved using a number of available techniques in literature, such as coding, active constellation extension, amplitude clipping, and selected mapping. The coding approach presents a disadvantage, represented by redundant data that significantly reduce the bit rate. The active constellation extension is an effective method; however, it requires higher transmission power. The clipping method is the simplest, but it produces high bit error rate (BER) degradation. Selected mapping (SLM) is the best among the available methods; however, it sends several bits as side information. In this study, we compare the clipping and SLM methods and show how the channel state information (CSI) estimation is affected in both techniques. Simulation results show that the SLM method is more effective than the clipping technique. The BER significantly increases when the clipping method is used because of the inaccurate estimation of CSI when the high peaks are clipped, such as in the case of the inserted pilots

    Effect of amorphous silica by rice husk ash on physical properties and microstructures of recycled aluminium chip AA7075

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    High strength to weight ratio of aluminium reinforced as metal matrix composites is a well known material used in automotive application. The effects of recycled aluminium chips AA7075 with amorphous silica by rice husk ash on the physical properties and microstructure were investigated. Recycled aluminium chip AA7075 was reinforced with agro waste of amorphous silica rice husk ash i. e., 2.5 %, 5 %, 7.5 %, 10 % and 12.5 %. Samples of these metal matrix composites were prepared by cold compaction method due to the lower energies consumption and operating cost compared to conventional recycling by casting. Physical testing of density, apparent porosity, water absorption and hardness tests of the metal matrix composites samples were examined in the current study. The density of metal matrix composites was increased up to 5 % of amorphous silica, and then decreased with increasing mass fraction of amorphous silica. Porosity and water absorption of metal matrix composites were significantly consistent at increasing mass fraction of amorphous silica, while the hardness of metal matrix composites was increased at increasing amorphous silica. Consequently, the microstructures of metal matrix composites were observed via optical microscope to analyze the dispersion of the reinforced composites. The microstructures of metal matrix composites were found non-homogeneous and random distribution of amorphous silica and aluminium chip AA7075 compared to 100 % recycled aluminium chip AA7075. Based on investigation to aluminium reinforced rice husk ash composites, it has good potential to improve the material behavior of metal matrix composites by appropriate composition amorphous silica to composite