9 research outputs found


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    Intercultural communication occurs during communication between individual or groups of different races, ethnicities, or socio-economic level. The differences between two or more cultures that meet each other can of course give rise to different patterns of intraction and communication, this is a resultof the diverse experiences, values and perspectives of each culture. This research was conducted to understand intercultural communication that course among Indonesian studens and how they overcome these communications barriers , as well as their efforts to interact with each other. This research uses qualitative methods. Data was collected using interview techniques with three Indonesian students studying at the state University of Malang. To achive this aim, five research questions were asked. The results of this research show that Indonesian intercultural communication is quite good, although initially there were many obstacles in the communication process, such as problems with diffrences in terms in the language used, habits, and the way of conveying information (both directly and via social media) which caused misunderstandings. However, this is not an obstacle for them to continue interacting and communicating with each other. To overcome this problem, they must learn more about Malaysian culture and respect each other’s cultural differences

    Dental and oral health education in parents of taam avicenna playgroup students

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    Oral and dental health education aims to increase knowledge that leads to better dental and oral health behaviors. Parents play an important role in children's behavior to maintain dental and oral health. Lack of behavior to maintain healthy teeth can be caused by low knowledge of dental and oral health. This activity aim to provide dental and oral health education to parents of students in Taam Avicenna Surabaya playgroup. This activity was carried out by providing dental health education media such as flipcharts, posters, and dental phantoms. Then post-test was given to the participants. Questionnaires regarding the behavior of maintaining dental and oral health were also given. The results showed that the understanding of parents with good categories was more than those with moderate and low categories. This means that some parents can receive dental health education well. Providing dental health education has a positive impact on understanding and knowledge of dental and oral health in parents. It can be concluded that by giving dental health education for parents of students in Taam Avicenna Surabaya playgroup, could enhance understanding and knowledge of dental and oral health so that it could help parents to improve behavior in oral and dental health

    Government or Donor: The Budget for HIV/AIDS Control and Financial Commitment in Bandung City, Indonesia

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    The number of HIV/AIDS cases in Indonesia has steadily increased since 1987. West Java Province, especially Bandung City, had the highest HIV/AIDS cases among other districts/cities in 2016. Some stakeholders' interventions overlap with others, leading to inefficient use of the limited government budget and flattening international donor funding. This study aimed to estimate the HIV/AIDS budget in Bandung City and then segregate the share of the budget by funding source and objectives. This study was a part of the Priority Setting Involving Stakeholder Using Multiple Criteria (PRISMA) project in 2017 to prioritize HIV/AIDS interventions knowing that Bandung City had the highest HIV/AIDS cases. Data from several institutions and relevant budget allocations were obtained before (2016) and after (2018-2019) the PRISMA project. HIV/AIDS control programs in Bandung City largely depend on international funding: 49% in 2016 (~USD208,898), 85% in 2018 (~USD386,132), and 71% in 2019 (~USD389,943) for a total of ~USD1,433,216. The largest budget was allocated to core interventions, with prevention dominating the budget since 2018. The budget allocated for prevention increased significantly from 2016-2019, most likely under the influence of the PRISMA project

    Penerimaan Pesan Dalam Film Yang Mengandung Unsur Rasisme (Analisis Audiens Film Green Book 2018)

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    Film is one of the mass communication media which is effective in disseminating information which aims to convey messages to audiences which are shown in a story and then packaged with audio visuals. One drama film entitled Green Book tells the story of the life of a world-class African-American jazz pianist who gets racist treatment by Americans. This film is a true story that occurred in the 1960s where America was still thick with racism, even though Don Shirley was famous in that era, who often received bad treatment from Americans. With these problems, the study was conducted to determine how the audience's acceptance of racism in the Green Book film. The theory used in this research is Stuart Hall's theory of audience reception. This study used a qualitative descriptive approach and data collection techniques used in-depth interviews. The results showed that the acceptance of the audience's message in interpreting the Green Book film was different, audience acceptance resulted in three positions: dominant-hegemonic position, negotiated position, and oppositional position. In this case the audience is based on knowledge which consists of elements of beliefs, cultural values, education, and experiences of each. The researcher argues that (1) media text producers examine audience research in determining the media context, and (2) acceptance studies and research using acceptance analysis methods to be further improved. In general, according to the informants, racism is an act of inhumanity and is very cruel

    Translating international HIV treatment guidelines into local priorities in Indonesia

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    Objective: International guidelines recommend countries to expand antiretroviral therapy (ART) to all HIV-infected individuals and establish local-level priorities in relation to other treatment, prevention and mitigation interventions through fair processes. However, no practical guidance is provided for such priority-setting processes. Evidence-informed deliberative processes (EDPs) fill this gap and combine stakeholder deliberation to incorporate relevant social values with rational decision-making informed by evidence on these values. This study reports on the first-time implementation and evaluation of an EDP in HIV control, organised to support the AIDS Commission in West Java province, Indonesia, in the development of its strategic plan for 2014–2018. Methods: Under the responsibility of the provincial AIDS Commission, an EDP was implemented to select priority interventions using six steps: (i) situational analysis; (ii) formation of a multistakeholder Consultation Panel; (iii) selection of criteria; (iv) identification and assessment of interventions’ performance; (v) deliberation; and (vi) selection of funding and implementing institutions. An independent researcher conducted in-depth interviews (n = 21) with panel members to evaluate the process. Results: The Consultation Pa

    Mini-Incenerator: Pembuatan Teknologi Pengolah Sampah Untuk Mengatasi Limbah Diapers Pada Skala Rumah Tangga

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    Sampah merupakan barang atau zat sisa kegiatan konsumtif manusia sehari-hari yang telah berkurang nilai dan kemanfaatanya. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, sampah sering ditemui dalam 2 jenis diantanya organik yang berasal dari benda atau zat hidup yang dapat disintesis oleh alam dan annorganik yang merupakan sampah yang berasal dari benda atau zat selain benda hidup atau buatan. Permasalahan sampah sendiri, muncul sejak berkembangnya zaman klasik ke zaman modern yang kini syarat akan teknologi pengemasan yang termasuk dalam jenis annorganik dan sulit untuk terurai oleh alam. Semakin masifnya penggunaan bahan annorganik tersebut, kini secara akumulatif menjelma menjadi permasalahan besar bagi alam dan tentunya umat manusia di seluruh penjuru dunia. Adalah popok sekali pakai atau yang disebut sebagai Pampers, yang merupakan salah satu contoh residu yang tak layak didaur ulang dan juga mengandung kotoran atau bakteri yang berpotensi mendatangkan penyakit. Mongabay menyebutkan, adanya fakta lapangan yang mana menunjukan bahwa popok sekali pakai menjadi penyumbang sampah terbanyak kedua di laut, yakni 21% menurut riset Bank Dunia pada 2017. Kelurahan Kedungpani kecamatan Mijen, Semarang merupakan salah satu kelurahan yang dapat dikatakan terdampak atas peningkatan sampah dari sektor rumah tangga, hal ini disebabkan tidak semua wilayah kelurahan ini dapat menerapkan manajemen pengelolaan sampah berprinsip 3 R melalui adanya Bank Sampah, Permasalahan muncul kemudian ketika dalam kegiatan pengelolaan sampah melalui Bank Sampah mendapati masih banyaknya jenis sampah yang tidak layak daur ulang, salah satunya jenis sampah popok sekali pakai atau pampers. Mengacu pada permasalahan mitra yang telah diulas pada bagian di atas, maka penulis memandang beberapa solusi yang dimungkinkan akan efektif dalam menangani permasalahan sampah popok sekali pakai yaitu dengan pemanfaatan mini incinerator skala rumah tangga. Incinerasi sendiri adalah metode pengelolaan sampah dengan cara memusnhkan fisik sampah dengan memanfaatkan panas (dibakar) dalam ruang atau instalasi tertutup

    Factors associated with psychosocial symptoms experienced by students in response to COVID-19 pandemic: a multivariate analysis

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted many sectors, including the education sector. After in-person school activities were suspended due to the pandemic, a number of educational institutions in Indonesia reported concerns in implementing online learning due to the institutions’ unpreparedness. This issue may potentially induce mental health disorders among students and triggers long-term stress. This study aimed to examine factors linked to the psychosocial symptoms of anxiety, stress, and depression in response to the early stage of the COVID-19 pandemic. An online cross-sectional study in Indonesia was conducted with 433 undergraduate and senior high school students aged 15 to 26 years old, both female and male. The self-reported symptoms were analyzed using both bivariate and multivariate linear regression methods. It was found that the percentage of participants with depression symptoms was 66%, while 61% and 43% participants experienced stress and anxiety respectively. The bivariate analysis presented strong correlations between anxiety and gender, learning duration and use of gadgets, internet expenses, and highly-interrupted learning. Furthermore, the multivariate regression revealed that only anxiety was significantly linked to internet expenses. This study indicates that many students are affected by COVID-19, the impacts of which manifest in psychosocial issues in the form of anxiety. We suggest that creating a supportive and positive family environment would help to alleviate some of these issues


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    Latar belakang :Turi Merah (Sesbania grandiflora PERS var.rubra) salah satu tanaman obat tradisional. Pemanfaatannya sebagai obat tradisional yaitu analgetik, antipiretik, dan diuretik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan manfaat Turi Merah sebagai analgetik dengan menurunkan jumlah geliatan. Metode:Penelitian eksperimental ini menggunakan post test only control group design. Sampel yang digunakan berupa 25 ekor mencit Balb/c jantan, berusia 2-3 bulan dan BB 15-30 gram, terbagi menjadi 5 kelompok. Tiga kelompok diberi ekstrak daun Turi Merah (proses maserasi) dengan dosis 0,5 gr/20 grBB;1,0 gr/grBB dan 1,5 gr/grBB peroral. Asam Asetat 0,1% (IP) diberikan sebagai penimbul nyeri/iritatif (kontrol negatif) dan Aspirin diberikan sebagai obat analgetik pembanding (kontrol positif). Ketiga kelompok perlakuan diinjeksikan Asam Asetat 0,1% kemudian dihitung geliatan yang muncul tiap 5 menit selama 15 menit. Data yang didapat diolah menggunakan SPSS 15.0 for the windows. Hasil:Pemberian ekstrak daun Turi Merah pada mencit yang telah diinjeksi Asam Asetat 0,1% dapat mempengaruhi jumlah geliatan dengan hasil reratanya adalah dosis 0,5 gram (38,8 ;33,8 ;36,8); 1,0 gram (27,4 ;18,6 ;29,2) dan 1,5 gram (14 ;9,6 ;12,4). Dengan uji Post Hoc didapatkan dosis 1,5 gram efektif menurunkan jumlah geliatan secara bermakna dengan nilai p<0,05. Simpulan :Ekstrak daun Turi Merah dengan dosis 1,5 gram dapat menurunkan rasa nyeri yang disebabkan oleh Asam Asetat dan memiliki efek yang hampir sama dengan Aspirin. Kata kunci: daun Turi Merah, Asam Asetat, geliatan menci