12 research outputs found

    Identification of altered growth phenotypes in human breast cancer cells using cell culture methods that support growth of normal and neoplastic mammary epithelial cells

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    Over the past several years our laboratory has been studying factors that regulate proliferation of normal human mammary epithelial (HME) cells in order to better understand the alterations in cellular growth control mechanisms that occur during breast cancer development. To perform these experiments, we have either modified or developed cell culture methods for the isolation and growth of normal and neoplastic HME cells obtained from patient biopsy specimens. From these studies we have found that normal HME cells of the luminal lineage (the lineage from which breast cancer arises) have strict requirements for specific growth factor combinations for in vitro growth. Furthermore, these cells have a finite proliferative lifespan in culture. By contrast, human breast cancer (HBC) cells isolated from primary and metastatic sites exhibit many growth phenotypes that distinguish them from normal cells. First, whereas normal HME cells proliferate in culture with doubling times of 24–36 hours, HBC cells obtained from patient samples proliferate with doubling times of 100–200 hours. These proliferation kinetics are consistent with the rate at which these cells proliferate in vivo . This observation indicates that there are fundamental differences in growth regulation between normal and neoplastic mammary epithelial cells. Second, the majority of HBC cells isolated from human samples exhibit an extended proliferative lifespan in culture. Whereas normal HME cells undergo cell senescence after 15–20 population doublings, HBC cells often give rise to cell lines with indefinite proliferative potential. Third, HBC cells become independent of growth factors which are strictly required by normal HME cells for growth under defined conditions. In our experiments, escape from the requirements of exogenous epidermal growth factor (EGF) has been observed in cells from four patient-derived samples. Interestingly, the cellular mechanisms by which cells become EGF-independent for growth is different in cell lines isolated from different patients. Two breast cancer cell lines isolated in our laboratory proliferate continuously in serum-free, EGF-free medium and do not express EGF receptors. Thus, these cells are completely independent of EGF-mediated signalling pathways for their growth. A third cell line isolated in our laboratory has an amplified EGF receptor gene and overexpresses EGF receptor protein. Western blot analysis indicates that the tyrosine residues of the EGF receptor proteins in these cells are highly phosphorylated. These cells do not secrete any EGF-like growth factors that could be activating the receptors in an autocrine manner. This suggests that amplification and overexpression of EGF receptors can yield constitutively activated receptors that provide a mitogenic signal in the absence of a stimulatory ligand. Finally, we have analyzed the EGF requirements of human breast cancer cells that overexpress the erb B-2 receptor as a result of gene amplification. The results of these experiments indicated that overexpression of erb B-2 is, by itself, insufficient to overcome the EGF requirements of human breast cancer cells. However, one cell line that has a 15- to 20-fold amplification of erb B-2 and which expresses very high levels of tyrosine phosphorylated erb B-2 protein, is EGF-independent for growth. Thus, cell culture systems that allow proliferation of normal HME cells and HBC cells under well-defined culture conditions can result in identification of altered growth phenotypes associated with the neoplastic progression of breast cancer cells. In addition, isolation of cells exhibiting altered growth phenotypes may lead to insights as to the genetic mechanisms resulting in altered growth regulation in breast cancer cells.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/38456/1/240531151_ftp.pd

    Free-ocean CO2 enrichment (FOCE) systems: present status and future developments

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    Free-ocean CO2 enrichment (FOCE) systems are designed to assess the impact of ocean acidification on biological communities in situ for extended periods of time (weeks to months). They overcome some of the drawbacks of laboratory experiments and field observations by enabling (1) precise control of CO2 enrichment by monitoring pH as an offset of ambient pH, (2) consideration of indirect effects such as those mediated through interspecific relationships and food webs, and (3) relatively long experiments with intact communities. Bringing perturbation experiments from the laboratory to the field is, however, extremely challenging. The main goal of this paper is to provide guidelines on the general design, engineering, and sensor options required to conduct FOCE experiments. Another goal is to introduce xFOCE, a community-led initiative to promote awareness, provide resources for in situ perturbation experiments, and build a user community. Present and existing FOCE systems are briefly described and examples of data collected presented. Future developments are also addressed as it is anticipated that the next generation of FOCE systems will include, in addition to pH, options for oxygen and/or temperature control. FOCE systems should become an important experimental approach for projecting the future response of marine ecosystems to environmental change

    Finite proliferative lifespan in vitro of a human breast cancer cell strain isolated from a metastatic lymph node

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    We recently described culture conditions that allow proliferation of metastatic human breast cancer cells from biopsy specimens of certain patient samples. These conditions resulted in the development of an immortalized cell strain designated SUM-44PE. These same culture conditions were used to isolate a human breast cancer cell strain from a metastatic lymph node of a separate breast cancer patient. The SUM-16LN human breast cancer cells isolated from this specimen were cultured either in serum-free medium or serum-containing medium supplemented with insulin and hydrocortisone. Unlike the SUM-44PE cells that have proliferated in culture continuously for over two years, SUM-16LN cells proliferated in culture for approximately 200 days and underwent 15 to 20 population doublings before undergoing cell senescence. No cells of this strain proliferated beyond passage 8. SUM-16LN cells were keratin-19 positive and had an aneuploid karyotype. These cells overexpressed p53 protein and had an amplified epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor gene that resulted in high level expression of tyrosine phosphorylated EGF receptor protein. Despite the presence of high levels of tyrosine phosphorylated EGF receptor in these cells, they proliferated in serum-free, EGF-free medium and did not secrete detectable levels of EGF-like mitogenic growth factor. In addition, these cells were potently growth inhibited by all concentrations of exogenous EGF tested and by the neutralizing EGF receptor antibody Mab 425. These results suggest that the high level of tyrosine phosphorylated EGF receptor present in these cells is the direct result of receptor overexpression and not the result of the presence of a simulatory ligand. Thus, SUM-16LN represents a human breast cancer cell strain that exhibited genetic and cellular characteristics of advanced human breast cancer cells. Nevertheless, these cells exhibited a finite proliferative lifespan in culture, suggesting that cellular immortalization is not a phenotype expressed by all human breast cancer cells.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/44199/1/10549_2004_Article_BF00666588.pd

    Effects of in situ CO 2 enrichment on epibiont settlement on artificial substrata within a Posidonia oceanica meadow

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    International audienceAlterations to colonization or early post-settlement stages may cause the reorganization of communities under future ocean acidification conditions. Yet, this hypothesis has been little tested by in situ pH manipulation. A Free Ocean Carbon Dioxide Enrichment (FOCE) system was used to lower pH by a ~ 0.3 unit offset within a partially enclosed portion (1.7 m3) of a Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadow (11 m depth) between 21 June and 3 November 2014. Epibiont colonization and early post settlement stages were assessed within the FOCE setup, as part of the larger community-level study, to better understand the outcome for a multispecies assemblage and the ecological processes that result in reported community shifts under altered carbonate chemistry. Two types of artificial collectors (tiles and scourers) were placed within three treatments: a pH-manipulated enclosure, an un-manipulated control enclosure, and an open plot in the ambient meadow. Tiles and scourers were collected after one to four months. Additionally, to see whether the outcome differed for communities in a later successional stage, previously settled scourer-collectors were also placed in the same three treatments. Enclosures acted to reduce settlement and migrant colonization. Scourers deployed for one to four months within the open-plot contained a community assemblage that could be distinguished from the assemblages within the enclosures. However, a comparison of enclosure assemblages on tiles showed evidence of a pH effect. There was lowered coverage of crustose coralline algae and fewer calcareous tube-forming polychaetes (Spirorbis sp. and Spirobranchus sp.) on tiles placed in the pH-manipulated enclosure compared to the un-manipulated enclosure. For assemblages in scourer collectors, shared and common taxa, in all treatments, were invertebrate polychaetes Psamathe fusca, Sphaerosyllis sp., Chrysopetalum sp., arthropods Harpacticoida, and Amphipoda, and the juvenile bivalve Lyonsia sp. Similar organism composition and abundance, as well as taxonomic richness and evenness, were found in scourers from both enclosures. Pre-settled scourers contained greater numbers of individuals and more calcified members, but the assemblage, as well as the growth rate of a juvenile bivalve Lyonsia sp., appeared unaffected by a two-month exposure to lowered pH and calcium carbonate saturation state. Results from this case study support the hypothesis that early stages of specific calcifiers (crustose coralline algae and calcareous tube-forming polychaetes) are sensitive to near future ocean acidification conditions yet suggest that negative effects on sessile micro-invertebrate assemblages will be minimal

    Effects of in situ CO2 enrichment on Posidonia oceanica epiphytic community composition and mineralogy

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    Alterations in seagrass epiphytic communities are expected under future ocean acidification conditions, yet this hypothesis has been little tested in situ. A Free Ocean Carbon Dioxide Enrichment system was used to lower pH by a ~0.3 unit offset within a partially enclosed portion (1.7 m3) of a Posidonia oceanica meadow (11 m depth) between June 21 and November 3, 2014. Leaf epiphytic community composition (% cover) and bulk epiphytic mineralogy were compared every 4 weeks within three treatments, located in the same meadow: a pH-manipulated (experimental enclosure) and a control enclosure, as well as a nearby ambient area. Percent coverage of invertebrate calcifiers and crustose coralline algae (CCA) did not appear to be affected by the lowered pH. Furthermore, fleshy algae did not proliferate at lowered pH. Only Foraminifera, which covered less than 3% of leaf surfaces, declined in manner consistent with ocean acidification predictions. Bulk epiphytic magnesium carbonate composition was similar between treatments and percentage of magnesium appeared to increase from summer to autumn. CCA did not exhibit any visible skeleton dissolution or mineral alteration at lowered pH and carbonate saturation state. Negative impacts from ocean acidification on P. oceanica epiphytic communities were smaller than expected. Epiphytic calcifiers were possibly protected from the pH treatment due to host plant photosynthesis inside the enclosure where water flow is slowed. The more positive outcome than expected suggests that calcareous members of epiphytic communities may find refuge in some conditions and be resilient to environmentally relevant changes in carbonate chemistr

    Effects of in situ CO<sub>2</sub> enrichment on Posidonia oceanica epiphytic community composition and mineralogy

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    International audienceAlterations in seagrass epiphytic communities are expected under future ocean acidification conditions, yet this hypothesis has been little tested in situ. A Free Ocean Carbon Dioxide Enrichment system was used to lower pH by a ~0.3 unit offset within a partially enclosed portion (1.7 m3) of a Posidonia oceanica meadow (11 m depth) between June 21 and November 3, 2014. Leaf epiphytic community composition (% cover) and bulk epiphytic mineralogy were compared every 4 weeks within three treatments, located in the same meadow: a pH-manipulated (experimental enclosure) and a control enclosure, as well as a nearby ambient area. Percent coverage of invertebrate calcifiers and crustose coralline algae (CCA) did not appear to be affected by the lowered pH. Furthermore, fleshy algae did not proliferate at lowered pH. Only Foraminifera, which covered less than 3% of leaf surfaces, declined in manner consistent with ocean acidification predictions. Bulk epiphytic magnesium carbonate composition was similar between treatments and percentage of magnesium appeared to increase from summer to autumn. CCA did not exhibit any visible skeleton dissolution or mineral alteration at lowered pH and carbonate saturation state. Negative impacts from ocean acidification on P. oceanica epiphytic communities were smaller than expected. Epiphytic calcifiers were possibly protected from the pH treatment due to host plant photosynthesis inside the enclosure where water flow is slowed. The more positive outcome than expected suggests that calcareous members of epiphytic communities may find refuge in some conditions and be resilient to environmentally relevant changes in carbonate chemistry