681 research outputs found

    Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscidea Latreille, 1802: New continent record and distribution extension in Brazil

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    Terrestrial Isopods were sampled in four protected Atlantic Forest areas located in Serra do Mar, state of SãoPaulo, southeastern Brazil. A total of 2,217 individuals of six species (Atlantoscia sp., Benthana werneri, Pseudodiploexochustabularis, Pudeoniscus obscurus, Styloniscus spinosus and Trichorhina sp.) were captured in pitfall traps. The exotic speciesS. spinosus is recorded for the first time for the Americas. Another introduced species, P. tabularis, previously recorded onlyfrom the state of Rio Grande do Sul, had its geographic distribution extended to the state of São Paulo. The most abundantisopods in this study belong to an undescribed species of Atlantoscia

    Consequences of the introduction of cereal - grain legume intercrops in the supply chain. Analysis from the perspective of farmers and cooperatives

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    Intercropping (the simultaneous growth of 2 or more species in the same field) is one way to solve some difficulties that organic supply chain has to face. The aim of this article is to assess the consequences and the compatibility with intercrops at 2 levels: i) cropping systems of 18 farmers from north of France and ii) the logistics ofagricultural cooperatives which collect durum wheat in Midi-Pyrenees altogether with two cooperatives that already had experimented intercrops (Terrena and AgriBioUnion).The conclusions of our work is that intercrops seem a priori compatible with farmers’ cropping systems and with the presentlogistic organization of cooperatives but the main difficulty remains the feasibility and the cost in sorting out grains. Constraints and benefits of intercrops must then be analyzed more precisely at each level of the supply chain in order to collectively develop solutions

    Cool gas and dust in M33: Results from the Herschel M33 extended survey (HERM33ES)

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    We present an analysis of the first space-based far-IR-submm observations of M 33, which measure the emission from the cool dust and resolve the giant molecular cloud complexes. With roughly half-solar abundances, M33 is a first step towards young low-metallicity galaxies where the submm may be able to provide an alternative to CO mapping to measure their H2_2 content. In this Letter, we measure the dust emission cross-section σ\sigma using SPIRE and recent CO and \HI\ observations; a variation in σ\sigma is present from a near-solar neighborhood cross-section to about half-solar with the maximum being south of the nucleus. Calculating the total H column density from the measured dust temperature and cross-section, and then subtracting the \HI\ column, yields a morphology similar to that observed in CO. The H2_2/\HI\ mass ratio decreases from about unity to well below 10% and is about 15% averaged over the optical disk. The single most important observation to reduce the potentially large systematic errors is to complete the CO mapping of M 33.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    On the computation of interstellar extinction in photoionized nebulae

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    Ueta & Otsuka (2021) proposed a method, named as the "Proper Plasma Analysis Practice", to analyze spectroscopic data of ionized nebulae. The method is based on a coherent and simultaneous determination of the reddening correction and physical conditions in the nebulae. The same authors (Ueta & Otsuka 2022, UO22) reanalyzed the results of Galera-Rosillo et al. (2022, GR22) on nine of the brightest planetary nebulae in M31. They claim that, if standard values of the physical conditions are used to compute the extinction instead of their proposed method, extinction correction is underestimated by more than 50% and hence, ionic and elemental abundance determinations, especially the N/O ratio, are incorrect. Several tests were performed to assess the accuracy of the results of GR22, when determining: i) the extinction coefficient, ii) the electron temperature and density, and iii) the ionic abundances. In the latter case, N+ /H+ ionic abundance was recalculated using both H_alpha and H_beta as the reference H I emissivity. The analysis shows that the errors introduced by adopting standard values of the plasma conditions by GR22 are small, within their quoted uncertainties. On the other hand, the interstellar extinction in UO22 is found to be overestimated for five of the nine nebulae considered. This propagates into their analysis of the properties of the nebulae and their progenitors. The python notebook used to generate all the results presented in this paper are of public access on a Github repository. The results from GR22 are proven valid and the conclusions of the paper hold firmly. Although the PPAP is, in principle, a recommended practice, we insist that it is equally important to critically assess which H I lines are to be included in the determination of the interstellar extinction coefficient, and to assert that physical results are obtained for the undereddened line ratios.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A Lette

    Short-term reproducibility of nocturnal non-dipping pattern in recently diagnosed essential hypertensives.

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    Objective: To investigate in a selected population of patients with a recently diagnosed essential hypertension the short-term intrasubject variability of diurnal changes in blood pressure (BP). Methods: Two hundred and eight consecutive, recently diagnosed, never treated essential hypertensives (119 men, 89 women, 46 ± 12 years) underwent 24-h ambulatory BP monitoring (ABPM) twice within 3 weeks. Dipping pattern was defined as a reduction in average systolic and diastolic BP at night greater than 10% compared to average daytime values. Results: 177 subjects (85%) showed no change in their diurnal variations in BP. Of the 159 subjects who had a dipping pattern on first ABPM, 134 (90.6%) confirmed this type of profile on the second ABPM, while 15 (9.4%) showed a non-dipping pattern. Of the 59 subjects who had a non-dipping pattern on the first ABPM, 43 (72.2%) confirmed their initial profile on the second ABPM, while 16 (28.8%) did not. Conclusion: These findings indicate that short-term reproducibility of diurnal changes in BP in early phases of untreated essential hypertension, characterized by a large prevalence of dipping pattern, is overall satisfactory. However, our study underlines that also in this particularly selected population of hypertensives the definition of non-dipping status on the basis of a single ABPM remains unreliable in about one-third of patients

    High global consumption of potentially inappropriate fixed dose combination antibiotics: Analysis of data from 75 countries

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    Antibiotic fixed dose combinations (FDCs) can have clinical advantages such as improving effectiveness and adherence to therapy. However, high use of potentially inappropriate FDCs has been reported, with implications for antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and toxicity. We used a pharmaceutical database, IQVIA-Multinational Integrated Data Analysis System (IQVIA-MIDAS®), to estimate sales of antibiotic FDCs from 75 countries in 2015. Antibiotic consumption was estimated using standard units (SU), defined by IQVIA as a single tablet, capsule, ampoule, vial or 5ml oral suspension. For each FDC antibiotic, the approval status was assessed by either registration with the United States Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) or inclusion on the World Health Organization (WHO) Essential Medicines List (EML). A total of 119 antibiotic FDCs were identified, contributing 16.7 x 109 SU, equalling 22% of total antibiotic consumption in 2015. The most sold antibiotic FDCs were amoxicillin-clavulanic acid followed by trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole and ampicillin/cloxacillin. The category with the highest consumption volume was aminopenicillin/β-lactamase inhibitor +/- other agents. The majority of antibiotic FDCs (92%; 110/119) were not approved by the US FDA. Of these, the most sold were ampicillin/cloxacillin, cefixime/ofloxacin and metronidazole/spiramycin. More than 80% (98/119) of FDC antibiotics were not compatible with the 2017 WHO EML. The countries with the highest numbers of FDC antibiotics were India (80/119), China (25/119) and Vietnam (19/119). There is high consumption of FDC antibiotics globally, particularly in middle-income countries. The majority of FDC antibiotic were not approved by either US FDA or WHO EML. International initiatives such as clear guidance from the WHO EML on which FDCs are not appropriate may help to regulate the manufacturing and sales of these antibiotics