31 research outputs found

    Joint analysis of 6dFGS and SDSS peculiar velocities for the growth rate of cosmic structure and tests of gravity

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    Measurement of peculiar velocities by combining redshifts and distance indicators is a powerful way to measure the growth rate of a cosmic structure and test theories of gravity at low redshift. Here we constrain the growth rate of the structure by comparing observed Fundamental Plane peculiar velocities for 15 894 galaxies from the 6dF Galaxy Survey (6dFGS) and Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) with predicted velocities and densities from the 2M++ redshift survey. We measure the velocity scale parameter β≡Ωγm/b=0.372+0.034−0.050 and 0.314+0.031−0.047 for 6dFGS and SDSS, respectively, where Ωm is the mass density parameter, γ is the growth index, and b is the bias parameter normalized to the characteristic luminosity of galaxies, L*. Combining 6dFGS and SDSS, we obtain β = 0.341 ± 0.024, implying that the amplitude of the product of the growth rate and the mass fluctuation amplitude is fσ8 = 0.338 ± 0.027 at an effective redshift z = 0.035. Adopting Ωm = 0.315 ± 0.007, as favoured by Planck and using γ = 6/11 for General Relativity and γ = 11/16 for DGP gravity, we get S8(z=0)=σ8Ωm/0.3−−−−−−√=0.637±0.054 and 0.741 ± 0.062 for GR and DGP, respectively. This measurement agrees with other low-redshift probes of large-scale structure but deviates by more than 3σ from the latest Planck CMB measurement. Our results favour values of the growth index γ > 6/11 or a Hubble constant H0 > 70 km s−1 Mpc−1 or a fluctuation amplitude σ8 < 0.8 or some combination of these. Imminent redshift surveys such as Taipan, DESI, WALLABY, and SKA1-MID will help to resolve this tension by measuring the growth rate of cosmic structure to 1 per cent in the redshift range 0 < z < 1

    Are peculiar velocity surveys competitive as a cosmological probe?

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    Peculiar velocity surveys, which measure galaxy velocities directly from standard candles in addition to redshifts, can provide strong constraints on the growth rate of structure at low redshift. The improvement originates from the physical relationship between galaxy density and peculiar velocity, which substantially reduces cosmic variance. We use Fisher matrix forecasts to show that peculiar velocity data can improve the growth rate constraints by about a factor of 2 compared to density alone for surveys with galaxy number density of 10(-2) (h(-1) Mpc)(-3), if we can use all the information for wavenumber

    The 6dF Galaxy Survey: bulk flows on 50-70 h

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    We measure the bulk flow of the local Universe using the 6dF Galaxy Survey peculiar velocity sample (6dFGSv), the largest and most homogeneous peculiar velocity sample to date. 6dFGSv is a Fundamental Plane sample of ∼104 peculiar velocities covering the whole Southern hemisphere for galactic latitude |b| > 10°, out to redshift z = 0.0537. We apply the ‘minimum variance’ bulk flow weighting method, which allows us to make a robust measurement of the bulk flow on scales of 50 and 70 h−1 Mpc. We investigate and correct for potential bias due to the lognormal velocity uncertainties, and verify our method by constructing Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) 6dFGSv mock catalogues incorporating the survey selection function. For a hemisphere of radius 50 h−1 Mpc we find a bulk flow amplitude of U = 248 ± 58 km s−1 in the direction (l, b) = (318° ± 20°, 40° ± 13°), and for 70 h−1 Mpc we find U = 243 ± 58 km s−1, in the same direction. Our measurement gives us a constraint on σ8 of 1.01+1.07−0.58. Our results are in agreement with other recent measurements of the direction of the bulk flow, and our measured amplitude is consistent with a ΛCDM prediction

    The 6dF Galaxy Survey: peculiar velocity field and cosmography

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    We derive peculiar velocities for the 6dF Galaxy Survey (6dFGS) and describe the velocity field of the nearby (z<0.055z<0.055) southern hemisphere. The survey comprises 8885 galaxies for which we have previously reported Fundamental Plane data. We obtain peculiar velocity probability distributions for the redshift space positions of each of these galaxies using a Bayesian approach. Accounting for selection bias, we find that the logarithmic distance uncertainty is 0.11 dex, corresponding to 26%26\% in linear distance. We use adaptive kernel smoothing to map the observed 6dFGS velocity field out to cz∼16,000cz \sim 16,000 \kms, and compare this to the predicted velocity fields from the PSCz Survey and the 2MASS Redshift Survey. We find a better fit to the PSCz prediction, although the reduced χ2\chi^2 for the whole sample is approximately unity for both comparisons. This means that, within the observational uncertainties due to redshift independent distance errors, observed galaxy velocities and those predicted by the linear approximation from the density field agree. However, we find peculiar velocities that are systematically more positive than model predictions in the direction of the Shapley and Vela superclusters, and systematically more negative than model predictions in the direction of the Pisces-Cetus Supercluster, suggesting contributions from volumes not covered by the models.Comment: 22 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS. Table 1 is available in its entirety as an ancillary file. Fully interactive 3D versions of Figures 11 and 12 are also available as ancillary files. A version of this paper with the 3D versions of Figs. 11 and 12 embedded within the pdf can also be accessed from http://www.6dfgs.net/vfield/veldata.pd

    The fundamental plane and peculiar velocities from the 6dF galaxy survey

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    Early-type galaxies (ellipticals and lenticulars) are observed to populate the relation known as the Fundamental Plane that links their effective radius, R_e, stellar velocity dispersion, σ, and mean surface brightness, I_e. We have measured Fundamental Plane parameters in the near-infrared J, H and K passbands for ~10^4 of the brightest early-type galaxies in the 6dF Galaxy Survey (6dFGS). We improve upon previous regression techniques used to derive the Fundamental Plane by developing a robust maximum likelihood algorithm for fitting the galaxy distribution in Fundamental Plane space with a 3D Gaussian model. We exploit this large near-infrared-selected sample of galaxies to investigate trends in the Fundamental Plane with stellar population, morphology and environment. The 6dFGS galaxies exhibit clear stellar population trends in Fundamental Plane space, with age varying most strongly orthogonal to the plane. Remarkably, none of the stellar population parameters vary along the long axis of the plane, which corresponds to luminosity density. The Fundamental Plane slopes show little variation with either morphology or environment, but the Fundamental Plane size zeropoint is systematically larger for galaxies in lower density environments and for early-type spiral bulges. We speculate that age drives all the trends with residuals about the plane through its correlation with environment, morphology and metallicity. Using the Fundamental Plane, we measure distances and peculiar velocities for ~10^4 6dFGS galaxies to form the largest and most homogeneous peculiar velocity sample to date. Using a maximum-likelihood approach, we measure the overall bulk galaxy motions from the 6dFGS velocity field for the local volume of the universe, finding broad agreement with the predicted velocity field constructed from the 2MASS Redshift Survey. The local volume out to 16 120 km/s is found to have a bulk motion of 337 km/s in the direction (l,b) = (313°±9°,14°±10°), in good agreement with the results of other recent studies. A comparison of the observed and predicted fields is used to constrain parameters relating the distribution of galaxies and matter. We obtain a redshift-space distortion parameter β = 0.29±0.06 and a bias parameter for the 6dFGS velocity sample of b = 1.69±0.36. The 6dFGS velocity field provides an independent probe of cosmological parameters defining models of large-scale structure formation. Next steps include: (i) combining the 6dFGS sample in the south with the SDSS sample in the north to obtain an all-sky velocity field; (ii) deriving additional constraints on cosmological parameters from the velocity power spectrum analysis; and (iii) comparing the Fundamental Plane distances and velocities for early-type galaxies with the Tully-Fisher distances and velocities for spiral galaxies that will be obtained with the WALLABY survey on the Australian SKA Pathfinder

    Microbial diversity in four Mediterranean irciniid sponges

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    This paper describes a dataset of microbial communities from four different sponge species: Ircinia oros (Schmidt, 1864), Ircinia variabilis (Schmidt, 1862), Sarcotragus spinosulus Schmidt, 1862 and Sarcotragus fasciculatus (Pallas, 1766). The examined sponges all belong to Demospongiae (Class); Keratosa (Subclass); Dictyoceratida (Order); Irciniidae (Family). Samples were collected by scuba diving at depths between 6-14 m from two sampling sites of rocky formations at the northern coast of Crete (Cretan Sea, eastern Mediterranean) and were subjected to metabarcoding for the V5-V6 region of the 16S rRNA gene

    Maximum-likelihood fitting of the 6dFGS peculiar velocities

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    We develop a robust Bayesian model to derive peculiar velocities and Fundamental Plane (FP) distances for a subsample of 9000 galaxies from the 6dF Galaxy Survey (6dFGS). These galaxies form the basis of 6dFGSv, the largest and most uniform galaxy peculiar-velocity sample to date. We perform a Bayesian analysis of the data set as a whole, determining cosmological parameters from the peculiar-velocity field (e.g., fitting &#0946; and the bulk flow), by comparing to the field predicted from the redshift survey and assuming that the galaxy distribution traces the matter distribution