104 research outputs found

    Characterization of ellipses as uniformly dense sets with respect to a family of convex bodies

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    Let K \subset R^N be a convex body containing the origin. A measurable set G \subset R^N with positive Lebesgue measure is said to be uniformly K-dense if, for any fixed r > 0, the measure of G \cap (x + rK) is constant when x varies on the boundary of G (here, x + rK denotes a translation of a dilation of K). We first prove that G must always be strictly convex and at least C1,1-regular; also, if K is centrally symmetric, K must be strictly convex, C1,1-regular and such that K = G - G up to homotheties; this implies in turn that G must be C2,1- regular. Then for N = 2, we prove that G is uniformly K-dense if and only if K and G are homothetic to the same ellipse. This result was already proven by Amar, Berrone and Gianni in [3]. However, our proof removes their regularity assumptions on K and G and, more importantly, it is susceptible to be generalized to higher dimension since, by the use of Minkowski's inequality and an affine inequality, avoids the delicate computations of the higher-order terms in the Taylor expansion near r = 0 for the measure of G\cap(x+rK) (needed in [3])

    The heart of a convex body

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    We investigate some basic properties of the {\it heart} ♡(K)\heartsuit(\mathcal{K}) of a convex set K.\mathcal{K}. It is a subset of K,\mathcal{K}, whose definition is based on mirror reflections of euclidean space, and is a non-local object. The main motivation of our interest for ♡(K)\heartsuit(\mathcal{K}) is that this gives an estimate of the location of the hot spot in a convex heat conductor with boundary temperature grounded at zero. Here, we investigate on the relation between ♡(K)\heartsuit(\mathcal{K}) and the mirror symmetries of K;\mathcal{K}; we show that ♡(K)\heartsuit(\mathcal{K}) contains many (geometrically and phisically) relevant points of K;\mathcal{K}; we prove a simple geometrical lower estimate for the diameter of ♡(K);\heartsuit(\mathcal{K}); we also prove an upper estimate for the area of ♡(K),\heartsuit(\mathcal{K}), when K\mathcal{K} is a triangle.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures. appears as "Geometric Properties for Parabolic and Elliptic PDE's", Springer INdAM Series Volume 2, 2013, pp 49-6

    Analytical results for 2-D non-rectilinear waveguides based on the Green's function

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    Limit theorems for Lévy flights on a 1D Lévy random medium

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    We study a random walk on a point process given by an ordered array of points (ωk, k ∈ Z) on the real line. The distances ωk+1 − ωk are i.i.d. random variables in the domain of attraction of a β-stable law, with β ∈ (0, 1) ∪ (1, 2). The random walk has i.i.d. jumps such that the transition probabilities between ωk and ωℓ depend on ℓ − k and are given by the distribution of a Z-valued random variable in the domain of attraction of an α-stable law, with α ∈ (0, 1) ∪ (1, 2). Since the defining variables, for both the random walk and the point process, are heavy-tailed, we speak of a Lévy flight on a Lévy random medium. For all combinations of the parameters α and β, we prove the annealed functional limit theorem for the suitably rescaled process, relative to the optimal Skorokhod topology in each case. When the limit process is not càdlàg, we prove convergence of the finite-dimensional distributions. When the limit process is deterministic, we also prove a limit theorem for the fluctuations, again relative to the optimal Skorokhod topology

    Solutions of elliptic equations with a level surface parallel to the boundary: stability of the radial configuration

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    Positive solutions of homogeneous Dirichlet boundary value problems or initial-value problems for certain elliptic or parabolic equations must be radially symmetric and monotone in the radial direction if just one of their level surfaces is parallel to the boundary of the domain. Here, for the elliptic case, we prove the stability counterpart of that result. In fact, we show that if the solution is almost constant on a surface at a fixed distance from the boundary, then the domain is almost radially symmetric, in the sense that is contained in and contains two concentric balls Bre and Bri, with the difference re 12ri (linearly) controlled by a suitable norm of the deviation of the solution from a constant. The proof relies on and enhances arguments developed in a paper by Aftalion, Busca and Reichel

    Long-term proactive management of psoriasis with calcipotriol and betamethasone dipropionate foam: an Italian consensus through a combined nominal group technique and Delphi approach

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    Background: Although long-term management of psoriasis is paramount, this approach is challenging in clinical practice. In the recent PSO-LONG trial, a fixed-dose combination of betamethasone dipropionate (BD) and calcipotriol (Cal) foam applied twice a week on non-consecutive days for 52 weeks (proactive treatment) reduced the risk of relapse. However, the role of Cal/BD foam in the long-term management of psoriasis needs further clarifications. The ProActive Management (PAM) program, a nationwide Italian project, aims at reaching a consensus on the role of proactive management of psoriasis. Methods: A steering committee generated some statements through the nominal group technique (NGT). The statements were voted by an expert panel in an adapted Delphi voting process. Results: Eighteen statements were proposed, and the majority of them (14/18) reached a consensus during the Delphi voting. The need to provide long-term proactive topical treatment to reduce the risk of relapse for the treatment of challenging diseases sites or in patients where phototherapy or systemic therapies are contraindicated/ineffective was widely recognized. A consensus was reached about the possibility to associate the proactive treatment with systemic and biological therapies, without the need for dose intensification, thus favoring a prolonged remission. Moreover, the proactive treatment was recognized as more effective than weekend therapy in increasing time free from relapses. Approaches to improve adherence, on the other hand, need further investigation. Conclusions: The inclusion in guidelines of a proactive strategy among the effective treatment options will be a fundamental step in the evolution of a mild-moderate psoriasis therapeutic approach

    On complex-valued 2D eikonals. Part four: continuation past a caustic

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    Theories of monochromatic high-frequency electromagnetic fields have been designed by Felsen, Kravtsov, Ludwig and others with a view to portraying features that are ignored by geometrical optics. These theories have recourse to eikonals that encode information on both phase and amplitude -- in other words, are complex-valued. The following mathematical principle is ultimately behind the scenes: any geometric optical eikonal, which conventional rays engender in some light region, can be consistently continued in the shadow region beyond the relevant caustic, provided an alternative eikonal, endowed with a non-zero imaginary part, comes on stage. In the present paper we explore such a principle in dimension 2.2. We investigate a partial differential system that governs the real and the imaginary parts of complex-valued two-dimensional eikonals, and an initial value problem germane to it. In physical terms, the problem in hand amounts to detecting waves that rise beside, but on the dark side of, a given caustic. In mathematical terms, such a problem shows two main peculiarities: on the one hand, degeneracy near the initial curve; on the other hand, ill-posedness in the sense of Hadamard. We benefit from using a number of technical devices: hodograph transforms, artificial viscosity, and a suitable discretization. Approximate differentiation and a parody of the quasi-reversibility method are also involved. We offer an algorithm that restrains instability and produces effective approximate solutions.Comment: 48 pages, 15 figure

    Breast cancer "tailored follow-up" in Italian oncology units: a web-based survey

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    urpose: Breast cancer follow-up procedures after primary treatment are still a controversial issue. Aim of this study was to investigate, through a web-based survey, surveillance methodologies selected by Italian oncologists in everyday clinical practice. Methods: Referents of Italian medical oncology units were invited to participate to the study via e-mail through the SurveyMonkey website. Participants were asked how, in their institution, exams of disease staging and follow-up are planned in asymptomatic women and if surveillance continues beyond the 5th year. Results: Between February and May 2013, 125 out of 233 (53.6%) invited referents of Italian medical oncology units agreed to participate in the survey. Ninety-seven (77.6%) referents state that modalities of breast cancer follow-up are planned according to the risk of disease progression at diagnosis and only 12 (9.6%) oncology units apply the minimal follow-up procedures according to international guidelines. Minimal follow-up is never applied in high risk asymptomatic women. Ninety-eight (78.4%) oncology units continue follow-up in all patients beyond 5 years. Conclusions: Our survey shows that 90.4% of participating Italian oncology units declare they do not apply the minimal breast cancer follow-up procedures after primary treatment in asymptomatic women, as suggested by national and international guidelines. Interestingly, about 80.0% of interviewed referents performs the so called "tailored follow-up", high intensity for high risk, low intensity for low risk patients. There is an urgent need of randomized clinical trials able to determine the effectiveness of risk-based follow-up modalities, their ideal frequency and persistence in time

    Elliptic equations in divergence form, geometric critical points of solutions and Stekloff eigenfunctions

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    Abstract. The Stekloff eigenvalue problem (1.1) has a ’ countable number of eigenvalues (Pn}n = 1,2..... each of finite multiplicity. In this paper the authors give an upper estimate, in terms of the integer n, of the multiplicity of Pn, and the number of critical points and of nodal domains of the eigenfunctions corresponding to Pn. In view of a possible application to inverse conductivity problems, the result for the general case of elliptic equations with discontinuous coefficients in divergence form is proven by replacing the classical concept of critical point with the more suitable notion of geometric critical point. Key words, eigenvalue problems, geometric properties of elliptic equations, critical points, inverse conductivity problems AMS subject classifications. 35J25, 35P99, 35C62, 30C15 1. Introduction. I
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