3,056 research outputs found

    The Meanings of Experiencing Multiple Presences: Bolivian Women in Argentina

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    Este trabajo analiza, a partir de las imágenes, prácticas y representaciones que las mujeres bolivianas migrantes adultas elaboran y construyen sobre ellas mismas, el modo en que estas mujeres organizan su cotidianeidad y los roles que desempeñan en el proyecto migratorio contemporáneo hacia Córdoba, Argentina, intentando dilucidar los significados de vivir las múltiples presencias. A partir de situar la mirada en las imágenes, prácticas y representaciones que conforman la experiencia cotidiana de las mujeres migrantes bolivianas, este estudio procura desenmascarar relaciones de poder, su reproducción y/o disputa. Para su desarrollo se opta por una metodología cualitativa que combina observación participante y entrevistas en profundidad con migrantes bolivianos, mujeres y varones, que llegaron a Córdoba desde mediados del siglo XX.This paper analyzes the contemporary migration of Bolivian women to Cordoba, Argentina. It seeks to reconstruct the fragments that constitute the personal trajectories of these women and the roles they assume in the migration process, taking into account the images, practices and representations that Bolivian women elaborate and express in regard to their condition as Bolivians, women and migrants. It will show that by recovering the migratory experiences of those women it is possible to identify the strategies that Bolivian families implement in the development and consolidation of the migration project to Córdoba. To this end, a qualitative methodology is chosen, combining participant observation and in-depth interviews with Bolivian migrants, both women and men, who arrived in Córdoba between the second half of the 20th century and the present.Fil: Magliano, Maria Jose. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudio sobre Cultura y Sociedad; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; Argentin

    Civil Society and the Governability of Migrations on the South American Political Agenda: the Refuge in Human Rights

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el "decir" de las principales organizaciones de la sociedad civil que intervienen en la discusión política sobre migraciones en la región sudamericana. A través de una estrategia metodológica cualitativa, sustentada fundamentalmente en el análisis documental, este trabajo pretende examinar el modo en que estas organizaciones cuestionan los sentidos y la definición de la agenda política sobre migraciones y en qué medida se convierten en una alternativa frente al discurso hegemónico. Para esto, se busca identificar las rupturas y continuidades que se establecen entre los posicionamientos de las organizaciones de la sociedad civil y de la agenda política promovida por determinadas agencias internacionales y actores políticos regionales.This paper analyses the discourse of the principal civil society organizations that participate in the political discussion on migration in the South American region. Through a qualitative methodological strategy, supported fundamentally on documentary analysis, this work intends to examine how these organizations question the meanings and definition of the political agenda regarding migration and to what degree they become an alternative front to hegemonic discourse. To accomplish this, the study seeks to identify the ruptures and continuities established among the positions of civil society organizations and the political agenda promoted by certain international agencies and regional political actors.Fil: Magliano, Maria Jose. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Sobre Cultura y Sociedad. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Sobre Cultura y Sociedad; Argentin

    Progetto di un quartiere ecologico per lo sport a Casalbuono (SA): sviluppo di soluzioni a basso impatto ambientale a scala urbana.

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    L’OGGETTO di questa Tesi è il recupero dell'ex area industriale del Comune di Casalbuono (SA) indicando le linee guida per la realizzazione di un “quartiere ecologico per lo sport” che privilegi soluzioni a basso impatto ambientale. Il lavoro è strutturato in TRE FASI: La PRIMA FASE è uno studio sul tema della progettazione bioclimatica, sul tema delle “lottizzazioni ecocompatibili”e l’analisi di vari esempi di realizzazioni di “quartieri ecologici”; Nella SECONDA FASE si è entrati nel merito degli studi preliminari alla progettazione: l’analisi urbanistica del territorio e uno studio demografico hanno permesso di impostare interventi progettuali “ad hoc” per il territorio e per le reali esigenze della popolazione; La TERZA FASE, infine, riguarda la vera e propria progettazione e comprende: - Uno studio climatologico e morfologico del territorio; - La scelta e il dimensionamento delle strutture sportive da inserire nell’intervento; - La collocazione planimetrica degli edifici, coerentemente ai principi dell’architettura bioclimatica, tenendo conto della forma e l’orientamento delle strutture, della loro esposizione al sole e ai venti dominanti; - La stima dei consumi energetici annuali degli edifici del complesso; - L’ipotesi della soluzione impiantistica più adatta alla gestione energetica del complesso in linea con l’obiettivo dell’ottimizzazione energetica e della sostenibilità (rete di teleriscaldamento servita da un impianto di cogenerazione per la produzione e la fornitura dell’energia elettrica, termica e di acqua sanitaria)

    An analysis of morality in Billy Budd, sailor, using concepts of Nietzsche.

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    The present work concerns the subjects of Literature and Philosophy. It is a literary analysis of the novella Billy Budd, sailor,written by Herman Melville, using concepts of Friedrich Nietzsche. In the beginning, there is a summary of critical material produced in recent years concerning this novella in a broader sense; and later, the analysis narrows down to a critical exposition showing how many aspects of this novella, mainly character analysis, can be read in the light of some Nietzschean concepts present in the book,On the genealogy of morality, such as ressentiment, slave morality, master morality and bad consciousness.O presente trabalho está situado nas áreas de Literatura e Filosofia. Trata-se de uma análise literária da novela Billy Budd, marinheiro escrita por Herman Melville utilizando conceitos de Nietzsche. No capítulo primeiro há um resumo do material crítico recentemente produzido sobre esta novela em um sentido geral. No segundo capítulo, a minha análise propriamente dita, o trabalho se foca em realizar uma exposição mostrando como é possível ler a novela a partir de alguns conceitos de Nietzsche. Mais precisamente uma análise de personagens, utilizando conceitos nietzschianos presentes no livro Genealogia da Moral. Os conceitos são: ressentimento, moral do senhor, moral do escravo e má consciênci

    Use of Unimarc in SBN catalog - Diaporama

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    Diaporama accompagnant l\u27intervention de Cristina Magliano, Institut italien pour le catalogue unique, présentant l\u27utilisation du format UNIMARC dans ce cadre

    The Beliefs of Non-Psychiatric Doctors about the Causes, Treatments and Prognosis of Schizophrenia

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    Objectives To examine the causal beliefs about schizophrenia of non‐psychiatric doctors and whether differential belief in biogenetic vs. psychosocial causes influences doctors’ views about treatments and prognosis. Design and methods Three hundred and five non‐psychiatric doctors working in outpatient community centres completed the ‘Opinions on mental disorders Questionnaire’ after reading a clinical description of people with schizophrenia. Results The factors most frequently reported as causes of schizophrenia were heredity (65.2%) and use of street drugs (54.1%). Seventy‐five per cent of participants endorsed both one or more biological causal factors and one or more psychosocial causal factors. Of the 264 participants who expressed their opinion about the most important cause of schizophrenia, 53.8% indicated a biogenetic cause. Fifty‐two per cent of respondents thought it ‘completely true’ that drugs are useful in schizophrenia, and 33.9% thought it ‘completely true’ that people with schizophrenia must take drugs all their life. Participants stating that the most important cause was biogenetic more frequently recommended a psychiatrist and less frequently a psychologist. Compared to doctors who indicated a psychosocial cause as the most important one, those who indicated a biogenetic cause were more sceptical about recovery, more confident in the usefulness of drugs, and more convinced of the need of lifelong pharmacological treatments in schizophrenia. Conclusions These findings suggest the need to provide some doctors with training on the multiple, interacting causes of schizophrenia and the efficacy of the broad range of available treatments. The education of health professionals regarding stigma and its effects on clinical practice is also needed

    Attitudes of Catholic Priests Regarding the Participation of People with Schizophrenia and Depression in Religious Practices: Relationships with Prejudices and Community Size

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    This study investigated whether priests’ attitudes regarding individuals with schizophrenia and depression participating in religious practices varied in relation to priests’ adherence to prejudices about these mental disorders (MD). A sample of 559 Italian priests completed a questionnaire on their views of either schizophrenia or depression. Data were analyzed using a multiple-group structural equation in which the diagnostic group was a moderator and the size of the municipalities in which the churches were located was a covariate. The study revealed that: priests’ attitudes towards churchgoers with MDs are related to views of these individuals as dangerous, easy to recognize and poorly aware of their MDs; community size has a direct effect on priests’ attitudes and an indirect effect through perceived dangerousness; the above-mentioned relationships do not differ by type of disorder. Sensitizing priests on stigma may be helpful to facilitate the participation of believers with MDs to religious practices

    La trata de personas como una forma abusiva de migración: securitización del debate migratorio y criminalización del sujeto migrante

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    Pone en discusión, desde una perspectiva crítica, el modo en que el discurso sobre la trata de personas se incorpora en la agenda política sobre migraciones en la región sudamericana y las implicancias políticas e ideológicas de esa incorporación. La trata de personas es abordada como “problema migratorio”, como una forma de “migración irregular, con la finalidad de securitizar el debate migratorio fomentando a los migrantes como “problema”

    S44-02 Implementing family supportive interventions for schizophrenia in public mental health centres

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    Studies aimed at implementing supportive treatments for families in clinical practice report that after a training course 7 to 27 percent of professionals apply these treatments in clinical work and a mean of 1.4 to 1.7 families per trainee receive these interventions.We carried out a study in 23 Italian mental health centres in order to explore the feasibility of providing psychoeducational interventions for persons with schizophrenia and their families in routine conditions.Two professionals from each center attended three monthly training sessions for psychoeducational interventions. After the training, each professional provided informative sessions on schizophrenia to five families of service users with schizophrenia, which consisted of three meetings with each family on clinical aspects of schizophrenia, drug treatments, and detection of early signs of relapse. Each professional then provided the intervention to families for six months.Thirty-eight of the 46 participants completed the training course, and 34 provided the intervention to 71 families. Twenty-nine of the 34 provided the entire intervention to the families and five of the 34 held only informative sessions on schizophrenia. Ninety-one percent of the participants who completed the study reported difficulties in integrating the intervention with their work responsibilities, and 96 percent acknowledged the positive effect that the intervention had on the center's relationship with patients with schizophrenia and their families.These results support the idea that it is possible to introduce psychoeducational interventions in mental health centres after a relatively brief period of training and supervision