11 research outputs found

    Technical note : Conservative storage of water vapour - practical in situ sampling of stable isotopes in tree stems

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    Publisher Copyright: © Copyright:Using water-stable isotopes to track plant water uptake or soil water processes has become an invaluable tool in ecohydrology and physiological ecology. Recent studies have shown that laser absorption spectroscopy can measure equilibrated water vapour well enough to support inference of liquid-stable isotope composition of plant or soil water, on-site and in real-time. However, current in situ systems require the presence of an instrument in the field. Here we tested, first in the lab and then in the field, a method for equilibrating, collecting, storing, and finally analysing water vapour for its isotopic composition that does not require an instrument in the field. We developed a vapour storage vial system (VSVS) that relies on in situ sampling into crimp neck vials with a double-coated cap using a pump and a flow metre powered through a small battery and measuring the samples in a laboratory. All components are inexpensive and commercially available. We tested the system's ability to store the isotopic composition of its contents by sampling a range of water vapour of known isotopic compositions (from -95 parts per thousand to +1700 parts per thousand for delta H-2) and measuring the isotopic composition after different storage periods. Samples for the field trial were taken in a boreal forest in northern Sweden. The isotopic composition was maintained to within 0.6 parts per thousand to 4.4 parts per thousand for delta H-2 and 0.6 parts per thousand to 0.8 parts per thousand for delta O-18 for natural-abundance samples. Although H-2-enriched samples showed greater uncertainty, they were sufficient to quantify label amounts. We detected a small change in the isotopic composition of the sample after a long storage period, but it was correctable by linear regression models. We observed the same trend for the samples obtained in the field trial for delta O-18 but observed higher variation in delta H-2 than in the lab trial. Our method combines the best of two worlds, sampling many trees in situ while measuring at high precision in the laboratory. This provides the ecohydrology community with a tool that is not only cost efficient but also easy to use.Peer reviewe

    Technical note : Conservative storage of water vapour - practical in situ sampling of stable isotopes in tree stems

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    Publisher Copyright: © Copyright:Using water-stable isotopes to track plant water uptake or soil water processes has become an invaluable tool in ecohydrology and physiological ecology. Recent studies have shown that laser absorption spectroscopy can measure equilibrated water vapour well enough to support inference of liquid-stable isotope composition of plant or soil water, on-site and in real-Time. However, current in situ systems require the presence of an instrument in the field. Here we tested, first in the lab and then in the field, a method for equilibrating, collecting, storing, and finally analysing water vapour for its isotopic composition that does not require an instrument in the field. We developed a vapour storage vial system (VSVS) that relies on in situ sampling into crimp neck vials with a double-coated cap using a pump and a flow metre powered through a small battery and measuring the samples in a laboratory. All components are inexpensive and commercially available. We tested the system's ability to store the isotopic composition of its contents by sampling a range of water vapour of known isotopic compositions (from-95g to +1700g for 2H) and measuring the isotopic composition after different storage periods. Samples for the field trial were taken in a boreal forest in northern Sweden. The isotopic composition was maintained to within 0.6g to 4.4g for 2H and 0.6g to 0.8g for 18O for natural-Abundance samples. Although 2H-enriched samples showed greater uncertainty, they were sufficient to quantify label amounts. We detected a small change in the isotopic composition of the sample after a long storage period, but it was correctable by linear regression models. We observed the same trend for the samples obtained in the field trial for 18O but observed higher variation in 2H than in the lab trial. Our method combines the best of two worlds, sampling many trees in situ while measuring at high precision in the laboratory. This provides the ecohydrology community with a tool that is not only cost efficient but also easy to use.Peer reviewe

    Foliar P nutrition of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) depends on the season but remains unaffected by co-cultivation with silver fir (Abies alba Mill.)

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    Beech (Fagus sylvatica) and silver fir (Abies alba) are often cultivated in mixed stands and, hence, compete for water and nutrients. Besides nitrogen (N), also phosphorus (P) is an important nutrient for growth and development. Beech trees in Central Europe grow on both P-poor and P-rich soils, thereby showing similar growth and low variation in foliar P. The central aim of the present study was to test the hypothesis that variations in foliar P contents of beech are driven by seasonal changes rather than by the competition with silver fir. It was further hypothesized that P contents in silver fir needles depend on needle age and forest site. To test these hypotheses, P contents and P fractions, i.e. organic-bound P (Porg_{org}) and inorganic phosphate P (Pi_{i}), were measured in the foliage of beech trees from pure beech and mixed beech/silver fir plots as well as in needles of silver fir of the mixed plots. The forest sites investigated are located in Central Europe in the Black Forest, Germany, and in Croatia near the south-eastern distribution limit of beech and are all poor in plant-available soil P. The analyses showed that the main driver of P contents and P fractions in beech leaves at all forest sites is the season and that competition with silver fir had no effect. Hence, the present results demonstrate the high plasticity of beech trees to adapt to both poor plantavailable soil P and competition with silver fir. Total P contents of silver fir needles were higher at the Croatian site compared to the Black Forest sites and originated from higher foliar Pi_{i} contents. One third of the P present in current-year needles in late summer was remobilized and exported until the needles reached the age of 1 year. The difference in P contents between current-year and 1-year-old needles can be seen as the amount of P resorbed from 1-year-old needles in summer during the generation of new needles to support the P demand of current-year needles for growth and development

    Tree water uptake enhances nitrogen acquisition in a fertilized boreal forest - but not under nitrogen-poor conditions

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    Understanding how plant water uptake interacts with acquisition of soil nitrogen (N) and other nutrients is fundamental for predicting plant responses to a changing environment, but it is an area where models disagree. We present a novel isotopic labelling approach which reveals spatial patterns of water and N uptake, and their interaction, by trees. The stable isotopes N-15 and H-2 were applied to a small area of the forest floor in stands with high and low soil N availability. Uptake by surrounding trees was measured. The sensitivity of N acquisition to water uptake was quantified by statistical modelling. Trees in the high-N stand acquired twice as much N-15 as in the low-N stand and around half of their N uptake was dependent on water uptake (H-2 enrichment). By contrast, in the low-N stand there was no positive effect of water uptake on N uptake. We conclude that tree N acquisition was only marginally dependent on water flux toward the root surface under low-N conditions whereas under high-N conditions, the water-associated N uptake was substantial. The results suggest a fundamental shift in N acquisition strategy under high-N conditions

    Causes and consequences of pronounced variation in the isotope composition of plant xylem water

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    Stable isotopologues of water are widely used to derive relative root water uptake (RWU) profiles and average RWU depth in lignified plants. Uniform isotope composition of plant xylem water (delta(xyl)) along the stem length of woody plants is a central assumption of the isotope tracing approach which has never been properly evaluated.Here we evaluate whether strong variation in delta(xyl) within woody plants exists using empirical field observations from French Guiana, northwestern China, and Germany. In addition, supported by a mechanistic plant hydraulic model, we test hypotheses on how variation in delta(xyl) can develop through the effects of diurnal variation in RWU, sap flux density, diffusion, and various other soil and plant parameters on the delta(xyl) of woody plants.The hydrogen and oxygen isotope composition of plant xylem water shows strong temporal (i.e., sub-daily) and spatial (i.e., along the stem) variation ranging up to 25.2 parts per thousand and 6.8 parts per thousand for delta H-2 and delta O-18, respectively, greatly exceeding the measurement error range in all evaluated datasets. Model explorations predict that significant delta(xyl) variation could arise from diurnal RWU fluctuations and vertical soil water heterogeneity. Moreover, significant differences in delta(xyl) emerge between individuals that differ only in sap flux densities or are monitored at different times or heights.This work shows a complex pattern of delta(xyl) transport in the soil-root-xylem system which can be related to the dynamics of RWU by plants. These dynamics complicate the assessment of RWU when using stable water isotopologues but also open new opportunities to study drought responses to environmental drivers. We propose including the monitoring of sap flow and soil matric potential for more robust estimates of average RWU depth and expansion of attainable insights in plant drought strategies and responses

    Using stable isotopes to inform water resource management in forested and agricultural ecosystems

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    Present and future climatic trends are expected to markedly alter water fluxes and stores in the hydrologic cycle. In addition, water demand continues to grow due to increased human use and a growing population. Sustainably managing water resources requires a thorough understanding of water storage and flow in natural, agricultural, and urban ecosystems. Measurements of stable isotopes of water (hydrogen and oxygen) in the water cycle (atmosphere, soils, plants, surface water, and groundwater) can provide information on the transport pathways, sourcing, dynamics, ages, and storage pools of water that is difficult to obtain with other techniques. However, the potential of these techniques for practical questions has not been fully exploited yet. Here, we outline the benefits and limitations of potential applications of stable isotope methods useful to water managers, farmers, and other stakeholders. We also describe several case studies demonstrating how stable isotopes of water can support water management decision-making. Finally, we propose a workflow that guides users through a sequence of decisions required to apply stable isotope methods to examples of water management issues. We call for ongoing dialogue and a stronger connection between water management stakeholders and water stable isotope practitioners to identify the most pressing issues and develop best-practice guidelines to apply these techniques

    Expected Impacts of Mixing European Beech with Silver Fir on Regional Air Quality and Radiation Balance

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    The anticipated climate change during the next decades is posing crucial challenges to ecosystems. In order to decrease the vulnerability of forests, introducing tree species’ mixtures are a viable strategy, with deep-rooting native Silver fir (Abies alba) being a primary candidate for admixture into current pure stands of European beech (Fagus sylvatica) especially in mountainous areas. Such a change in forest structure also has effects on the regional scale, which, however, have been seldomly quantified. Therefore, we measured and modeled radiative balance and air chemistry impacts of admixing Silver fir to European beech stands, including changes in biogenic volatile organic compound emissions. An increased fraction of Silver fir caused a smaller albedo and a (simulated) larger evapotranspiration, leading to a dryer and warmer forest. While isoprene emission was negligible for both species, sesquiterpene and monoterpene emissions were larger for fir than for beech. From these differences, we derived that ozone concentration as well as secondary organic aerosols and cloud condensation nuclei would increase regionally. Overall, we demonstrated that even a relatively mild scenario of tree species change will alter the energy balance and air quality in a way that could potentially influence the climate on a landscape scale

    Translational control of the human erythropoietin expression via an upstream open reading frame in cardiac tissue

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    Cellular stress activates an integrated stress response, which includes rapid changes in global and gene-specific translation. Translational regulation of specific transcripts mostly occurs at mRNA translation initiation and is mediated via different cis-acting elements present in the mRNA 5’ untranslated region (5’UTR), such as upstream open reading frames (uORFs). uORFs modulate translation of the main ORF by decreasing the number and/or efficiency of scanning ribosomes to reinitiate at the start codon of the main ORF. Human erythropoietin (EPO) is a glycoprotein synthesized and released mainly from the kidney, which has a key role in hematopoiesis. However, recent studies have revealed that EPO is a multifunctional molecule produced and utilized by many tissues that rapidly responds to different cell stress stimuli and tissue injuries. The 5’UTR sequence of the human EPO mRNA has one uORF with 14 codons, which is conserved among different species, indicating its potential role in translational regulation. To test whether EPO expression is translationally regulated in response to ischemia in cardiac tissue, reporter constructs containing the normal or mutant EPO 5’UTR fused to the Firefly luciferase cistron were expressed in H9c2 (heart myoblasts) and C2C12 (muscle myoblasts) cell lines. Luminometry assays revealed that the EPO uORF represses translation of the main ORF in both cell lines. Under chemical ischemia, EPO uORF-mediated translation repression is specifically released in muscle cells. In response to chemical hypoxia, translational derepression occurs in both cell lines. We are currently exploring additional mechanisms through which EPO cardioprotection effects are regulated at the translational level.This research was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia – FCT (PTDC/BIM-MED/0352/2012) and Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge.N/