134 research outputs found

    Los animales en el cine

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    Diese Arbeit behandelt die Funktionen und die Inszenierung des Tieres im Kino und den gegenseitigen Bezug zwischen diesen beiden, weil das Kino die Haltung des Mannes in Richtung zum Tier aufzeigt und beeinflusst und das Tier, das erste Modell des Kinos war, eine grundlegende Rolle in der Geschichte der filmischen Technologien erfüllte. Die Rolle des Tieres als tragende Bedeutung wird in seiner Filmdarstellung besonders frei dargestellt. Sein Symbolismus hat einen moralisierenden Charakter (Cf. Leibfried 1982: 17ff) und dient zur Darstellung und Auswertung der Menschen und der Gesellschaft (cf. Baker 2001: 34/83ff) und zur Entlarvung der Sozialstrukturen und Machtverhältnisse innerhalb der Gesellschaft (Cf. Bäcker 2001: 34/83ff). Die gemeinsamen Themen in den Tierfilmen betrachten unvollständige Familien, Wiedereingliederung der Identität, Erneuerung, Umwandlung, Änderung und Verlust (Cf. Burt 2002: 54/177ff/184ff). Die audio-visuelle Technologie des Kinos in Beziehung zu der Darstellung des Tieres führt zu einem Einsturz zwischen Fiktion und Realität, welcher eine Regelung von seinen Bildern notwendig macht (Cf. Burt 2002: 12/87ff). Das meist dargestellte Tier im Kino ist der Hund, als zuverlässiger Begleiter des Menschen, Held, Familienmitglied und Ersatz für emotionale Beziehungen, wie auch als gefährliches und aggressives Tier (Cf. Fudge 2002: 78f) (Cf. Otterstedt/Rosenberger 2009: 144/168ff). Als Grundlage, um die obigen Aussagen zu überprüfen, dient den mexikanischen Film Amores perros (2000) vom Regisseur Alejandro González Iñárritu. Durch seine Analyse werden die vielfältigen Funktionen und die Inszenierungen des Leitmotivs des Hundes untersucht und wird eine Typologie seiner Funktionen erstellt, die hauptsächlich drei sind: narrative, strukturelle und symbolische. Narrativ, weil die Hunde die Handlung begleiten und bestimmen indem sie auch dem Film eine Einheit verleihen; strukturelle, weil sie thematisch und zeitlich die drei narrative Segmente verbinden und die Protagonisten der Höhepunkte sind; symbolisch, weil sie die tierische Natur des Menschen, die Universalität der menschlichen Existenz, die Gesellschaft und die modernen Familien der Metropole symbolisieren (Cf. Smith 2003: 19ff/57ff) (Cf. Shaw 2003: 37/57). Sie ersetzen auch Familienangehörige und Freunde, Charakterzüge und menschliche Triebe seiner Besitzer, die sie als untrennbare Begleiter betrachten (Cf. Otterstedt/Rosenberger 2009: 144/168ff). Folglich kann es bestätigt werden, dass die Hunde im Film wichtige und grundlegende Protagonisten wie die Menschen sind. Der dynamische Gebrauch einer Handkamera dokumentarischen Stil, der starken subjektiven Einstellungen und der starken Farbkontraste, heben die Gewalttätigkeit und die Dramatik der Bilder der Hunde hervor, erlauben eine größere Identifikation des Zuschauers mit den Figuren und erhöhen den Realismus des Films (Cf. Smith 2003: 17f/93ff) (Cf. Hickethier 2007: 128).This work investigates the function and production of the animal in cinema, and the mutual connection between these two. Cinema both portrays and influences the attitude of man towards the animal, which was film’s first model and which played a fundamental role in the evolution of cinema technology. The use of the animal as a symbol became particularly clear in its cinematic representation. This symbolism has a moralizing character (cf. Leibfried 1982: 17ff), which serves to represent and evaluate the human being, as well as to unmask social structures and the distributions of the power in the society (cf. Baker 2001: 34/83ff). Common themes in animal films include the incomplete family, reintegration of identity, renovation, transformation, change and loss (cf. Burt 2002: 54/177ff/184ff). When representing the animal, the audiovisual technology of cinema breaks down barriers between fiction and reality, making necessary a regulation of its images (cf. Burt 2002: 12/87ff). The most prolific animal in cinema is the dog, as often man’s faithful friend, hero, family member and affective substitute as he is a dangerous and aggressive animal (cf. Fudge 2002: 78f) (cf. Otterstedt/Rosenberger 2009: 144/168ff). To verify the previous statement, this work investigates the Mexican film Amores perros (2000) by Alejandro González Iñárritu. Through analysis of this film one sees the versatile functions and stagings of the dog leitmotif, as well as a typology of its three principal functions: narrative, structural and symbolic. Narrative, because dogs accompany and determine the course of the film’s plot; structural, because they connect the film’s three narrative segments temporally and thematically, as well playing the protagonists at the film’s climax; and symbolic, because they reveal the animal nature of man, the universality of the human condition, society and the modern family in the metropolis (cf. Smith 2003: 19ff/57ff) (cf. Shaw 2003: 37/57). They also replace relatives and friends, as well as characteristics and impulses of their owners, who consider these dogs inseparable companions (cf. Otterstedt/Rosenberger 2009: 144/168ff). It is therefore possible to state that, in this film, the dogs are fundamental protagonists on the same level as the humans. The dynamic use of a hand-held camera in the documentary style, the subjective planes and the strong contrast of color all serve to emphasize the violence and drama of the image of the dogs. This allows the spectator to more identify with the characters, and increases the realism of the film (cf. Smith 2003: 17f/93ff) (cf. Hickethier 2007: 128)

    N2O fluxes using the flux-gradient method and a tunable diode laser trace gas analyzer in an integrated crop-livestock system in the Brazilian Cerrado.

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    In this study, measurements of N2O fluxes measured using infrared absorption spectrometry and the flux-gradient method are presented

    Balanço de carbono de um sistema de integração lavoura-pecuária em Goiás.

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    A sustentabilidade da agricultura e a produção de alimentos envolvem o manejo do solo e a minimização dos riscos climáticos. Os sistemas de integração lavoura-pecuária (ILP) propiciam aumento do estoque de carbono, intensificando o uso do solo de áreas produtivas e em estado de degradação. A metodologia de vórtices turbulentos avalia os fluxos líquidos de carbono entre a atmosfera e o dossel vegetal, por meio da determinação da covariância entre as flutuações na velocidade e direção do vento e a taxa de mistura de gases de efeito estufa. As medições desses fluxos foram realizadas através de uma torre micro meteorológica instalada na área experimental da Embrapa Arroz e Feijão, com sensores de carbono, metano, temperatura, umidade do ar e do solo, anemômetro sônico e pluviômetro.Evento online

    Mixed farming systems as potential carbon sinks.

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    Mixed farming systems have great potential to combine food production with environmental services, including climate change mitigation and biodiversity preservation. This study evaluated an integrated crop-livestock (ICL) production system from the point of view of its potential for carbon (C) sequestration

    Balanço de carbono via troca gasosa líquida em sistema integrado Lavoura-Pecuária no Cerrado. Goiano

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    O estudo vem sendo realizado com o objetivo de identificar o potencial de um sistema ILP para o sequestro de C da atmosfera, em área experimental da Embrapa Arroz e Feijão, Creches 4 e 5 da Fazenda Capivara, localizada no município de Santo Antônio de Goiás, GO, na Região Centro Oeste do Brasil, cujas coordenadas geográficas são: latitude 16º29'59" a 16º29'44" S e longitude 49º17'35" a 49º17'54" W

    Discharge characterization in a watershed of Distrito Federal, Brazil

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    No Brasil, a região do Distrito Federal é caracterizada pela presença de córregos e pequenos rios, o que torna importante a caracterização das vazões em microbacias. Utilizando uma série de 13 anos provenientes da microbacia do córrego da Capetinga, foram analisadas: a estacionariedade de parâmetros hidrológicos; as distribuições estatísticas que melhor representam a vazão; a aplicação de séries curtas versus séries médias no cálculo de vazões; e a necessidade de pedido de outorga para o uso da água, de acordo com a legislação vigente. As distribuições Lognormal 3 e Pearson 3 foram as que melhor representaram a série de vazões máximas, enquanto que Logpearson 3 foi a distribuição mais indicada para a vazão mínima. A precipitação total anual, a vazão média de longa duração e a vazão mínima apresentaram séries estacionárias, diferentemente da vazão máxima instantânea. O uso de séries curtas para o cálculo de vazões na microbacia estudada não se mostrou adequado, já que gerou a superestimativa das vazões mínimas e a subestimativa das vazões máximas. De acordo com a legislação, captações no córrego Capetinga exigem pedidos de outorga à agência reguladora, apesar de a vazão mínima apresentar baixa magnitude, o que reflete no baixo potencial de exploração do córrego.In Brazil, Distrito Federal region is characterized by the presence of streamlets and small rivers, which explains the importance of the discharge characterization in watersheds. This study used 13 years of hydrological data of the Capetinga watershed to analyze: the stationarity of hydrological parameters; the statistical distributions that best represent the discharge; the comparison of using short and medium series to calculate discharge; and the requirement for water rights concession according to the current legislation. The Lognormal 3 and Pearson 3 distributions best represented the maximum discharge, while Logpearson 3 distribution was best indicated for minimum discharge. Total annual precipitation, long duration mean discharge and seven-day minimum flow presented stationary series, but maximum instantaneous discharge did not. The use of short series to calculate discharge in this watershed was not reasonable, since it resulted in overestimation of the minimum discharge and underestimation of the maximum discharge. According to the legislation, the water capturing from the stream Capetinga requires a concession from the regulatory agency, in spite of the distributions minimum discharge has a small value, which reflects its low potential of use

    Potencial de sequestro de carbono em seringais no noroeste do Paraná, Brasil

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    O plantio de seringueiras é uma opção para melhorar as propriedades físicas e químicas do solo e promover o sequestro de carbono atmosférico, seja na biomassa ou no solo. Apesar das vantagens, o potencial de sequestro de carbono dos seringais no solo e na biomassa não foi ainda avaliado. Um estudo foi conduzido em seringais localizados em Paranapoema, na região noroeste do Paraná, com os objetivos de medir a biomassa em seringais de diferentes idades, e determinar o conteúdo de carbono e o δ13C do solo. O acúmulo de biomassa foi avaliado pelo método destrutivo em seringais de diferentes idades. O estoque total de carbono até 60 cm do solo foi de 63,4 Mg C ha-1 na pastagem adjacente aos seringais, 66,8 e 79,3 Mg C ha-1 nos seringais de 4 e 15 anos de idade, respectivamente, equivalendo a uma taxa anual de aumento de carbono no solo de 0,85 e 1,06 Mg ha-1, sem considerar o acúmulo de carbono pela biomassa da planta. Os valores de δ13C do solo indicaram uma conversão relativamente rápida do carbono proveniente de plantas C4 (pastagem, Brachiaria-Urochloa brizantha) para carbono de plantas C3 (seringal). Os resultados deste estudo indicam o grande potencial de seringais em sequestrar carbono em um período relativamente curto.Rubber tree plantations may improve the soil's physical and chemical properties, and they may sequester atmospheric carbon in the biomass or the soil. However, the potential role of these plantations in sequestering carbon in the soil and plant biomass has not been fully evaluated. This study evaluated rubber tree plantations at Paranapoema, which is located in the northwestern region of the Paraná state of Brazil, to measure the biomass in plantations of different ages and to determine the organic carbon content and δ13C in the soils. Biomass accumulation was evaluated using the destructive method in plantations of different ages. The total carbon stock in the top 60 cm of the soil was 63.4 Mg C ha-1 for the pasture adjacent to the plantations and 66.8 and 79.3 Mg C ha-1 for the 4- and 15-year-old rubber tree plantations, respectively. These values are equivalent to an annual increase in soil carbon stocks of 0.85 and 1.06 Mg ha-1, respectively, and they do not include the accumulation of carbon as tree woody biomass. The soil δ13C indicated a relatively fast conversion from the previous C4-C (pasture; Brachiaria-Urochloa brizantha) to C3-C (rubber tree). The results from this study suggest that rubber tree plantations have untapped potential to sequester carbon over a relatively short time period

    Integrated crop-livestock-forestry systems as potential carbon sinks.

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    Mixed farming systems have great potential to combine food production with environmental services, including climate change mitigation and biodiversity preservation. This study contributed to the evaluation of integrated crop-livestock (ICL) and crop-livestock-forestry (ICLF) production systems from the point of view of their potential for carbon (C) sequestration in the soil and in the production system as a whole

    A study of the impact of building geometry on the thermal performance of road pavement solar collectors

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    Studies on RPSC (road pavement solar collectors) have shown the potential of reducing the UHI (urban heat island) effects by dissipating the heat from the pavement for energy harness. Several works have shown that the generated heat could be utilised for sustainable urban energy system. However, none of the previous literatures have assessed the effect of building geometry on the performance of the RPSC. This study investigates the thermal performance of an urban-integrated RPSC system by using CFD (computational fluid dynamic) simulation of integrated RPSC system with a standard urban canyon domain and an empty domain. Based on 21st June at 13:00, it was found that the RPSC system in urban canyon domain was on average 36.08% more effective in thermal collection and provided on average 27.11% more surface temperature reduction as compared to the RSPC application in rural/flat domain. The RPSC performance based on the effect from daily solar intensity was initiated with results demonstrated the efficiency of the RPSC in an urban setting was 7.14%–63.26% more than the rural/flat setting. Simulations of various wind speeds in summer day(s) and the impact of seasonal changes to the RPSC system were also conducted to investigate the deficiency factors to the system