646 research outputs found

    Los estados financieros como herramienta de apoyo a la administración de la empresa

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    La participación ciudadana y el servicio al ciudadano mediados por las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC) en el Archivo General de la Nación Jorge Palacios Preciado

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    La presente investigación analiza la participación ciudadana y el servicio al ciudadano en el Archivo General de la Nación Jorge Palacios Preciado (AGN), ubicado en Bogotá D.C, a través del uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC). Para ello, se propone una metodología mixta (cualitativa y cuantitativa), donde se emplea un cuestionario a funcionarios y contratistas de esta entidad, así mismo, se indagó sobre los mecanismos de participación ciudadana y servicio al ciudadano, teniendo en cuenta la normatividad colombiana vigente. Los resultados demostraron que los mecanismos de participación ciudadana más usados en el AGN son los que se llevan a cabo de manera presencial, tales como: rendición de cuentas, audiencias públicas y mesas de trabajo. Por otro lado, entre los servicios más usados por la ciudadanía están los siguientes: petición de documentos, petición de información y conceptos técnicos, que en su mayoría son suministrados de manera física, solamente las PQRS se pueden identificar como un trámite 100% virtual en la Entidad. En consecuencia, se evidencia que el AGN no cuenta con las herramientas tecnológicas necesarias para interactuar con el ciudadano de manera virtual.This research analyzes the Citizen Participation and the Service to the Citizen in the Archivo General de la Nación Jorge Palacios Preciado (AGN), located in Bogotá D.C., through the use of Information and Communication Technologies- (ICT), for that purpose, is proposed a mixed methodology (qualitative and quantitative), where it is used a questionnaire to officials and contractors of this institution, in addition, it is investigated about the mechanisms of Citizen Participation and Service to the Citizen, considering the Colombian current laws. Results indicated that the most frequently used mechanisms of Citizen Participation in the AGN are available face to face, such as: accountability, public hearings, and working tables. On the other hand, the provided Services for the citizens involve requesting documents, request for information, and technical concepts, mostly of them are supplied face to face, only the PQRS are 100% virtual in this institution. As a consequence, this is evident that the AGN does not possesses the required technological tools to interact with the citizen virtually via

    La biblioteca como gestora y creadora de productos para el control y acceso a la información del Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, UNAM

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    The project of the Library and Information Unit (UIB) of the Institute of Nuclear Sciences (ICN) of the UNAM to develop an integrated information management system, called SIGI, for auditing its academic resources and production is presented. As the basis of the automation project, the library took the annual activity report drawn up by the academics of the institution. The processes of change and design, and the resulting activities and information products are described, in particular, the generation of institutional bibliometric indicators, the academic directory and the institutional repository. The library has evolved from a traditional role to a new one in which it has become a scientific information management unit.Se presenta el proyecto realizado por la Unidad de Información y Biblioteca (UIB) del Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares (ICN) de la UNAM sobre el desarrollo de un Sistema Integral de Gestión de Información (SIGI). Como base del proyecto de automatización se tomó el informe anual de actividades, elaborado por los académicos de la institución. Se describe el diseño, las actividades y productos de información, particularmente la generación de indicadores bibliométricos institucionales, el directorio académico, y el repositorio institucional, así como productos que describen el quehacer cotidiano de la comunidad. La biblioteca ha pasado de un rol tradicional a uno nuevo en el que resulta clave como gestor de la información

    Histological/Biochemical composition of papyri

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    [EN] Papyrus, as a medium for writing, was made from the stems of the plant Cyperus papyrus (Basile, 1977; Wallert, 1989). Although it is unclear how papyri were produced, it is known that only the peeled stems were used in their manufacture (Basile, 1977; Franceschi et al., 2004). Non-destructive physical analysis of the surface of papyri commonly returns different results from one area of a sheet to another. The present work examines C. papyrus stems and papyri by optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in order to determine their histological structure and gain insight into their gross biochemical compositionSIThis work was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad through the projects La memoria escrita: estudio integral de los fondos papirológicos nacionales (MINECO.FFI2012- 39567-C02-01) and La memoria escrita: texto, materialidad y contexto de las colecciones papiraceas españolas (MINECO-FFI2015-65511-C2-1-P

    Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Psychosocial Coping Strategies in Health Sciences Students at the University of Seville: A Pilot Study

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    The new infection by coronavirus has supposed a challenge to all health systems worldwide, affecting our psychosocial health. Education as we knew it has changed, which is why university students, attending Health Sciences courses in this case, have been affected by the pandemic. This study aimed to analyze the impact of the preventative measures and restrictions associated with COVID-19 on multiple mental health and psychological well-being indicators in Health Sciences students at the University of Seville. A descriptive and cross-sectional pilot study in the University of Seville by means of an online questionnaire elaborated was conducted. Of the final sample (n = 68), more than 60% of the students acknowledged having received specific training by their university and/or health institution where they perform practices on COVID-19 measures; however, they negatively emphasized not having received psychosocial aid or support in most of the cases (94.12%). As the health situation imposed by COVID-19 is considered long-lasting, the proposal is to plan short- and long-term strategies for promotion and intervention in the mental health of students and future health care workers

    Personas Emprendedoras: Vidas Ejemplares y Claves Educativas para la Reorientación de la Carrera

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    In a neoliberal and globalized society, which shares sustained employment crises, and other successes such as Covid-19, with diverse impact on people's lives, entrepreneurship becomes a possible and worthwhile option to stay active and obtain resources to do sustainable life. This article allows shedding light on the development of the entrepreneurial career, through a biographical-narrative study with twelve informants. The interview is used to promote a process of chained inquiry with a triple purpose: a) to understand the meaning of entrepreneurial trajectories from subjective interpretation; b) deepen the processes of transition to entrepreneurship; at the same time, c) an educational approach to the construction of the identity (or identities) of enterprising people is of interest. The results show characteristics of the vital traces (educational, professional and personal) and keys to the shaping of entrepreneurial processes. While entrepreneurship is an intrinsic phenomenon in the processes of constructing one's identity, this approach reveals ways of learning that are linked to "situated learning" and "contextualized action". Conclusions are raised for discussion, laying out clues for an entrepreneurial education in times of complexity and crisis.En una sociedad neoliberal y globalizada, que comparte mantenidas crisis de empleo, y otras sobrevenidas como el Covid-19, con impacto diverso en las vidas de las personas, emprender se convierte en una opción posible y meritoria para mantenerse activo y obtener recursos para hacer sostenible la vida. Este artículo permite aportar luz sobre el desarrollo de la carrera emprendedora, a través de un estudio biográfico-narrativo con doce informantes. Se utiliza la entrevista para promover un proceso de indagación encadenado con un triple propósito: a) comprender el significado de las trayectorias emprendedoras desde la interpretación subjetiva; b) profundizar en los procesos de transición al emprendimiento; al tiempo que, c) interesa una aproximación educativa a la construcción de la identidad (o identidades) de las personas emprendedoras. Los resultados muestran características de los trazados vitales (educativos, profesionales y personales) y claves para la conformación de procesos emprendedores. En tanto que el emprendimiento es un fenómeno intrínseco a los procesos de construcción de la propia identidad, esta aproximación desvela formas de aprender que se vinculan al “aprendizaje situado” y la “acción contextualizada”. Se plantean conclusiones para la discusión, planteando pistas para una educación emprendedora en tiempos de complejidad y crisis

    Motivos para la elección de la carrera en matemáticas

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    La presente investigación cualitativa en proceso centra su interés en identificar los motivos que 34 aspirantes manifiestan como razón para estudiar la carrera de Matemáticas, específicamente en la Facultad de Matemáticas (Campus Chilpancingo) de la Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero, México. A través de entrevistas semiestructuradas y bajo el enfoque metodológico del análisis temático de Braun y Clarke, se identificaron 21 motivos que fueron señaladas por los aspirantes como razones principales para elegir la carrera de Matemáticas, entre ellos: 1) les gusta las matemáticas, 2) esperan terminar una carrera, 3) esperan superarse social y económicamente 4) esperan ser profesores de Matemáticas

    Enterprising People: Exemplary Lives and Educational Keys to Career Guidance

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    En una sociedad neoliberal y globalizada, que comparte mantenidas crisis de empleo, y otras sobrevenidas como el Covid-19, con impacto diverso en las vidas de las personas, emprender se convierte en una opción posible y meritoria para mantenerse activo y obtener recursos para hacer sostenible la vida. Este artículo permite aportar luz sobre el desarrollo de la carrera emprendedora, a través de un estudio biográfico-narrativo con doce informantes. Se utiliza la entrevista para promover un proceso de indagación encadenado con un triple propósito: a) comprender el significado de las trayectorias emprendedoras desde la interpretación subjetiva; b) profundizar en los procesos de transición al emprendimiento; al tiempo que, c) interesa una aproximación educativa a la construcción de la identidad (o identidades) de las personas emprendedoras. Los resultados muestran características de los trazados vitales (educativos, profesionales y personales) y claves para la conformación de procesos emprendedores. En tanto que el emprendimiento es un fenómeno intrínseco a los procesos de construcción de la propia identidad, esta aproximación desvela formas de aprender que se vinculan al “aprendizaje situado” y la “acción contextualizada”. Se plantean conclusiones para la discusión, planteando pistas para una educación emprendedora en tiempos de complejidad y crisis.In a neoliberal and globalized society, which shares sustained employment crises, and other successes such as Covid-19, with diverse impact on people's lives, entrepreneurship becomes a possible and worthwhile option to stay active and obtain resources to do sustainable life. This article allows shedding light on the development of the entrepreneurial career, through a biographical-narrative study with twelve informants. The interview is used to promote a process of chained inquiry with a triple purpose: a) to understand the meaning of entrepreneurial trajectories from subjective interpretation; b) deepen the processes of transition to entrepreneurship; at the same time, c) an educational approach to the construction of the identity (or identities) of enterprising people is of interest. The results show characteristics of the vital traces (educational, professional and personal) and keys to the shaping of entrepreneurial processes. While entrepreneurship is an intrinsic phenomenon in the processes of constructing one's identity, this approach reveals ways of learning that are linked to "situated learning" and "contextualized action". Conclusions are raised for discussion, laying out clues for an entrepreneurial education in times of complexity and crisis

    An Institutional Framework to Explain the University: Industry Technology Transfer in a Public University of Mexico

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    In the last years, studies and modifications to the science and technology regulatory framework in Mexico show the increase in the attention to transfer the research results of professors and researchers from higher education institutions, towards the productive sector with the purpose of generating regional, national and international growth and development. This study has conducted to the search of the factors that determine the increase of linkage activities and technology transfer. Based on the literature review, this study develops a framework integrated with the factors considered that have a significantly impact in the university-industry linkage and technology transfer. The proposed independent variables are the following: Institutional Factors, Academic Profile, and Innovation

    Implementation and Knowledge of the Clinical Practice Guide for Palliative Care in the Ecuadorian Primary Care Level

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    Ecuador assumed the commitment of including Palliative Care (PC) in its health policies. In 2014, the Ministry of Public Health (Ministerio de Salud Pública, MSP) approved the Clinical Practice Guide for Palliative Care (Guía de Práctica Clínica sobre Cuidados Paliativos, GPCCP), with application at the national level, as a mandatory internal regulation in all institutions belonging to the National Health System. In 2021, there is no evidence about the degree of implementation. The objective was to evaluate the implementation (I) of the GPCCP guide and the knowledge (C) of the health personnel working in the Zone 7 Health Centers (HCs). This is a cross-sectional, descriptive, and prospective study. A total of 292 professionals were interviewed: managers (38), physicians (150), and nurses (104). Three surveys based on the GPCCP guide were elaborated: one for the implementation, which was applied to the individuals in charge, and the others to assess the health professionals’ knowledge. The SPSS program was used, version 25. In the three groups, more than half of the participants had no training in PC, 91.2% of the HCs have the GPCCP guide, there is PC medical history (MH) in 38.2%, and morphine is used in 14.7%. The implementation of the GPCCP guide was inadequate in 52.9% of the cases. Only 25% treat the agony symptoms and 30%, delirium; 4.4% acknowledge the use of morphine in dyspnea, and 13.3% identify the subcutaneous route as the first choice for hydration at the end-of-life phase. Strategies to implement the GPCCP guide and to improve the health personnel’s knowledge must be implemented in Zone 7 centers