9 research outputs found

    Emotional and attentional predictors of self-regulation in early childhood

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    The development of self-regulation in early childhood is related to development of emotional regulation and attention, in particular executive attention (Feldman, 2009; Posner & Rothbart, 1998). As the ability to self-regulate is crucial in life (Casey et al., 2011), it is important to reveal early predictors of self-regulation. The aim of the paper is to present the results of longitudinal studies on the relationships between the functioning of attention, regulation of emotion and later self-regulatory abilities. 310 children were assessed at three time points. At 12 months of age emotional regulation in situation of frustration and attention regulation were assessed. At 18 and 24 months behavioral-emotional regulation in the Snack Delay Task was measured. Additionally parents assessed executive attention using The Early Childhood Behavior Questionnaire when children were 26 months old. Structural equation modelling revealed two different paths to development of self-regulatory abilities at 18 months: emotional (reactive system) and emotionalattentional and only one emotional-attentional path at 24 months. The early ability to focus attention and later executive attention functioning revealed to be important predictors of self-regulatory abilities both at 18 and 24 months of age

    Współczesne kierunki w medycynie prewencyjnej

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    Praca recenzowana / Peer-reviewed paperTreści artykułów w niniejszej monografii odnoszą czytelnika nie tylko do bardzo różnych kierunków prozdrowotnych, ale także do leczenia schorzeń już występujących. Zamierzeniem autorów było przedstawienie wybranych zagadnień z zakresu profilaktyki prozdrowotnej cukrzycy, otyłości, zaburzeń lipidowych i zmian skórnych, pielęgnacji w tych schorzeniach, a także problemów kosmetologicznych skóry, towarzyszącym tymże zaburzeniom. Autorzy poszczególnych rozdziałów starali się przedstawić poruszane problemy w oparciu o aktualną dokumentację medyczną z nadzieją, że pozwoliło to kompleksowo wyjaśnić poruszane w monografii problemy

    Myocardial infarction caused by Graves’ disease

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    Case reportsCerebral bleeding as a leading manifestation of infectious endocarditis

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    Infectious endocarditis is frequently complicated with acute cerebral events. In most cases they represent the consequences of cerebral embolism. In the presented case the first clinical manifestation of aortic valve endocarditis was intracerebral bleeding. After exclusion of intracerebral aneurysm the aortic valve was replaced and the further course was uncomplicated

    Wstrząs kardiogenny w przebiegu zespołu tako-tsubo u młodego mężczyzny

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    Tako-tsubo’s syndrome is usually induced by sudden stress reaction, however symptoms may also occur without any cause. Most reported cases of this syndrome, more than 95%, affect women older than 60 years. We present a case of a 45 year-old man in good health with severe cardiovascular complication due to "simple" laryngological surgery using systemic anaesthesia. On the basis of clinical features and results of additional tests we recognize tako-tsubo syndrome. Kardiol Pol 2010; 68, 8: 942-94