29 research outputs found

    Los inicios de la escultura ligera en Mallorca (siglos XV y XVI). Documentos, obras y talleres

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    The popularization of the lightweight sculpture technique in the late Middle Ages is related to the practical nature of the works —intended, as they were, for liturgical and processional uses. The article fo- cuses on the introduction of this technique in Majorcan Gothic art throughout the fifteenth and early six- teenth centuries. The large number of preserved works and documentation on their workmanship enable us to analyze those local workshops dedicated to the production of acclaimed lightweight sculptures. Based on this documentary evidence, it has also been possible to uncover how this technique was used for the manufacture of stage sets and temporary pieces for festivities, in addition to «lightweight» pieces for the domestic sphere.La popularización de la técnica de la escultura ligera a finales de la Edad Media se relaciona con la finalidad práctica de las obras destinadas a usos litúrgicos y procesionales. En el artículo se estudia la introducción de esta técnica en la plástica gótica de Mallorca a lo largo del siglo XV y principios del XVI. La importancia del número de obras conservadas y la documentación relativa a su factura nos permitirán ana- lizar los talleres locales que se dedicaron a la producción de escultura ligera con un consagrado éxito. A partir de los datos documentales se ha podido conocer igualmente el uso de esta técnica para la fabricación de escenografías y obras efímeras destinadas a festividades, así como también la presencia de piezas de materiales «ligeros» en el ámbito doméstico.La popularización de la técnica de la escultura ligera a finales de la Edad Media se relaciona con la finalidad práctica de las obras destinadas a usos litúrgicos y procesionales. En el artículo se estudia la introducción de esta técnica en la plástica gótica de Mallorca a lo largo del siglo XV y principios del XVI. La importancia del número de obras conservadas y la documentación relativa a su factura nos permitirán ana- lizar los talleres locales que se dedicaron a la producción de escultura ligera con un consagrado éxito. A partir de los datos documentales se ha podido conocer igualmente el uso de esta técnica para la fabricación de escenografías y obras efímeras destinadas a festividades, así como también la presencia de piezas de materiales «ligeros» en el ámbito doméstic

    Los Salort (1429-1523). Una familia de carpinteros de la Mallorca bajomedieval

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    This study presents a family of carpenters from late medieval Majorca, documented between 1429 and 1523, the Salorts. Their relevance lies in monopolising the post of master carpenter of the Cathedral for a period of eighty years. Based on direct sources and some previous studies, in this paper we present an analysis focusing on the cathedral’s working environment, as well as on other professional aspects and on the socio-economic and cultural contexts of these artisans.Este estudio da a conocer una familia de carpinteros de la Mallorca bajomedieval, documentada entre 1429 y 1523, los Salort. El interés en este linaje reside en su monopolio del cargo de mestre fuster major de la catedral a lo largo de ochenta años. A partir de fuentes directas y de algunos estudios previos, se aporta un análisis centrado en el entorno laboral de la fábrica catedralicia, así como también en otros aspectos relativos al trabajo y a los contextos socioeconómico y cultural de estos artesanos

    L’inventari de Béns de Mestre Bartomeu Pol, Fuster (1523)

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    [cat]El present article dóna a conèixer l’inventari de béns d’un artífex medieval dedicat al treball de l’escultura en fusta, Bartomeu Pol. El document aporta, per l’extensió i riquesa en detalls, informació rellevant sobre la personalitat artística, versatilitat productiva i puixança econòmica d’un dels darrers mestres destacats del gòtic mallorquí.[eng]This article presents the inventory of goods of a medieval craftsman specialized in wood carving, Bartomeu Pol. The document provides, for the extension and details, relevant information about his artistic personality, his versatile productivity and the high standard of living of one of the last outstanding masters of Majorcan Gothic style

    Nuevas aportaciones sobre el taller de los Tosquella (1368-1446), imagineros mallorquines

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    Este artículo se centra en el estudio de uno de los talleres de la escultura en madera más destacados del Gótico en Mallorca, los Tosquella, activos entre 1368 y 1446. Tras un análisis de la documentación que nos permite conocer las vertientes laboral y social de estos escultores, el texto se orienta hacia su vertiente productiva. A partir del análisis del retablo gótico de la Seu, se propone la atribución de un conjunto de obras de imaginería conservadas en la isla, a saber, un grupo de seis Crucificados y tres esculturas marianas

    Algunes notícies al voltant de les portes de la Llonja

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    En aquest breu treball es pretén fer una aportació documental a les obres del destacat edifici gòtic de la Llonja de Palma. Concretament s’analitzen tres notícies localitzades a protocols notarials que informen sobre els pagaments efectuats a tres artesans per les tasques realitzades a les portes de la fàbrica durant els anys 1441 i 1442. Aquests documents inèdits serveixen per confirmar que l’arquitectura de la Llonja quedà pràcticament conclosa abans que Guillem Sagrera abandonàs l’obra l’any 1446.This short paper aims to be a documentary contribution to the work of the outstanding Gothic building of La Llonja de Palma. Specifically, what is analysed are three reports found in notarial protocols that report on the payments made to three artisans for their work on the factory gates during the years 1441 and 1442. These unpublished documents serve to confirm that the architecture of La Lonja was virtually completed by the time Guillem Sagrera abandoned the work in 1446

    Neurohypophysial and paracrine vasopressinergic signaling regulates aquaporin trafficking to hydrate marine teleost oocytes

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    The dual aquaporin (Aqp1ab1/Aqp1ab2)-mediated hydration of marine teleost eggs, which occurs during oocyte meiosis resumption (maturation), is considered a key adaptation underpinning their evolutionary success in the oceans. However, the endocrine signals controlling this mechanism are almost unknown. Here, we investigated whether the nonapeptides arginine vasopressin (Avp, formerly vasotocin) and oxytocin (Oxt, formerly isotocin) are involved in marine teleost oocyte hydration using the gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) as a model. We show that concomitant with an increased systemic production of Avp and Oxt, the nonapeptides are also produced and accumulated locally in the ovarian follicles during oocyte maturation and hydration. Functional characterization of representative Avp and Oxt receptor subtypes indicates that Avpr1aa and Oxtrb, expressed in the postvitellogenic oocyte, activate phospholipase C and protein kinase C pathways, while Avpr2aa, which is highly expressed in the oocyte and in the follicular theca and granulosa cells, activates the cAMP-protein kinase A (PKA) cascade. Using ex vivo, in vitro and mutagenesis approaches, we determined that Avpr2aa plays a major role in the PKA-mediated phosphorylation of the aquaporin subdomains driving membrane insertion of Aqp1ab2 in the theca and granulosa cells, and of Aqp1ab1 and Aqp1ab2 in the distal and proximal regions of the oocyte microvilli, respectively. The data further indicate that luteinizing hormone, which surges during oocyte maturation, induces the synthesis of Avp in the granulosa cells via progestin production and the nuclear progestin receptor. Collectively, our data suggest that both the neurohypophysial and paracrine vasopressinergic systems integrate to differentially regulate the trafficking of the Aqp1ab-type paralogs via a common Avp-Avpr2aa-PKA pathway to avoid competitive occupancy of the same plasma membrane space and maximize water influx during oocyte hydration

    The zebrafish genome encodes the largest vertebrate repertoire of functional aquaporins with dual paralogy and substrate specificities similar to mammals

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    Background: Aquaporins are integral membrane proteins that facilitate the transport of water and small solutes across cell membranes. These proteins are vital for maintaining water homeostasis in living organisms. In mammals, thirteen aquaporins (AQP0-12) have been characterized, but in lower vertebrates, such as fish, the diversity, structure and substrate specificity of these membrane channel proteins are largely unknown. Results: The screening and isolation of transcripts from the zebrafish (Danio rerio) genome revealed eighteen sequences structurally related to the four subfamilies of tetrapod aquaporins, i.e., aquaporins (AQP0, -1 and -4), water and glycerol transporters or aquaglyceroporins (Glps; AQP3 and AQP7-10), a water and urea transporter (AQP8), and two unorthodox aquaporins (AQP11 and -12). Phylogenetic analyses of nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences demonstrated dual paralogy between teleost and human aquaporins. Three of the duplicated zebrafish isoforms have unlinked loci, two have linked loci, while DrAqp8 was found in triplicate across two chromosomes. Genomic sequencing, structural analysis, and maximum likelihood reconstruction, further revealed the presence of a putative pseudogene that displays hybrid exons similar to tetrapod AQP5 and -1. Ectopic expression of the cloned transcripts in Xenopus laevis oocytes demonstrated that zebrafish aquaporins and Glps transport water or water, glycerol and urea, respectively, whereas DrAqp11b and -12 were not functional in oocytes. Contrary to humans and some rodents, intrachromosomal duplicates of zebrafish AQP8 were water and urea permeable, while the genomic duplicate only transported water. All aquaporin transcripts were expressed in adult tissues and found to have divergent expression patterns. In some tissues, however, redundant expression of transcripts encoding two duplicated paralogs seems to occur. Conclusion: The zebrafish genome encodes the largest repertoire of functional vertebrate aquaporins with dual paralogy to human isoforms. Our data reveal an early and specific diversification of these integral membrane proteins at the root of the crown-clade of Teleostei. Despite the increase in gene copy number, zebrafish aquaporins mostly retain the substrate specificity characteristic of the tetrapod counterparts. Based upon the integration of phylogenetic, genomic and functional data we propose a new classification for the piscine aquaporin superfamily

    In honorem et servicium divini cultus. Nous documents per a l'estudi de l'argenteria sacra en el trànsit a la modernitat

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    En el present article es presenta un conjunt de documents inèdits relatius a l’argenteria sacra mallorquina de finals del segle XV i d’inicis del XVI. La informació que se’n pot extreure esdevé una font important per al coneixement d’alguns dels argenters en actiu durant aquest període, així com algunes de les obres encarregades per part de la catedral, el convent de Sant Domingo i algunes confraries.This paper presents a set of unpublished documents on Majorcan sacred silversmithing from the late 15th and early 16th centuries. The information they render, represents an important source regarding active silversmiths during this period, as well as some of the works commissioned by the Cathedral, the Santo Domingo convent and some fraternities