48 research outputs found

    Work-life conflict among higher education institution workers' during COVID-19: a demands-resources approach

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    Higher Education Institutions’ (HEI) workers were highly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, which magnified gender differences in terms of management of work and personal life. Most studies published so far have primarily focused on a group of HEI workers’ (i.e., teachers and researchers), but not on staff members, despite their crucial role for HEI functioning. Following the Job Demands-Resources theory, we aimed to: (i) characterize work-life conflict (WLC) among men and women workers from an HEI (staff and teachers/researchers) during the COVID-19 pandemic; and (ii) explore the major predictors of WLC for both staff and teachers/researchers. This study includes a sample of 262 workers from one Portuguese HEI (n = 128 staff members; n = 134 teachers/researchers) who answered an online survey. An Independent Samples T-Test showed that the reported current WLC was significantly higher for teachers/researchers compared to staff. Moreover, women teachers/researchers showed higher WLC than men. Additionally, using a Repeated Measures ANOVA, we found that the increase in the reported levels of WLC (before the pandemic and currently) was significantly more prominent among teachers/researchers than in the staff group. Regarding the predictors of WLC for both groups separately, a Multiple Hierarchical Linear Regression showed that role overload, conceptualized as a demand, was a predictor for both staff and teachers/researchers. As for potential resources, work dedication negatively predicted WLC for staff, whereas family-friendly organization perceptions predicted less WLC for teachers/researchers. These results highlight the importance of understanding HEIs holistically, by considering workers’ individual characteristics such as gender, but also distinct careers inside the institutions. As most European HEIs are currently making active efforts to promote gender-equal academic workplaces, these findings may help them design tailored and effective measures to address employees’ work-life balance issues, not only considering gender, but also the different types of demands associated with each group of workers within HEIs

    Magnetic nanostructures for emerging biomedical applications

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    Magnetic nanostructures have been widely studied due to their potential applicability into several research fields such as data storage, sensing and biomedical applications. Focusing on the biomedical aspect, some new approaches deserve to be mentioned: cell manipulation and separation, contrast-enhancing agents for magnetic resonance imaging, and magnetomechanically induced cell death. This work focuses on understanding three different magnetic nanostructures, disks in the vortex state, synthetic antiferromagnetic particles and nanowires, first, by explaining their interesting properties and how they behave under an applied external field, before reviewing their potential applications for each of the aforementioned techniques.The authors acknowledge funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 734801. C.R. and R.M. acknowledge funding from Basque Government Grant Nos. PIBA 2018-11 and IT1162-19, and Spanish Grant No. FIS2016-76058 (AEI/FEDER, UE). D.N. acknowledges the Spanish Ministry for Science, Innovation and Universities, for funding through the “Ramon y Cajal” program RYC-2017-22820. C.T. Sousa thanks FCT for financial support through the Investigador FCT program (Contract No. IF/01159/2015). R. Magalhães is grateful to the FCT SFRH/BD/148563/2019 PhD grant. This work was also supported by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) and COMPETE 2020 (FEDER) under the projects POCI-01-0145-FEDER-028676/PTDC/CTM-CTM/28676/2017, POCI-01-0145/FEDER-032257/PTDC/FIS-OTI/32257/2017, POCI-01-0145-FEDER031302/PTDC/FIS-MAC/31302/2017, and POCI-01-0141-FEDER032527

    Urbanização violenta : dinâmicas da segregação socioespacial em Brasília

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    Neste artigo, exploramos as interpretações de Bernardo Secchi a respeito da segregação socioespacial, fazendo correlações com a atual região metropolitana de Brasília. Para o autor, há uma "nova questão urbana" que contribui para o agravamento da crise da economia planetária, e para a qual as práticas urbanísticas concorrem. A partir de um arco histórico com origem na cidade europeia, Secchi caracteriza a urbanização violenta, atualmente em curso em metrópoles asiáticas, africanas e latino americanas e contrária ao entendimento da cidade como lócus ideal de integração social e cultural por excelência. Partindo daí, pensamos em políticas e projetos que acirram a desigualdade no Distrito Federal centradas em dispositivos formulados no longo processo de construção da capital, resultando hoje numa dinâmica de centralidades capazes de assimilar os benefícios da urbanização; e periferias pauperizadas nas franjas da metrópole

    ANÁLISE HISTOLÓGICA DO TRATO INTESTINAL DO Caracara plancus (Miller, 1777).

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    O carcará é uma ave com reconhecido papel ecológico, atuando no controle de populações de pequenas aves e mamíferos, alimentando-se tanto de presas vivas, quanto de animais em decomposição. Objetivou-se analisar a histologia do trato intestinal do carcará. Foram eutanasiados cinco carcarás provenientes do Centro de Triagem de Animais Silvestres de Pernambuco, para retirada do intestino e cloaca. Os tecidos foram corados por Hematoxilina/Eosina, Alcian Blue pH 1,0 e Ácido Periódico de Shiff. As vilosidades do intestino delgado e grosso são revestidas por epitélio simples colunar, com microvilosidades e células caliciformes. A lâmina própria contém linfócitos, formando folículos linfáticos no interior de algumas vilosidades. Já a muscular da mucosa está disposta no sentido longitudinal. A camada submucosa só foi observada na cloaca e a camada muscular possui fibras transversais e longitudinais. A serosa reveste externamente todo trato intestinal, sendo composta por mesotélio e tecido conjuntivo submesotelial. Pregas longitudinais foram encontradas no intestino grosso. Conclui-se que o intestino do Carcará apresenta de forma geral estrutura compatível com o padrão histológico observado em outras espécies de aves; entretanto, as células de Paneth e camada submucosa não foram observadas. Folículos linfáticos foram encontrados no interior das vilosidades e um elevado número de células caliciformes na porção final do íleo e intestino grosso. Palavras-chave: aves; divertículo vitelínico; histologia; intestino

    Enterobactérias isoladas da cloaca de Gaviões-carijós (Rupornis magnirostris, GMELIN, 1788) cativos e seu perfil de susceptibilidade a antimicrobianos

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    Knowledge of the enterobacteria present in the roadside hawk can bring about an understanding of infectious diseases that can affect this bird, as well as other animals and/or humans, while also adding information of great ecological importance. Thus, the aim of the study was to determine the enterobacteria present in the cloaca of captive roadside hawks and antimicrobial susceptibility profile. Initially, cloacal samples from nine specimens were collected with the aid of swabs. Samples were placed in petri dishes with MacConkey agar, Hektoen agar, EMB agar and Salmonella-Shigella (SS) agar and incubated for 24 h at 35°C. After incubation, the microorganisms were submitted to biochemical testing to confirm the presence of enterobacteria. Thereafter, the susceptibility profile of bacteria to antimicrobial agents was evaluated by a disk diffusion test according to the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI). Escherichia coli (77.8%), Klebsiella oxytoca (11.1%), Klebsiella pneumoniae (11.1%) and Salmonella spp. (55.6%) were isolated from the collected samples. Among the isolates, some bacteria showed resistance to up to three antimicrobial agents. This study has brought greater insight about the enterobacteria present in the roadside hawk (Rupornis magnirostris), exhibiting a significant percentage of enterobacteria important to public health; also, it showed the occurrence of strains with resistance profile to antimicrobial agents.O conhecimento das enterobactérias presentes em Gavião-carijó pode trazer uma compreensão sobre as doenças infecciosas que podem acometer essa ave, como também outros animais e/ou humanos, além de trazer mais informações sobre essa espécie de grande importância ecológica. Desta forma, o objetivo do estudo foi determinar as enterobactérias presentes na cloaca de Gaviões-carijós cativos e seu perfil de susceptibilidade a antimicrobianos. Inicialmente, foram coletadas amostras cloacais de nove espécimes com o auxílio de swabs. As amostras foram plaqueadas em ágar MacConkey, ágar Hektoen, ágar EMB e ágar SS e incubadas por 24 h a 35°C. Após incubação, as colônias foram submetidas às provas bioquímicas para confirmação da presença de enterobactérias. Posteriormente, o perfil de susceptibilidade das bactérias frente a agentes antimicrobianos foi avaliado através do teste da difusão em disco de acordo com o Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI). Escherichia coli (77,8%), Klebsiella oxytoca (11,1%), Klebsiella pneumoniae (11,1%) e Salmonella spp. (55,6%) foram isoladas das amostras coletadas. Dentre as cepas isoladas, algumas apresentaram resistência a até três antimicrobianos. O presente estudo trouxe um maior conhecimento sobre as enterobactérias presentes no Gavião-carijó (Rupornis magnirostris), mostrando um percentual significativo de enterobactérias de importância na saúde pública, evidenciando também a ocorrência de cepas com perfil de resistência a agentes antimicrobianos

    Analysis of Bone-implant Interfacial Stress during Disocclusion in Complete Implant-supported Prosthesis: A Finite Element Study

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    Aim: Little is known about the biomechanical behavior of disocclusion patterns in implant-supported prostheses. Thus, the aim of the present study was to analyze the stresses generated at bone-implant interface during different patterns of disocclusion in an implant-supported lower complete denture without free distal ends using the three-dimensional (3-D) finite element method. Study Design: Finite element method. Methods: A 3-D model of a complete denture supported by five inter-foraminal implants and two distal was developed (CAE software Abaqus). A canine guide disocclusion (CG) was simulated applying a nodal load of 15 N at an angle of 45° on the canine tooth prosthesis, while to a bilateral balanced occlusion (BBO) a similar load pattern was applied at four distinct points, bilaterally. Linear elastic static analysis was used to compare the magnitude of maximum and minimum principal stresses at bone-implant interface for each simulation. Results: The disocclusion pattern generated during CG exhibited a greater stress concentration at the bone-implant interface of the distal implant on the working side. BBO showed a more homogeneous stress distribution pattern at the bone-implant interface of the two distal implants. Anterior implants showed lower stress concentration. Conclusions: Bilateral balanced occlusion (BBO) resulted in a more favorable stress distribution in this complete implant-supported prosthesis model

    Desenvolvimento de Transtornos Mentais Comuns em mulheres em situação de violência sexual: revisão integrativa

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    The aim was to identify, from the scientific literature, the common mental disorders developed in women in situations of sexual violence. It is an integrative literature review, whose databases were accessed: Virtual Health Library, service of the U.S National Library of Medicine of the National Institute of Health and Discovery Service (via CAPES portal). The search for the data took place in January 2019, using the keywords associated with the Boolean operator AND: "sexual violence" AND "woman" AND "common mental disorder", "sexual violence" AND "woman" AND "mental health” AND “Sexual violence”AND “women” AND “common mental disorder”. Articles in Portuguese, English and Spanish were searched. According to the evaluation, complete articles were selected that confirmed the initial hypothesis: there is a significant association between sexual violence and the development of common mental disorders, especially Post-traumatic Stress Disorder.Objetivou-se identificar, a partir da literatura científica, os transtornos mentais comuns desenvolvidos em mulheres em situação de violência sexual. Trata-se de revisão integrativa da literatura, cujas bases de dados acessadas foram: Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, serviço da U.S National Library of Medicine do National Institute of Health e Discovery Service (via portal CAPES).  A busca dos dados ocorreu em janeiro de 2019, utilizando as palavras-chave, associadas com o operador booleano AND: “violência sexual” AND “mulher” AND “transtorno mental comum”, “violência sexual” AND “mulher” AND “saúde mental” e “Sexual violence” AND “women” AND “common mental disorder”. Foram pesquisados artigos nas línguas portuguesa, inglesa e espanhola. De acordo com avaliação, foram selecionados artigos completos que confirmaram a hipótese inicial: há associação significativa da violência sexual com o desenvolvimento de transtornos mentais comuns, principalmente o Transtorno de Estresse Pós-traumático

    The impact of clinical use on the torsional behavior of Reciproc and WaveOne instruments

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    Torsional overload is a fracture representative parameter for instruments in single-file techniques. Objective The aim of this study was to assess the influence of clinical use, in vivo, on the torsional behavior of Reciproc and WaveOne instruments considering the possibility that they degraded with use. Material and Methods Diameter at each millimeter, pitch length, and area at 3 mm from the tip were determined for both types of instruments. Twenty-four instruments, size 25, 0.08 taper, of each system were divided into two groups (n=12 each): Control Group (CG), in which new Reciproc (RC) and WaveOne Primary (WO) instruments were tested in torsion until rupture based on ISO 3630-1; and Experimental Group (EG), in which each new instrument was clinically used to clean and shape the root canals of one molar. After clinical use, the instruments were analyzed using optical and scanning electron microscopy and subsequently tested in torsion until fracture. Data were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance at a=.05. Results WO instruments showed significantly higher mean values of cross-sectional area A3 (P=0.000) and smaller pitch lengths than RC instruments with no statistically significant differences in the diameter at D3 (P=0.521). No significant differences in torsional resistance between the RC and WO new instruments (P=0.134) were found. The clinical use resulted in a tendency of reduction in the maximum torque of the analyzed instruments but no statistically significant difference was observed between them (P=0.327). During the preparation of the root canals, two fractured RC instruments and longitudinal and transversal cracks in RC and WO instruments were observed through SEM analysis. Conclusion After clinical use, no statistically significant reduction in the torsional resistance was observed