263 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Causes of failure in English Subject of 11th Grade “A” Students at Public High School “Colegio de Esquipulas” from Managua, during the Second Semester of 2017

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    One problem that has affected the students most from high school in Nicaragua is that are failing in one or more subjects. This problem is not something new; it has been happening from decades and in spite of the reinforcement provided by the current government at the end of the year for students who have failed in one or more subject, including English, the roots of the problem are even not assisted. This study is an analysis of the factors that are influencing or causing this students’ failure, specifically in the English subject. In order to attain this information the quantitative research was applied, using instruments such as survey, observation guide and interview. This study provides useful information about the factors that are causing the students’ failure in the English subject and contributes to future research on similar topics. It also is useful to get a better understanding of the problem in order to find possible solutions to the same. The methodology implemented to develop the present research was the Quantitative research because it possesses the following characteristics: the researcher establishes a concrete and delimited problem of research; the researcher considers researches that have been developed before, and the researcher includes a Theoretical Framework; the data collection consists in attaining information from the sample

    Umbilical Cord Blood-Derived Therapies as a Treatment for Graft-Versus-Host Disease

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    Umbilical cord blood (UCB) has been increasingly used as a source of haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) for transplantation. UCB transplantation (UCBT) has some advantages such as less stringent human leucocyte antigen (HLA) matching and lower impact of graft-versus-host disease (GvHD). UCBT is also characterised by a high rate of infections, graft failure, delayed engraftment and slow recovery of the immune system. UCB contains HSC as well as immune cells that could be considered to develop new treatments for the main complications post-UCBT but also to treat other diseases. GvHD remains a major complication post-CBT and post-haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). In view of their ability to induce tolerance and suppress the functions of effector T cells, regulatory T (Treg) cells have been proposed as an adoptive therapy to modulate GvHD post-HSCT. In addition, we showed that UCB contains soluble NKG2D ligands that can modulate the functions of NKG2D expressing cells, making UCB plasma a product of interest to modulate inflammation and in particular skin GvHD. Here, we aim to describe some of the therapies currently developed using UCB, focusing on Treg cells and UCB plasma for the treatment of GvHD

    Factors associated with learning management in Mexican micro-entrepreneurs

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    The learning capacity of social based Mexican micro-entrepreneurs to generate new knowledge and incorporate it to its products and services is evaluated. The above is done through a confirmatory factor analysis and structural linear equation system, and the presence of static and dynamic dimensions in learning capacity, which are represented by individual stocks and flows of knowledge. The positive relationship between them demonstrates the presence of learning processes that impact positively their economic performance

    An index to assess the level of vulnerability to crocodiles in coastal communities

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    Las interacciones negativas entre seres humanos y animales silvestres es un fenómeno recurrente a nivel mundial y que se origina desde que ambos comparten los mismos hábitats y recursos. En varias comunidades costeras existen interacciones negativas dada la presencia del cocodrilo americano (Crocodylus acutus). Construimos un índice para evaluar el grado de vulnerabilidad de las comunidades ante este reptil. La construcción de este índice está basada en el Índice Aproximado de Sostenibilidad generado por Gutiérrez-Espeleta en 1994. El índice de vulnerabilidad (IVU) se basa en varios indicadores de cuatro parámetros: social, biológico-ambiental, institucional y espacial, con una escala de desempeño e interpretación de estos. El IVU genera valores de la condición de vulnerabilidad que se representan en una escala de colores según intervalos definidos. Para cada indicador se anotan las categorías de referencia y las escalas de calificación con colores tipo semáforo con una valoración numérica. El valor del IVU obtenido para una comunidad se puede representar de manera gráfica con un mapa en una figura que incluye un cuadro de los valores para los parámetros evaluados.Human-wildlife negative interactions are a recurring phenomenon worldwide, originating from the shared habitats and resources between both. In several coastal communities, negative interactions occur due to the presence of the American Crocodile (Crocodylus acutus). We have developed an index to assess the level of vulnerability of communities to this reptile. The construction of this index is based on the Approximate SustainabilityIndex developed by Gutiérrez-Espeleta in 1994. The Index of Vulnerability (IVU) is built upon several indicators across four parameters: social, biological-environmental, institutional, and spatial. These indicators are assessed using a performance scale and interpretation. The IVU assigns values to the vulnerability condition, which are presented in a color scale corresponding to defined intervals. For each indicator, reference categories and rating scales are represented with traffic light colors and numerical ratings. The IVU value obtained for a community can be visualized with a map and a corresponding figure, including a table of values for the assessed parameters.As interações negativas entre humanos e animais selvagens são um fenômeno recorrente em todo o mundo, originado dos habitats e recursos compartilhados entre ambos. Em várias comunidades costeiras, as interações negativas ocorrem devido à presença do crocodilo americano (Crocodylus acutus). Desenvolvemos um índice para avaliar o nível de vulnerabilidade das comunidades a esse réptil. A construção desse índice baseia-se no Índice de Sustentabilidade Aproximada desenvolvido por Gutiérrez-Espeleta em 1994. O Índice de Vulnerabilidade (IVU) é construído com base em vários indicadores em quatro parâmetros: social, biológico-ambiental, institucional e espacial. Esses indicadores são avaliados por meio de uma escala de desempenho e interpretação. O IVU atribui valores à condição de vulnerabilidade, que são apresentados em uma escala de cores correspondente a intervalos definidos. Para cada indicador, as categorias de referência e as escalas de classificação são representadas com cores de semáforo e classificações numéricas. O valor da IVU obtido para uma comunidade pode ser visualizado em um mapa e em uma figura correspondente, incluindo uma tabela de valores para os parâmetros avaliados

    Mechanical Perturbations at the Working Electrode to Materials Synthesis by Electrodeposition

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    Applying mechanical perturbations at the working electrode during the electrodeposition process is a novel strategy for materials synthesis that has been used for Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) thin film synthesis. A mechanical perturbations strategy was applied during one-step electrodeposition, and the results are compared with the traditional one-step electrodeposition where no mechanical perturbations were applied. In both cases, a potentiostatic mode was employed, where DC potential is applied to the working electrode with respect to the reference electrode; the potential is regulated by the current at an auxiliary electrode. The CIGS films obtained from both strategies were analyzed as electrodeposited and after being annealed in a selenium atmosphere. The annealed film morphology obtained with the potentiostatic mode plus periodical mechanical perturbations was denser and more compact than the film without mechanical perturbations. Using contour lines, the morphology evolution and mass transport distribution on the working electrode during the electrodeposition process are explained


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    El impulso a la actividad turística en las comunidades rurales de México, puede ser contextualizado bajo miradas disímiles acordes con la orientación que recibe, aunque generalmente concuerdan, por lo menos en el discurso, en la innegable necesidad de dar respuesta a los severos problemas que caracterizan al medio rural como la pobreza y la marginación. Pero más allá de las aspiraciones plasmadas en las iniciativas turísticas, por el mejoramiento en las condiciones de vida y la conservación de los recursos, es claro que el turismo por su propia dinámica de desarrollo, conlleva implícitas transformaciones socioculturales y físicas para las comunidades campesinas, aunque su delineación e instrumentalización por parte de agentes externos, puede sobrellevar implicaciones con mayor intensidad, aún por encima de los beneficios pretendidos con su ejecución.El desarrollo de la actividad turística en el medio rural, puede sustentarse en múltiples orientaciones, pero su configuración desde la nueva ruralidad, está generando profundas transformaciones socioculturales y físicas para las comunidades campesinas, asumiendo un rol definitorio en las estrategias de intervención por parte del mercado. El trabajo tiene como objetivo, describir la orientación y acciones de intervención, que actualmente despliegan diversos agentes externos para la afirmación del turismo y sus implicaciones para las comunidades rurales. Para ello, se destaca la posición que han asumido algunos Organismos Internacionales, dependencias del gobierno Federal, e incluso Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil en México, y los impactos que esta generando en la fragmentación del territorio comunal, el debilitamiento de las estructuras organizativas locales, la re funcionalización económica y apertura al exterior, e incluso las confrontaciones comunitarias por el aprovechamiento recreativo de los recursos.CONACYT- Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Méxic

    Vehículos de guiado autónomo (AGV) en aplicaciones industriales: una revisión

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    A review of the state of the art is presented of the autonomous guidance vehicles (AGV) to transport objects and raw material in industrial applications. The literature review is focus in different topics as the identification of place, application in different environments, vehicle control and description of the software systems used for the programming of mobile robots, according to the requirements or needs to be resolved. Additionally, an analysis is made, based on the aforementioned references, of the contribution made by this type of technologies not only to the industry, but also to other types of business model, such as the health area, the systems of urban transport, etc.Se presenta una revisión del estado del arte de vehículos de guiado autónomo (AGV por sus siglas en inglés: Automated Guided Vehicle) para el transporte de objetos y materia prima en aplicaciones industriales. La revisión de literatura hace énfasis en varios aspectos como la identificación del lugar, aplicación en diferentes entornos, control del vehículo y descripción de los sistemas de software usados para la programación de los robots móviles, de acuerdo a los requisitos o necesidades a resolver. Adicionalmente, se hace un análisis, con base a las referencias citadas, del aporte que hace este tipo de tecnologías no solo a la industria, sino también a otros tipos de modelo de negocio, como lo son el área de la salud, los sistemas de transporte urbano, entre otros. Se presenta una revisión del estado del arte de vehículos de guiado autónomo (AGV por sus siglas en inglés: Automated Guided Vehicle) para el transporte de objetos y materia prima en aplicaciones industriales. La revisión de literatura hace énfasis en varios aspectos como la identificación del lugar, aplicación en diferentes entornos, control del vehículo y descripción de los sistemas de software usados para la programación de los robots móviles, de acuerdo a los requisitos o necesidades a resolver. Adicionalmente, se hace un análisis, con base a las referencias citadas, del aporte que hace este tipo de tecnologías no solo a la industria, sino también a otros tipos de modelo de negocio, como lo son el área de la salud, los sistemas de transporte urbano, entre otros.  A review of the state of the art is presented of the autonomous guidance vehicles (AGV) to transport objects and raw material in industrial applications. The literature review is focus in different topics as the identification of place, application in different environments, vehicle control and description of the software systems used for the programming of mobile robots, according to the requirements or needs to be resolved. Additionally, an analysis is made, based on the aforementioned references, of the contribution made by this type of technologies not only to the industry, but also to other types of business model, such as the health area, the systems of urban transport, etc.

    Predonation Health-Related Quality of Life Scores Predict Time to Recovery in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Donors

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    AbstractThe physical reactions to hematopoietic stem cell donation have been extensively studied, but less is known about factors that predict poorer donation experiences. The aim of this prospective study was to examine demographic and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) factors that might be associated with recovery and side effects. We also described the changes in HRQOL during the donation process. In total, 275 peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) and 37 bone marrow (BM) consecutive donors completed the SF-36 questionnaire predonation and 4 weeks, and 3 months postdonation. Predonation HRQOL markers were the strongest predictors of time to recovery. Poorer predonation physical health was associated with longer recovery (P = .017) and certain side effects in PBSC donors. Poorer predonation mental health was associated with longer recovery in BM donors (P = .03) and pain after PBSC donation (P = .003). Physical HRQOL scores declined significantly from predonation to 4 weeks postdonation. This was shown both for PBSC and BM donors (P < .001 and P = .009, respectively), but the decline was much greater for BM donors. There was a return to predonation HRQOL values 3 months after donation in both groups with values well above the mean of the general population (P < .001)

    The galaxy "missing dark matter" NGC1052-DF4 is undergoing tidal disruption

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    The existence of long-lived galaxies lacking dark matter represents a challenge to our understanding of how galaxies form. Here, we present evidence that explains the lack of dark matter in one of such galaxies: NGC1052-DF4. Deep optical imaging of the system has detected tidal tails in this object caused by its interaction with its neighbouring galaxy NGC1035. As stars are more centrally concentrated than the dark matter, the tidal stripping will remove a significant percentage of the dark matter before affecting the stars of the galaxy. Only ~7% of the stellar mass of the galaxy is in the tidal tails, suggesting that the stars of NGC1052-DF4 are starting only now to be affected by the interaction, while the percentage of remaining dark matter is <1%. This naturally explains the low content of dark matter inferred for this galaxy and reconciles these type of galaxies with our current models of galaxy formation.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ; The main results of the paper are shown in figures 5 and

    Electrodeposition of Metal Chalcogenide Thin Films

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    Chalcogenide metals are compounds with optoelectronic characteristics that allow the construction of various optical and optoelectronic devices. The traditional preparation methods have been techniques such as reactive evaporation and sputtering. However, such methods have limited the construction of devices in large areas, particularly solar cells. Thin film solar cells based on Cu(In, Ga)Se2 (CIGSe) absorbers have suitable optoelectronic properties. However, their commercial development is scarce since the efficiencies achieved on large surfaces differ from those obtained at the laboratory level. The electrodeposition technique is the most attractive from an economic point of view; however, high conversion efficiencies still need to be achieved with the latter. Several authors attribute this difference to different causes, such as using chemical additives in the preparation. The influence of the salt during its synthesis is not studied, so this work aims to use three different types of metal salts and voltages to produce (CIGSe) absorbing thin films by the electrodeposition technique. Also, the effect of nucleation type on two other substrates is studied. The various features of structural, morphological, atomic composition, and electrochemical characterization were to understand the formation, growth, and morphology of CIGS films, to obtain a suitable stoichiometry of thin film solar cells using this absorber