199 research outputs found

    Effects of Whole-Body Vibration Compared to a Community-Based Exercise Program for Improving Older Adults\u27 Balance and Mood

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    Background: Whole-body vibration (WBV) may be an effective means of improving body composition and physical functioning in older adults, and the benefits may be comparable to traditional exercise modalities. The aim of this study was to test the effects of WBV on older adults’ balance and mood state. Materials and Methods: Thirty-one participants (5 male, M age= 89.8 ±8.8, and 26 female, M age = 74.5±8.1) were randomly assigned to WBV or a community-based exercise program (CBEP). The intervention lasted 6 months, with participants doing WBV 10-15 min, 5 d/wk or CBEP 50 min, 2 d/wk. The Sensory Organization Test (SOT) was used to assess overall balance. SOT data were collected using the NeuroCom (Clackamas, OR), which assesses three sensory systems associated with postural control: somatosensory, visual, and vestibular. Total mood disturbance (TMD) was assessed over the previous 6 months using the Profile of Mood States (POMS). Data were collected pre- post-intervention. Results: Controlling for age and gender, a 2 (group) x 2 (time) repeated measures MANCOVA revealed no group, time, or group x time interaction effects (all p\u3e.05); however, the proportion of variance accounted for by the group x time interaction was 14%, which is moderate. Delta values for the WBV and CBEP for SOT were +2.00 and +5.31, respectively; and for TMD +5.66 and -0.19, respectively. Conclusion: No between or within group differences suggest that 6-months of WBV or CBEP produce similar results among older adults. The restrictive sample size and relatively low statistical power limit the finding’s generalizability

    Arte Contemporânea na Educação Infantil: uma proposta de estágio

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    O artigo relata a experiência de acadêmicos do Curso de Artes Visuais da Universidade Regional de Blumenau – FURB/SC, na disciplina de Estágio Curricular Supervisionado em Artes Visuais II, ministrada por mim no segundo semestre de 2006, em que abordaram a Arte Contemporânea na Educação Infantil. A escolha pelo tema se deu devido a dificuldade de apreciação da arte contemporânea, pois o grande público tem pouco contato com esse tipo de produção artística e ainda menos com os novos conceitos de apreciação necessários para tal. Acreditando que a educação visual começa desde cedo, optou-se por desenvolver esse tema junto às crianças, iniciando-as no contato com a arte contemporânea, perguntando se elas estariam aptas a sua fruição. A premissa era que o tema encontraria aceitação do público infantil, pois este possui grande abertura de espírito, condição indispensável para a apreciação da arte contemporânea. Três equipes de acadêmicos aceitaram o desafio e elaboraram projetos dentro desta temática, cada qual com uma abordagem específica: 1) A arte contemporânea sob a ótica ingênua da criança, 2) Arte contemporânea: preparando o olhar da criança, 3) Um diálogo entre as linguagens de arte e a arte contemporânea ecoando na Educação Infantil. Os estágios foram realizados respectivamente na escola Arno Zadrosny e em dois Centros de Educação Infantil, Augusto Köester e Érica Braun, todos na cidade de Blumenau. Os resultados foram amplamente satisfatórios e confirmou nossa suposição inicial, a de que a criança pode desenvolver critérios de produção e fruição da arte contemporânea.Palavras-Chave    : arte contemporânea; educação infantil; fruição estética

    Suicide mortality in Brazil: temporal analysis (2010-2021) and comparison with the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Objective: To analyze suicide cases in Brazil from 2010 to 2021 and the sociodemographic characteristics of this phenomenon, including the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, to assess whether there was a relationship between the increase in suicide cases in Brazil and this illness. Methods: Ecological timeline study, with 140,339 cases analyzed from the Mortality Information System (SIM) databases. Rates and statistical regressions were performed using STATA® software. Results: Higher suicide rates in men, singles, and residents of the South and Midwest regions were observed. The age group of 10–19 years had an increase of 1.7 cases x 100 thousand inhabitants/year. Analysis by region revealed significant variations in rates, suggesting the influence of contextual factors. Although the pandemic affected mental health, it was not possible to establish a direct relationship between COVID-19 and increased suicide rates. Conclusion: These results reinforce the need for public policies and preventive interventions, especially for vulnerable groups such as young people. A multifactorial approach is suggested that considers socioeconomic factors, access to mental health services, and reduced stigma associated with mental illness. In short, this study contributes to understanding the temporal trends and demographic characteristics of suicides in Brazil, highlighting the importance of further longitudinal investigations to better understand this complex phenomenon. Hopefully, this evidence will strengthen mental health policies and promote more effective suicide prevention strategies.

    Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction Induced by Primary Hyperparathyroidism is Restored After Parathyroidectomy

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    Background— Symptomatic primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) is associated with increased cardiovascular mortality. However, data on the association between asymptomatic PHPT and cardiovascular risk are lacking. We assessed coronary flow reserve (CFR) as a marker of coronary microvascular function in asymptomatic PHPT of recent onset. Methods and Results— We studied 100 PHPT patients (80 women; age, 58±12 years) without cardiovascular disease and 50 control subjects matched for age and sex. CFR in the left anterior descending coronary artery was detected by transthoracic Doppler echocardiography, at rest, and during adenosine infusion. CFR was the ratio of hyperemic to resting diastolic flow velocity. CFR was lower in PHPT patients than in control subjects (3.0±0.8 versus 3.8±0.7; P <0.0001) and was abnormal (≤2.5) in 27 patients (27%) compared with control subjects (4%; P =0.0008). CFR was inversely related to parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels ( r =−0.3, P <0.004). In patients with CFR ≤2.5, PTH was higher (26.4 pmol/L [quartiles 1 and 3, 16 and 37 pmol/L] versus 18 [13–25] pmol/L; P <0.007), whereas calcium levels were similar (2.9±0.1 versus 2.8±0.3 mmol/L; P =0.2). In multivariable linear regression analysis, PTH, age, and heart rate were the only factors associated with CFR ( P =0.04, P =0.01, and P =0.006, respectively). In multiple logistic regression analysis, only PTH increased the probability of CFR ≤2.5 ( P =0.03). In all PHPT patients with CFR ≤2.5, parathyroidectomy normalized CFR (3.3±0.7 versus 2.1±0.5; P <0.0001). Conclusions— PHPT patients have coronary microvascular dysfunction that is completely restored after parathyroidectomy. PTH independently correlates with the coronary microvascular impairment, suggesting a crucial role of the hormone in explaining the increased cardiovascular risk in PHPT

    A Role for Ethanol-Induced Oxidative Stress in Controlling Lineage Commitment of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Through Inhibition of Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling

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    The mechanisms by which chronic ethanol intake induces bone loss remain unclear. In females, the skeletal response to ethanol varies depending on physiologic status (e.g., cycling, pregnancy, or lactation). Ethanol-induced oxidative stress appears to be a key event leading to skeletal toxicity. In this study, ethanol-containing liquid diets were fed to postlactational female Sprague-Dawley rats intragastrically for 4 weeks beginning at weaning. Ethanol consumption decreased bone mineral density (BMD) compared with control animals during this period of bone rebuilding following the end of lactation. Coadministration of the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine (NAC) was able to block bone loss and downregulation of the bone-formation markers alkaline phosphatase and osteocalcin in serum and gene expression in bone. Real-time array analysis of total RNA isolated from bone tissue revealed that the majority of Wnt signaling components were downregulated by chronic ethanol infusion. Real-time PCR confirmed downregulated gene expression in a subset of the Wnt signaling components by ethanol. However, the Wnt antagonist DKK1 was upregulated by ethanol. The key canonical Wnt signaling molecule β-catenin protein expression was inhibited, while glycogen synthase kinase-3-β was dephosphorylated by ethanol in bone and preosteoblastic cells. These actions of ethanol were blocked by NAC. Ethanol treatment inactivated TCF/LEF gene transcription, eliminated β-catenin nuclear translocation in osteoblasts, and reciprocally suppressed osteoblastogenesis and enhanced adipogenesis. These effects of ethanol on lineage commitment of mesenchymal stem cells were eliminated by NAC pretreatment. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that ethanol inhibits bone formation through stimulation of oxidative stress to suppress Wnt signaling. © 2010 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research