5,604 research outputs found

    Vortex lattice structures of Sr2_2RuO4_4

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    The vortex lattice structures of Sr2_2RuO4_4 for the odd parity representations of the superconducting state are examined for the magnetic field along the crystallographic directions. Particular emphasis is placed upon the two dimensional representation which is believed to be relevant to this material. It is shown that when the zero-field state breaks time reversal symmetry, there must exist two superconducting transitions when there is a finite field along a high symmetry direction in the basal plane. Also it is shown that a square vortex lattice is expected when the field is along the cc-axis. The orientation of the square lattice with respect to the underlying ionic lattice yields information as to which Ru 4d orbitals are relevant to the superconducting state.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    The ground state of Sr3Ru2O7 revisited; Fermi liquid close to a ferromagnetic instability

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    We show that single-crystalline Sr3Ru2O7 grown by a floating-zone technique is an isotropic paramagnet and a quasi-two dimensional metal as spin-triplet superconducting Sr2RuO4 is. The ground state is Fermi liquid with very low residual resistivity (3 micro ohm cm for in-plane currents) and a nearly ferromagnetic metal with the largest Wilson ratio Rw>10 among paramagnets so far. This contrasts with the ferromagnetic order at Tc=104 K reported on single crystals grown by a flux method [Cao et al., Phys. Rev. B 55, R672 (1997)]. We have also found a dramatic changeover from paramagnetism to ferromagnetism under applied pressure. This suggests the existence of a substantial ferromagnetic instability on the verge of a quantum phase transition in the Fermi liquid state.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev. B : Rapid co

    EOS MLS observations of dehydration in the 2004-2005 polar winters

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    We prove various estimates for the first eigenvalue of the magnetic Dirichlet Laplacian on a bounded domain in two dimensions. When the magnetic field is constant, we give lower and upper bounds in terms of geometric quantities of the domain. We furthermore prove a lower bound for the first magnetic Neumann eigenvalue in the case of constant field.Comment: 19 page

    Metamagnetism and critical fluctuations in high quality single crystals of the bilayer ruthenate Sr3Ru2O7

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    We report the results of low temperature transport, specific heat and magnetisation measurements on high quality single crystals of the bilayer perovskite Sr3Ru2O7, which is a close relative of the unconventional superconductor Sr2RuO4. Metamagnetism is observed, and transport and thermodynamic evidence for associated critical fluctuations is presented. These relatively unusual fluctuations might be pictured as variations in the Fermi surface topography itself. No equivalent behaviour has been observed in the metallic state of Sr2RuO4.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Revtex 3.

    Equivariant cohomology over Lie groupoids and Lie-Rinehart algebras

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    Using the language and terminology of relative homological algebra, in particular that of derived functors, we introduce equivariant cohomology over a general Lie-Rinehart algebra and equivariant de Rham cohomology over a locally trivial Lie groupoid in terms of suitably defined monads (also known as triples) and the associated standard constructions. This extends a characterization of equivariant de Rham cohomology in terms of derived functors developed earlier for the special case where the Lie groupoid is an ordinary Lie group, viewed as a Lie groupoid with a single object; in that theory over a Lie group, the ordinary Bott-Dupont-Shulman-Stasheff complex arises as an a posteriori object. We prove that, given a locally trivial Lie groupoid G and a smooth G-manifold f over the space B of objects of G, the resulting G-equivariant de Rham theory of f boils down to the ordinary equivariant de Rham theory of a vertex manifold relative to the corresponding vertex group, for any vertex in the space B of objects of G; this implies that the equivariant de Rham cohomology introduced here coincides with the stack de Rham cohomology of the associated transformation groupoid whence this stack de Rham cohomology can be characterized as a relative derived functor. We introduce a notion of cone on a Lie-Rinehart algebra and in particular that of cone on a Lie algebroid. This cone is an indispensable tool for the description of the requisite monads.Comment: 47 page

    Van Hove singularity and spontaneous Fermi surface symmetry breaking in Sr3Ru2O7

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    The most salient features observed around a metamagnetic transition in Sr3Ru2O7 are well captured in a simple model for spontaneous Fermi surface symmetry breaking under a magnetic field, without invoking a putative quantum critical point. The Fermi surface symmetry breaking happens in both a majority and a minority spin band but with a different magnitude of the order parameter, when either band is tuned close to van Hove filling by the magnetic field. The transition is second order for high temperature T and changes into first order for low T. The first order transition is accompanied by a metamagnetic transition. The uniform magnetic susceptibility and the specific heat coefficient show strong T dependence, especially a log T divergence at van Hove filling. The Fermi surface instability then cuts off such non-Fermi liquid behavior and gives rise to a cusp in the susceptibility and a specific heat jump at the transition temperature.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Not all surveillance data are created equal—A multi‐method dynamic occupancy approach to determine rabies elimination from wildlife

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    1. A necessary component of elimination programmes for wildlife disease is effective surveillance. The ability to distinguish between disease freedom and non‐detection can mean the difference between a successful elimination campaign and new epizootics. Understanding the contribution of different surveillance methods helps to optimize and better allocate effort and develop more effective surveillance programmes. 2. We evaluated the probability of rabies virus elimination (disease freedom) in an enzootic area with active management using dynamic occupancy modelling of 10 years of raccoon rabies virus (RABV) surveillance data (2006–2015) collected from three states in the eastern United States. We estimated detection probability of RABV cases for each surveillance method (e.g. strange acting reports, roadkill, surveillance‐trapped animals, nuisance animals and public health samples) used by the USDA National Rabies Management Program. 3. Strange acting, found dead and public health animals were the most likely to detect RABV when it was present, and generally detectability was higher in fall– winter compared to spring–summer. Found dead animals in fall–winter had the highest detection at 0.33 (95% CI: 0.20, 0.48). Nuisance animals had the lowest detection probabilities (~0.02). 4. Areas with oral rabies vaccination (ORV) management had reduced occurrence probability compared to enzootic areas without ORV management. RABV occurrence was positively associated with deciduous and mixed forests and medium to high developed areas, which are also areas with higher raccoon (Procyon lotor) densities. By combining occupancy and detection estimates we can create a probability of elimination surface that can be updated seasonally to provide guidance on areas managed for wildlife disease. 5. Synthesis and applications. Wildlife disease surveillance is often comprised of a combination of targeted and convenience‐based methods. Using a multi‐method analytical approach allows us to compare the relative strengths of these methods, providing guidance on resource allocation for surveillance actions. Applying this multi‐method approach in conjunction with dynamic occupancy analyses better informs management decisions by understanding ecological drivers of disease occurrence

    A supergeometric approach to Poisson reduction

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    This work introduces a unified approach to the reduction of Poisson manifolds using their description by graded symplectic manifolds. This yields a generalization of the classical Poisson reduction by distributions (Marsden-Ratiu reduction). Further it allows one to construct actions of strict Lie 2-groups and to describe the corresponding reductions.Comment: 40 pages. Final version accepted for publicatio