246 research outputs found

    Centre d'educació infantil i primària + biblioteca al barri del Poble nou de BCN

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    El projecte que proposo és un CEIP i Biblioteca al barri del Poblenou de Barcelona. Es projecta a partir d’una unitat espacial habitable (les aules), aquestes s’agreguen i entren a formar part d’un sistema de creixement infinit. Els sistemes de creixement infinit que es proposen es veuen sotmesos als límits imposats pel medi ambient, i pel programa que acaba de complementar el complex. Per tant, aquest projecte, un cop reconegudes totes aquestes regles de joc, es va adaptant al solar de manera que intenta no obviar l'entorn sinó conviure amb ell. És per això que a partir d'un interior d'illa, que és on s'ubica el pati de jocs, es deixa aquest interior lliure i així articula totes les peces del complex. A part, s'intenta amb la materialització un conjunt que visualment sigui reconeixible i s'obri cap a l'interior a partir de patis que permetran la ventilació i il·luminació dels espais

    CAV3 mutation in a patient with transient hyperCKemia and myalgia

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    Mutations in caveolin-3 (CAV3) can lead to different clinical phenotypes affecting skeletal or cardiac muscles. Here, we describe a patient with Klinefelter syndrome, ulcerative colitis and Sjögren syndrome, who developed transient hyperCKemia, myalgia and mild muscular weakness. Using whole exome sequencing (WES), a missense mutation G169A was found in the CAV3 gene. In addition, we identified a homozygous frameshift deletion in MS4A12 that may contribute to inflammatory bowel disease, further demonstrating usefulness of WES in dual molecular diagnoses

    A Review of the Carbon Footprint of Cu and Zn Production from Primary and Secondary Sources

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    Copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) with their unique properties are central for economic growth, quality of life, and the creation of new jobs. The base-metal producing sector is, however, under growing public pressure in respect to energy and water requirements and needs to meet several challenges, including increased demand and lower ore grades, which are generally associated with larger resource use. The development of technologies for metal production from secondary sources is often motivated by increased sustainability, and this paper aims to provide further insights about one specific aspect of sustainability—namely, climate change. The paper presents a review of carbon footprints (CF) for Cu and Zn produced from primary and secondary raw materials by analyzing data taken from scientific literature and the Ecoinvent database. Comparisons are carried out based on the source of data selected as a reference case. The data available in the literature indicate that secondary production of Cu and Zn has the potential to be more beneficial compared to primary production regarding the impact on climate change. However, the technologies used today for the production of both metals from secondary sources are still immature, and more research on this topic is needed. The general variation of data suggests that the standardization of a comparison is needed when assessing the environmental benefits of production in line with the principles of waste valorization, the zero waste approach, and circular econom

    Growth-Promoting Effect of Cava Lees on Lactic Acid Bacteria Strains: A Potential Revalorization Strategy of a Winery By-Product

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    The growing trend of circular economy has prompted the design of novel strategies for the revalorization of food industry by-products. Cava lees, a winery by-product consisting of non-viable cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae rich in β-glucans and mannan-oligosaccharides, can be used as a microbial growth promoter, with potential food safety and health applications. The aim of this study was to assess in vitro the effect of cava lees on the growth of 21 strains of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) species commonly used as starter cultures and/or probiotics. Firstly, 5% of cava lees was selected as the most effective amount for enhancing microbial counts. After screening different LAB, statistically significantly (p < 0.05) higher microbial counts were found in 12 strains as a consequence of cava lees supplementation. Moreover, a greater and faster reduction in pH was observed in most of these strains. The growth-promoting effects of cava lees on LAB strains supports the potential revalorization of this winery by-product, either to improve the safety of fermented products or as a health-promoting prebiotic that may be selectively fermented by probiotic species.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Growth-Promoting Effect of Cava Lees on Lactic Acid Bacteria Strains: A Potential Revalorization Strategy of a Winery By-Product

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    The growing trend of circular economy has prompted the design of novel strategies for the revalorization of food industry by-products. Cava lees, a winery by-product consisting of non-viable cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae rich in β-glucans and mannan-oligosaccharides, can be used as a microbial growth promoter, with potential food safety and health applications. The aim of this study was to assess in vitro the effect of cava lees on the growth of 21 strains of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) species commonly used as starter cultures and/or probiotics. Firstly, 5% of cava lees was selected as the most effective amount for enhancing microbial counts. After screening different LAB, statistically significantly (p < 0.05) higher microbial counts were found in 12 strains as a consequence of cava lees supplementation. Moreover, a greater and faster reduction in pH was observed in most of these strains. The growth-promoting effects of cava lees on LAB strains supports the potential revalorization of this winery by-product, either to improve the safety of fermented products or as a health-promoting prebiotic that may be selectively fermented by probiotic species. Keywords: cava lees; by-product; winery; ß-glucans; mannooligosaccharides (MOS); lactic acid bacteria (LAB); prebiotics; probiotics; revalorization; circular econom

    Synthesis of Copper-Based Nanostructures in Liquid Environments by Means of a Non-equilibrium Atmospheric Pressure Nanopulsed Plasma Jet

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    The influence of the liquid composition on the chemical and morphological properties of copper-based nanostructures synthesized by a non-equilibrium atmospheric plasma treatment is investigated and discussed. The synthesis approach is simple and environmentally friendly, employs a non-equilibrium nanopulsed atmospheric pressure plasma jet as a contactless cathode and a Cu foil as immersed anode. The process was studied using four distinct electrolyte solutions composed of distilled water and either NaCl + NaOH, NaCl only or NaOH only at two different concentrations, without the addition of any copper salts. CuO crystalline structures with limited impurities (e.g. Cu and Cu(OH)2phases) were produced from NaCl + NaOH containing solutions, mainly CuO and CuCl2structures were synthesized in the electrolyte solution containing only NaCl and no synthesis occurred in solutions containing only NaOH. Both aggregated and dispersed nanostructures were produced in the NaCl + NaOH and NaCl containing solutions. Reaction pathways leading to the formation of the nanostructures are proposed and discussed

    Revalorization of cava lees to improve the safety of fermented sausages

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    : The revalorization of food processing by-products not only reduces the environmental impact of their disposal, but also generates added economic value. Cava lees consist of inactive cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and though regarded as a valueless winery by-product, they are rich in fiber and phenolic compounds. In this study, a challenge test was performed to assess the effect of cava lees and a phenolic extract (LPE) derived therefrom on the behaviour of technological microbiota (lactic acid bacteria used as a starter culture) and the foodborne pathogens Salmonella spp. and Listeria monocytogenes during the fermentation and ripening of pork sausages. Ten batches of fermented sausages were prepared with and without cava lees or the LPE, and with or without different strains of Latilactobacillus sakei (CTC494 or BAP110). The addition of cava lees reduced the pH values of the meat batter throughout the fermentation and ripening process. No growth-promoting effect on spontaneous lactic acid bacteria (LAB) or the starter culture was observed. In contrast, the presence of cava lees prevented the growth of the tested pathogens (Salmonella and L. monocytogenes), as did the starter culture, resulting in significantly lower counts compared to the control batch. In addition, the combination of cava lees with L. sakei CTC494 had a bactericidal effect on Salmonella. LPE supplementation did not affect the pH values or LAB counts but reduced the mean counts of Salmonella, which were 0.71 log10 lower than the control values at the end of the ripening. The LPE did not exert any additional effect to that of the starters applied alone. The revalorization of cava lees as a natural ingredient to improve the microbiological safety of fermented sausages is a feasible strategy that would promote a circular economy and benefit the environment

    Ultra‐small CuO nanoparticles with tailored energy‐band diagram synthesized by a hybrid plasma‐liquid process

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    CuO is a versatile p-type material for energy applications capable of imparting diverse functionalities by manipulating its band-energy diagram. We present ultra-small quantum confined cupric oxide nanoparticles (CuO NPs) synthesized via a simple one-step environmentally friendly atmospheric pressure microplasma synthesis process. The proposed method, based on the use of a hybrid plasma-liquid cell, enables the synthesis of CuO NPs directly from solid metal copper in ethanol with neither surfactants nor reducing agents. CuO NPs films are then used for the first time in all-inorganic third generation solar cell devices demonstrating highly effective functionalities as blocking layer

    Methods for Detecting Abnormal Ventilation in Children - the Case Study of 13-Years old Pitt-Hopkins Girl

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    We present contactless technology measuring abnormal ventilation and compare it with polysomnography (PSG). A 13-years old girl with Pitt-Hopkins syndrome presented hyperpnoea periods with apneic spells. The PSG was conducted simultaneously with Emfit movement sensor (Emfit, Finland) and video camera with depth sensor (NEL, Finland). The respiratory efforts from PSG, Emfit sensor, and NEL were compared. In addition, we measured daytime breathing with tracheal microphone (PneaVox,France). The aim was to deepen the knowledge of daytime hyperpnoea periods and ensure that no upper airway obstruction was present during sleep. The signs of upper airway obstruction were not detected despite of minor sleep time. Monitoring respiratory effort with PSG is demanding in all patient groups. The used unobtrusive methods were capable to reveal breathing frequency and hyperpnoea periods. Every day diagnostics need technology like this for monitoring vital signs at hospital wards and at home from subjects with disabilities and co-operation difficulties.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Inhibition of Biogenic Amines Formation in Fermented Foods by the Addition of Cava Lees

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    Food safety can be compromised by some bioactive compounds such as biogenic amines that can be specially found in fermented foods due to the bacterial decarboxylation of some amino acids by fermentative or spoilage bacteria. Cava lees are a winery by-product rich in fiber and phenolic compounds and previous works have raised their revalorization from a food safety point of view. The aim of the current work was to investigate whether the use of cava lees can help to control biogenic amine formation in bread and fermented sausages. In bread, only very low levels of biogenic amines (putrescine, cadaverine, and/or spermidine) were found, whose content did not vary with the addition of different amounts of lees. However, the addition of lees in fermented sausages significantly reduced the formation of tyramine and cadaverine. In sausages spontaneously fermented and inoculated with Salmonella spp., the presence of cadaverine and putrescine diminished by 62 and 78%, respectively, due to the addition of cava lees. The addition of cava lees phenolic extract also showed an anti aminogenic effect (21% for cadaverine and 40% for putrescine), although in a lesser extent than cava lees. Cava lees and their phenolic extract were shown to be an effective strategy to control the undesirable accumulation of high levels of biogenic amines during the production of fermented products