560 research outputs found

    Caminhos limitados de integração social. Trajectórias socioprofissionais de cabo-verdianos e hindus em Portugal.

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    A partir de evidência empírica extensiva e quantitativa produzida no quadro do projecto comparativo europeu LIMITS, analisam-se trajectórias socioprofissionais intrageracionais de caboverdianos e hindus residentes na região de Lisboa. Com base numa amostra de 600 indivíduos, com 35 ou mais anos de idade e 15 ou mais anos de residência em Portugal, observam-se, sucessivamente, as recomposições ocorridas na condição perante o trabalho, na distribuição por sectores de actividade e por categoria profissional e ainda os tipos mais comuns de trajectória individual. Conclui-se que essas trajectórias revelam, mais no caso cabo-verdiano do que no caso hindu, caminhos limitados de integração social.Using extensive and quantitative empirical evidence produced in the course of the LIMITS European comparative project, this article analyzes intra-generational socio-vocational trajectories of Cape-Verdeans and Hindus living in the Lisbon region. On the basis of a sample of 600 individuals, aged 35 years or over and 15 years or over resident in Portugal, the authors observe repositioning in terms of work status, distribution by economic sector and vocational category, and also the most common types of individual trajectory. It is concluded that these trajectories reveal, more amongst Cape-Verdeans than amongst Hindus, limited paths to social integration.À partir du constat empirique, extensif et quantitatif dressé dans le cadre du projet comparatif européen LIMITS, cet article analyse les parcours socioprofessionnels intragénérationnels de Cap-verdiens et d’Hindous vivant dans la région de Lisbonne. À partir d’un échantillon de 600 personnes, âgées de 35 ans et plus et résidentes depuis 15 ans et plus au Portugal, on observe successivement les recompositions opérées dans la condition face au travail, dans la répartition par secteurs d’activité et par catégories professionnelles, ainsi que les types les plus courants de parcours individuel. En conclusion, ces parcours révèlent, plus dans le cas des Cap-verdiens que dans celui des Hindous, des voies d’intégration sociale limitées.A partir de evidencia empírica extensiva y cuantitativa producida en el marco del proyecto comparativo europeo LIMITS, se analizan trayectorias socio-profesionales intrageneracionales de caboverdianos e hindúes residentes en la región de Lisboa. Basándose en una muestra de 600 individuos, de 35 años o más y 15 años o más de residencia en Portugal, se observan, sucesivamente, las reorganizaciones que tuvieron lugar en la condición ante el trabajo, en la distribución por sectores de actividad y por categoría profesional e incluso los tipos más comunes de trayectoria individual. Se concluye que esas trayectorias revelan, más en el caso caboverdiano que en el caso hindú, caminos limitados de integración social

    Potential of industrial by-products and wastes from the Iberian Peninsula as carbon sources for sulphate-reducing bacteria

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    Industrial by-products and wastes from Portugal and Spain were tested for the first time as carbon sources/electron donors for sulphate-reducing bacteria. Cultures in mineral medium supplemented with the tested substrates were monitored, and sulphate reduction efficiency is discussed in light of substrates compositions, dosages and corresponding chemical oxygen demand/[SO42-] ratios. The results reveal the ability of those substrates to feed SRB and confirm that testing doses targeting ratios of 1.5 and values close to this was a good strategy to optimize sulphate reduction activity. As expected, this activity was faster for substrates that have in their composition simple compounds (such as low-chain alcohols and organic acids) and/or compounds that can be rapidly degraded (such as sugars), though it also occurred in a longer-term perspective with substrates composed mainly of slowly degradable compounds (such as cellulose and lignin). Thus, this work demonstrates the potential of new substrates and respective required doses to feed SRB bioreactors in long-term passive bioremediation processes or faster more active processes. That is, it opens the way for the use of such substrates in the treatment of sulphate-rich waters, as the acid mine drainage generated in some mines on the Iberian Pyrite Belt region, and it encourages further experiments to evaluate the use of SRB-based processes to treat the industrial wastewaters successfully tested in this work themselves, specially the olive mill wastewater which is still a problem for many small olive oil producers.European UnionEuropean Union (EU) [619101]Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT)Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology [UID/Multi/04326/2019]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Does the nature of added bioactive lipids affect the biological properties of yogurts? — Case study coconut and avocado oils

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    Bioactive lipids play an important role in human health and their benefits are linked to their chemical nature; for example, medium-chain fatty acids can have an important contribution to body weight management. This work aimed to test a strategy to enhance the quality profile and gastrointestinal tract resistance of previously developed vegetable oil-functionalized yogurts and further probe the biological potential of functionalized yogurts. Fortification with coconut and avocado vegetable oils led to increased nutritional value through an increase in essential fatty acids content, particularly in yogurts with vegetable oil bigels. One of the main problems with bioactive fatty acids fortification is their poor stability during in vitro digestion and consequently poor bioavailability. Despite this, the digested samples decreased lipid accumulation in Hep G2 and 3T3-L1 cells Functionalized yogurts were also responsible for high improvements in adiponectin secretion (35% for COY, 46% for CBY, 53% for AOY, and 48% ABY) compared with control yogurt. Moreover, in the inflammatory model, a reduction between 30% (for control yogurt) and 70% (for CBY) was observed for IL-6 secretion in LPS-stimulated cells. Considering these results, yogurt’s fortification with vegetable oils can be a viable alternative strategy to be scaled up for obesity management.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evaluation of periodontally diseased molars based on the Miller McEntire Periodontal Prognostic Index

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    Abstract in proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of CiiEM: Health, Well-Being and Ageing in the 21st Century, held at Egas Moniz’ University Campus in Monte de Caparica, Almada, from 3–5 June 2019.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Anafilaxia em idade pediátrica: uma visão global

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    Anaphylaxis is defined as an acute severe, life-threatening hypersensitivity reaction. The condition’s real prevalence and incidence are difficult to estimate, but seem to be increasing, particularly in children. Anaphylaxis clinical presentation varies according to age and other individual factors. Although consensual clinical criteria exist, including in pediatric age, diagnosis can be challenging. Food allergy is the most common anaphylaxis cause in children, particularly in preschool age. Drug-induced reactions and hymenoptera venom sting are other major triggers, which importance increases after adolescence. Management involves diagnosis, appropriate identification of possible triggers, acute phase treatment, and long-term planning. Prompt referral to a Pediatric Allergy specialist is recommended, as complete allergy workup is usually required to implement future preventive measures. In this review, the authors discuss particular aspects regarding anaphylaxis in pediatric age to provide information that can help improve disease management.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Study of periodontal health in Almada-Seixal (SoPHiAS): A cross-sectional study in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area

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    This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.This study aimed to describe the prevalence and extent of periodontal diseases among adults in the southern region of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area. This population-based cross-sectional study included 1,064 randomized participants (aged 18 to 95 years, 617 females/447 males). Sociodemographic, behaviours and medical information were recorded. Periodontal conditions were assessed with a full-mouth circumferential periodontal examination. It was used the American Association of Periodontology/European Federation of Periodontology 2017 case definitions. A logistic regression analysis was applied to ascertain hypothetical risk factors towards periodontitis. The prevalence of periodontitis was 59.9%, with 24.0% and 22.2% of the participants exhibiting severe and moderate periodontitis, respectively. The risk of periodontitis significantly increased with age (OR = 1.05, 95% CI: 1.04–1.06), for active and former smokers (OR = 3.76 and OR = 2.11, respectively), with lower education levels (OR = 2.08, OR = 1.86, for middle and elementary education, respectively) and with diabetes mellitus (OR = 1.53). This study confirms a high burden of periodontitis in the target (Portuguese) sub-population. The findings provide a comprehensive understanding that will empower appropriate national public oral health programmes and population-based preventive actions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Multi-level modelling of longitudinal child growth data: a comparison of growth models in the generation XXI birth cohort

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    Several methods have been used by different authors to estimate growth curves. In this paper, five growth models are compared using weight and height data from 6668 children from the Generation XXI birth cohort. The goal was to determine the model(s) that better describe the growth pattern from birth to 10 years of age using mixed-effect modelling. The study compared the fitness of four structural (Jenss-Bayley, adapted Jenss-Bayley, Berkey-Reed 1st order and Berkey-Reed 2nd order) and one non structural (cubic spline based) model. The goodness of t of the models was examined using standard deviation of the residuals, Akaike Information Criterion and Bayesian Criterion. The adapted Jenss-Bayley and the spline based model had the better tting for weight while for height the better models were Berkey-Reed 2nd order and the spline

    As representações dos magistrados na regulação do exercício das responsabilidades parentais

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    Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Psicologia JurídicaA avaliação psicológica forense no contexto do divórcio e da regulação das responsabilidades parentais pode constituir-se como uma tarefa particularmente complexa e exigente para os profissionais envolvidos na tomada de decisão, podendo esta ser influenciada pelas representações dos magistrados acerca dos conceitos de maternidade ou paternidade, assim como pela presença de crenças e estereótipos que lhes estão muitas vezes associados. Este estudo tem como objetivo principal compreender de que forma alguns conceitos e dimensões relacionados com a parentalidade e o exercício das responsabilidades parentais no âmbito do divórcio, podem influenciar a tomada de decisão judicial e quais os contributos e limitações da avaliação psicológica forense neste contexto. A amostra de conveniência inclui a participação de cinco magistrados com experiência prévia em processos de regulação das responsabilidades parentais. A recolha de dados foi efetuada através de um questionário sócio-demográfico e de uma entrevista semi-estruturada, procedendo-se à gravação das entrevistas em suporte áudio para posterior análise categorial a partir de uma grelha de análise. Os resultados demonstram não se verificar a existência de um critério pré-estabelecido que defina o que é ser-se uma boa mãe ou um bom pai, entendendo-se que estes são conceitos subjetivos, associados à afetividade e prestação de cuidados, que deverão ser concretizados em função das especificidades de cada criança e de cada situação. Relativamente à existência de crenças e estereótipos associados à parentalidade, os magistrados reconhecem-nos e, estando conscientes da sua presença, procuram que a sua decisão não seja por eles influenciada. O critério do superior interesse da criança, à semelhança dos conceitos de maternidade e paternidade é um conceito subjetivo, que deverá ser preenchido em função de cada criança e de uma situação específica, sendo destacada pelos decisores judiciais a importância da interdisciplinaridade para aferir o conceito. Os magistrados consideram a perícia psicológica forense na regulação das responsabilidades parentais essencial para a tomada de decisão judicial, particularmente nas situações mais complexas.The forensic psychological assessment in divorce and regulation of parental responsibilities context, can constitute itself as a particularly complex and demanding task for professionals involved in decision making, which may be influenced by the representations of the judges about their concepts of maternity or paternity as well as the presence of stereotypes and beliefs that are often associated. This study's main goal is to understand how certain concepts and dimensions related to parenting and the exercise of parental responsibilities in the context of divorce, may influence judicial decision-making as well as to evaluate the contributions and limitations of forensic psychological evaluations in this context. Our convenience sample included the participation of five judges with large experience in regulatory processes of parental responsibilities. Data collection was carried out through a socio-demographic questionnaire and a semi-structured interview, recorded in audio support for further analysis through a categorical analysis grid. The results point out a non-existence of a pre-established criterion that defines a concept of “a good mother” or “a good father”. These are concepts perceived as subjective, associated with affection and care, which should be implemented according to the specificities of each child and each situation. Regarding the existence of beliefs and stereotypes associated with parenting, judges recognize them, and being aware of its presence, they seek that their decision is not influenced by them. The criterion of the child best interests, as well as the concepts of parenthood are perceived as subjective concepts, which must be fulfilled according to each child and her specific situation, being highlighted by judicial decision makers the importance of interdisciplinary to measure the concept. The judges consider forensic psychological expertise in the regulation of parental responsibilities essential to the judicial decision-making, particularly in more complex situations

    European legislation and incentives programmes for Demand Side Management

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    Energy is now intrinsically linked to technological development, given it powers all such systems. The use of fossil fuels to supply the required energy is causing global environmental and health issues and is impacting on all life forms on the planet. Given increasing energy consumption, anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions are consequentially increasing. Therefore, it is necessary to replace fossil fuels with renewable energies, biofuels and eco materials and related technologies and to try and find a way to develop sustainable zero emission solutions for all areas including constructions, transport and water resources. A critical and evolutionary way of thinking about the energy (and other resource) demand, management and supply is necessary because there is a clear concern about irreversible impacts to the world and a scarcity of the resources as well. Energy supplies should be mostly or entirely through renewable resources and highly efficient technologies put in place to achieve solution such as nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB). At the same time, all the energy and resource use processes should be optimised in order to maximise the benefits, reduce the costs and promote stakeholders (consumers, companies or governments) network, toward a circular economy. This could be the way to supply the demand without increasing the scarcity of the resources and to simultaneously achieve environmental benefits. Therefore, it should be possible to improve productivity with the same amount of resources, by e.g. maximising the potential of smart grids and heuristically develop solutions with stakeholders. The concept of Demand Side Management (DSM) emerged after the energy crisis and it employs solutions such as reducing the daily peak load. At the same time, creating an educational grid is important to change the established paradigms, in order to promote critical thinking about the wasted resources and thinking holistically about overall consumption. This paradigm shift is changing the market, making it more competitive and reducing inefficiency by promoting the efficient use of resources including deployment of energy storage during the periods of low consumption in daily peak shift. All these issues present a new way of thinking in the path towards sustainability, maximising the circular economy and reducing environmental impacts, making connections and using the Internet of Things to provide more information to all stakeholders. All these changes in social behaviour are related to the rational use of resources and make it easier to improve the existing infrastructures instead of building new ones. This paper analyses the state of the art at the European level in the production and use of renewable resources. A survey and analysis of the incentives to consumers and the policies to encourage the circular economy, and a parallel analysis of benefits and drawbacks, was made. It is intended to identify the main forms of intervention and improvement, culminating in a reflection on how they should be applied in order to improve the expected results and make them more efficient and sustainable. This is intended to be an evolutionary framework of this concept, from the first stage of use of energy to its final utilisation. By approaching the task in a heuristic fashion, it is hoped to make the environment healthier, and it is envisaged that this concept will evolve from a linear to a life cycle approach.This work scope is within InPath-TES -Innovation Pathways for Thermal Energy Storage –a European project funded by the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation –Horizon 2020 –with the grant agreement n. 657466.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio