327 research outputs found

    Cárie secundária e propriedades antibacterianas dos materiais restauradores

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    Grande parte do tempo clínico do Médico Dentista é, atualmente, gasto a substituir restaurações dentárias realizadas no passado devido a fraturas ou fenómenos de cárie secundária. Pesquisou-se, assim, para a realização desta monografia em diferentes bases de pesquisa acerca dos fenómenos de cárie e cárie secundária. Um dos objetivos desta revisão bibliográfica estudar a microbiologia associada á cárie secundária, a histopatologia da lesão, o diagnóstico e os problemas associados ao diagnóstico. pretende-se, também, nesta monografia devido á sua pertinência investigar o potencial bacteriostático e bactericida dos diversos materiais disponíveis e em que situações esse efeito é potenciado, de modo a auxiliar o clinico na sua decisão no momento de restauração dentária, procurando prevenir ou adiar a necessidade de efetuar uma nova restauração. Para a realização desta monografia foram realizadas pesquisas nos motores de busca PubMed, B-on, Science Direct e Sci-elo. Depois de selecionados os artigos com interesse e com a utilização de seguintes palavras-chave e combinações de palavras sendo que no final foram selecionados 58 Artigos, dentro dos últimos 10 anos na língua portuguesa e na língua inglesa. Apesar da microbiologia e dos fenómenos histopatológicos de desenvolvimento da lesão estarem bem documentados, não existe consenso no que toca ao diagnóstico e tratamento das lesões. Existem diversos métodos de diagnóstico ao alcance da prescrição do Médico Dentista, sendo que, no entanto, nem todos estão indicados para o diagnóstico de lesões de cárie. Face á grande variedade de materiais restauradores e sistemas adesivos existentes no mercado torna-se imperativo que o Médico Dentista tenha os conhecimentos necessários sobre o potencial antibacteriano desses mesmos materiais. Sendo, assim, capaz de concluir mediante a situação apresentada: as vantagens, desvantagens e potencialidades dos diversos materiais á sua disposição na prevenção de lesões de cárie inicial e cárie secundária, aumentando a sobrevivência das peças dentárias. Conclui-se que a cárie secundária não é um fenómeno exclusivo a nenhum tipo de material forrador, ou restaurador não existindo também nenhum material capaz de efetuar com elevadas taxas de sucesso a sua prevenção. Contudo, atualmente, vem-se procurando a utilização de materiais que proporcionem um maior selamento da estrutura dentária, diminuindo a microinfiltração e consequentemente diminuindo os fenómenos de cárie secundária.Nowadays Dentists spend a lot of their clinical time renewing previously made restorations due to fractures or the occurrence of secondary caries. One of the objectives of this work lies on studying the microbiology associated with secondary caries its histopathology, diagnostic and the problems associated with that diagnostic. It’s also na objective due to its pertinence to study the antibacterial potential of many dental materials in a way that helps the Dentist to take the best course of action in his clinical practice. In the search it was used the follow search engines PubMed, B-on, Science Direct e Sci-elo with the use and combination of different search terms it was select 58 articles with interest in the last 10 years within the Portuguese and English languages. Although the fact the microbiology and histopathology of the secondary carious lesion is well documented there is no scientific agreement when we speak about the diagnostic or treatment of this lesions. Due to the many options of restorative materials and adhesive systems available it becomes imperative that the Dentist has the knowledge about the antibacterial potential of those materials. With this knowledge the Dentist will be able to know the vantages, disadvantages and the potential of the different restorative materials in their role on the prevention of carious lesions improving the survival of the teeth It can be concluded that the dental carie it is not a phenomon exclusive to any type of restorative or lining material at the same time that it is not available in the market capable of preventing it with high success rates. However nowadays it is being pursued the use of materials that offer a better sealing of the dental structure lowering the microleakage consequently dropping the incidence of secondary caries

    An approach for spasticity quantification based on the stretch reflex threshold

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    Spasticity is a common and complex motor disorder that affects more than 12 million persons in the world. There are several studies on spasticity quantification in the literature but there is still a need for measurement improvements. This paper presents the design of a mechatronic device for spasticity quantification, in joint of ankle, elbow and knees. This approach is based on the velocity dependent of the tonic stretch reflexes. The relevant variables, the measurement range and the adequate measurement systems are selected. The data acquisition system, board and software, are also defined and tested in laboratory. Next step consists of the system validation in clinical environment

    Why we should use long-acting injectable antipsychotics more frequently

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    Universidade de São Paulo Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto Department of Neuroscience and BehaviorConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico National Science and Technology Institute for Translational MedicineUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte Department of Clinical MedicineUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Department of Psychiatry Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Clinical NeurosciencesUSP School of Medicine Department and Institute of PsychiatryUNIFESP, Department of Psychiatry Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Clinical NeurosciencesSciEL

    Comparison between olympic weightlifting llfts and derivatives for external load and fatigue monitoring

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    Load management is an extremely important subject in fatigue control and adaptation processes in almost all sports. In Olympic Weightlifting (OW), two of the load variables are intensity and volume. However, it is not known if all exercises produce fatigue of the same magnitude. Thus, this study aimed to compare the fatigue prompted by the Clean and Jerk and the Snatch and their derivative exercises among male and female participants, respectively. We resorted to an experimental quantitative design in which fatigue was induced in adult individuals with weightlifting experience of at least two years through the execution of a set of 10 of the most used lifts and derivatives in OW (Snatch, Snatch Pull, Muscle Snatch, Power Snatch, and Back Squat; Clean and Jerk, Power Clean, Clean, High Hang Clean, and Hang Power Clean). Intensity and volume between exercises were equalized (four sets of three repetitions), after which one Snatch Pull test was performed where changes in velocity, range of motion, and mean power were assessed as fatigue measures. Nine women and twelve men participated in the study (age, 29.67 ± 5.74 years and 28.17 ± 5.06 years, respectively). The main results showed higher peak velocity values for the Snatch Pull test when compared with Power Snatch (p = 0.008; ES = 0.638), Snatch (p < 0.001; ES = 0.998), Snatch Pull (p < 0.001, ES = 0.906), and Back Squat (p < 0.001; ES = 0.906) while the differences between the Snatch Pull test and the derivatives of Clean and Jerk were almost nonexistent. It is concluded that there were differences in the induction of fatigue between most of the exercises analyzed and, therefore, coaches and athletes could improve the planning of training sessions by accounting for the fatigue induced by each lift.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Metodologia de monitoramento e avaliação do BNDES: uma aplicação para o programa BNDES Profarma

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    O BNDES está discutindo a implantação de um processo sistemático de monitoramento e avaliação de seus projetos e programas, visando aperfeiçoar sua atuação no fi nanciamento ao desenvolvimento econômico do país. Como um dos principais programas de apoio do BNDES, o Profarma foi escolhido para um primeiro esforço de avaliação nessa metodologia. No momento de criação do Profarma, em 2004, surgiam diversos desafios no apoio do BNDES à indústria farmacêutica no Brasil, entre eles a ampliação de sua capacidade produtiva, a adequação das empresas às boaspráticas de fabricação, a indução a projetos inovadores e o fortalecimento das empresas nacionais. O propósito deste artigo é, portanto, avaliar os resultados da primeira fase do programa BNDES Profarma (2004-2007), com foco exclusivo sobre as ações relacionadas à indústria farmacêutica, buscando auferir a efetividade no cumprimento de seus principais objetivos

    Abordagem sistemática para o controlo seguro de sistemas aeroespaciais

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    A verificação formal do comportamento de sistemas tempo-real é uma tarefa complexa, por várias razões. Há múltiplos trabalhos desenvolvidos na área de verificação formal, por model-checking de sistemas tempo-real, sendo que diversos softwares foram desenvolvidos para o efeito. Um dos problemas mais complexos para serem resolvidos na análise de controladores tempo-real é a conversão das linguagens de programação dos controladores nas linguagens formais, por exemplo autómatos finitos temporizados para depois poderem ser verificados formalmente através dos model-checkers existentes. Se a metodologia de elaboração dos programas for bem desenvolvida e conhecida, essa tarefa pode ser muito facilitada. Por outro lado, grande parte dos sistemas tempo-real (principalmente os sistemas embebidos que pretendemos estudar) é programado em linguagem C. Neste artigo pretende-se estabelecer uma metodologia de criação de programas em código C, a partir do formalismo de especificação SFC, tendo em conta a verificação formal de propriedades comportamentais desejadas para o sistema, utilizando a técnica Model- Checking e o model-checker UPPAAL. Estes estudos preliminares são efectuados no contexto de colaboração entre Investigadores dos centros de investigação CT2M, ALGORITMI e CCTC da Universidade do Minho (Portugal) e do Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica do Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (Brasil).Formal verification of real-time systems behavior of is a complex task, for several reasons. There are multiple works developed in the domain of formal verification of real-time system behavior by model-checking, and various software tools were developed for this purpose. One of the most complexes problems to be solved in the analysis of real-time controllers is the conversion of programming languages controllers in formal languages, for example finite timed automata to be used as inputs of the existing model-checkers. If the methodology of the programming is well developed and known, this task can be greatly facilitated. Moreover, most real-time systems (especially embedded systems that we intend to study) are programmed in C language This article seeks to establish the methodology of creating programs in C code, from SFC specification formalism, taking into account the formal verification of behavior al properties desired for the system, using the Model-Checking technique and the modelchecker UPPAAL. A case study is presented to illustrate the methodology presented. These preliminary studies are presented on the context of a research collaboration project being developed by researchers of CT2M, ALGORITMI and CCTC research centers of University of Minho (Portugal) and the Mechanical Engineering Department of Technological Institute of Aeronautics (Brazil)

    Supply chain strategies in the context of an e-commerce chain (e-chain)

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    This paper purpose to explore the relationships between supply chain strategies and product performance in retail e-commerce. In this case, we concern that in current, in order to bear up under competition, organizations have to manage their supply chains so that they meet the needs of their final customers. With this concept in mind, the research presented in this study focuses on establishing the right strategy for supply chains according to their product segment. Thus, after a Literature Review, the paper explain a methodology based in different authors studies. Finally the article focuses on a pratical case in e-commerce retail that describes its application in this field. The research shows that it is possible to use a methodology for classifying supply chains using chain strategies and product features. The use of the right strategy for supply chains will improve the competitive advantage of businesses. One limitation is that the methodology study focuses on only two e-commerce segment; future studies may go further in refining the proposed framework for other segments. The aim of this research is to offer businesses a model for evaluating supply chains, allowing them to improve the performance of their products and services by using the right strategy for supply chains. The classification proposal of this paper presents an original model for classification of supply chains based on different studies on the theme

    Different Teaching Approaches and Use of Active Learning Strategies as Tools for Inter- and Transdisciplinary Education

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    This work reports a review on some of the ways in which education and research can be used to solve today’s complex problems by taking into account teaching and learning strategies that go beyond traditional teaching strategies. It revisits different teaching approaches and connects them directly to uni-, pluri-, multi-, inter-, and transdisciplinary attitudes, and how educational professionals think of the subject of teaching. This discussion reflects on how teachers tend to reproduce procedures they observed in their own graduation programs and why experienced teachers opt for inter- and transdisciplinary attitudes. Using a qualitative approach, this work illustrates the results from a Project-Based Learning strategy applied to a group of Major Engineering students to solve problems at the University’s Campus. Participants included 25 students engaged to Physics Engineering program supervised by different faculty members, experienced undergraduate and graduate students, and technicians, who had mentored the undergraduate students’ teams, all working in subjects closely related to the projects. The products developed by the teams show evidence that the students were motivated and engaged in the projects; this supports the premise that inter- and transdisciplinary approaches drive collaboration in the execution of projects, develop soft skills and permit knowledge development in an articulate and complex way thereby leading to a broader education of the students

    Predictive factors for cesarean delivery : a retrospective study

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    Background: Cesarean section rates have risen markedly worldwide. Considering the potential harm caused by this mode of delivery, and the general concern in reducing its incidence, it would be useful to individualize the risk of non-planned cesareans, and if there is any possibility, reduce that risk, and anesthesiologists should take part of this risk evaluation. In recent studies, many factors have been related with a higher risk of cesarean, and controversy still surrounds labor analgesia impact on cesarean risk. The aim of this study was to search for predictive factors for nonplanned cesarean delivery. Methods: Retrospective analysis of all labors occurred in our Obstetric Department during 2014. Maternal related factors, previous obstetric history, birth weight and factors related to labor analgesia and labor progression were studied. Our primary outcome was cesarean delivery. Results: We identified two independent predictive factors for cesarean delivery: birth weight (p=0,007 OR= 1,001 CI 95% [1,0003; 1,002]) and labor length since beginning of analgesia (p<0,0001 OR= 1,00005 CI 95%[1,00003; 1,00007]). Searching correlation between registered variables, maternal body mass index was positively associated with newborn birth weight (p<0.0001, R=0.157). Conclusion: Our study showed that birth weight and labor length since beginning of epidural analgesia are independent predictor factors of non-planned cesarean delivery. Furthermore, birth weight was associated with maternal body mass index, providing health professionals a modifiable factor in which we can intervene to improve outcome. As labor progression to cesarean is of major obstetric and anesthetic concern, multidisciplinary initiatives are warranted to clearly identify important variables concurring to operative delivery.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio