754 research outputs found

    The use of ict tools in undergraduate english language programmes: beliefs of professors and students

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras/Inglês e Literatura Correspondente, Florianópolis, 2009.O presente estudo tem por objetivo investigar (a) o uso de ferramentas de TIC por ambos os professores e alunos em cursos de Letras Inglês, (b) as crenças desses professores e alunos em relação ao uso de ferramentas de TIC nesses cursos e (c) a relação entre o uso das ferramentas de TIC nesses cursos e as crenças dos professores e alunos em relação a esse uso. Os dados foram coletados de 9 professores dos cursos de Letras Inglês da UFSC, UFRJ e UFMG, e de 48 alunos da UFSC e da UFRJ. Os instrumentos utilizados para a coleta dos dados foram questionários abertos online, entrevistas semi-estruturadas online e auto-relatos. Ao todo, todos os 9 professores e 48 alunos responderam o questionário; 3 professores e 6 alunos da UFSC participaram da entrevista e outros 2 professores e uma aluna também da UFSC escreveram o autorelato. A análise dos dados para o presente estudo consistiu de um processo cuidadoso de reflexão, interpretação e construção de significados a partir da triangulação dos dados obtidos através daqueles três instrumentos. Os resultados indicam que os professores do curso de Letras Inglês da UFSC, da UFRJ e da UFMG usam várias ferramentas de TIC nos cursos que lecionam com o objetivo de complementar as suas aulas e de auxiliar seus alunos no seu processo de aprendizagem. Além disso, a maioria dos professores e alunos expressou crenças positivas em relação ao uso de ferramentas de TIC, apontando várias formas como essas ferramentas podem complementar o próprio curso e ajudar os alunos a melhorarem suas habilidades lingüísticas. Porém, alguns poucos alunos reportaram não se beneficiar da maneira como algumas ferramentas estavam sendo empregadas, e ainda um aluno afirmou não acreditar que as ferramentas de TIC podem de alguma forma auxiliar no seu processo de aprendizagem. Por fim, um bom grau de coerência foi encontrado da relação entre o uso que professores e alunos dizem fazer das ferramentas de TIC e as suas crenças em relação a esse uso. Ou seja, os participantes não apenas acreditam que as ferramentas de TIC podem auxiliar no seu processo de ensino/aprendizagem, mas eles de fato as utilizam

    Filme ativo com extrato de chá verde: eficácia contra a oxidação lipídica

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    As embalagens ativas têm como objetivo proteger e prolongar a vida útil dos alimentos, aumentando a sua qualidade, segurança e integridade. Na industria alimentar, este conceito de embalagem ativa foi aplicado como forma de controlar o fenomeno da oxidacao lipidica em alimentos com alto teor de gordura, sendo que esta e uma das principais causas de perda de qualidade destes alimentos. A composição química do chá verde tem revelado um grande interesse no que diz respeito a prevenção da oxidação lipídica. Na sua constituição, as folhas de chá verde possuem um teor elevado de compostos fenólicos, que tem sido associados a sua atividade antioxidante. Devido às suas propriedades, o chá verde e considerado um ótimo agente antioxidante natural. O poli (acido láctico) ou ácido poliláctico (PLA) e um polímero alifático cujo monómero e derivado de recursos renováveis, como amido de milho, raízes de tapioca e cana de açúcar. O polímero e formado através da fermentação de amido e condensação de ácido láctico. No presente estudo, fatias de salmão fumado foram embaladas com um filme de PLA, com extrato de chá verde incorporado em diferentes concentrações, 1% e 2%, e, posteriormente, armazenadas durante 7, 15, 30, 45 e 60 dias, em refrigeração. Um filme de PLA sem o extrato de chá verde foi usado como controlo. Para avaliar a eficácia do filme ativo contra a oxidação lipídica, utilizou-se o teste de Substancias Reativas ao Ácido Tiobarbiturico (TBARS). Este ensaio mede o conteudo de malonaldeido (MDA) que e formado durante a oxidação lipídica pela decomposição dos ácidos gordos polinsaturados em hidroperoxidos. Os resultados foram expressos em mg de MDA por kg de salmão fumado. Os resultados mostraram que as fatias de salmão fumado embaladas com o filme de PLA/chá verde apresentaram menor teor de MDA do que aquelas embaladas com o filme controlo. As fatias de salmão fumado embaladas com o PLA/chá verde2% apresentaram menor quantidade de MDA em todos os momentos de contacto, exceto apos 15 dias, onde se verificou menor teor de MDA nas fatias de salmão embaladas com o filme ativo com 1% de extrato de chá verde. Estes resultados mostraram que a incorporação do extrato de chá verde no PLA protege o salmão fumado da oxidação lipídica. Contudo, devem ser realizados estudos adicionais para confirmar a inibição da oxidação lipídica, como o índice de peróxido, o valor de p-anisidina e a determinação do hexanal.Este trabalho foi financiado pelo projeto de investigação “Development of methodologies for the evaluation of polymeric food packaging components and determination of their structural and mechanical properties (2016DAN 1289)” financiado pelo Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge (INSA, I.P.). Mariana Andrade agradece a bolsa de investigação (2016/iFILM/BM) no âmbito do projeto iFILM.N/

    Relationship between childhood trauma, parental bonding, and defensive styles and psychiatric symptoms in adult life

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    Introduction: A relationship between different types of childhood trauma, parental care, and defensive styles and development of psychiatric symptoms in adulthood is proposed in this study. Understanding the nature of this association is essential to assist psychotherapists who treat patients with a history of past trauma. This study aims to examine the associations between childhood trauma, parental bonding, and defensive styles and current symptoms in adult patients who sought care at an analytical psychotherapy clinic. Methods: The sample comprised 197 patients from an analytically oriented psychotherapy clinic. Participants responded to four self-report instruments that assessed, respectively, presence and frequency of several types of early trauma, type of parental attachment, styles of defenses, and current symptoms encompassing a wide variety of psychopathological syndromes. Results: Only 5% of patients reported not having experienced any traumatic experience in childhood. Several traumas such as emotional and physical abuse, emotional neglect, and physical neglect showed positive and significant associations with several dimensions of current symptoms, and also with parental bonding and defensive styles. When analyzed together with the other variables, defensive styles explained the level of psychological suffering caused by the symptoms. Conclusions: This study offers additional support for understanding the associations between childhood trauma, parental bonding styles, and defense styles and the psychiatric symptoms of patients in analytically oriented psychotherapy

    Bicicleta livre : pesquisa, ação e extensão

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    Ilustrações do capítulo encontram-se no Anexo I do livro Universidade para o século XXI: educação e gestão ambiental na Universidade de Brasília, p. 332.o presente trabalho pretende apresentar o Projeto Bicicleta Livre na sua essência: criação e expressão. Tem como foco resgatar a origem deste projeto, a organização e as tessituras no âmbito da comunidade universitária. Buscamos nestas páginas explicitar os trabalhos dos profissionais engajados numa educação de qualidade, bem como valorizar a extensão como um pilar essencial na formação do cidadão crítico e comprometido com os fazeres sociais. A bicicleta é símbolo de prazer, bem estar, qualidade de vida e coletividade. Ela desperta um imaginário que enche de significado a vida de cada um e o prazer de viver em comunhão. Por meio dela vamos dialogar com o nosso cotidiano, descobrir caminhos, cair, levantar, pedalar sozinhos ou acompanhados e vislumbrar infinitas possibilidades e paisagens

    Effect of pomegranate peels and extract in barrier, optical and mechanical properties of polylactic acid-based active packaging

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    Being more than 50 % of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) constituted by non-edible parts, namely peels (50%) and seeds (10%), pomegranate is an excellent source of by-products. Its peels and seeds present excellent antioxidant and antimicrobial activities and a high content of phenolic compounds, namely ellagitannins. This work aimed to evaluate the mechanical and optical properties of two polylactic acid (PLA)-based active packaging with 3 wt.% pomegranate peels (3PP) or 3 wt.% pomegranate peel extract (3PPE). All the samples were produced on a laboratory scale with techniques and processing conditions used in industry. The production of packaging with flexible films is mainly carried out by tubular film extrusion. With this processing method it is possible to produce samples with molecular orientation and reduced thickness equal to that of the packages currently on the market. The structural and morphological characterization of the films were evaluated by FTIR and SEM, and the color by UV-vis. Water vapor transmission and mechanical properties were also measured. The color was measured by Shimadzu UV2401PC reflectance spectrophotometer. Water vapor transmission, oxygen permeability and mechanical properties were also measured. The FTIR and SEM results indicate the incorporation of the pomegranate peels and peels extract in the PLA matrix, where PLA/3PPE showed better particle homogenization than the PLA/3PP. Regarding the color variations, the PLA/3PPE presented higher variations in terms of L*, a*, and b*. The incorporation of pomegranate derivates has a negative effect on the tensile strength and Young modulus, but a significant increase of the elongation at break for PLA/3PPE. The PLA film's water vapor barrier properties do not suffer any alteration with the incorporation of pomegranate extract.Cássia H. Barbosa thanks the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal, for the PhD. Grant 2021.08154.BD. This work was carried out under the MobFOOD Project (POCI-01-0247-FEDER-024524 and LISBOA-01-0247-FEDER-024524), funded by POCI (Operational Programme “Competitiveness and Internationalization”) and POR Lisboa (Lisbon Regional Operational Programme), through ANI, and by the Programa de Cooperación Interreg-A España–Portugal (POCTEP) 2014–2020 (project 0377_IBERPHENOL_6_E). This research was also funded by PT national funds (FCT/MCTES, Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia and Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior) through the grant UIDB/00211/2020).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Testicular Teratoma in a Unilateral Right-Sided Abdominal Cryptorchid Horse

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    Background: Cryptorchidism is characterized by the incomplete descent of one or both testicles to the scrotum, being a hereditary alteration and frequently an unilateral condition. Besides the sexual and aggressive behaviour, the retained testicle is commonly located in abdominal cavity, being considered a risk factor for neoplasm development. The most common testicular neoplasm reported in mammalian species are Sertoli cell tumors, Leydig cell tumors, seminomas and teratomas. A presumptive diagnosis of testicular tumor can be achieved by ultrasonography, although the definitive diagnosis is obtained only by histopathology. In this report, we are presenting a of testicular teratoma in an unilateral abdominal cryptorchid horse. Case: A stallion, American Quarter Horse, 3 year-old, was attended and presented right testicle retained and a left testicle in the scrotum. Transrectal palpation was used to identify a round and firm structure, presumably the right testicle, lateral to the urinary bladder and located in the right side of the abdomen.  Further, a transrectal ultrasound examination showed a complex, round mass with irregular edges containing both cystic and solid structures, hypoechoic fluid-filled cavities separated by linear hyperechoic septa. After a clinical examination, the animal was diagnosed with cryptorchidism and was submitted to orchiectomy and cryptorchidectomy by inguinal approach. Surgery was performed under general anesthesia and postoperative care included cold shower, anti-inflammatory and antibiotic therapy. Testicles were surgically removed and further sent for histopathological examination. The visual appearance of the right undescended testicle showed multiple round, cystic, and solid structures on outer surface, while the left descended testicle was apparently normal. The macroscopic evaluation showed that the affected testicle consisted of a firm to soft solid mass with multiple fluid-filled cystic areas. Microscopically, the testicular architecture was replaced by cysts, fibrous tissue, adipose tissue, glandular structures, and foci of calcification. The histology revealed that the retained testicle had a testicular teratoma. Discussion: Reproductive disorders are common in horses and represent a significant part of the equine practitioner routine. Equine cryptorchidism is the most common non-lethal developmental defect of stallions; Surgery is the best treatment, since this alteration is hereditary. Teratomas have been reported more often in cryptorchid testicles, being usually just diagnosed as an incidental finding during surgical procedure. Under field conditions, usually the testicles are not sent for histopathological evaluation and this fact can contribute to underdiagnoses. Ultrasonography allows clinicians to determine testis location as well as morphological changes in the testes, as well as to elaborate a presumptive diagnose of testicular neoplasm. Histopathology is the best exam to achieve definitive diagnoses in the presence of testicular alterations. In our report, diagnosis of testicular neoplasia was not made before surgery and testicular mass was an incidental finding during the pre-surgical examination. Before testicular enlargement or presence of testicular mass, neoplasia should be included in the differential diagnosis. In conclusion, although rare, teratoma should be included in differential diagnoses of retained testicles, especially those with morphological alterations

    Programa Mesa Brasil SESC – Serviço Social do Comércio

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    O presente estudo objetivou avaliar a participação das doações de alimentos realizadas pelo Programa Mesa Brasil SESC (Serviço Social do Comércio) no atendimento às recomendações nutricionais de crianças e adolescentes de instituições filantrópicas por ele assistidas, assim como sua importância em relação ao acesso à alimentação adequada e saudável. Todos os alimentos e as respectivas quantidades doadas para seis instituições no período de novembro de 2016 foram levantados e classificados de acordo com a extensão e grau de processamento. Estimaram-se as necessidades diárias de energia e nutrientes com base nas recomendações nutricionais de acordo com faixa etária e sexo do público atendido. Observou-se que para duas instituições, todos os alimentos doados eram do grupo in natura e para outras duas, grande parte era de alimentos deste grupo ou minimamente processados. O nutriente que obteve maior proporção de atendimento para todas as instituições foi a vitamina C, corroborando predominância nas doações de alimentos in natura. Conclui-se, portanto, que o Mesa Brasil contribuiu positivamente para o acesso à alimentação adequada e saudável na maioria das instituições pesquisadas, uma vez que a maioria dos alimentos doados era in natura, ressaltando o objetivo do programa de ser tão somente de caráter complementar

    Linfoma cutâneo em equino Quarto de Milha

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    Background: Lymphoma, although rare, is the most common hematopoietic neoplasia in horses. The overall incidence of lymphoma is between 1.3-2.8% of all equine neoplasia and it has a prevalence of 0.002-0.5% in the equine population. Lymphoma can be classified as multicentric, alimentary, mediastinal, cutaneous and solitary. The cutaneous is the rarest form and it usually presents with multifocal skin lesions, with no other clinical signs. The diagnoses is accomplished by histopathological examination of a biopsy or cytological examination of a fine needle aspirate. The aim of the current study is to report a case of the rarest form of equine lymphoma, the cutaneous.Case: An 8-year-old equine female, Quarter Mile, was evaluated due to volume’s increase and subcutaneous nodules disseminated along the body. These lesions developed gradually during 2 years. The mare was used for ridding, it was kept in the field with 10 other equines and was the only one affected. The mare was vaccinated for influenza and was negative for glanders and equine infectious anemia. During clinical exam, all vital parameters were within limits and body condition score was classified as 6 (Henneke Chart). It was observed bilateral nasal secretion and depigmentation in ocular and vulvar mucous. It was observed multiple delimited areas with size ranging from few cm up to 7 cm, hard, mobile, painless, located in the subcutaneous and disseminated in the body (including head, neck, thorax, limbs and perineum). Red blood cell, leucocytes, fibrinogen, total plasmatic protein were within normal limits. Due to clinical signs and the potential risk of a zoonosis, the glanders test was repeated (complement fixation test) and the result was negative. Differential diagnoses also included insect hypersensitive, which was discarded since the female did not presented pruritus nor alopecia, lesions gradually increased in size and no seasonality was observed. It was performed excisional biopsy for tissue culture, which revealed no growth of aerobic mesophile bacteria. Histopathological evaluation revealed rounded cell proliferation similar to lymphocytes situated in the deep derma and subcutaneous. After evaluation of history, clinical exam and complementary exams the mare was diagnosed with cutaneous lymphoma. The owner was instructed that there was no available specific treatment with good efficacy and viable for equines at this stage. Besides, it is important to evaluated the mare constantly due the possibility of future lesions in organs or intern lymph nodes.Discussion: Cutaneous lymphoma is an uncommon disease, especially in horses, that can present with variable clinical signs, immunosuppression, rapid systemic disease progression or none at all. In the present case report, during clinical examination lesions were observed in areas of lymphatic drainage. Identification of neoplastic lymphocytes during cytological examination or histopathological evaluation of biopsy tissue can confirm the presence of lymphoma, as performed in the present case. Treatment is palliative and occasionally results in complete cure, mainly in equine with single lesions. The mare had cutaneous lymphoma disseminated all long the body and no clinical signs that could suggest gastrointestinal neoplastic lesions, even though the owner was advised that this animal should be monitored regularly in the future, specially due the possibility of metastatic lesions in any other organ. In equine, lymphoma has low incidence and the cutaneous form is the rarest one. Clinical signs are typically non specific and develop insidiously, so it is important to perform complementary exams for accurate diagnoses and for differential diagnoses of tegumental and infectious diseases

    Extending beef meat shelf life: an approach using active food packaging with pomegranate extract and peels

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    More than 50% of the pomegranate fruit (Punica granatum L.) is not considered edible, being composed by peels (50%) and seeds (10%). Pomegranate peels represent an excellent source of bioactive compounds with excellent antioxidant and antimicrobial activities due to the peels’ high content in phenolic compounds, specially punicalagin (A+B) and ellagic acid. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the potential effects of a polylactic acid (PLA) based active packaging incorporated with pomegranate peels and an ethanolic extract from pomegranate peels in the shelf-life extension of fresh meat. Two PLA-based active packaging incorporating 3% (w/w) of pomegranate peels (PLA/3PP) and 3% (w/w) of pomegranate peels extract (PLA/3PPE) were used to pack beef meat. The samples were stored at 4 °C, for a maximum of 11 days. The meats’ lipid oxidation and microbial contamination was evaluated at the end of 1, 4, 6, 8 and 11 storage days. Lipid oxidation was measured by the Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances assay (TBARS)[1]. Meat’s total microorganisms count at 30 °C was performed using the automated method TEMPO® Aerobic Count- AFNOR BIO 12/35–05/13. Both PLA active packaging significantly delayed meat’s lipid oxidation and microbial growth. The meat with PLA/3PP and PLA/3PPE presented a difference up to 3 log CFU/g on the 11th storage day. Even though both active packaging were able to inhibit meat’s lipid oxidation, these results showed that PLA/3PP was more efficient, providing insights for the use of this bio-waste towards environmental sustainability.Cássia H. Barbosa thanks the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal for the Ph.D. Grant 2021.08154.BD. The authors also would like to thank Talho Girassol, LDA, for kindly supplying the beef meat samples and Sidney Tomé for his contribution to the statistical analysis. This work was carried out under the MobFOOD Project (This work was carried out under the MobFOOD Project (POCI-01-0247-FEDER-024524 and LISBOA-01-0247-FEDER-024524), funded by POCI (Operational Programme “Competitiveness and Internationalization”) and POR Lisboa (Lisbon Regional Operational Programme), through ANI, and by the Programa de Cooperación Interreg-A España–Portugal (POCTEP) 2014–2020 (project 0377_IBERPHENOL_6_E). This research was also funded by PT national funds (FCT/MCTES, Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia and Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior) through the grant UIDB/00211/2020). and LISBOA-01-0247-FEDER-024524), funded by POCI (Operational Programme “Competitiveness and Internationalization”) and POR Lisboa (Lisbon Regional Operational Programme), through ANI, and by the Programa de Cooperación Interreg-A España–Portugal (POCTEP) 2014–2020 (project 0377_IBERPHENOL_6_E). This research was also funded by PT national funds (FCT/MCTES, Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia and Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior) through the grant UIDB/00211/2020).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio