759 research outputs found

    Emotional intelligence, sexual functioning and subjective sexual well-being

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    This work aimed to deepen knowledge and and research skills as well as the development of methodological procedures that allowed us to understand the relationship between emotional intelligence, changes in sexual functioning and subjective sexual well-being. According to the regulation of the Master's Degree Program in Clinical and Health Psychology from the University of Beira Interior, where the inclusion of articles already submitted for publication, meeting the specific instructions of the scientific publication, this dissertation is organized in the article format. Therefore, the objectives were: (1) to assess levels emotional intelligence, sexual functioning, and subjective sexual well-being among a Portuguese adult sample; (2) to compare the differences in emotional intelligence, sexual functioning, and subjective sexual well-being between genders and age groups and (3) determine the association between emotional intelligence, sexual functioning, and subjective sexual well-being. It also presents the article submission to the journal Emotion, Space and Society, as well as the proof submission (attached). Last but not least, because it was the basis for the preparation of the paper, a theoretical framework is also attached that was developed during the sample collection period. This aims to understand the constructs present in the dissertation as well as the relationship between emotional intelligence, sexual functioning.A presente dissertação teve como objetivo o aprofundamento de conhecimentos e competências de intervenção e de investigação, bem como o desenvolvimento de procedimentos metodológicos que permitiram compreender a relação entre inteligência emocional, mudanças no funcionamento sexual e bem-estar sexual subjetivo. Uma vez que o regulamento do grau de mestre em Psicologia da Universidade da Beira Interior prevê a inclusão de artigos já submetidos a publicação, atendendo às normas específicas da publicação científica em causa, a presente dissertação encontra-se organizada em formato de artigo. Neste sentido, os objetivos foram: (1) avaliar os níveis da inteligência emocional, do funcionamento sexual e do bem-estar sexual subjetivo numa amostra de adultos portugueses; (2) comparar as diferenças da inteligência emocional, funcionamento sexual e do bem-estar sexual subjetivo entre géneros e faixas etárias e (3) determinar o grau de associação entre a inteligência emocional e o funcionamento sexual e bem-estar sexual subjetivo. Apresenta-se também a submissão do artigo à revista Emotion, Space and Society, assim como o comprovativo da mesma (em anexo). Por último e não menos importante pois foi a base para a elaboração do artigo científico, encontra-se o enquadramento teórico que foi desenvolvido aquando da recolha da amostra. Este tem como finalidade a compreensão dos constructos presentes na dissertação bem como a relação existente entre inteligência emocional, funcionamento sexual e bem-estar sexual subjetivo

    Impacte, Sobrecarga e Rede de Suporte Social em Familiares de Grandes Incapacitados

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    Objetivo: A deficiência grave pode originar um importante impacte na família, em diferentes níveis. É objetivo do presente estudo caracterizar e analisar a interação entre a sobrecarga na prestação de cuidados, o impacte familiar, a saúde mental e a rede de suporte social informal em familiares de adultos com deficiência grave e profunda. Participantes: A amostra integra 49 familiares de pessoas com deficiência grave e profunda de um total de 26 agregados familiares. Os participantes são maioritariamente mulheres (n= 32, 64 %), sobretudo mães (n = 29; 46,9%), seguidas de pais (n = 12; 24,5%) e irmã/os (n = 11; 22,4%), com uma idade média de 47,3 anos (±15,8, variando entre 11 e 78). Material e Métodos: Foi usado um questionário para caraterização sociodemográfica, o Instrumento de Análise da Rede Social Pessoal (IASRP, Guadalupe, 2009, o Mental Health Inventory (MHI-5, Ribeiro, 2001), A Impact on Family Scale (Fonseca, Nazaré e Canavarro, 2008) e o Questionário de avaliação, sobrecarga dos cuidadores informais (QASCI, Martins, Ribeiro e Garrett, 2003). Resultados: A rede social pessoal dos participantes tem uma dimensão média de 5 elementos, compostas sobretudo por relações familiares, é coesas e caracteriza-se pela reciprocidade no apoio. A maior parte dos inquiridos (59,2%) apresenta bem-estar psicológico, mas uma proporção significativa (40,8%) apresenta sofrimento psicológico. Constatou-se uma correlação moderada e negativa entre a sobrecarga e a saúde mental (r = 0,558; p < 0,001) e verificou-se uma correlação forte e positiva entre a sobrecarga e o impacto familiar (r = 0,754; p < 0,01). Entre as características da rede e as dimensões de sobrecarga registámos correlações que indicam que quanto maior o tamanho, a satisfação com a rede, a durabilidade das relações, o nível de companhia social e a frequência de contactos, menor a sobrecarga (p < 0,05). Conclusões: O impacte de uma grande dependência nos familiares próximos apresenta riscos e moderadores relevantes, nomeadamente características salutares da rede de provisão informal. Medidas de intervenção social e de política social tendentes à diminuição deste impacte poderão contribuir para a melhoria da saúde mental e bem-estar desta população. / Objective: Severe disability can cause a profound impact in a family, at several levels. The current study aims to characterize and analyse the interaction between the caregiving burden, family impact, mental health and informal social support networks of relatives of adults with severe disability. Participants: The study sample consists of 49 relatives of adults with severe disability, of a total of 26 households. Participants are mostly female (n= 32.64 %), with a mean age of 47,3 years (±15.8, range 11 to 78), in particular mothers (n = 29; 46.9%), followed by fathers (n = 12; 24,5%) and siblings (n = 11; 22.4%). Matherial and Methods: A questionnaire for socio-demographic characterization, an instrument for analysis of social support networks (Instrumento de Análise da Rede Social Pessoal - IASRP, Guadalupe, 2009), the Mental Health Inventory (MHI-5, Pais Ribeiro, 2001), the Impact on Family Scale (Fonseca, Nazaré, Canavarro, 2008) and the questionnaire for assessment of burden of informal caregivers (QASCI). Results: The social support network of the participants is composed by a mean number of 5 members, mostly relatives, is cohesiv and has reciprocity. Most of the participants present psychological well-being (59.2%), but a significant proportion (40.8%) report some degree of psychological suffering. There was a moderate and negative correlation between burden and mental health (r = 0.558; p < 0.001) and a strong and positive correlation between burden and family impact (r = 0.754; p < 0.01). Among the features of the social support network, there was association of network size, satisfaction, relationship durability, level of social company and frequency of contacts, with decreased burden (p < 0.05). Conclusions: The impact of a major dependency in close relatives present relevant risks and buffering factors, namely the healthy characteristics of the informal social support network. Social internvention and social policy measures aiming at decreasing this impact could contribute to an improvement in mental health and well-being of this population

    Contributo para a determinação simultânea, por cromatografia líquida de alta resolução, de carotenoides, vitamina A e vitamina E em amostras compostas por diferentes matrizes alimentares.

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Química e Biológica – ramo de Bioprocessos, apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, 2014.O trabalho apresentado nesta dissertação foi realizado no Departamento de Alimentação e Nutrição do Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge, IP.[PT] Com este trabalho pretendeu-se otimizar um método analítico que se encontra acreditado no laboratório no INSA para a determinação de carotenoides (α-caroteno, β-caroteno, β-criptoxantina, licopeno, luteína e zeaxantina) em frutos e produtos hortícolas de forma a melhorar o seu controlo e estender o âmbito da sua aplicação à determinação simultânea das vitaminas A e E. O processo analítico incluiu passos de extração dos analitos das respetivas matrizes e uma etapa de saponificação. A separação e quantificação dos analitos foram feitas através de um método de cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (HPLC) de fase inversa, com deteção por UV/Vis para a vitamina A e carotenoides e por fluorescência para a vitamina E. O método analítico foi ainda otimizado na perspetiva da redução de custos, através do desenvolvimento de um material de referência interno à base de cenoura, brócolos, pêssego e tomate. A homogeneidade do material foi comprovada para os carotenoides em estudo recorrendo a testes estatísticos, nomeadamente ao teste de Cochran e ao teste de “homogeneidade suficiente”. Para alargar a gama de aplicação do método à determinação das vitaminas A e E foram determinados parâmetros de validação, nomeadamente limites de deteção e quantificação, sensibilidade, precisão (repetibilidade e precisão intermédia) e exatidão. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que o método validado é adequado para aanálise das vitaminas A e E em diversas matrizes alimentares. O método foi aplicado à análise de várias matrizes alimentares recolhidas no âmbito do projeto TDSExposure, sendo os resultados obtidos nesta tese um contributo para concretizar o objetivo final de avaliar a ingestão de carotenoides, vitamina A e vitamina E pela população portuguesa. Tendo em consideração os conhecimentos adquiridos, no âmbito do projeto Ibercarot foram analisados diferentes artigos científicos sobre análise de carot enoides por HPLC de alimentos produzidos em países Ibero-Americanos, contribuindo para a elaboração de uma tabela da composição, em carotenoides, destes alimentos.[EN] This work aims to optimize an analytical method that was previously accredited in the INSA laboratory for the determination of carotenoids (α-carotene, β-carotene, β- cryptoxanthin, lycopene, lutein and zeaxanthin) in fruit and vegetables in order to improve their control and extend the scope of its application to the simultaneous determination of vitamins A and E. The analytical process included extraction steps of the analytes of the respective matrices and a saponification step. The separation and quantification of the analytes have been made using a reverse phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with detection by UV / Vis for vitamin A and carotenoids and fluorescence for vitamin E. The analytical method has been optimized from the perspective of cost reduction through the development of an internal reference material based on carrots, broccoli, peaches and tomatoes. The homogeneity of the material was proven to carotenoids studied using statistical tests such as the Cochran test and the test of "sufficient homogeneity". To extend the range of application of the method to the determination of vitamins A and E validation parameters were evaluated, including detection and quantification limits, sensitivity, precision (repeatability and intermediate precision) and accuracy. The results showed that the validated method is suitable for the analysis of vitamins A and E in different food matrices. The method was applied to the analysis of various food matrices gathered under TDSExposure project and the results obtained in this thesis contribute to achieve the ultimate goal of evaluating carotenoids, vitamin A and vitamin E intake by Portuguese population. Taking into account the acquired knowledge, in the scope of Ibercarot project, scientific literature about carotenoids analysis by HPLC of food produced in IberoAmerican countries was analysed, contributing to a carotenoid composition table of these foods

    The roles of vitamin D and cathelicidin in type 1 diabetes susceptibility

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    Type 1 diabetes has increasingly greater incidence and prevalence with no cure available. Vitamin D supplementation is well documented to reduce the risk of developing type 1 diabetes. Being involved in the modulation of cathelicidin expression, the question whether cathelicidin may be one of the underlying cause arises. Cathelicidin has been implicated in both the development and the protection against type 1 diabetes by mediating the interplay between the gut microbiome, the immune system and cell function. While its potential on type 1 diabetes treatment seems high, the understanding of its effects is still limited. This review aims to contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the potential of vitamin D and cathelicidin as adjuvants in type 1 diabetes therapy.This work was financed by FEDER – Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional funds through the COMPETE 2020 – Operacional Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalization (POCI), Portugal 2020, and by Portuguese funds through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia/ Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior in the framework of the project PTDC/MED-OUT/30466/2017 and ‘Institute for Research and Innovation in Health Sciences’ (FCT – UID/BIM/04293/2019). Cecília Cristelo and Alexandra Machado would like to thank to Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal for financial support (SFRH/BD/139402/2018 and SFRH/BD132000/2017, respectively).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Response surface optimization of the culture medium for production of elastin-like polymers by E. coli

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    ASTM program POCI 2010 (project POCI/CTM/57177/2004) suported by FEDER and FCTElastin-Like Polymers (ELP`s), a family of proteins based on repetitive pentapeptide sequences known by their smart and extremely biocompatible behavior (1, 2), are of great interest to our research group. Ongoing work using E. coli as the expression system, strongly suggests that the biomass and polymer production are closely related. The Response Surface Methodology (RSM) is a collection of mathematical and statistical techniques useful for the modeling and analysis of problems, in which a response of interest is influenced by several variables and the objective is to optimize this response, in a suitable set of experiments (3). This strategy was employed in order to improve the production of both, biomass and ELP`s, in an auto induction medium previously designed by us (adapted from Terrific Broth and Phosphate Buffer Glycerol). The nutrients yeast extract, lactose and glycerol were the factors subjected to this statistical treatment. Knowing that glycerol and lactose are, respectively, sub-products of biodiesel production and dairy industry, the use of these compounds is highly favorable for the design of a sustainable scale-up procedure. On the other hand, yeast extract was selected in order to maximize the final yield due to it`s described importance in the boost of production. The validation of the model obtained was achieved and allowed the optimization of biomass levels.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evaluación y prueba de IPSEC para ipv6 en windows 2008 y linux centos 6.0

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    According to large amounts of information that today are handled and the growing number of internet users was needed to create a new communications protocol based on the IPv4 but this has to accomplish with the mission of improving the use of information and communications both within and outside organizations. Thus, the IPv6 appears to solve all the problems of lack of address, but implementation was necessary securities for its size and if it is based on protocols would be better.De acuerdo a las grandes cantidades de información que en la actualidad se manejan y por el creciente número de usuarios de internet se vio la necesidad de crear un nuevo protocolo de comunicaciones basado en el IPv4 pero que este a su vez cumpla con la misión de mejorar la utilización de la información y las comunicaciones tanto dentro como fuera de las organizaciones. Por el crecimiento enorme que ha tenido Internet (mucho más de lo que esperaba, cuando se diseñó IPv4), combinado con el hecho de que hay desperdicio de direcciones en muchos casos, ya hace varios años se vio que escaseaban las direcciones IPv4

    Application of fractional calculus in the system modelling and control

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    Fractional Calculus (FC) goes back to the beginning of the theory of differential calculus. Nevertheless, the application of FC just emerged in the last two decades, due to the progress in the area of chaos that revealed subtle relationships with the FC concepts. In the field of dynamical systems theory some work has been carried out but the proposed models and algorithms are still in a preliminary stage of establishment. Having these ideas in mind, the paper discusses a FC perspective in the study of the dynamics and control of several systems.N/

    Fractional order dynamics in classical electromagnetic phenomena

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    The Maxwell equations play a fundamental role in the well established formulation of the electromagnetic theory. These equations lead to the derivation of precise mathematical models useful in many applications in physics and engineering. The Maxwell equations involve only the integer-order calculus and, therefore, it is natural that the resulting classical models adopted in electrical engineering reflect this perspective. Recently, a closer look of some phenomena present in electrical systems, such as motors, transformers and lines, and the motivation towards the development of comprehensive models, seem to point out the requirement for a fractional calculus approach. Bearing these ideas in mind, in this study we shall address the well-known ‘skin effect’ and we reevaluate the results demonstrating its fractional-order dynamics.N/