1,733 research outputs found

    A potential open sky agreement between the EU and MERCOSUR based on the EU-US agreement

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Industrial e Gestão. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200

    A data-driven approach to road accidents in the municipality of Lisbon

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    Traffic accidents in urban areas lead to reduced quality of life and social inequality in cities, specially in third world countries. The growth of the urban mesh and the population density is seldom accompanied by the development or sizing of the road infrastructure. It is a fact that the number and severity of road accidents in Portugal have been decreasing over the last thirty years, bringing us closer to the European average. However, despite these facts, the situation remains worrying. Despite the adoption of programs such as the European Commission Road Safety Program and the recent EU Road Safety Policy Framework 2021-2030 or, on a national basis, the PENSE 2020 - National Strategic Plan for Road Safety the number of road accidents with victims in the district of Lisbon is still higher than the European average. Thus, and for this dissertation, we conducted an exploratory data analysis (EDA) on the combined data of traffic incidents recorded in the occurrence management system of the Lisbon Fire Brigade Regiment (RSB) and the road accidents reported to ANSR by the security forces (GNR and PSP) through the Statistical Bulletin of Traffic Accidents (BEAV). Furthermore, with data from occurrences in the Municipality of Lisbon between 2010 and 2020, to identify the existence of Black Spots in Lisbon's roads and which are the most significant and contributing factors to explain their existence. The data on road accidents were also georeferenced to capitalize their spatial existence and, consequently, better understand the existing spatial patterns and risk factors. Subsequently, through the use of the ArcGIS Pro we apply the algorithms of the Kernel Density and Hot Spot Analysis (Getis-Ord Gi*) tools, identifying the existence of the black spots, and that human, environmental and circumstantial factors have an influence on the severity of accidents, being the content validity guaranteed through an expert committee. This way, our research goal is to contribute to identify accident concentration areas in the city of Lisbon (hotspots), considering their influencing conditions.Os acidentes de trânsito em áreas urbanas conduzem à redução da qualidade de vida e à desigualdade social nas cidades, especialmente nos países em desenvolvimento. O crescimento da malha urbana, assim como, a densidade populacional raramente é acompanhada pelo desenvolvimento ou dimensionamento da infraestrutura rodoviária. É um facto que o número e a gravidade dos acidentes rodoviários em Portugal têm vindo a diminuir ao longo dos últimos trinta anos, o que permitiu aproximarmos da média Europeia, apesar destes factos a situação continua a ser preocupante. Apesar da adoção de programas como o Programa de Segurança Rodoviária da Comissão Europeia ou, numa base nacional, o PENSE 2020 - Plano Estratégico Nacional para a Segurança Rodoviária os números de acidentes de viação com vítimas no distrito de Lisboa continuam a ser mais elevados do que a média europeia. Desta forma e para efeitos deste trabalho realizamos uma análise de dados exploratória (AED) aos dados dos incidentes de transito registados no sistema de gestão de ocorrências do Regimento de Sapadores Bombeiros de Lisboa e a os dados de acidentes rodoviários reportados à ANSR pelas forças de segurança (GNR e PSP) através do Boletim Estatístico de Acidentes de Viação (BEAV) e ocorridos no concelho de Lisboa entre 2010 e 2020 por forma a identificar a existência de Pontos Negros nas vias de Lisboa e quais os fatores mais significantes e contribuintes que permitam explicar a sua existência. Os dados relativos aos acidentes rodoviários foram também georreferenciados para capitalizar a sua existência espacial e, consequentemente, compreender melhor os padrões espaciais existentes e os fatores de risco. Posteriormente através do recurso ArcGIS Pro aplicaram-se os algoritmos das ferramentas Densidade de Kernel e Hot Spot Analysis (Getis-Ord Gi*), identificando a existência dos pontos negros, e que fatores humanos, ambientais e circunstanciais têm influência na gravidade dos acidentes e que algumas variáveis de exposição foram consideradas importantes na explicação da ocorrência dos mesmos, sendo a validade do conteúdo garantida através de uma comissão de especialistas. Pretende-se, assim, contribuir para a identificação das zonas de concentração de acidentes da cidade de Lisboa (hotspots), tendo em conta as suas condições influenciadoras. Potenciando a segurança rodoviária no município

    Pancreas Burkitt primary lymphoma in pediatric age

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    We present an the case of an eight-year-old Portuguese boy with no history of traveling, admitted with non-specific abdominal pain. An analytic study revealed high levels of lipase and amylase. Ultrasound, abdominal computerized tomography (CT), and an abdominal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), were performed. The imaging findings are suggestive of a pancreatic tumor which is an extremely rare entity in children. A biopsy was performed by opened surgery and identified a Burkitt lymphoma.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mota-Engil: a solution to turnover its negative stock market performance

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    A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and EconomicsThis project started as an M&A Field Lab, where students are challenged to advise the selected company (Mota-Engil) on typical M&A proposal from an investment bank perspective. However, during the Field Lab path, the source of information to university students proved to be limited, specially in what concerns the searching for an operation abroad. Nevertheless, along the way, I tried to understand the reason why Mota-Engil’s shares were being so bearish in the stock market. So, this project reflects the investigation I did to justify the market valuation of Mota-Engil, to which I proposed opposite solutions to turnaround the negative performance. All the analysis refers to the year end of 2010 and it is important to state that companies’ valuations were done as the base to understand possible changes on corporate value

    A marketing approach in a nonprofit microcredit organization : case study about ANDC - Associação Nacional de Direito ao Crédito

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    The main objective of this master’s thesis, in the form of a Case Study, is to ascertain whether ANDC – Associação Nacional de Direito ao Crédito, a nonprofit Portuguese microcredit association, can potentiate its performance by introducing a marketing approach in the organization. In other words, the study intends to understand marketing’s importance in ANDC, the ways of introducing it and thus be a reference to all nonprofit organizations that, similarly, believe that can improve their work through well coordinated and planned marketing initiatives. The thesis is divided into 5 major chapters: (1) Introduction, where a more detailed description of the entire study is provided; (2) Literature Review, which gives some theoretical background about microcredit and marketing concepts in the social sector; (3) Case Study, that tells ANDC’s history and progress throughout the years; (4) Teaching Notes, that develop 3 main questions for Professors’ Case Study’s discussion with students and (5) Conclusion, Limitations and Future Research, which conclude that marketing’s implementation in ANDC can indeed play an important role in organization’s overall performance and point out some limitations that can lead to possible future research.O principal objectivo desta tese de mestrado, escrita na forma de um estudo de caso, é verificar se a ANDC – Associação Nacional de Direito ao Crédito, uma associação Portuguesa sem fins lucrativos que promove o microcrédito em Portugal, pode potenciar a sua performance através da introdução do marketing na organização. Por outras palavras, o estudo pretende perceber a importância que o marketing pode ter na ANDC assim como as formas de o introduzir na organização, constituindo, assim, uma referência para todas as organizações sem fins lucrativos que, da mesma maneira, acreditam poder melhorar o seu trabalho através de iniciativas de marketing devidamente planeadas e coordenadas. A tese encontra-se dividida em 5 capítulos principais: (1) Introdução, na qual é descrito com maior detalhe o desenvolvimento de todo o estudo; (2) Revisão da Literatura, que aborda diversos conceitos teóricos sobre o microcrédito e outros sobre o marketing no sector social; (3) Estudo de Caso, que conta a história da ANDC e a sua evolução ao longo dos anos; (4) Notas Explicativas, que desenvolvem 3 questões essenciais para a discussão do caso entre professores e alunos e (5) Conclusão, Limitações e Futura Investigação, que concluem que a implementação de uma estratégia de marketing na ANDC pode, de facto, desempenhar um papel importante na performance da mesma, referindo algumas limitações que podem conduzir a possíveis estudos futuros

    Analytical and finite element analysis of the concrete stress intensity factor with carbon fibers

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    Concrete is a material with low tensile strength and fracture resistance. One way to improve these properties is through the insertion of synthetic fibers such as carbon fibers into the concrete. This work determined the stress intensity factor for concrete with aligned carbon fibers (laminate) using an analytical model and finite element methods – macro-mechanical analysis of the composite laminate using the ABAQUS finite element package. Symmetrical laminate models were used with carbon fibers ranging from ± 15° to ± 75°. A single-edge notch bending specimen geometry was used to determine the KI of the laminates. The mechanical properties of the laminate were obtained through analytical models of the laminate theory. Results indicate that the fiber angles influence the stress intensity factor. The behavior is practically linear and a strong correlation was observed between the angle of the fibers and the KI through Pearson’s r. The laminate with a fiber angle of ± 75° showed a higher KI value compared to the others (x14 about ± 15°). Comparisons of the analytical and numerical results showed good agreement in the determined KI

    Effect of the contraction of medial rotators of the tibia on the electromyographic activity of vastus medialis and vastus lateralis

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    This study attempted to assess if the resisted contraction of medial rotators of the tibia increases the ratio between the activity of vastus medialis (VM) and vastus lateralis (VL) during maximal isometric contractions (MIC) of the quadriceps femoral (QF) muscle at 90° of knee flexion. About 24 female subjects participated in this study, performing four series MIC of the QF. In the first series subjects performed only MIC of the QF muscle, whereas in the other three there was MIC of the QF with resisted contraction of medial rotators of the tibia, with the tibia positioned in medial, neutral and lateral rotation. During each contraction, VM and VL electromyographic signal (EMGs) and QF force were collected, being the EMGs root mean square (RMS) used to access the activity level of these muscles. The use of the General Linear Model (GLM) test showed that for α = 0.05 there was a significant increase in the VM:VL ratio when the resisted contraction of medial rotators of the tibia was performed with the tibia in medial (p = <0.0001), neutral (p = <0.0001) and lateral rotation (p = 0.001). The same test showed that during MIC of the QF associated to resisted contraction of medial rotators of the tibia there were no significant differences in the VM:VL ratio between the three tibial rotation positions adopted (p = 0.866 [medial–neutral]; p = 0.106 [medial–lateral]; p = 0.068 [neutral–lateral]). The resisted contraction of medial rotators of the tibia increases the VM:VL ratio during MIC of the QF and the tibial rotation position does not influence the VM:VL ratio during MIC associated to resisted contraction of medial rotators of the tibia.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Influence of different sponsorship contexts in the bios*: consumer brand relationship model (BCBR model) mutualism and antagonism clusters and purchase intention

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    Main objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of different sponsorship contexts, Music and Football, in the Bios-Consumer Brand Relationship Model (BCBR), mainly in its Mutualism and Antagonism constructs, via Brand Affect, Brand Trust and Brand Attitudinal Loyalty and also in Purchase Intention, focused on two main beer Brands: Super Bock and Sagres. The adopted methodology, mixed method approach, has two phases: Phase I, a BCBR model validation through a triangulation of methods: interviews, focus group and internet/digital research, and Phase II, a quantitative method approach, to analyze if there were mutualism and antagonism effects and purchase intention in different sponsoring contexts, answering to the research questions with the application of questionnaires in an experimental design approach for both sponsoring contexts. Results show that the BCBR Model and its different new language are valid. The sponsorship influences the CBR constructs and different contexts lead to different influences. Music enhances Brand Trust whilst football has a higher influence in Brand Affect. However, these brand constructs reinforcements are not directly translated into purchase intention in a large scale. When analyzing correlations, music reinforces the emotional relationship with the sponsoring brand via stronger CBR constructs correlations. When analyzing football, correlations between CBR constructs and purchase intention for the category are strengthened. There is a slight antagonism between consumers and the non-sponsoring brand for football. Music territory appears to be a better managerial option in case of seeking to reinforce CBR and increase mutualism between brand and consumer mainly brand trust.O principal objetivo desta investigação prende-se com a avaliação de diferentes contextos de patrocínio, musica e futebol, no modelo BCBR (Bios-Consumer Brand Relationship Model), nomeadamente nos construtos de Mutualismo e Antagonismo, via Afeto, Confiança e Lealdade Atitudinal pela Marca e também Intenção de Compra, baseado em duas grandes Marcas de cerveja: Super Bock e Sagres. A metodologia adoptada baseada no método misto, tem duas fases: Fase I, centra-se na validação do modelo BCBR através da triangulação dos seguintes métodos: entrevistas, focus groups e investigação internet/digital, a Fase II, baseada numa abordagem de método quantitativo, permite analisar e avaliar a existência de efeitos de mutualismo e antagonismo assim como efeitos na intenção de compra nos diferentes contextos de patrocínio. Responde deste modo às questões de investigação através da aplicação de um inquérito usando uma abordagem de desenho experimental para cada um dos contextos de patrocínio. Os resultados demonstram que o Modelo BCBR e a sua inovadora linguagem específica são válidos, que os patrocínios influenciam os construtos CBR e, que diferentes contextos de patrocínio levam a diferentes influências. A música reforça a Confiança na Marca enquanto que patrocinar um clube de futebol tem uma maior influência no Afeto pela Marca, sendo o efeito direto na intenção e compra apenas ligeiro. Quando se avaliam as correlações, a musica reforça a relação emocional com a marca patrocinadora dado que as correlações entre os contrutos CBR com a Marca são mais fortes. No contexto de futebol, as correlações entre estes contrutos e a intenção de compra são reforçados. Existem sinais de antagonismo entre consumidores e a marca não patrocinadora no caso do futebol. O território da música parece ser uma melhor opção de gestão no caso de procura de reforço de CBR e aumento de mutualismo entre marca e consumidor

    Fungicide application technology for controlling the sugarcane orange rust

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    With the epidemic onset of the sugarcane orange rust, fungicide applications of the Strobilurins and Triazoles groups have become necessary in susceptible varieties. This study aimed at evaluating the operational conditions of fungicide application in sugarcane (SP81-3250 variety), in relation to the spray deposition on the upper canopy and the effectiveness of the orange rust control. Treatments consisted of two application volumes (30 L ha-1 or 40 L ha-1) and three nozzle deflection angles (0 º, 90 º or 135 º), plus a ground application at the rate of 200 L ha-1, sprayed with a uniform flat spray nozzle of air induction. The ground application resulted in the smallest and the greatest spray deposition on sugarcane leaves and on the soil, respectively. The aerial application at the rate of 30 L ha-1, sprayed by hollow cone nozzles, at a deflection angle of 135 º, provided the best sugarcane orange rust control. Tecnologia de aplicação de fungicidas no controle da ferrugem alaranjada da cana-de-açúcar -- Com o surgimento epidêmico da ferrugem alaranjada da cana-de-açúcar, aplicações de fungicidas dos grupos químicos Estrobilurinas e Triazóis tornaram-se necessárias para as variedades suscetíveis. Objetivou-se avaliar as condições operacionais de aplicação de fungicidas em cana-de-açúcar (variedade SP81-3250), no que se refere à deposição de calda no dossel superior e à efetividade do controle da ferrugem alaranjada. Os tratamentos consistiram de dois volumes de aplicação (30 L ha-1 ou 40 L ha-1) e três ângulos de deflexão das pontas (0 º, 90 º ou 135 º), além de uma aplicação terrestre à taxa de 200 L ha-1, pulverizada por meio de pontas de jato plano uniforme de indução de ar. A aplicação terrestre resultou na menor e maior deposição nas folhas de cana-de-açúcar e no solo, respectivamente. A aplicação aérea com taxa de 30 L ha-1, pulverizada por pontas de jato cônico vazio, com ângulo de deflexão de 135 º, proporcionou o melhor controle da ferrugem alaranjada da cana-de-açúcar
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