82 research outputs found

    Optimal measurement of ice-sheet deformation from surface-marker arrays

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    Surface strain rate is best observed by fitting a strain-rate ellipsoid to the measured movement of a stake network or other collection of surface features, using a least squares procedure. Error of the resulting fit varies as 1/(L delta t square root of N), where L is the stake separation, delta is the time period between initial and final stake survey, and n is the number of stakes in the network. This relation suggests that if n is sufficiently high, the traditional practice of revisiting stake-network sites on successive field seasons may be replaced by a less costly single year operation. A demonstration using Ross Ice Shelf data shows that reasonably accurate measurements are obtained from 12 stakes after only 4 days of deformation. It is possible for the least squares procedure to aid airborne photogrammetric surveys because reducing the time interval between survey and re-survey permits better surface feature recognition

    Data report for the Siple Coast (Antarctica) project

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    This report presents data collected during three field seasons of glaciological studies in the Antarctica and describes the methods employed. The region investigated covers the mouths of Ice Streams B and C (the Siple Coast) and Crary Ice Rise on the Ross Ice Shelf. Measurements included in the report are as follows: surface velocity and deformation from repeated satellite geoceiver positions; surface topography from optical levelling; radar sounding of ice thickness; accumulation rates; near-surface densities and temperature profiles; and mapping from aerial photography

    Verification of model simulated mass balance, flow fields and tabular calving events of the Antarctic ice sheet against remotely sensed observations

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    The Antarctic ice sheet (AIS) has the greatestpotential for global sea level rise. This study simulates AISice creeping, sliding, tabular calving, and estimates the totalmass balances, using a recently developed, advanced icedynamics model, known as SEGMENT-Ice. SEGMENTIceis written in a spherical Earth coordinate system.Because the AIS contains the South Pole, a projectiontransfer is performed to displace the pole outside of thesimulation domain. The AIS also has complex ice-watergranularmaterial-bedrock configurations, requiringsophisticated lateral and basal boundary conditions.Because of the prevalence of ice shelves, a ‘girder yield’type calving scheme is activated. The simulations of presentsurface ice flow velocities compare favorably with InSARmeasurements, for various ice-water-bedrock configurations.The estimated ice mass loss rate during 2003–2009agrees with GRACE measurements and provides morespatial details not represented by the latter. The modelestimated calving frequencies of the peripheral ice shelvesfrom 1996 (roughly when the 5-km digital elevation andthickness data for the shelves were collected) to 2009compare well with archived scatterometer images. SEGMENT-Ice’s unique, non-local systematic calving schemeis found to be relevant for tabular calving. However, theexact timing of calving and of iceberg sizes cannot besimulated accurately at present. A projection of the futuremass change of the AIS is made, with SEGMENT-Iceforced by atmospheric conditions from three differentcoupled general circulation models. The entire AIS is estimatedto be losing mass steadily at a rate of*120 km3/a atpresent and this rate possibly may double by year 2100

    Laboratory investigations of iceberg capsize dynamics, energy dissipation and tsunamigenesis

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    We present laboratory experiments designed to quantify the stability and energy budget of buoyancy-driven iceberg capsize.We present laboratory experiments designed to quantify the stability and energy budget of buoyancy-driven iceberg capsize. Box-shaped icebergs were constructed out of low-density plastic, hydrostatically placed in an acrylic water tank containing freshwater of uniform density, and allowed (or forced, if necessary) to capsize. The maximum kinetic energy (translational plus rotational) of the icebergs was 15% of the total energy released during capsize, and radiated surface wave energy was 1% of the total energy released. The remaining energy was directly transferred into the water via hydrodynamic coupling, viscous drag, and turbulence. The dependence of iceberg capsize instability on iceberg aspect ratio implied by the tank experiments was found to closely agree with analytical predictions based on a simple, hydrostatic treatment of iceberg capsize. This analytical treatment, along with the high Reynolds numbers for the experiments (and considerably higher values for capsizing icebergs in nature), indicates that turbulence is an important mechanism of energy dissipation during iceberg capsize and can contribute a potentially important source of mixing in the stratified ocean proximal to marine ice margins.Funding for this project was provided by the U.S. National Science Foundation (ANT0944193, ANT0732869, ANS0806393, and DMR-0807012). D.S.A. was supported by the T. C. Chamberlin Fellowship of the University of Chicago and the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research. We thank the Fultz family for supporting the hydrodynamics laboratory at the University of Chicago. Comments from A. Jenkins, M. Funk, an anonymous reviewer, and editor M. Truffer greatly improved the clarity of this manuscript.Ye

    Near-glacier surveying of a subglacial discharge plume: Implications for plume parameterizations

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    At tidewater glaciers, plume dynamics affect submarine melting, fjord circulation, and the mixing of meltwater. Models often rely on buoyant plume theory to parameterize plumes and submarine melting; however, these parameterizations are largely untested due to a dearth of near‐glacier measurements. Here we present a high‐resolution ocean survey by ship and remotely operated boat near the terminus of Kangerlussuup Sermia in west Greenland. These novel observations reveal the 3‐D structure and transport of a near‐surface plume, originating at a large undercut conduit in the glacier terminus, that is inconsistent with axisymmetric plume theory, the most common representation of plumes in ocean‐glacier models. Instead, the observations suggest a wider upwelling plume—a “truncated” line plume of ∼200 m width—with higher entrainment and plume‐driven melt compared to the typical axisymmetric representation. Our results highlight the importance of a subglacial outlet's geometry in controlling plume dynamics, with implications for parameterizing the exchange flow and submarine melt in glacial fjord models.NNX12AP50

    Meltwater produced by wind–albedo interaction stored in an East Antarctic ice shelf

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    Surface melt and subsequent firn air depletion can ultimately lead to disintegration of Antarctic ice shelves1,2 causing grounded glaciers to accelerate3 and sea level to rise. In the Antarctic Peninsula, foehn winds enhance melting near the grounding line4, which in the recent past has led to the disintegration of the most northerly ice shelves5,6. Here, we provide observational and model evidence that this process also occurs over an East Antarctic ice shelf, where meltwaterinduced firn air depletion is found in the grounding zone. Unlike the Antarctic Peninsula, where foehn events originate from episodic interaction of the circumpolar westerlies with the topography, in coastal East Antarctica high temperatures are caused by persistent katabatic winds originating from the ice sheet’s interior. Katabatic winds warm and mix the air as it flows downward and cause widespread snow erosion, explaining >3 K higher near-surface temperatures in summer and surface melt doubling in the grounding zone compared with its surroundings. Additionally, these winds expose blue ice and firn with lower surface albedo, further enhancing melt. The in situ observation of supraglacial flow and englacial storage of meltwater suggests that ice-shelf grounding zones in East Antarctica, like their Antarctic Peninsula counterparts, are vulnerable to hydrofracturing7

    The impact of glacier geometry on meltwater plume structure and submarine melt in Greenland fjords

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    Meltwater from the Greenland Ice Sheet often drains subglacially into fjords, driving upwelling plumes at glacier termini. Ocean models and observations of submarine termini suggest that plumes enhance melt and undercutting, leading to calving and potential glacier destabilization. Here we systematically evaluate how simulated plume structure and submarine melt during summer months depends on realistic ranges of subglacial discharge, glacier depth, and ocean stratification from 12 Greenland fjords. Our results show that grounding line depth is a strong control on plume-induced submarine melt: deep glaciers produce warm, salty subsurface plumes that undercut termini, and shallow glaciers produce cold, fresh surface-trapped plumes that can overcut termini. Due to sustained upwelling velocities, plumes in cold, shallow fjords can induce equivalent depth-averaged melt rates compared to warm, deep fjords. These results detail a direct ocean-ice feedback that can affect the Greenland Ice Sheet