10,904 research outputs found

    Flight evaluation of LORAN-C in the State of Vermont

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    A flight evaluation of LORAN C as a supplement to existing navigation aids for general aviation aircraft, particularly in mountainous regions of the United States and where VOR coverage is limited was conducted. Flights, initiated in the summer months, extend through four seasons and practically all weather conditions typical of northeastern U.S. operations. Assessment of all the data available indicates that LORAN C signals are suitable as a means of navigation during enroute, terminal and nonprecision approach operations and the performance exceeds the minimum accuracy criteria

    Development of a contra-rotating tidal current turbine and analysis of performance

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    A contra-rotating marine current turbine has a number of attractive features: nearzero reactive torque on the support structure, near-zero swirl in the wake, and high relative inter-rotor rotational speeds. Modified blade element modelling theory has been used to design and predict the characteristics of such a turbine, and a model turbine and test rig have been constructed. Tests in a towing tank demonstrated the feasibility of the concept. Power coefficients were high for such a small model and in excellent agreement with predictions, confirming the accuracy of the computational modelling procedures. Highfrequency blade loading data were obtained in the course of the experiments. These show the anticipated dynamic components for a contra-rotating machine. Flow visualization of the wake verified the lack of swirl behind the turbine. A larger machine is presently under construction for sea trials

    The Rape that Woke Up India: Hindu Imagination and the Rape of Jyoti Singh Pandey

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    This essay was inspired by the gang-rape of 23-year-old Jyoti Singh Pandey in Delhi, India, on December 16, 2012. Thirteen days later she died in a Singapore hospital from injuries caused by insertion of an iron rod by her six attackers. The authors first analyze the remarks of politicians and religious leaders that invoked religious- nationalist ideals to diminish the responsibility of the attackers, to exonerate traditional Hindu ways of life, and to blame the victim. The essay next examines cultural and religious contexts of gang-rape, in particular, the positive and negative images of women in traditional Hindu mythologies and scriptures. Theories about why some men rape and why some rapists mutilate the genitalia of their victims are considered. The essay includes results of interviews and surveys of Indians in India carried out during the summer of 2013. Questions focused on religious issues such as the extent to which the mentality that women transgressing traditional limits are responsible for what happens to them fosters a rape-tolerant atmosphere. The authors conclude that parts of the sacred tradition can be useful for enhancing the status and safety of women in India today, while other, clearly misogynistic parts must be recognized, critiqued, and rejected

    Rigid-Band Shift of the Fermi Level in a Strongly Correlated Metal: Sr(2-y)La(y)RuO(4)

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    We report a systematic study of electron doping of Sr2RuO4 by non-isovalent substitution of La^(3+) for Sr^(2+). Using a combination of de Haas-van Alphen oscillations, specific heat, and resistivity measurements, we show that electron doping leads to a rigid-band shift of the Fermi level corresponding to one doped electron per La ion, with constant many-body quasiparticle mass enhancement over the band mass. The susceptibility spectrum is substantially altered and enhanced by the doping but this has surprisingly little effect on the strength of the unconventional superconducting pairing.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    On ‘Organized Crime’ in the illicit antiquities trade: moving beyond the definitional debate

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    The extent to which ‘organized crime’ is involved in illicit antiquities trafficking is unknown and frequently debated. This paper explores the significance and scale of the illicit antiquities trade as a unique transnational criminal phenomenon that is often said to be perpetrated by and exhibit traits of so-called ‘organized crime.’ The definitional debate behind the term ‘organized crime’ is considered as a potential problem impeding our understanding of its existence or extent in illicit antiquities trafficking, and a basic progression-based model is then suggested as a new tool to move beyond the definitional debate for future research that may help to elucidate the actors, processes and criminal dynamics taking place within the illicit antiquities trade from source to market. The paper concludes that researchers should focus not on the question of whether organized criminals- particularly in a traditionally conceived, mafia-type stereotypical sense- are involved in the illicit antiquities trade, but instead on the structure and progression of antiquities trafficking itself that embody both organized and criminal dynamics

    Marrow-derived stromal cell delivery on fibrin microbeads can correct radiation-induced wound-healing deficits.

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    Skin that is exposed to radiation has an impaired ability to heal wounds. This is especially true for whole-body irradiation, where even moderate nonlethal doses can result in wound-healing deficits. Our previous attempts to administer dermal cells locally to wounds to correct radiation-induced deficits were hampered by poor cell retention. Here we improve the outcome by using biodegradable fibrin microbeads (FMBs) to isolate a population of mesenchymal marrow-derived stromal cells (MSCs) from murine bone marrow by their specific binding to the fibrin matrix, culture them to high density in vitro, and deliver them as MSCs on FMBs at the wound site. MSCs are retained locally, proliferate in site, and assist wounds in gaining tensile strength in whole-body irradiated mice with or without additional skin-only exposure. MSC-FMBs were effective in two different mouse strains but were ineffective across a major histocompatability barrier. Remarkably, irradiated mice whose wounds were treated with MSC-FMBs showed enhanced hair regrowth, suggesting indirect effect on the correction of radiation-induced follicular damage. Further studies showed that additional wound-healing benefit could be gained by administration of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor and AMD3100. Collagen strips coated with haptides and MSCs were also highly effective in correcting radiation-induced wound-healing deficits

    What is the 'problem' that outreach work seeks to address and how might it be tackled? Seeking theory in a primary health prevention programme

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    <b>Background</b> Preventive approaches to health are disproportionately accessed by the more affluent and recent health improvement policy advocates the use of targeted preventive primary care to reduce risk factors in poorer individuals and communities. Outreach has become part of the health service response. Outreach has a long history of engaging those who do not otherwise access services. It has, however, been described as eclectic in its purpose, clientele and mode of practice; its effectiveness is unproven. Using a primary prevention programme in the UK as a case, this paper addresses two research questions: what are the perceived problems of non-engagement that outreach aims to address; and, what specific mechanisms of outreach are hypothesised to tackle these.<p></p> <b>Methods</b> Drawing on a wider programme evaluation, the study undertook qualitative interviews with strategically selected health-care professionals. The analysis was thematically guided by the concept of 'candidacy' which theorises the dynamic process through which services and individuals negotiate appropriate service use.<p></p> <b>Results</b> The study identified seven types of engagement 'problem' and corresponding solutions. These 'problems' lie on a continuum of complexity in terms of the challenges they present to primary care. Reasons for non-engagement are congruent with the concept of 'candidacy' but point to ways in which it can be expanded.<p></p> <b>Conclusions</b> The paper draws conclusions about the role of outreach in contributing to the implementation of inequalities focused primary prevention and identifies further research needed in the theoretical development of both outreach as an approach and candidacy as a conceptual framework

    The Morality of Moral Education

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    The Background - Moral Education as the Traditional Source of Personal Development. One of the abiding interests of moral philosophy is how some measure of competence at existence can not only be attained, but attained to an excellent degree. The idea that man is born imperfect but may so order his life that he approaches a more complete state of perfection has been echoed in the words and deeds of men through the ages. It is reflected in our willingness to revere those men and women who in their lives neared the condition of existential entelechy. Throughout the ages, for instance, humankind has sought out heroes and martyrs who by virtue of their superior conduct and more impressive virtues have become the models upon which lesser men and women model their own lives

    The mean field infinite range p=3 spin glass: equilibrium landscape and correlation time scales

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    We investigate numerically the dynamical behavior of the mean field 3-spin spin glass model: we study equilibrium dynamics, and compute equilibrium time scales as a function of the system size V. We find that for increasing volumes the time scales τ\tau increase like lnτV\ln \tau \propto V. We also present an accurate study of the equilibrium static properties of the system.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figure