164 research outputs found

    The ideological transformation of Hezbollah since its involvement in the Syrian Civil War : local perspectives and foreign observations

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    Le Hezbollah a été, et est toujours, une organisation sectaire impliquée dans un système politique où il est contraint de s’y imposer pour avoir un poids politique fort vis-à-vis d’autres acteurs sectaires en place. Lorsque le conflit avec Israël, un ennemi clairement reconnaissable selon des critères nationaux, linguistiques, ethniques et religieux, s’est intensifié contre la nation libanaise, le Hezbollah s’est auto-prétendu être le protecteur de la nation libanaise. La guerre civile syrienne est un conflit principalement entre Arabes et embourbé par le sectarisme, a une fois de plus donné au Hezbollah un ennemi clairement défini. Cependant, contrairement à Israël, les ennemis du Hezbollah sont désormais des Arabes sunnites, qui constituent également une importante minorité au Liban. Le conflit syrien a amené le Hezbollah à modifier radicalement sa politique étrangère et sa stratégie militaire pour faire face aux menaces émergentes dans son voisinage. Comment le Hezbollah a-t-il changé idéologiquement à la suite de la guerre civile syrienne ? La théorie de la sécurisation prédit que les élites utiliseront un petit problème de sécurité et le feront apparaître comme une menace importante pour la sécurité d’une société afin de concentrer les ressources et de gagner la confiance de la population. L’auteur suppose que le Hezbollah a permis de sécuriser le pays face à la menace posée par l’État islamique, comme il l’a fait avec Israël, transformant ainsi son idéologie pour être encore plus nationaliste qu’avant la guerre civile syrienne. Afin de tester cette théorie, un travail de terrain a été effectué au Liban afin de déterminer si le Hezbollah insistait sur son rôle dans la protection de la nation libanaise contre la menace de l’État islamique. Les conclusions de l’étude qualitative suggèrent que, alors que le secrétaire général du Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, défendait le rôle du Hezbollah dans la protection de la communauté imaginée libanaise contre la menace de l’État islamique, l’implication du Hezbollah en Syrie impliquait qu’il adhère plus à une idéologie nationaliste sectaire, comparée à ce qu’il l’avait fait contre Israël avant. De plus, le discours physique du Hezbollah continue de susciter le symbolisme islamiste universaliste.Since its creation, Hezbollah has been a sectarian organization in a political system where it has been compelled to compete for power against other sectarian actors. However, at times when conflict with Israel escalated, an enemy that was clearly distinguishable via national, linguistic, ethnic, and religious criteria, Hezbollah often claimed to be the protector of the Lebanese nation. The Syrian Civil War, a conflict mainly between Arabs that is mired by sectarianism, has once again given Hezbollah a clearly defined enemy. However, unlike Israel, Hezbollah’s enemies are now Sunni Arabs, which is also a large minority within Lebanon. The Syrian conflict caused Hezbollah to dramatically alter its foreign policy and military strategy to confront such emerging threats within its neighbourhood. How has Hezbollah ideologically changed as a result of the Syrian Civil War? Securitization theory predicts that elites will use a small security issue and make it appear as a large security threat to a society in order to concentrate resources and gain the trust of the population. From being a sectarian actor in Lebanese politics, the author hypothesises that Hezbollah securitized the threat posed by the Islamic State to the Lebanese nation, as it has done with Israel, thus transforming its ideology to be even more nationalist than prior to the Syrian Civil War. In order to test this theory, fieldwork was conducted in Lebanon to observe if Hezbollah emphasized its role in protecting the Lebanese nation against the threat of the Islamic State. Findings from the qualitative study suggest that while Hezbollah’s Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah advocates Hezbollah’s role in protecting the Lebanese imagined community from the threat of the Islamic State, Hezbollah’s involvement in Syria has meant that it engages in a more sectarianized nationalist ideology than it previously did with Israel. Furthermore, Hezbollah’s physical discourse continues to elicit universalist Islamic symbolism


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    For over a decade and recently as a means to overcome the crippling effects of the credit crunch and its recessionary effects on European economies, EU institutions have initiated an expansive innovation policy centered on the development and support of entrepreneurs and emerging growth ventures. Private investment in the form of venture capital (VC) is necessary to support this policy in that the VC market provides a unique and essential link between finance and innovation. Tax incentives, tax treatment, and legal (tax) certainty are of paramount importance in both attracting entrepreneurs as well as driving the financial commitments of reputable VC funds. The high level of risk that an entrepreneurial “idea”, emerging growth venture, or start-up will never be commercialized demands both tax incentives for risk-taking as well as confidence that an investor’s exit from a VC investment will not be subjected to unfavorable tax treatment. Thus, in that cross-border investment is often considered necessary for VC funds to achieve required economies of scale in the EU, the creation of a robust VC industry demands that the risk of double taxation in cross-border investments is eliminated. At the EU-level, this risk can be immediately addressed only through the collective will(s) of the Member States as manifested in secondary legislation. Otherwise, in light of the ECJ’s 2006 decision in Kerckhaert, the middling VC industry of the EU appears certain to confront the Member States’ unreliable coordination of their overlapping, autonomous taxing jurisdictions under a continuing shadow of double taxation uncertainty

    Pension systems in East Asia and the Pacific : challenges and opportunities

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    With the recovery from the recent crisis, countries of the East Asia and Pacific region are rethinking their financial, and social policy, including old-age protection. Population aging, in combination with ongoing urbanization, and economic transformation, will place increasing pressure on traditional family care arrangements. Coverage under formal pension systems is generally low, and the absence of social safety nets for the needy elderly, poses risks in the face of breaks in the economic growth path. In addition to common systemic challenges, formal old-age income support systems confront issues specific to their design type: 1) The national provident fund, and social security systems with reserve funds, have demonstrated problems with investment policy, and performance, governance and management. 2) In the established market economies, social security systems are fiscally unsustainable in the long run, and often have a weak benefit-contribution link. 3) These types of systems encounter additional problems in transition economies, including low contribution collection from previously socialized enterprises. Options addressed by the paper involve the adoption of an integrated view on retirement income provision, averting fiscal un-sustainability, and, integrating public, and private sector pensions. Additionally, moving toward a multi-pillar structure with prudent coverage extension, and, fostering financial markets, to allow decentralized pension funds management, are also suggested.Health Economics&Finance,Public Sector Economics,Pensions&Retirement Systems,Environmental Economics&Policies,Banks&Banking Reform

    Plutonic associations of North-East, Bahia

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    Dans le but d'illustrer une excursion géologique, les auteurs décrivent les associations plutoniques du nord-est de l'Etat de Bahia. Ils abordent le cadre géologique régional et ils présentent les caractéristiques pétrologiques et structurales à l'échelle des nombreux affleurements

    Investigating Temporal Features of Carotid Intima-Media Thickness from Ultrasound Imaging with Recurrent Neural Networks

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    Measuring carotid intima-media thickness (cIMT) of the Common Carotid Artery (CCA) via B-mode ultrasound imaging is a non-invasive yet effective way to monitor and assess cardiovascular risk. Recent studies using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to automate the process have mainly focused on the detection of regions of interest (ROI) in single frame images collected at fixed timepoints and have not exploited the temporal information captured in ultrasound imaging. This paper presents a novel framework to investigate the temporal features of cIMT, in which Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) were deployed for ROI detection using consecutive frames from ultrasound imaging. The cIMT time series can be formed from estimates of cIMT in each frame of an ultrasound scan, from which additional information (such as min, max, mean, and frequency) on cIMT time series can be extracted. Results from evaluation show the best performance for ROI detection improved 4.75% by RNN compared to CNN-based methods. Furthermore, the heart rate estimated from the cIMT time series for seven patients was highly correlated with the patient’s clinical records, which suggests the potential application of the cIMT time series and related features for clinical studies in the future.<br/

    Impact of powder reusability on batch repeatability of Ti6Al4V ELI for PBF-LB industrial production

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    In powder bed fusion laser beam (PBF-LB), powder reusability remains key to keeping cost-effectivity as well as sustainability. In this study, highly sensitive Ti6Al4V ELI powder typically used for medical and aerospace applications is studied. Powder properties of new and reused powders after 10 build cycles subjected to variations such as morphology, particle size distribution (PSD), chemical composition and flowability were analysed. The flow rate using Carney flowmeter increased from 6.8 s to 12 s. Oxygen content slightly increased from 0.11% to 0.12%. The dimensional deviations are measured in six builds of eight samples spread through the build plate. The density of the cubes does not show relevant differences in density (from 99.6% to 99.9%), only the last batch exhibits slightly lower density than the previous builds. Studied properties for the powder and builds are maintained throughout the experiment, demonstrating repeatability of industrial production of metal parts

    Algorithm to Diagnose Leaks or Blockages Downstream of the Secondary Air Injection Reaction (SAIR) Pressure Sensor

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    A control module and method for an exhaust system of an engine can include a secondary air intake (SAI) pressure module that monitors SAI pressure. An accumulation module can accumulate an SAI string length based on the monitored SAI pressure. A calculation module can determine an average SAI string length based on the accumulated SAI string length. A determination module can determine an operating characteristic of the vehicle exhaust based on the average SAI string length

    Massive star formation: Nurture, not nature

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    We investigate the physical processes which lead to the formation of massive stars. Using a numerical simulation of the formation of a stellar cluster from a turbulent molecular cloud, we evaluate the relevant contributions of fragmentation and competitive accretion in determining the masses of the more massive stars. We find no correlation between the final mass of a massive star, and the mass of the clump from which it forms. Instead, we find that the bulk of the mass of massive stars comes from subsequent competitive accretion in a clustered environment. In fact, the majority of this mass infalls onto a pre-existing stellar cluster. Furthermore, the mass of the most massive star in a system increases as the system grows in numbers of stars and in total mass. This arises as the infalling gas is accompanied by newly formed stars, resulting in a larger cluster around a more massive star. High-mass stars gain mass as they gain companions, implying a direct causal relationship between the cluster formation process, and the formation of higher-mass stars therein.Comment: 8 pages, accepted for publication in MNRAS. Version including hi-res colour postscript figure available at http://star-www.st-and.ac.uk/~sgv/ps/massnurt.ps.g

    In vivo imaging of CD8+ T cell-mediated elimination of malaria liver stages

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    CD8+ T cells are specialized cells of the adaptive immune system capable of finding and eliminating pathogen-infected cells. To date it has not been possible to observe the destruction of any pathogen by CD8+ T cells in vivo. Here we demonstrate a techni

    Association of anticholinergic burden with adverse effects in older people with intellectual disabilities:an observational cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: No studies to date have investigated cumulative anticholinergic exposure and its effects in adults with intellectual disabilities. AIMS: To determine the cumulative exposure to anticholinergics and the factors associated with high exposure. METHOD: A modified Anticholinergic Cognitive Burden (ACB) scale score was calculated for a representative cohort of 736 people over 40 years old with intellectual disabilities, and associations with demographic and clinical factors assessed. RESULTS: Age over 65 years was associated with higher exposure (ACB 1-4 odds ratio (OR) = 3.28, 95% CI 1.49-7.28, ACB 5+ OR = 3.08, 95% CI 1.20-7.63), as was a mental health condition (ACB 1-4 OR = 9.79, 95% CI 5.63-17.02, ACB 5+ OR = 23.74, 95% CI 12.29-45.83). Daytime drowsiness was associated with higher ACB (P<0.001) and chronic constipation reported more frequently (26.6% ACB 5+ v. 7.5% ACB 0, P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Older people with intellectual disabilities and with mental health conditions were exposed to high anticholinergic burden. This was associated with daytime dozing and constipation
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