1,972 research outputs found

    Proteomic analysis of the rat ovary following chronic low-dose exposure to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD)

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    2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) is a ubiquitously distributed endocrine-disrupting chemical and reproductive toxicant. In order to elucidate low-dose TCDD-mediated effects on reproductive or endocrine functions, female Sprague-Dawley rats were orally administered various concentrations (20, 50, or 125 ng/kg once weekly) TCDD for 29 wk. A proteomic analysis of the ovaries by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) tandem mass spectrometry showed distinct changes in the levels of several proteins that are relevant markers of TCDD toxicity. Serum estradiol (E2) levels of TCDD-treated animals were markedly lower than control. There were no significant differences in bone mineral density (BMD) of femurs. The body weight of the 125-ng/kg TCDD group was significantly decreased relative to control and there was also a significant reduction in absolute and relative ovarian weights. Expressions of selenium binding protein 2, glutathione S-transferase mu type 3, Lrpap1 protein, NADPH, and peptidylprolyl isomerase D were upregulated, while prohibitin and N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor expression levels were downregulated. Data provide further insight into the mechanisms by which TCDD disrupts ovarian function by indicating which differential protein expressions following low-dose TCDD exposure

    Segmentation of Skin Lesions Using Level Set Method

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    Diagnosis of skin cancers with dermoscopy has been widely accepted as a clinical routine. However, the diagnostic accuracy using dermoscopy relies on the subjective judgment of the dermatologist. To solve this problem, a computer-aided diagnosis system is demanded. Here, we propose a level set method to fulfill the segmentation of skin lesions presented in dermoscopic images. The differences between normal skin and skin lesions in the color channels are combined to define the speed function, with which the evolving curve can be guided to reach the boundary of skin lesions. The proposed algorithm is robust against the influences of noise, hair, and skin textures, and provides a flexible way for segmentation. Numerical experiments demonstrated the effectiveness of the novel algorithm

    Identification and functional characterization of an N-terminal oligomerization domain for polycystin-2*

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    Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD), the most common inherited cause of kidney failure, is caused by mutations in either PKD1 (85%) or PKD2 (15%). The PKD2 protein, polycystin-2 (PC2 or TRPP2), is a member of the transient receptor potential (TRP) superfamily and functions as a non-selective calcium channel. PC2 has been found to form oligomers in native tissues suggesting that it may form functional homo- or heterotetramers with other subunits, similar to other TRP channels. Our experiments unexpectedly revealed that PC2 mutant proteins lacking the known C-terminal dimerization domain were still able to form oligomers and co-immunoprecipitate full-length PC2, implying the possible existence of a proximal dimerization domain. Using yeast two-hybrid and biochemical assays, we have mapped an alternative dimerization domain to the N terminus of PC2 (NT2-1-223, L224X). Functional characterization of this domain demonstrated that it was sufficient to induce cyst formation in zebrafish embryos and inhibit PC2 surface currents in mIMCD3 cells probably by a dominant-negative mechanism. In summary, we propose a model for PC2 assembly as a functional tetramer which depends on both C- and N-terminal dimerization domains. These results have significant implications for our understanding of PC2 function and disease pathogenesis in ADPKD and provide a new strategy for studying PC2 function

    Gapless Spin-Fluid Ground State in a Random Quantum Heisenberg Magnet

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    We examine the spin-SS quantum Heisenberg magnet with Gaussian-random, infinite-range exchange interactions. The quantum-disordered phase is accessed by generalizing to SU(M)SU(M) symmetry and studying the large MM limit. For large SS the ground state is a spin-glass, while quantum fluctuations produce a spin-fluid state for small SS. The spin-fluid phase is found to be generically gapless - the average, zero temperature, local dynamic spin-susceptibility obeys \bar{\chi} (\omega ) \sim \log(1/|\omega|) + i (\pi/2) \mbox{sgn} (\omega) at low frequencies. This form is identical to the phenomenological `marginal' spectrum proposed by Varma {\em et. al.\/} for the doped cuprates.Comment: 13 pages, REVTEX, 2 figures available by request from [email protected]

    Relativistic Random-Phase Approximation with density-dependent meson-nucleon couplings

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    The matrix equations of the relativistic random-phase approximation (RRPA) are derived for an effective Lagrangian characterized by density-dependent meson-nucleon vertex functions. The explicit density dependence of the meson-nucleon couplings introduces rearrangement terms in the residual two-body interaction, that are essential for a quantitative description of excited states. Illustrative calculations of the isoscalar monopole, isovector dipole and isoscalar quadrupole response of 208^{208}Pb, are performed in the fully self-consistent RRPA framework, based on effective interactions with a phenomenological density dependence adjusted to nuclear matter and ground-state properties of spherical nuclei. The comparison of the RRPA results on multipole giant resonances with experimental data constrains the parameters that characterize the isoscalar and isovector channel of the density-dependent effective interactions.Comment: RevTeX, 8 eps figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    The axial ratio of hcp iron at the conditions of the Earth's inner core

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    We present ab initio calculations of the high-temperature axial c/a ratio of hexagonal-close-packed (hcp) iron at Earth's core pressures, in order to help interpret the observed seismic anisotropy of the inner core. The calculations are based on density functional theory, which is known to predict the properties of high-pressure iron with good accuracy. The temperature dependence of c/a is determined by minimising the Helmholtz free energy at fixed volume and temperature, with thermal contributions due to lattice vibrations calculated using harmonic theory. Anharmonic corrections to the harmonic predictions are estimated from calculations of the thermal average stress obtained from ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of hcp iron at the conditions of the inner core. We find a very gradual increase of axial ratio with temperature. This increase is much smaller than found in earlier calculations, but is in reasonable agreement with recent high-pressure, high-temperature diffraction measurements. This result casts doubt on an earlier interpretation of the seismic anisotropy of the inner core

    Collective modes of asymmetric nuclear matter in Quantum HadroDynamics

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    We discuss a fully relativistic Landau Fermi liquid theory based on the Quantum Hadro-Dynamics (QHDQHD) effective field picture of Nuclear Matter ({\it NM}). From the linearized kinetic equations we get the dispersion relations of the propagating collective modes. We focus our attention on the dynamical effects of the interplay between scalar and vector channel contributions. A beautiful ``mirror'' structure in the form of the dynamical response in the isoscalar/isovector degree of freedom is revealed, with a complete parallelism in the role respectively played by the compressibility and the symmetry energy. All that strongly supports the introduction of an explicit coupling to the scalar-isovector channel of the nucleon-nucleon interaction. In particular we study the influence of this coupling (to a δ\delta-meson-like effective field) on the collective response of asymmetric nuclear matter (ANMANM). Interesting contributions are found on the propagation of isovector-like modes at normal density and on an expected smooth transition to isoscalar-like oscillations at high baryon density. Important ``chemical'' effects on the neutron-proton structure of the mode are shown. For dilute ANMANM we have the isospin distillation mechanism of the unstable isoscalar-like oscillations, while at high baryon density we predict an almost pure neutron wave structure of the propagating sounds.Comment: 18 pages (LATEX), 8 Postscript figures, uses "epsfig

    Exo-hydrogenated Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes

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    An extensive first-principles study of fully exo-hydrogenated zigzag (n,0) and armchair (n,n) single wall carbon nanotubes (Cn_nHn_n), polyhedral molecules including cubane, dodecahedrane, and C60_{60}H60_{60} points to crucial differences in the electronic and atomic structures relevant to hydrogen storage and device applications. Cn_nHn_n's are estimated to be stable up to the radius of a (8,8) nanotube, with binding energies proportional to 1/R. Attaching a single hydrogen to any nanotube is always exothermic. Hydrogenation of zigzag nanotubes is found to be more likely than armchair nanotubes with similar radius. Our findings may have important implications for selective functionalization and finding a way of separating similar radius nanotubes from each other.Comment: 5 pages, 4 postscript figures, Revtex file, To be appear in Physical Review

    A Library for Declarative Resolution-Independent 2D Graphics

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    The design of most 2D graphics frameworks has been guided by what the computer can draw efficiently, instead of by how graphics can best be expressed and composed. As a result, such frameworks restrict expressivity by providing a limited set of shape primitives, a limited set of textures and only affine transformations. For example, non-affine transformations can only be added by invasive modification or complex tricks rather than by simple composition. More general frameworks exist, but they make it harder to describe and analyze shapes. We present a new declarative approach to resolution-independent 2D graphics that generalizes and simplifies the functionality of traditional frameworks, while preserving their efficiency. As a real-world example, we show the implementation of a form of focus+context lenses that gives better image quality and better performance than the state-of-the-art solution at a fraction of the code. Our approach can serve as a versatile foundation for the creation of advanced graphics and higher level frameworks

    Schwarzschild black hole surrounded by quintessence: Null geodesics

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    We have studied the null geodesics of the Schwarzschild black hole surrounded by quintessence matter. Quintessence matter is a candidate for dark energy. Here, we have done a detailed analysis of the geodesics and exact solutions are presented in terms of Jacobi-elliptic integrals for all possible energy and angular momentum of the photons. The circular orbits of the photons are studied in detail. As an application of the null geodesics, the angle of deflection of the photons are computed.Comment: 25 pages, 20 figures. typos corrected and some of the notation change