58 research outputs found

    Interet D’une Supplementation En Spiruline Chez Les Enfants Drepanocytaires Homozygotes A L’hopital National De Niamey. (Essai Clinique Randomise En Double Aveugle A Propos De 53 Cas)

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    Spirulina is a micro algae used for thousands of years due to its healing properties. We supplemented children suffering from sickle cell anemia in order to appreciate its impact on the anthropometrical and clinical parameters. It consisted of a randomized clinical double blind test which was carried during a period of 9 months. The study concerned 53 homozygotes children suffering from sickle cell anemia aged 6 months to 15 years. Also, they were visiting the National Hospital of Niamey for follow up. One group (28 children) received 5 g of spirulina daily, and the other group (25 children) received placebo. The aspects studied were: the number of hospitalizations and transfusions, the vaso-occlusive crisis, the body mass index, and the splenomegalia. We found that 84.90% of patients were hospitalized at least once and 45.3% of them have already been transfused. The average number of crisis has greatly decreased in the spirulina group from 2.75 before the study to 1.18 at the end of the study. This, thus, was observed when compared to 2.44 to 1.6 in the placebo group. We also noticed a decrease of the number of hospitalizations and the number of transfusions which is less important in the group supplemented with spirulina. In conclusion, this study showed that supplementation in spirulina had a significant impact on children suffering from sickle cell anemia. This is even despite the fact that the difference between the two groups is not significant in some cases

    Nanofluid impingement jet heat transfer

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    Experimental investigation to study the heat transfer between a vertical round alumina-water nanofluid jet and a horizontal circular round surface is carried out. Different jet flow rates, jet nozzle diameters, various circular disk diameters and three nanoparticles concentrations (0, 6.6 and 10%, respectively) are used. The experimental results indicate that using nanofluid as a heat transfer carrier can enhance the heat transfer process. For the same Reynolds number, the experimental data show an increase in the Nusselt numbers as the nanoparticle concentration increases. Size of heating disk diameters shows reverse effect on heat transfer. It is also found that presenting the data in terms of Reynolds number at impingement jet diameter can take into account on both effects of jet heights and nozzle diameter. Presenting the data in terms of Peclet numbers, at fixed impingement nozzle diameter, makes the data less sensitive to the percentage change of the nanoparticle concentrations. Finally, general heat transfer correlation is obtained verses Peclet numbers using nanoparticle concentrations and the nozzle diameter ratio as parameters

    SMARCB1 loss induces druggable cyclin D1 deficiency via upregulation of MIR17HG in atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumors

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    Atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor (ATRT) is a fatal pediatric malignancy of the central neural system lacking effective treatment options. It belongs to the rhabdoid tumor family and is usually caused by biallelic inactivation of SMARCB1, encoding a key subunit of SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complexes. Previous studies proposed that SMARCB1 loss drives rhabdoid tumor by promoting cell cycle through activating transcription of cyclin D1 while suppressing p16. However, low cyclin D1 protein expression is observed in most ATRT patient tumors. The underlying mechanism and therapeutic implication of this molecular trait remain unknown. Here, we show that SMARCB1 loss in ATRT leads to the reduction of cyclin D1 expression by upregulating MIR17HG, a microRNA (miRNA) cluster known to generate multiple miRNAs targeting CCND1. Furthermore, we find that this cyclin D1 deficiency in ATRT results in marked in vitro and in vivo sensitivity to the CDK4/6 inhibitor palbociclib as a single agent. Our study identifies a novel genetic interaction between SMARCB1 and MIR17HG in regulating cyclin D1 in ATRT and suggests a rationale to treat ATRT patients with FDA- approved CDK4/6 inhibitors. © 2020 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/156416/2/path5493.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/156416/1/path5493_am.pd

    Erosão hídrica pós-plantio em florestas de eucalipto na bacia do rio Paraná, no leste do Mato Grosso do Sul

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    Nas regiões tropicais, o desgaste provocado no solo por ação das águas da chuva, ou seja, a erosão hídrica é a mais importante forma de degradação do solo. Visto que os plantios florestais de eucalipto estão inseridos em ecossistemas sensíveis às perturbações antrópicas em razão de ocorrência de plantações em solos com baixos teores de argila, com baixa fertilidade natural e grande parte das plantações estabelecidas em antigas áreas agrícolas e de pastagens degradadas, surge a necessidade do entendimento dos processos que regem a erosão hídrica e suas relações com as perdas de solo e água nos sistemas florestais. Objetivaram-se com este trabalho calcular os valores de erosividade da chuva (fator R - EI30), estimar a tolerância de perda de solo (T) para as classes representativas nas áreas de estudo, avaliar as perdas de solo e água por erosão hídrica e verificar a influência, por meio de análise de componentes principais (ACP), de atributos físicos e matéria orgânica do solo sobre a erosão hídrica em florestas de eucalipto no estádio de pós-plantio. Os tratamentos constituíram de diferentes sistemas de manejo dos resíduos e da disposição de plantio (nível e desnível), em dois biomas distintos, Cerrado e Floresta, e solo descoberto. Os solos foram classificados como Latossolo Vermelho distrófico típico textura média-alta fase floresta (LVd1) e Latossolo Vermelho distrófico típico textura média-baixa fase cerrado (LVd2). O estudo foi realizado em áreas experimentais de plantio de eucalipto localizadas no município de Três Lagoas, na bacia do Rio Paraná, no leste do Mato Grosso do Sul. O índice de erosividade anual obtido foi de 6.792,7 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 ano-1. Os valores de T variaram de 9,0 a 11,0 Mg ha-1 ano-1, para o LVd2 e LVd1, respectivamente. As perdas de solo apresentaram valores em torno de 0 a 0,505 Mg ha-1 no LVd1 e de 0 a 0,853 Mg ha-1, no LVd2. A ACP evidenciou-se eficiente na discriminação dos sistemas de manejo em razão da interação entre os atributos físicos e matéria orgânica do solo e suas relações com a erosão hídrica, possibilitando visualizar de forma clara a influência do manejo sobre esses atributos e a relação de ambos com as perdas de solo e água

    An open dataset of Plasmodium falciparum genome variation in 7,000 worldwide samples.

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    MalariaGEN is a data-sharing network that enables groups around the world to work together on the genomic epidemiology of malaria. Here we describe a new release of curated genome variation data on 7,000 Plasmodium falciparum samples from MalariaGEN partner studies in 28 malaria-endemic countries. High-quality genotype calls on 3 million single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and short indels were produced using a standardised analysis pipeline. Copy number variants associated with drug resistance and structural variants that cause failure of rapid diagnostic tests were also analysed.  Almost all samples showed genetic evidence of resistance to at least one antimalarial drug, and some samples from Southeast Asia carried markers of resistance to six commonly-used drugs. Genes expressed during the mosquito stage of the parasite life-cycle are prominent among loci that show strong geographic differentiation. By continuing to enlarge this open data resource we aim to facilitate research into the evolutionary processes affecting malaria control and to accelerate development of the surveillance toolkit required for malaria elimination

    Pf7: an open dataset of Plasmodium falciparum genome variation in 20,000 worldwide samples

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    We describe the MalariaGEN Pf7 data resource, the seventh release of Plasmodium falciparum genome variation data from the MalariaGEN network.  It comprises over 20,000 samples from 82 partner studies in 33 countries, including several malaria endemic regions that were previously underrepresented.  For the first time we include dried blood spot samples that were sequenced after selective whole genome amplification, necessitating new methods to genotype copy number variations.  We identify a large number of newly emerging crt mutations in parts of Southeast Asia, and show examples of heterogeneities in patterns of drug resistance within Africa and within the Indian subcontinent.  We describe the profile of variations in the C-terminal of the csp gene and relate this to the sequence used in the RTS,S and R21 malaria vaccines.  Pf7 provides high-quality data on genotype calls for 6 million SNPs and short indels, analysis of large deletions that cause failure of rapid diagnostic tests, and systematic characterisation of six major drug resistance loci, all of which can be freely downloaded from the MalariaGEN website

    Irrigation et intensification de la production agricole au Sahel : perceptions paysannes sur la double riziculture et les variétés de riz utilisées sur les aménagements hydro - agricoles au Niger

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    Objectif: L’étude vise à cerner les perceptions paysannes sur la double riziculture et les variétés utilisées au Niger.Méthodologie et Résultats: Elle a été menée sous forme d’enquête auprès de 345 producteurs de 10 aménagements hydro-agricoles de la vallée du fleuve Niger. Malgré le caractère aléatoire de l’agriculture pluviale, le riz demeure une culture de second rang tandis que la maîtrise de l’eau à tendance à favoriser le non-respect du calendrier cultural engendrant une augmentation des coûts de production et une baisse des rendements. La double riziculture se caractérise par une dizaine de goulots d’étranglement (P < 0,01) dont 3 apparaissent majeures : la contrainte de main d’oeuvre, l’étiage du fleuve et l’approvisionnement en engrais. Sept sources de fourniture de semences ont été identifiées tandis que près de trente contraintes sont signalées sur les variétés (P<0,001). Les plus importantes sont la faible résistance aux maladies, l’exigence des variétés en engrais et le faible niveau de rendement.Conclusion et application des résultats: L’état de la filière riz au Niger mérite la réhabilitation des services d’encadrement des producteurs, la mise en place d’un système efficace d’approvisionnement en intrants de qualité et une intensification de la recherche en vue de la mise au point de variétés à la fois résistantes aux maladies et moins exigeantes en engrais.Mots clés: Agriculture irriguée, perceptions paysannes, double riziculture, variétés de rizEnglis Title: Irrigation and intensification of agricultural production in the Sahel: peasant perceptions on dual rice cultivation and rice varieties used in irrigation schemes in NigerEnglish AbstractObjective: The study aims to determine farmer’s perceptions on modern rice farming system and varieties used by farmersMethodology and Results: The study was carried out form a survey near 345 producers from 10 hydroagricultural perimeters of the Niger River valley. In spite of the overdrawn character of rain agriculture in Niger, rice remains a second-rate culture while the water control supports the non-observance of the farming calendar, which generates an increase in the loads of production and a fall of the yields. Double rice production is characterized by ten constraints (P<0.01) of which 3 appear major: the labour force unavailability, low water level of the river and inputs provisioning. According to varieties used, seven providing sources was identified and nearly thirty constraints are announced (P<0.001). Most important are low diseases resistance, fertilizers high requirement and yield low level.Conclusion and application of results: Niger rice production system situation require the rehabilitation of farmers framing services, the installation of a good quality inputs provisioning mechanism and an the intensification of the research in the field of the development of varieties at the same time resistant to the diseases and less demanding in fertilizer.Keywords: Irrigated agriculture, farmer’s perceptions, rice annual double production, rice varietie

    Estimation and Mapping of Land Surface Temperature From AATSR Images And GIS: A Case Study In Kolondieba-Tiendaga Basin In Sudano-Sahelian Climate, Mali

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    The knowledge of the various terms which intervene in the energy balance of surface is essential at the same time for the hydrologists, the amenagists, the agronomists, the meteorologists, and the climatologists. The land surface temperature of the making ground left the key parameters of this assessment, plays a fundamental part in the processes of interaction hydrosphere-biosphere, atmosphere. It represents, the temperature of canopy of the vegetation for the covered zones of vegetation, and the temperature of canopy of the vegetation plus that of the surface of the ground, for the zones of scattered vegetation. While it represents the temperature of surface of the ground for the zones bar soil. This land surface temperature can be collected through two approaches: conventional approaches, and them approaches of remote sensingThe conventional methods make it possible to collect the temperature of surface of the ground starting from measurements of weather stations. On the other hand, the approaches of remote sensing make it possible, as for them, to estimate the land surface through the use of model of energy balance of surface. In this study, model SEBS was used on satellite data AATSR to estimate and mapping the land surface temperature, on the catchment area of Kolondièba-Tiendaga, in southern Mali zone. These results show values of land surface temperature between 303 and 296 (°K) for standard deviations of 2, 66 and 0, 945. These results are similar to those already found elsewhere, in West Africa with the same types given of satellite images AASTR.Geoscience & Remote SensingCivil Engineering and Geoscience

    Aspects diagnostiques et thérapeutiques des malformations pulmonaires congénitales symptomatiques de l’enfant au Mali

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    Symptomatic congenital pulmonary malformations (CPM) in child are rare. The diagnosis is based on clinical, radiological and histopathological confrontation. The aim of this study is to derterminate the diagnostic, therapeutic and evolutionary profile of CPM in a poor ressources country. This was a retrospective study over a period of 8 years (from January 2012 to March 2020), including 13 cases treated for CPM in the thoracic surgery department of a teaching hospital in Mali. Among patients, we found 5 cases of congenital lobar emphysema (38.8%), 4 cases of pulmoary cyst (30.8%), 3 cases of cystic adenomatoid malformation of the lung (23%) and 1 case of pulmonary sequestration(7,7%). The sex ratio was 2,2. All patients were symptomatic with an average age of 8,5 months. The symptoms were dominated by respiratory infection (38,4%), dyspnea (30,8%), dyspnea with cyanosis(7,7), dyspnea with thoracic pain (7,7%), respiratory distress (7,7%) and hemoptysis (7,7%). The chest X-ray has allowed to orient the diagnosis in most cases and the thoracic scan set it in 100% of the cases. All the patients underwent surgery by thoracotomy. Lobectomy was done for 53,8 % followed by cystectomy in 30,8%, segmentectomy (7,7%) and pneumonectomy (7,7%) of patients. Histopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of malformation in all cases. The postoperative outcome was uneventful for all the patients. Clinical manifestations evoks the diagnosis of symptomatic CPM, the chest X-ray allowed to orient it and the thoracic scan set it in all cases. The treatment is mainly surgical. Keywords: Pulmonary malformation, diagnosis, treatment, child, Mali

    Gestion technique, organisation sociale et foncière de l'irrigation : atelier PSI-CORAF, Niamey (Niger), octobre 1996

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    Malgré les importants investissements consacrés à l'irrigation, la contribution de l'irrigation à la production agricole est restée globalement faible en Afrique comparée à d'autres régions du monde. Actuellement en Afrique francophone, le secteur de l'irrigation est marqué par des modifications structurelles profondes : - les restructurations des sociétés d'aménagement conduites dans les années 80 ont complétement remis en cause les rapports entre l'Etat, les producteurs et le secteur privé, - la confrontation aux politiques d'ajustement structurel, à la libéralisations des économies et à la privatisation - la dévaluation du franc cfa. Le pôle régional de recherche sur les systèmes irrigués (PSI-CORAF) constitue une capacité régionale de recherche pour répondre aux questions que pose le développement durable de l'irrigation. Les réflexions de spécialistes réunis à Niamey sur ce thème sont présentées dans cet ouvrage. Il est articulé autour de deux approches : 1. L'irrigation et le foncier, 2. La gestion technique et l'organisation sociale de l'irrigation, comprenant : - le point de vue des sociétés de développement rural, - le point de vue des organisations paysannes, - les études et les analyses sur le fonctionnement des aménagements hydro-agricoles, - les expériences nouvelles et les propositions méthodologique