111 research outputs found

    Commercialisation de l'Heparin diagnostics par le biais d'une startup

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    Mon travail de bachelor m'a été proposé par un professeur de chimie analytique de l'université de Genève. Ce dossier a pour objectif de développer les différentes étapes d'un business plan afin d'aboutir à la commercialisation d'un dispositif médical breveté par M. Bakker et cela sous la forme d'une création d'entreprise. L'inventeur du dispositif a développé une technologie qui permet de mesurer en temps réel la concentration d'héparine dans le sang. L'héparine est un puissant anticoagulant utilisé lors d'opérations cardio-vasculaires. Actuellement, aucun autre dispositif ne permet une telle précision de mesures. C'est pourquoi nous pouvons considérer que ce dispositif représente une avancée majeure pour la médecine intensive. Le dispositif se place sur un marché peu exploité. Sa précision de mesures et sa diminution de complications lors des opérations offres des opportunités commerciales importantes. Le sondage effectué auprès des spécialistes et les résultats qu'offrent les différentes analyses de marché m'amène à recommander à M. Bakker de s'implanter sur le marché suisse. Les spécialistes ont montré un intérêt particulier au dispositif et sont prêts à l'essayer en interne. L'enthousiasme des utilisateurs relève d'une importance capitale pour Heparin diagnostics. Cibler les Hôpitaux universitaires sera donc la première étape pour la société. La réputation que se forgera la start-up en suisse permettra à cette dernière de s'étendre vers d'autres marchés. Les États-Unis subissent au fil des années un accroissement de l'obésité et une augmentation du taux de maladies cardio-vasculaires. C'est pourquoi le marché américain représente un marché attrayant pour l'entreprise. Dans ce travail, je me suis efforcée de recenser les éléments les plus pertinents afin que M. Bakker soit en mesure de démontrer aux investisseurs et aux utilisateurs les opportunités de Heparin diagnostic

    Representation and fusion of heterogeneous fuzzy information in the 3D space for model-based structural recognition—Application to 3D brain imaging

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    AbstractWe present a novel approach to model-based pattern recognition where structural information and spatial relationships have a most important role. It is illustrated in the domain of 3D brain structure recognition using an anatomical atlas. Our approach performs segmentation and recognition of the scene simultaneously. The solution of the recognition task is progressive, processing successively different objects, and using different pieces of knowledge about the object and about relationships between objects. Therefore, the core of the approach is the knowledge representation part, and constitutes the main contribution of this paper. We make use of a spatial representation of each piece of information, as a spatial fuzzy set representing a constraint to be satisfied by the searched object, thanks in particular to fuzzy mathematical morphology operations. Fusion of these constraints allows us to select, segment and recognize the desired object

    Current status and perspectives of the official sensory control methods in protected designation of origin food products and wines

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    Resultado de un trabajo colaborativo dentro del Working Group PDO de la European Sensory Science SocietyProtected Designation of Origin (PDO) is part of the regulated quality schemes in the European Union (EU). Producers of PDO food products and wines have to present EU authorities a technical specification of their product, which includes its sensory description. European regulation 1151/12 establishes that sensory characteristics included in PDO certification must be guaranteed. Nevertheless, there is no standardized approach for the development of sensory control methods for PDO food products, so each entity in charge of controlling the characteristics of the PDO products decides the best way to follow this legal requirement. This paper presents the current situation in Spain, Italy and France in relation to the official sensory control of PDO food products and wines and the accreditation of the laboratories for this control (these three countries represent 68.9% of the total PDO products registered in the EU). This manuscript also shows the main methodologies applied in the official sensory control of PDO food products and wines. The wide diversity of methods used for the sensory control and associated panel management among PDOs manifests the need to harmonize technical criteria and references at European level. This is also urgent, because broad differences in the approaches and requirements for sensory control could bring about unfair competition among PDOs. In this sense, European Sensory Science Society (E3S) has become an EA recognized stakeholder collaborating in a framework in order to prepare a document for the harmonization of methodological approaches and technical criteria for the sensory control of PDO food products and wines

    Data on European kitchen layouts belonging to vulnerable consumers (elderly people and young families with children or pregnant women) and risk-takers (young single men)

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    The data presented here capture the structure of kitchen lay- outs belonging to consumers vulnerable to foodborne dis- eases and food risk-takers. Data were collected in the frame of the SafeConsume project by multidisciplinary research teams that visited consumers during preparing a meal and had the possibility to examine their cooking routines. Dis- tances between sink and stove, sink and refrigerator, stove and refrigerator, sink and working place (countertop or ta- ble), stove and working place were analyzed to correlate food safety practices applied during cooking with kitchen arrange- ments. The results arising from analyzing the ergonomics of kitchens versus potential cross-contamination events are presented in Mihalache et al., [1]. These data contribute to a better understanding of real kitchen layouts and can be used as a starting point for future research regarding food safety-oriented arrangements instead of ergonomics-focused designs, for food safety risk assessments, as study cases for explaining specific measures that can be established to im- prove food handling and hygiene practices in homes and for sociological research pointing consumers’ behavior during cooking.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sensory changes with age and impact on appetite and food intake

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    Huez (Isère). Brandes

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    Le site de Brandes est occupé, du milieu du xiie au milieu du xive s., par un village permanent habité par des mineurs et leur famille. Quasiment toute la population travaille à l’exploitation d’une mine de plomb argentifère ; quelques personnes se consacrent à l’élevage et à un petit artisanat (laine, cuir). Le plateau de Brandes est parcouru par un ensemble de canalisations organisées en un réseau hiérarchisé permettant un captage au déversoir du Lac Blanc, 1 000 m au-dessus du plateau, et..

    Perception des odeurs et préférences alimentaires chez la population âgée : quel impact sur la prise alimentaire et le statut nutritionnel ?

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    “Bien manger” est un facteur clé du “bien vieillir”. Cependant, “bien manger”, ce n'est pas seulement satisfaire les besoins nutritionnels d'une personne, c'est aussi maintenir le plaisir de manger, une composante essentielle de la régulation de la prise alimentaire. En cela, la personne âgée doit être considérée comme un consommateur à part entière, avec ses expériences et ses attentes sensorielles, ses préférences et ses aversions alimentaires

    Huez-Alpe d'Huez (Isère). Brandes-en-Oisans

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    Le site de Brandes fait l’objet d’une fouille archéologique depuis 1977. Les uns après les autres, les différents ensembles qui constituent cette petite agglomération sont étudiés (église, cimetière, fortification, habitations, chantiers miniers, ateliers de minéralurgie, aménagements hydrauliques) afin de préciser, au fil des campagnes de terrain et d’études en laboratoire, le portrait de cette microsociété particulière : une population de mineurs, vivant en famille à plus de 1 800 m d’altit..

    Consumer-led eco-development of food products: a case study to propose a framework

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    International audiencePurpose : The purpose of this paper is to propose an agile methodology for the development of food products that has two key characteristics: (1) consumers are included as co-creators and (2) the assessment of environmental impacts plays a central role.Design/methodology/approach : In collaboration with a French small-to-mid-size enterprise, a research-intervention approach was used to test the agile methodology designed, which features three iterative runs of food product development. In each run, prototypes were presented and modified with consumers during focus groups. Life cycle analysis assessed the relative environmental impacts of the prototypes. The research data from consumers were mainly qualitative.Findings : The main result of this work is the implementation of a methodology to develop new food products in an efficient way by integrating consumers' insights and environmental concerns simultaneously. The method was successful in integrating consumers as co-creators and in drawing attention to the potential environmental effects of different prototypes for the decision-making process.Research limitations/implications : The research is based on a single case study. Thus, generalisation to other companies is limited. The authors invite further research focussed on different types of companies. The methodology and the tools could be modified to suit a variety of contexts.Originality/value : This work addresses the need for guidelines to integrate consumers and environmental considerations into the food development process by testing an agile methodology with a company. It contributes to the scope of sustainable and consumer-oriented food innovation management
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