8 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis Kontribusi Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Universitas Negeri Jakarta dalam Pengembangan Literasi Keberagamaan yang Moderat. Penelitian melalui analisis dan pengkajian visi dan misi, kurikulum pembelajaran dan proses pembelajaran yang diterapkan oleh Prodi PAI UNJ untuk mengembangkan pemahaman keberagamaan yang komprehensif dan objektif sehingga akan menimbulkan sikap moderat bagi mahasiswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif analisis kualitatif untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis pengembangan literasi keberagamaan yang moderat oleh Prodi PAI UNJ. Sumber data diperoleh dari hasil wawancara secara mendalam dan studi dokumentasi. Penelitian dilakukan di program studi Pendidikan Agama Islam dilakukan selama bulan maret 2021 dengan mengambil data dari dosen dan alumni. Teori yang digunakan adalah sekumpulan gagasan para ahli dalam aspek literasi keberagamaan dan moderasi Islam. Dan kemudian adalah cara yang dilakukan lembaga pendidikan dan keagamaan dalam mengembangkan pemahaman Islam yang moderat. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa Prodi PAI UNJ mampu berkontribusi aktif dalam pengembangan pemahaman keberagamaan yang moderat melalui beberapa indikasi : (1) visi dan misi sebagai konsep dasar pendidikan yang terdapat berbagai kata kunci yang menjelaskan secara eksplisit tentang konsistensi Prodi PAI dalam mengembangkan pemahaman moderasi. (2) kurikulum pembelajaran yang terintegrasi dengan mata kuliah yang memadukan unsur rasionalitas, spiritualitas dan tesktualitas. Kemudian terdapat mata kuliah yang secara jelas mengejarkan nila-nilai moderat dalam aspek akidah, peribadatan dan sosial keberagamaan, serta mata kuliah tersusun secara terstruktur dan sistematis. (3) proses pembelajaran yang tidak terlepas dan dosen dalam proses transformasi ilmu pengetahuan dan dalam penentuan motode pembelajaran yang sesuai. Dan juga berbagai kegiatan yang dilakukan dengan bekerjasama lembaga terkait dalam pengembangkan pemahaman moderat bagi mahasiswa. Kata Kunci: Literasi Keberagamaan, Moderasi Islam, Pendidikan Agama Islam ******** ABSTRACT This study aims to describe and analyze the Contribution of the Islamic Religious Education Study Program at the State University of Jakarta in the Development of Moderate Religious Literacy. Research through analysis and assessment of the vision and mission, the learning curriculum and the learning process applied by the Islamic Education Study Program to develop a comprehensive and objective understanding of diversity so that it will lead to moderate attitudes for students. This research uses qualitative research using a descriptive qualitative analysis approach to describe and analyze the development of moderate religious literacy by the Islamic Education Study Program University state of Jakarta. Sources of data obtained from in-depth interviews and documentation studies. The research was conducted in the Islamic Religious Education study program conducted during March 2021 by taking data from lecturers and alumni. The theory used is a set of ideas from experts in the aspects of religious literacy and Islamic moderation. And then is the way that religious institutions develop a moderate understanding of Islam. The results of this study indicate that the Islamic Education Study Program University State of Jakarta is able to actively contribute to the development of moderate religious understanding through several indications: (1) vision and mission as the basic concept of education which contains various keywords that explain explicitly the consistency of the Islamic Education Study Program in developing an understanding of moderation. (2) an integrated learning curriculum with courses that combine elements of rationality, spirituality and quality. Then there are courses that clearly pursue moderate values in the aspects of faith, worship and social diversity, as well as courses that are structured and systematic. (3) the learning process cannot be separated from the lecturers in the process of transforming knowledge and in determining the appropriate learning method. And also various activities carried out in collaboration with related institutions in developing moderate understanding for students. Keywords: religious literacy, Islamic moderation, Islamic educatio

    Speech Acts Used by the main characters of "Are We There Yet?" Movie

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    ABSTRACT Basically, people produce an utterance as an action. It means that they can do anything through utterances such as requesting, commanding, asserting apologizing, thanking etc. To express the idea, people do not only produce utterances consisting grammatical structure, but also they do an action via their utterances. Speech act is a field of linguistics which analyzes language phenomena. Speech act could be found in utterances of movie. Hence, the writer chooses film “Are we there yet’ as object of research. The language used by the main characters reflect social phenomena when they are angry, happy, sad or annoyed. In addition, the language used by the main character is simple. Yet, it has great effect to the hearer’s respond. This research attempts to investigate the phenomena of speech acts to describe speech acts used by the main characters of “Are we there yet?” movie. The research question is how speech acts used by the main characters in the movie “Are we there yet”? The descriptive qualitative method was used to conduct this research. This research describes and explains speech acts used by the main characters of the film. The data were taken from “Are we there yet?” movie. To analyze the data the context of each utterances and felicity conditions are determined to know whether they are fulfilled or not. Then the data were presented and analyzed by using speech act theory proposed by John Searle namely: utterance act, propositional act, illocutionary act and perlocutionary act. Based on the findings of this study, speech acts used by the main characters’ utterances can be described as follows: Firstly, most speakers use directive in uttering words or sentences. It means that speaker asks someone else to perform an action through utterances. The form of directives is speaker’s utterances such as requesting, questioning, commanding, warning and inviting. Secondly, speaker uses commisive utterances to commit himself to the performance of action. Speaker has done an action of offering a help and threatening to listeners. He has made an obligation to himself to do an action. Thirdly, speakers use expressive to express a psychological state about the situation or state of affairs. For instance: getting pleasure, thanking, apologizing, and annoyed. Fourthly, speakers use representative to represent a state of affairs. Representative’s utterances such as affirming and stating. Fifthly, speakers use verdictive to express a value judgment or rates something. The researcher did not find declarative in this study. In declarative, speaker has to have a special institutional in a specific context in order to perform a declarative appropriately. Based on the findings, it is suggested to further researchers to investigate verdictive and declarative due to the speakers rarely produce an utterance which contains those types of speech acts. By investigating verdictive and declarative utterances can contribute new findings about speech act for the sake of enriching discourse studies

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Learning Cycle 5E terhadap Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematika Ditinjau dari Adversity Quotient Siswa

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    Problem-solving skill is required by students and a target in studying mathematics. However, the problem-solving skill of Indonesian students are lacking. One effort that can be done is applying the Model of Learning Cycle 5E.  This research discussed the influence of the implementation of the learning cycle model on mathematics problem-solving skill viewed from students’ adversity quotient. This research used a quantitive approach, quasi-experimental study. The subjects were the 8th Grade students of SMP IT Ash-Shiddiiqi Jambi, consisting of two experiment classes and one control class. The instruments were post-test and adversity quotient questionnaire modified by Stoltz and had been validated by experts. Data analysis was conducted by Two-Way ANOVA. The results showed that there was no interaction between the learning cycle 5E model and mathematics problem-solving skill. This finding indicates that the model of learning cycle 5E affects problem-solving skills and can be applied to students with all types of adversity quotient

    Strategi Pembelajaran Inklusi

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    Education is an instrument in shaping children's character so that they become a more qualified and independent generation. By nature, a child is born unique with different characters from one another. The difference can be in terms of physical and non-physical. And all of them must be able to be addressed by the education system and the method of attorney by positioning them according to their respective natures. Acts of discrimination both verbal and non-verbal in education must be eliminated and abolished because apart from violating government regulations it also violates the innate nature of a child. At SD Negeri Kedalingan 02 for example, where several children with special needs are given education and teaching according to their nature and needs. They are embraced so that self-confidence grows and they are nurtured using the among method and then directed to develop their potential without discrimination. And indeed educators and teachers have to work twice because they have to prepare two different devices at one time. In terms of their evaluation of the educators and teachers of SD Negeri Kedalingan 02 they are quite good although there are still some problems that must be addressed proportionately. On the other hand, parents in this case must be pro-active and mutually reinforcing for the good of their children in the future without reducing or denying the child's natur


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    Berangkat dari kenyataan, bahwa keberadaan bisnis Jasa Wartel di Yogyakarta yang sangat banyak, mengakibatkan terjadinya persaingan ketat dalam bisnis ini. Akibatnya, keuntungan yang diperoleh oleh penguasaha wartel tidak sebanyak tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Kenyataan ini, memunculkan berbagai cara yang ditempuh oleh beberapa pengusaha wartel untuk mengambil keuntungan dengan cara-cara yang ilegal. Seperti, merubah standar penghitungan pulsa yang telah ditetapkan oleh PT. Telkom, dan sebagainya. Hal demikian tentunya sangat merugikan konsumen, selain tentunya bertentangan dengan prinsip-prinsip ekonomi Islam. Untuk lebih memperdalam pcrmasalahan diatas, penelitian yang berjudul "Etika Bisnis Islam dalam Pengambilan Keuntungan Jasa Wartel (Studi Kasus di Wartel Kopma Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta) berusaha memecahkan dua permasa1ahan, yaitu, bagaimana etika bisnis Islam dalam pengambilan keuntungan dalam bisnis jasa Wartel ?. Dan, bagaimana pandangan hukum Islam tentang mekanisme pengambilan keuntungan jasa wartel ? Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah, menjelaskan pandangan hukum Islam tentang mekanisme penghitungan keuntungan tariff pulsa telepon, dan juga menjelaskan tentang pandangan Islam terhadap perlindungan konsumen jasa wartel. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan. Wilayah penelitian yang penyusun pilih adalah Wartel KOPMA UNY. Untuk mendapatkan data primer yang mendukung penelitian ini, maka pengumpulan data dilakukan wawancara mendalam (Indept-interview). Data sekunder diperoleh dari kajian kepustakaan. Untuk analisis, dilakukan secara kualitatif. Temuan dari penelitian yang dilakukan ini adalah, bahwa, dalam system pengambilan keuntungan di Wartel KOPMA UNY, ternyata tidak mengadung unsur-unsur yang melanggar hukum Islam. Karena tidak ditemukan adanya illegal acitivity dalam pengambilan keuntungan yang dilakukan. Sementara itu dilihat dari prinsip perlindungan konsumen, Islam sebenarnya menaruh perhatian yang sangat besar terhadap dilindunginya hak-hak setiap manusia. Tidak terkecuali hak manusia sebagai konsumen. Dalam kasus KOPMA UNY, kebijakan tentang pembulatan tarif yang tidak diinfonnasikan secara transparan kepada konsumen, pada dasarnya merupakan satu bentuk pelanggaran hak-hak konsumen atas infonnasi yang benar dan jujur. Islam sangat menjunjung tinggi kejujuran dalam berbisnis. Karena itu, seharusnya hal-hal yang menyangkut hak-hak konsumen hendaknya tidak ditutup-tutupi, dan lebih baik diinformasikan secara transparan terbuka kepada semua konsumen. Hal ini penting dilakukan demi kemaslahatan bersama dan menghindarkan hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan terjadi, seperti, adanya komplain dan tuntutan ganti rugi dari konsumen

    Spiritual improvement of the community through the study of kitab kuning and Wirid Ratib Al-Haddad

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    This study explores the improvement of spiritual and social ethics through learning the Kitab kuning and Wirid Readings in Merjosari Lowokwaru Village, Malang City. This study used a Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach, the sampling technique used purposive sampling, the data analysis technique used is triangulation, and the research methods used are observation, documentation, and interviews. Researchers found that the Merjosari community's spiritual quality and social ethics were substantially impacted, as evaluated by the frequency, quantity, and intensity of the five daily prayers. The excitement of community members participating in the survey increases every day, indicating that the increase in social ethics is rising. Some respondents requested that the study be repeated once a week as a habit. As seen by the frequency of questions on numerous themes, the residents of Merjosari understand the content of the kitab kuning. The inhabitants of Merjosari can comprehend Ratibul Haddad's Wirid