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    ABSTRAKBeton merupakan salah satu material struktur yang paling sering digunakan diseluruh dunia. Semakin majunya pertumbuhan, pengetahuan dan teknologi konstruksi khususnya di bidang struktur, perencana dapat menggunakan inovasi material agar dapat diperoleh beton berkualitas tinggi, efisien dan memenuhi kekuatan batas yang disyaratkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kekuatan beton dengan menggunakan bahan tambah alternatif sebagai pengganti agregat halus yaitu kerak boiler cangkang sawit dan untuk mempelajari kemungkinan penggunaan agregat halus alternatif berupa kerak boiler cangkang sawit yang umum digunakan, yaitu pasir. Pada penelitian ini kerak boiler cangkang sawit akan digunakan sebagai substitusi agregat halus dengan lima variasi persentase yaitu 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% dan 50% terhadap volume agregat halus dengan faktor air semen (FAS) 0,3 berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan sebelumnya. Material campuran penyusun beton yang digunakan adalah Semen Portland tipe I, batu pecah (split) ukuran maksimal 12 mm, pasir, kerak boiler cangkang sawit, air, dan superplasticizer jenis ViscoCrete 10. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa nilai kuat tarik belah beton dengan substitusi kerak boiler cangkang sawit menurun pada substitusi 10% kemudian meningkat pada substitusi 20%, 30%, 40% dan menurun kembali pada substitusi 50%. Nilai kuat tarik belah maksimum terjadi pada substitusi 40% adalah 5,11 MPa. Berbeda dengan nilai kuat tarik belah, nilai kuat tarik lentur mengalami penurunan pada semua variasi substitusi kerak boiler cangkang sawit. Nilai kuat tarik lentur maksimum terjadi pada beton tanpa campuran cangkang sawit yaitu sebesar 5,25 MPa. Nilai kuat geser murni mengalami penurunan pada substitusi 10%, 20%, 30% dan 40% kemudian meningkat pada substitusi 50%. Nilai kuat geser murni maksimum dengan substitusi kerak boiler cangkang sawit terjadi pada substitusi 50% yaitu sebesar 5,74 MPa.Kata kunci: Beton Mutu Tinggi, Kerak Boiler Cangkang Sawit, Kuat Geser, Kuat Tarik Belah, Kuat Tarik Lentur


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menggalih informasi secara keseluruhan terkait keefektifan latihan fisik pada penurunan tingkat obesitas perempuan Indonesia. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu meta analisis yang dengan memanfaatkan data sekunder dalam analisis datanya. Pengumpulan data menggunakan data base google scholar dari tahun 2015 sampai 2021 dengan memakai kata kunci fat loss, latihan fisik, perempuan. Teknik sampling pada studi ini yakni dengan memakai teknik purposive random sampling, yang mana penulis menggunakan kriteria-kriteria tertentu dalam pengambilan sampel penelitian. Selanjutnya, dengan bantuan perangkat lunak JASP( Jeffrey’s Amazing Statistics Program) version tahun 2021, perhitungan summary effect dilakukan menggunakan meta analisis. Data penelitian yang telah diseleksi dengan kriteria inklusi dan eklusi , didapatkan beberapa studi yang belum memenuhi kriteria baik itu inklusi ataupun ekslusi, yaitu sebanyak 39 data dari 50 data secara keseluruhan.  Diperoleh sejumlah sebelas riset yang sudah siap dilakukan analisis data, literatur ilmiah yang diperoleh bersumber dari database yaitu Google Scholar. Dengan tingkat perolehan nilai korelasi Random Effect yang berkategori sedang, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwasannya tidak didapati bias publikasi data dalam penelitian, namun terdapat hubungan yang korelasional positif serta signifikan antara effek latihan fisik terhadap penurunan kadar lemak (fat loss) dan pemeliharaan berat badan pada perempuan Indonesia dengan kelebihan berat badan atau obesitas


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    The focus of this study is the evaluation of the service area of post-market 16 Ilir Palembang city planning discipline policy. There are several permasalhan the background of these researchers are still many of them street vendors, illegal parking, public transportation buildup waiting for passengers at sembanrang place, extortion, high rates of kriminalisme and lack of presence of public toilets as a means of support available. The purpose of this study is the formulation of the problem of how the evaluation region 16 Ilir market order and governance policies after the city of Palembang. The research method used in this research is descriptive quantitative data collection techniques done is through a literature review, interviews with select competent informants and questionnaires to 100 respondents to get the data properly. Data were obtained and then analyzed quantitatively. From the research shows that exercising pelayang in 16 Ilir market area will be undertaken after the planning policy has not undergone a change that can be felt by the community as much as possible. It is seen from wawancar and results of questionnaires that indicate that indeed there has been no changes that are so significant to the arrangement in kawasana 16 Ilir market in Palembang. Keywords : Evaluation, Public Services, City Plannin

    Penapisan isolat rizobakteri indigenos untuk pengendalian (Ganoderma boninense) di pre nursery kelapa sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.)

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    Rizobakteri merupakan kelompok bakteri yang aktif mengkolonisasi akar tanaman, meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan mengendalikan patogen tanaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh isolat rizobakteri indigenous  terbaik dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan kelapa sawit dan mengendalikan penyakit busuk pangkal batang di pre-nursery kelapa sawit secara in planta serta karakterisasi kemampuan antagonisnya secara in vitro. Penelitian bersifat eksperimental terdiri atas 3 tahap dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL): (1) Isolasi dan karakterisasi isolat rizobakteri indigenous  di Kabupaten Pasaman Barat, (2) Pengujian isolat rizobakteri indigenous  (RBI) sebagai plant growth promoting rihzobacteria (PGPR), dan untuk pengendalian G.boninense di pre-nursery kelapa sawit terdiri dari 29 perlakuan (27 isolat RBI, tanpa inokulasi G. boninense sebagai kontrol positif, dan inokulasi G. boninense sebagai kontrol negatif) dengan masing-masing 5 ulangan, serta (3) Pengujian aktivitas antagonisme isolat RBI terhadap G. boninense. Data dianalisis dengan sidik ragam, apabila berbeda nyata dilanjutkan dengan uji Least Significance Different (LSD) pada taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan diperoleh tiga isolat terbaik (R10 2.2, R9 2.1, dan R10 2.3) yang mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan kelapa sawit dan menekan perkembangan penyakit busuk pangkal batang G.boninense secara in planta dan in vitro.ABSTRACTRhizobacteria is a group of bacteria that actively colonize plant roots, increase growth and control plant pathogen. The objective of the research was to obtain indigenous rhizobacteria isolate (RBI) to increase growth and control basal stem rot on oil palm seedlings in in planta and characterize of antagonistic ability in in vitro. Experimental research consisted of 3 stages by using Completely Randomized Design (CRD): (1) Isolation of indigenous rhizobacteria in West Pasaman region, (2) Indigenous rhizobacteria isolate testing as a plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and to control of G. boninense on pre nursery of oil palm consisted of 29 treatments (27 RBI isolates, without G. boninense inoculation as positive control, and G. boninense inoculation as negative control) with 5 replications each. (3) Testing of RBI isolate antagonism activity towards G. boninense. Data were analyzed by variance, if the result significantly different, it was continued by using Least Significance Different (LSD) at 5% level. The results showed that best three isolates (R10 2.2, R9 2.1 and R10 2.3) were able to increase growth of palm oil and to suppress the development of G.boninense basal stem rot in in planta and in in vitro

    Pengembangan Deteksi Citra Mobil untuk Mengetahui Jumlah Tempat Parkir Menggunakan CUDA dan Modified YOLO

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    Besarnya lahan pada parkir dan jumlah kendaraan roda empat dalam hal ini adalah mobil, dapat menjadi kendala bagi pengendara lain dalam mengetahui posisi parkir mana yang masih dapat digunakan. Sistem pengembangan perparkiran yang ada masih kurang maksimal dalam memanfaatkan lahan dan efisiensi waktunya. Berdasarkan banyaknya kendaraan mobil yang semakin bertambah, maka kebutuhan akan lahan parkir juga semakin dibutuhkan. Banyak sekali sistem yang belum dapat menangani berbagai permasalahan yang ada. Sistem ini dapat mengetahui jumlah slot pada lahan parkir dengan akurat sehingga memudahkan pengelola. Selain itu sistem ini juga dikembangkan agar waktu pencarian lahan parkir oleh pengguna parkir bisa sangat cepat. Sistem ini menggunakan penerapan pemrograman GPU yang dikombinasi dengan Modified Yolo (M-Yolo). GPU pada M-Yolo dibutuhkan untuk mengolah citra sekaligus mengolah data untuk mendeteksi citra mobil dan jumlah mobil secara paralel. Hasil uji coba menunjukkan bahwa dengan menggunakan GPU dibandingkan dengan CPU dapat mempercepat waktu komputasi rata-rata sebesar 0,179 detik dengan rata-rata akurasi sebesar 100%.AbstractThe width of parking lot and the number of cars in the parking lot can be an obstacle for motorists to know the parking area in which part is still empty. Parking systems that exist at this time are still not maximal in the utilization of parking lots and time efficiency. Based on the number of vehicles that are growing, then the need for parking space is also more needed. Many of the existing parking systems have not been able to handle the various problems. This system can know the number of slots on the parking lot, making it easier for operators to know the empty parking lot. In addition, this system will also be designed so that parking time search by parking users doesn’t take a long time. This system uses implementation of GPU programming mixed with Modified Yolo (M-Yolo). GPU on M-Yolo is needed to process images while processing data to detect car and the number of cars using parallel computing. The test results show that using the GPU compared to the CPU can speed up the average computing time by 0.179 seconds and it obtained an average accuracy of 100%


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    Dengan pesatnya kemajuan teknologi pada saat ini, menyebabkan kebutuhan manusia semakin bertambah. Dewasa ini terdapat keterkaitan antara kemajuan teknologi dengan bertambahnya kebutuhan manusia, yaitu kebutuhan manusia menjadi lebih mudah untuk dipenuhi. Jadi secara langsung maupun secara tidak langsung manfaat dari berkembangnya teknologi adalah membantu manusia dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya. Seperti program Microsoft Office, program ini sangat membantu mereka para pekerja kantoran, mahasiswa, pelajar, dan masih banyak lagi. Ada juga program Google Meet yang dapat digunakan untuk meeting secara daring atau online.  Berdasarkan hal tersebut kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk melakukan penyuluhan dan sosialisasi penggunaan Microsoft Office & Google Meet selama masa belajar online kepada murid binaan di Yayasan Al - Alif. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan metode penelitian deskriftif, dengan Teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi.  Sehingga disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan ini dapat meningkatkan kemampuan murid binaan dalam menggunakan program Microsoft Office dan Google Meet sebagai media pembelajaran.   Kata kunci : Microsoft Office, Google Meet, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power Point

    Global incidence, prevalence, years lived with disability (YLDs), disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs), and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 371 diseases and injuries in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021

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    Background: Detailed, comprehensive, and timely reporting on population health by underlying causes of disability and premature death is crucial to understanding and responding to complex patterns of disease and injury burden over time and across age groups, sexes, and locations. The availability of disease burden estimates can promote evidence-based interventions that enable public health researchers, policy makers, and other professionals to implement strategies that can mitigate diseases. It can also facilitate more rigorous monitoring of progress towards national and international health targets, such as the Sustainable Development Goals. For three decades, the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) has filled that need. A global network of collaborators contributed to the production of GBD 2021 by providing, reviewing, and analysing all available data. GBD estimates are updated routinely with additional data and refined analytical methods. GBD 2021 presents, for the first time, estimates of health loss due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: The GBD 2021 disease and injury burden analysis estimated years lived with disability (YLDs), years of life lost (YLLs), disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs), and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 371 diseases and injuries using 100 983 data sources. Data were extracted from vital registration systems, verbal autopsies, censuses, household surveys, disease-specific registries, health service contact data, and other sources. YLDs were calculated by multiplying cause-age-sex-location-year-specific prevalence of sequelae by their respective disability weights, for each disease and injury. YLLs were calculated by multiplying cause-age-sex-location-year-specific deaths by the standard life expectancy at the age that death occurred. DALYs were calculated by summing YLDs and YLLs. HALE estimates were produced using YLDs per capita and age-specific mortality rates by location, age, sex, year, and cause. 95% uncertainty intervals (UIs) were generated for all final estimates as the 2·5th and 97·5th percentiles values of 500 draws. Uncertainty was propagated at each step of the estimation process. Counts and age-standardised rates were calculated globally, for seven super-regions, 21 regions, 204 countries and territories (including 21 countries with subnational locations), and 811 subnational locations, from 1990 to 2021. Here we report data for 2010 to 2021 to highlight trends in disease burden over the past decade and through the first 2 years of the COVID-19 pandemic. Findings: Global DALYs increased from 2·63 billion (95% UI 2·44–2·85) in 2010 to 2·88 billion (2·64–3·15) in 2021 for all causes combined. Much of this increase in the number of DALYs was due to population growth and ageing, as indicated by a decrease in global age-standardised all-cause DALY rates of 14·2% (95% UI 10·7–17·3) between 2010 and 2019. Notably, however, this decrease in rates reversed during the first 2 years of the COVID-19 pandemic, with increases in global age-standardised all-cause DALY rates since 2019 of 4·1% (1·8–6·3) in 2020 and 7·2% (4·7–10·0) in 2021. In 2021, COVID-19 was the leading cause of DALYs globally (212·0 million [198·0–234·5] DALYs), followed by ischaemic heart disease (188·3 million [176·7–198·3]), neonatal disorders (186·3 million [162·3–214·9]), and stroke (160·4 million [148·0–171·7]). However, notable health gains were seen among other leading communicable, maternal, neonatal, and nutritional (CMNN) diseases. Globally between 2010 and 2021, the age-standardised DALY rates for HIV/AIDS decreased by 47·8% (43·3–51·7) and for diarrhoeal diseases decreased by 47·0% (39·9–52·9). Non-communicable diseases contributed 1·73 billion (95% UI 1·54–1·94) DALYs in 2021, with a decrease in age-standardised DALY rates since 2010 of 6·4% (95% UI 3·5–9·5). Between 2010 and 2021, among the 25 leading Level 3 causes, age-standardised DALY rates increased most substantially for anxiety disorders (16·7% [14·0–19·8]), depressive disorders (16·4% [11·9–21·3]), and diabetes (14·0% [10·0–17·4]). Age-standardised DALY rates due to injuries decreased globally by 24·0% (20·7–27·2) between 2010 and 2021, although improvements were not uniform across locations, ages, and sexes. Globally, HALE at birth improved slightly, from 61·3 years (58·6–63·6) in 2010 to 62·2 years (59·4–64·7) in 2021. However, despite this overall increase, HALE decreased by 2·2% (1·6–2·9) between 2019 and 2021. Interpretation: Putting the COVID-19 pandemic in the context of a mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive list of causes of health loss is crucial to understanding its impact and ensuring that health funding and policy address needs at both local and global levels through cost-effective and evidence-based interventions. A global epidemiological transition remains underway. Our findings suggest that prioritising non-communicable disease prevention and treatment policies, as well as strengthening health systems, continues to be crucially important. The progress on reducing the burden of CMNN diseases must not stall; although global trends are improving, the burden of CMNN diseases remains unacceptably high. Evidence-based interventions will help save the lives of young children and mothers and improve the overall health and economic conditions of societies across the world. Governments and multilateral organisations should prioritise pandemic preparedness planning alongside efforts to reduce the burden of diseases and injuries that will strain resources in the coming decades. Funding: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation


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    Secara umum, sejarah geologi wilayah batas cekungan di Indonesia belum teridentifikasi dengan jelas. Kondisi tersebut membutuhkan penelitian menyeluruh untuk menghasilkan konsep baru sebagai variasi sudut pandang eksplorasi minyak dan gas bumi. Penelitian berfokus pada batas Cekungan Serayu Utara-Kendeng dengan menekankan aspek paleogeografi (fasies sedimen, lingkungan pengendapan, paleobatimetri) dan aspek tektonik (sejarah geologi regional, struktur geologi mayor dan minor). Pemusatan analisis dan sintesis data merupakan hasil kombinasi bukti lapangan (pemetaan geologi orientasi penelusuran sungai, dan pengukuran stratigrafi) dengan data sekunder (penginderaan jauh dan studi literatur). Determinasi indikasi batas cekungan berdasar data gaya berat dan pola pelurusan menunjukan tinggian diantara transisi dua rendahan di wilayah Semarang (Tinggian Semarang). Cekungan Serayu Utara dan Kendeng mengalami dinamika selama PaleogenNeogen sebagai ruang akomodasi sedimen. Pulau Jawa mengalami Pola Subduksi Meratus hingga Jawa yang mengalami fase transisi dan menghasilkan sesar geser mayor pengontrol fisiografi Jawa bagian tengah sejak Akhir Paleogen (Zona Patahan Pamanukan-Cilacap dan Muria-Kebumen). Aktivitas tektonik awal miosen menghasilkan sistem transtensional berarah NE-SW (N 155o E) menghasilkan pola tinggian-rendahan dalam sistem sesar geser dengan Tinggian Semarang sebagai pembatas di Jawa Tengah Bagian Utara. Kondisi paleogeografi di utara Jawa sejak Paleogen didominasi oleh deposisi sedimen laut. Ruang akomodasi dikontrol Tinggian Utara Jawa menghasilkan pola pendalaman ke arah selatan dan Timur dari Tinggian Semarang. Rekonstruksi paleogeografi menggunakan litostratigrafi dan biostratigrafi Formasi Kerek dari penelusuran sungai dengan pola Timur-Barat (Sungai Bancak - Sungai Banyumeneng - Sungai Jabungan - Sungai Garang - Sungai Kripik - Sungai Lutut) dengan batimetri (lower bathyal-outer neritic). Lingkungan pengendapan pola sedimentasi tiap sungai menunjukkan pola basin plain, inner proksimal, leeve dan submarine fan channel dengan data arus purba dominan berarah NW-SE (N 180o E-N 195o E). Keterdapatan rembesan minyak di Tinggian Semarang mengindikasikan sistem minyak dan gas bumi berasosiasi dengan tinggian struktural batas cekugan. Komponen sistem minyak dan gas bumi seperti batuan sumber, reservoir, dan jenis perangkap melibatkan formasi batuan penyusun Cekungan Kendeng ataupun Serayu Utara. Peran patahan geser dan Tinggian Semarang diinterpretasi sebagai jalur migrasi sekunder sekaligus acuan eksplorasi pada sistem perangkap potensi minyak dan gas bumi pada Regional Jawa Tengah Bagian Utara. Kata kunci : Cekungan Kendeng – Serayu Utara, Sesar Geser Muria - Kebumen, Paleogeografi Zona Transisi, Tinggian Semaran


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    Value Engineering is a multidisciplinary-based systematic approach that is carried out creatively,innovatively and systematically to find a functional balance between cost, reliability and performance toachieve the concept of value for money. In value engineering there are six stages. The information stagecarried out 2 analyzes, namely cost breakdown and Pareto diagram analysis, resulting in the largestwork being owned by concrete work with a weight of 37% and a weight of 28% of floor slab work fromthe total concrete work. The function analysis stage produces 1 primary function and 4 secondaryfunctions. The creative stage produces 3 creative ideas, namely the Conventional Method (PA-1),Floordeck and Wiremesh Method (PA-2), and Hollow Core Slab Method (PA-3). The evaluation stageresulted in 2 creative ideas that passed. In the development stage, several calculations are carried outthat support all creative ideas. In the evaluation criteria stage, each alternative choice is assessed withthe help of the Expert Choice application, resulting in a total PA-2 value of 20% greater than PA-1. Thecalculation of the floor slab design results in the serviceability of PA-2 being 12.67% higher than that ofPA-1. PA-1's NPV is 5% greater than PA-2's. The PA-2 index value is 2.17 smaller than PA-1. The use ofPA-2 can save RAB of IDR 101,372,430.00 or 5%