297 research outputs found

    Desarrollo de un algoritmo genético para análisis de problemas basados en grafos

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    El uso de grafos para modelar diferentes problemas es un enfoque que nos puede ayudar a resolver un gran número de ellos. Aun con la ayuda de los grafos, muchos de estos problemas presentan una complejidad computacional elevada, lo que hace necesaria la implementación de algoritmos heurísticos para facilitar el tratamiento de la información que estos nos aportan. Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado tratará el problema de la detección de comunidades en las Redes Sociales (RRSS). El imparable crecimiento de las RRSS y el inmenso número de usuarios conectados que en ellas se encuentran, las han convertido en un lugar donde conseguir una gran cantidad de información. Una de las características básicas de las RRSS, es la de permitir a sus usuarios agrupar, organizar y clasificar sus conexiones en diferentes grupos o “círculos”. Los usuarios que formen un grupo tendrán una característica en común, pudiendo ser compañeros de trabajo, amigos o “hobbies” por ejemplo. Esta clasificación variará en función del usuario y la RS a la que estemos haciendo referencia. Al observar estas relaciones entre usuarios en las RRSS, rápidamente podemos observar que es posible tratarlas como un grafo donde, cada usuario se corresponde con un nodo y las relaciones entre usuarios con las aristas. En este TFG se pretende desarrollar un algoritmo heurístico bio-inspirado que determinará automáticamente los diferentes grupos de usuarios en un dataset específico (Facebook en nuestro caso). Para evaluar la calidad de las soluciones encontradas se utilizará la densidad entre los nodos dentro y fuera de su comunidad, o grupo, para decidir si esta está bien definida o se podría mejorar

    Safe and security as a component of quality in tourism: the case of Galicia

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    [Abstract] Safe and security is increasing relevant in choosing to visit a destination and it has become a critical key. Nowadays safe and security is a very important factor of competitiveness. This new dimension in tourism is very close to quality culture, both of them aimed at absence of defects. Despite Galicia is a safe destination, it also has been affected by negative events, for this reason, it should promote the image as a safe and quality destination. This work was carried out by conducting in depth- interviews with several experts in different fields.[Resumen] La seguridad como componente de la calidad de un destino turístico: aproximación al caso de Galicia. La seguridad está cobrando importancia en la elección de un destino y ha pasado a ser una de las variables decisivas. Hoy en día se ha convertido en un indicador más de competitividad. Esta nueva dimensión turística guarda mucha similitud con la cultura de la calidad, ambas disciplinas buscan como objetivo la ausencia de defectos. A pesar de que Galicia se considera como un destino seguro, se ha visto afectada también por sucesos negativos; por este motivo, Galicia debería explotar su imagen de destino seguro y de calidad. Este estudio se ha llevado a cabo mediante entrevistas en profundidad con diversos expertos en distintos sectore

    On-board and port 3D printing to promote a maritime plastic circular economy

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    Oceanic plastic pollution has become one of the most serious problems in terms of the environment, and Circular Economy (CE) strategies are being implemented to reduce it. The article presents the results of a diagnosis of plastic waste in the maritime sector and the use of 3D printing as an enabling technology of CE around plastic. Maritime industries were asked about their plastic waste generation and potential parts and components which could be replaced by equivalent parts made by 3D printing. To close the CE loop, these parts would be printed with filament from the maritime industries’ plastic waste. The article addresses this process of generating filament that enables the CE and how this printing process can be affected and corrected under on-board conditions. A polypropylene-based strapping tape waste was chosen to produce recycled filament. This filament resulted stiffer than the commercial filament and, through an additivation process, it achieved better flexural properties. Finally, the 3D printing process during on-board unstable conditions was improved by an automatic and electronic correction on the 3D printer machine itself.European Regional Development Fund | Ref. EAPA_117/2018Universidade de Vigo/CISU

    Tourist destination image formed by the cinema : Barcelona positioning through the feature film Vicky Cristina Barcelona

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    The image formed by the movie industry often represents an added value for certain destinations because it works as a real tool for promotion at an international level and as a factor that induces travel. The representations and images of tourist destinations developed through the mass media, such as cinema, television and literature play a truly significant role which influences in the process of vacation spot decision. These media are very influential in promoting, confirming and reinforcing images, opinions and the destination identity, and play an outstanding role in the image construction of tourist destinations. In other words, the way in which the destination is represented in films and television series can have an enormous influence worldwide in perpetuating a particular image and vision of the country. Barcelona as a destination, in recent years, has been positioning itself in a number of full‑length feature films to be internationally promoted. The latest cinematographic promotional action can be witnessed in the movie "Vicky Cristina Barcelona" (Woody Allen, 2008), which has contributed to placing this city strategically in the mind of the potential consumer. The present paper analyses the principal images film lovers have perceived in this destination through the film

    Degree of integration of risk preventive measures in the management system of companies in the electricity sector

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    Despite the increasingly severe POH (Prevention and Occupational Health) regulation and the mandatory use of more effective protection equipment, workplace accidents and mishaps are still common events worldwide. Moreover, these mishaps include a considerable number of occasional accidents, that is, those that are caused by unsafe working conditions and behaviours, and therefore, could be avoided. Aiming to investigate the causes of such failures, the present study analyses the adoption and application of prevention measures within companies of the electricity (which has one of the highest levels of accidents). In this context, data on the organisation and adoption of prevention measures was collected through a survey with workers and supervisors of companies from Galicia, Spain (n = 220). Results suggest that there is a general deficiency regarding awareness of risk within companies from the sector, which leads to an insufficiency of adequate prevention measures. More specifically, a considerable percentage of both managers and workers have shown not to have enough knowledge on POH. Practical implications to mitigate these problems are addressed in the conclusions

    Impacto de la tecnología de zapatillas con placa de fibra de carbono sobre índices de rendimiento en corredores entrenados

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    Introducción: En 2016 se introduce la placa de fibra de carbono (PFC) en el calzado deportivo con el objetivo de mejorar el rendimiento de los atletas. Su impacto ha sido tal que se han batido todos los récords desde 5km hasta maratón, en carreras en ruta durante los últimos 4 años, usando zapatillas con esta tecnología. Objetivo: Examinar el impacto de la tecnología de PFC sobre los índices de rendimiento, con especial atención a la economía de la carrera, la percepción subjetiva del esfuerzo y las variables fisiológicas en corredores muy entrenados. Material y métodos: En este estudio participaron un total de 10 atletas, todos ellos corredores altamente entrenados (VO2máx=69,4±7,3ml/kg/min). El estudio incluyó dos visitas: en la primera visita, se realizó una prueba de esfuerzo máxima para determinar el consumo máximo de oxígeno y el umbral anaeróbico, y un test de familiarización con las condiciones de calzado (Zapatillas con PFC y zapatillas de competición tradicionales); en la segunda visita, cada atleta realizó 1 serie de 6 minutos al 95% del umbral anaeróbico con cada condición de calzado, con un descanso de 10 minuto. Durante cada tanda de ejercicio, se evaluó la percepción de esfuerzo, el lactato en sangre, variables biomecánicas del pie y el consumo de oxígeno. Resultados: No se encontraron diferencias significativas (p>0,005) entre las variables analizadas para comparar las dos condiciones de calzado: economía de carrera, respuesta metabólica y perceptual, y biomecánica. Conclusiones: A pesar de no haber encontrado las mejoras esperadas, este estudio puede servir de precedente para un estudio donde la muestra este formada por atletas familiarizados con PFC y capaces de correr a velocidades elevadas.<br /

    Time Series on Functional Service Life of Buildings using Fuzzy Delphi Method

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    The functional service life of heritage buildings, defined as the time period during which the building fulfils the requirements for which it was designed, is a complex system that has still not been fully resolved and continues to be the object of research regarding its social, economic and cultural importance. This paper presents an application for analysing time series that reflect the state of building performance over time. To this end, historical time records are used that provided data that could be interpreted by experts in the field. The latter can then evaluate the input variables (vulnerability and risk) using the expert system for predicting the service life of buildings, Fuzzy Building Service Life (FBSL), this methodology put together the fuzzy logic tools and Delphi method. This model provides output data on the state of functionality or performance of each buildings at each moment in time whenever information records are available. The Delphi Method is used to eliminate expert subjectivity, establishing an FDM-type assessment methodology that effectively quantifies the service life of buildings over time. The application is able to provide significant data when generating future preventive maintenance programmes in architectural-cultural heritage buildings. It can also be used to optimise the resources invested in the conservation of heritage buildings. In order to validate this system, the FDM methodology is applied to some specific building examples.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España, Project ART-RISK - BIA2015-64878-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad de España MTM 2015-65397-

    The current educational atmosphere regarding Graphic Engineering courses in university degrees

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    [EN] Subjects regarding graphic content are essential in engineering and architectural degrees; however, a significant lack of updated teaching methodologies are still commonplace among them. Although some assumptions can be made relating the possible causes of this mishap, truth is that no clear answer can be stated. Aiming to gather all relevant information that may bring light into real causes that led to such situation, 250 educators have been surveyed to collect first-hand perspectives on the real needs of these type of subjects. Results show that new bespoke teaching platforms to deal with graphic contents are being demanded by lecturers, especially in the case of technical drawings. Furthermore, educators preferred the use of free software that also allows autonomous learning and the implementation of innovative methodologies.This research was funded by funded by Ministry of Universities and co-funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union through grant 2021-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000034745Guerrero-Miguel, D.; Pando Cerra, P.; Prendes-Gero, M.; Muñiz-Calvente, M. (2024). The current educational atmosphere regarding Graphic Engineering courses in university degrees. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd24.2024.1724