213 research outputs found

    A mouse model for Luminal epithelial like ER positive subtype of human breast cancer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Generation of novel spontaneous ER positive mammary tumor animal model from heterozygous NIH nude mice.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Using brother-sister mating with pedigree expansion system, we derived a colony of heterozygous breeding females showing ER-Positive tumors around the age of 6 months. Complete blood picture, differential leukocyte count, and serum levels of Estrogen, Alanine amino transferase (SGPT), Aspartate amino transferase (SGOT), total protein and albumin were estimated. Aspiration biopsies and microbiology were carried out. Gross pathology of the tumors and their metastatic potential were assessed. The tumors were excised and further characterized using histopathology, cytology, electron microscopy (EM), molecular markers and Mouse mammary Tumor Virus – Long Terminal Repeats (MMTV LTR) specific RT-PCR.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The tumors originated from 2<sup>nd</sup>or 5<sup>th</sup>or both the mammary glands and were multi-nodulated with variable central necrosis accompanied with an accumulation of inflammatory exudate. Significant increases in estrogen, SGPT, SGOT and neutrophils levels were noticed. Histopathologically, invasive nodular masses of pleomorphic tubular neoplastic epithelial cells invaded fibro-vascular stroma, adjacent dermis and subcutaneous tissue. Metastatic spread through hematogenous and regional lymph nodes, into liver, lungs, spleen, heart and dermal lymphatics was observed. EM picture revealed no viral particles and MMTV-negativity was confirmed through MMTV LTR-specific RT-PCR. High expression of ER α, moderate to high expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), moderate expression of vimentin and Cytokeratin 19 (K19) and low expression of p53 were observed in tumor sections, when compared with that of the normal mammary gland.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Since 75% of human breast cancer were classified ER-positive and as our model mimics (in most of the characteristics, such as histopathology, metastasis, high estrogen levels) the ER-positive luminal epithelial-like human breast cancer, this model will be an attractive tool to understand the biology of estrogen-dependant breast cancer in women. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a spontaneous mammary model displaying regional lymph node involvement with both hematogenous and lymphatic spread to liver, lung, heart, spleen and lymph nodes.</p

    A targeted decision aid for the elderly to decide whether to undergo colorectal cancer screening: development and results of an uncontrolled trial

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    Abstract: Background: Competing causes of mortality in the elderly decrease the potential net benefit from colorectal cancer screening and increase the likelihood of potential harms. Individualized decision making has been recommended, so that the elderly can decide whether or not to undergo colorectal cancer (CRC) screening. The objective is to develop and test a decision aid designed to promote individualized colorectal cancer screening decision making for adults age 75 and over. Methods: We used formative research and cognitive testing to develop and refine the decision aid. We then tested the decision aid in an uncontrolled trial. The primary outcome was the proportion of patients who were prepared to make an individualized decision, defined a priori as having adequate knowledge (10/15 questions correct) and clear values (25 or less on values clarity subscale of decisional conflict scale). Secondary outcomes included overall score on the decisional conflict scale, and preferences for undergoing screening. Results: We enrolled 46 adults in the trial. The decision aid increased the proportion of participants with adequate knowledge from 4% to 52% (p < 0.01) and the proportion prepared to make an individualized decision from 4% to 41% (p < 0.01). The proportion that preferred to undergo CRC screening decreased from 67% to 61% (p = 0. 76); 7 participants (15%) changed screening preference (5 against screening, 2 in favor of screening) Conclusion: In an uncontrolled trial, the elderly participants appeared better prepared to make an individualized decision about whether or not to undergo CRC screening after using the decision aid

    Primary fallopian tube carcinoma: review of MR imaging findings

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    Objectives To review the epidemiological and clinical features of primary fallopian tube carcinoma (PFTC), and to illustrate the spectrum of MRI findings, with pathological confirmation. Methods This article reviews the relevant literature on the epidemiological, clinical, and imaging features of primary fallopian tube carcinoma, with pathological confirmation, using illustrations from the authors' teaching files. Results Primary fallopian tube carcinoma came under focus over the last few years due to its possible role on the pathogenesis of high-grade serous epithelial ovarian and peritoneal cancers. Typical symptoms, together with the presence of some of the most characteristic MRI signs, such as a "sausage-shaped" pelvic mass, hydrosalpinx, and hydrometra, may signal the presence of primary fallopian cancer, and allow the radiologist to report it as a differential diagnosis. Conclusions Primary fallopian tube carcinoma has a constellation of clinical symptoms and magnetic resonance imaging features, which may be diagnostic. Although these findings are not present together in the majority of cases, radiologists who are aware of them may include the diagnosis of primary fallopian tube cancer in their report more frequently and with more confidence. Teaching Points PFTC may be more frequent than previously thought PFTC has specific clinical and MRI characteristics Knowledge of typical PFTC signs enables its inclusion in the differential diagnosis PFTC is currently staged under the 2013 FIGO system PFTC is staged collectively with ovarian and peritoneal neoplasmsinfo:eu-repo/remantics/publishedVersio

    Use of Saliva for Early Dengue Diagnosis

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    The importance of laboratory diagnosis of dengue cannot be undermined. In recent years, many dengue diagnostic tools have become available for various stages of the disease, but the one limitation is that they require blood as a specimen for testing. In many incidences, phlebotomy in needle-phobic febrile individuals, especially children, can be challenging, and the tendency to forgo a dengue blood test is high. To circumvent this, we decided to work toward a saliva-based assay (antigen-capture anti-DENV IgA ELISA, ACA-ELISA) that has the necessary sensitivity and specificity to detect dengue early. Overall sensitivity of the ACA-ELISA, when tested on saliva collected from dengue-confirmed patients (EDEN study) at three time points, was 70% in the first 3 days after fever onset and 93% between 4 to 8 days after fever onset. In patients with secondary dengue infections, salivary IgA was detected on the first day of fever onset in all the dengue confirmed patients. This demonstrates the utility of saliva in the ACA-ELISA for early dengue diagnostics. This technique is easy to perform, cost effective, and is especially useful in dengue endemic countries

    Oral Administration of GW788388, an Inhibitor of Transforming Growth Factor Beta Signaling, Prevents Heart Fibrosis in Chagas Disease

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    Cardiac damage and dysfunction are prominent features in patients with chronic Chagas disease, which is caused by infection with the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi (T. cruzi) and affects 10–12 million individuals in South and Central America. Our group previously reported that transforming growth factor beta (TGFß) is implicated in several regulatory aspects of T. cruzi invasion and growth and in host tissue fibrosis. In the present work, we evaluated the therapeutic action of an oral inhibitor of TGFß signaling (GW788388) administered during the acute phase of experimental Chagas disease. GW788388 treatment significantly reduced mortality and decreased parasitemia. Electrocardiography showed that GW788388 treatment was effective in protecting the cardiac conduction system, preserving gap junction plaque distribution and avoiding the development of cardiac fibrosis. Inhibition of TGFß signaling in vivo appears to potently decrease T. cruzi infection and to prevent heart damage in a preclinical mouse model. This suggests that this class of molecules may represent a new therapeutic tool for acute and chronic Chagas disease that warrants further pre-clinical exploration. Administration of TGFß inhibitors during chronic infection in mouse models should be further evaluated, and future clinical trials should be envisaged

    Using a Non-Image-Based Medium-Throughput Assay for Screening Compounds Targeting N-myristoylation in Intracellular Leishmania Amastigotes

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    We have refined a medium-throughput assay to screen hit compounds for activity against N-myristoylation in intracellular amastigotes of Leishmania donovani. Using clinically-relevant stages of wild type parasites and an Alamar blue-based detection method, parasite survival following drug treatment of infected macrophages is monitored after macrophage lysis and transformation of freed amastigotes into replicative extracellular promastigotes. The latter transformation step is essential to amplify the signal for determination of parasite burden, a factor dependent on equivalent proliferation rate between samples. Validation of the assay has been achieved using the anti-leishmanial gold standard drugs, amphotericin B and miltefosine, with EC50 values correlating well with published values. This assay has been used, in parallel with enzyme activity data and direct assay on isolated extracellular amastigotes, to test lead-like and hit-like inhibitors of Leishmania Nmyristoyl transferase (NMT). These were derived both from validated in vivo inhibitors of Trypanosoma brucei NMT and a recent high-throughput screen against L. donovani NMT. Despite being a potent inhibitor of L. donovani NMT, the activity of the lead T. brucei NMT inhibitor (DDD85646) against L. donovani amastigotes is relatively poor. Encouragingly, analogues of DDD85646 show improved translation of enzyme to cellular activity. In testing the high-throughput L. donovani hits, we observed macrophage cytotoxicity with compounds from two of the four NMT-selective series identified, while all four series displayed low enzyme to cellular translation, also seen here with the T. brucei NMT inhibitors. Improvements in potency and physicochemical properties will be required to deliver attractive lead-like Leishmania NMT inhibitors

    Dynamical Principles of Emotion-Cognition Interaction: Mathematical Images of Mental Disorders

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    The key contribution of this work is to introduce a mathematical framework to understand self-organized dynamics in the brain that can explain certain aspects of itinerant behavior. Specifically, we introduce a model based upon the coupling of generalized Lotka-Volterra systems. This coupling is based upon competition for common resources. The system can be regarded as a normal or canonical form for any distributed system that shows self-organized dynamics that entail winnerless competition. Crucially, we will show that some of the fundamental instabilities that arise in these coupled systems are remarkably similar to endogenous activity seen in the brain (using EEG and fMRI). Furthermore, by changing a small subset of the system's parameters we can produce bifurcations and metastable sequential dynamics changing, which bear a remarkable similarity to pathological brain states seen in psychiatry. In what follows, we will consider the coupling of two macroscopic modes of brain activity, which, in a purely descriptive fashion, we will label as cognitive and emotional modes. Our aim is to examine the dynamical structures that emerge when coupling these two modes and relate them tentatively to brain activity in normal and non-normal states

    Gender- and Age-Dependent γ-Secretase Activity in Mouse Brain and Its Implication in Sporadic Alzheimer Disease

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    Alzheimer disease (AD) is an age-related disorder. Aging and female gender are two important risk factors associated with sporadic AD. However, the mechanism by which aging and gender contribute to the pathogenesis of sporadic AD is unclear. It is well known that genetic mutations in γ-secretase result in rare forms of early onset AD due to the aberrant production of Aβ42 peptides, which are the major constituents of senile plaques. However, the effect of age and gender on γ-secretase has not been fully investigated. Here, using normal wild-type mice, we show mouse brain γ-secretase exhibits gender- and age-dependent activity. Both male and female mice exhibit increased Aβ42∶Aβ40 ratios in aged brain, which mimics the effect of familial mutations of Presenilin-1, Presenlin-2, and the amyloid precursor protein on Aβ production. Additionally, female mice exhibit much higher γ-secretase activity in aged brain compared to male mice. Furthermore, both male and female mice exhibit a steady decline in Notch1 γ-secretase activity with aging. Using a small molecule affinity probe we demonstrate that male mice have less active γ-secretase complexes than female mice, which may account for the gender-associated differences in activity in aged brain. These findings demonstrate that aging can affect γ-secretase activity and specificity, suggesting a role for γ-secretase in sporadic AD. Furthermore, the increased APP γ-secretase activity seen in aged females may contribute to the increased incidence of sporadic AD in women and the aggressive Aβ plaque pathology seen in female mouse models of AD. In addition, deceased Notch γ-secretase activity may also contribute to neurodegeneration. Therefore, this study implicates altered γ-secretase activity and specificity as a possible mechanism of sporadic AD during aging

    Identification of Small Molecule Lead Compounds for Visceral Leishmaniasis Using a Novel Ex Vivo Splenic Explant Model System

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    Visceral leishmaniasis is a life threatening parasitic disease present in several countries of the world. New drugs are needed to treat this disease because treatments are becoming increasingly ineffective. We established a novel system to screen for new anti-leishmanial compounds that utilizes spleen cells from hamsters infected with the parasite Leishmania donovani. The parasite strain we used was genetically engineered to emit light by the incorporation of the firefly luciferase gen. This laboratory test system has the advantage of reproducing the cellular environment where the drug has to combat the infection. The efficacy of the compounds is easily determined by measuring the light emitted by the surviving parasites in a luminometer after exposing the infected cells to the test compounds. The screening of more than 4,000 molecules showed that 84 (2.1%) of them showed anti-leishmanial activity and had an acceptable toxicity evaluation. Eighty two percent of these molecules, which had varied chemical structures, were previously unknown to have anti-leishmanial activity. Further studies in animals of these new chemical entities may identify drug candidates for the treatment of visceral leishmaniasis
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