903 research outputs found


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    Tingginya jumlah pengangguran terbuka lulusan SMK di Indonesia menjadi masalah yang harus diselesaikan. Salah satu upaya yang dapat ditempuh yaitu dengan meningkatkan jumlah wirausaha lulusan, namun terlebih dahulu perlu dilakukan analisis aspek-aspek yang terkait dengan peningkatan minat berwirausaha siswa SMK, sehingga lulusan potensial untuk berwirausaha. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji Theory of Planned Behaviour dengan mengetahui dan menganalisis efek mediasi internal locus of control dan adversity intelligence pada pengaruh pengetahuan kewirausahaan terhadap minat berwirausaha siswa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu Explanatory Survey Method dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Responden sebagai sampel penelitian ini yaitu siswa SMK sebanyak 368 orang yang berasal dari 26 SMK di Kota Makassar. Teknik pengolahan data menggunakan Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA) dengan menggunakan software Macro PROCESS dari Hayes. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh pengetahuan kewirausahaan terhadap minat berwirausaha tidak memiliki pengaruh langsung, sebab secara positif dan signifikan pengaruh pengetahuan kewirausahaan terhadap minat berwirausaha dimediasi oleh variable internal locus of control dan adversity intelligence. Temuan ini mengindikasikan bahwa untuk meningkatkan minat berwirausaha, maka dalam proses transfer pengetahuan kewirausahaan melalui proses pembelajaran di SMK perlu ditekankan pada upaya peningkatan internal locus of control dan adversity intelligence siswa. Kata kunci : Pengetahuan kewirausahaan, internal locus of control, adversity intelligence dan minat berwirausaha. ABSTRACT Nur Amin MT (1707470), Parallel Effect of Internal Locus of Control and Adversity Intelligence on the Effect of Entrepreneurial Knowledge on Student Entrepreneurial Intention (Survey on Vocational Schools in Makassar). Advisor Lecturer Prof. Dr. H. Nanang Fattah, M.Pd and Dr. Kusnendi, M.S. The high number of open unemployment graduates of Vocational High Schools in Indonesia is a problem that must be resolved. One effort that can be taken is to increase the number of entrepreneurial graduates, but it is first necessary to analyze the aspects related to increasing the interest in entrepreneurship of vocational students, so that potential graduates become entrepreneurs. Theory Planned of Behavior by studying and analyzing the mediating effects of internal locus of control and adversity intelligence on understanding entrepreneurial knowledge on student entrepreneurial intention. The method used in this study is the Exploration Survey Method using quantitative. Respondents as the sample of this study were 368 vocational students from 26 vocational schools in Makassar. Data processing techniques using Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA) using Macro PROCESS software from Hayes. Research results about government leadership about companies affecting, positive levels and leadership about the personality is intended with the guideline of problems at the local level and our intellectual control. This finding increases entrepreneurial motivation, so in the process of entrepreneurship knowledge transfer through the learning process in Vocational Schools needs to be emphasized in efforts to increase internal locus of control and student adversity intelligence. Keywords: Entrepreneurial knowledge, internal locus of control, adversity intelligence and entrepreneurial intention

    Desain dan Pembuatan Tungku Krusibel Untuk Peleburan Aluminium Dengan Bahan Bakar Gas dan Proses Pengujian Tungku Serta Proses Pengecoran Menggunakan Cetakan Pasir Merah Dengan Variasi Jarak Penuangan

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    The purpose of this research is to make and know the working system of krusibel furnace which is gas-fueled. Testing of crucible furnaces is done by means of aluminum smelting. The melting result is poured into the red sand mold. For pour casting height with variation 25 cm and 50 cm. The crucible furnace bedding starts from components comprising: The furnace is made with 85cm tall brick with an outer diameter of 75cm and a thickness of 20cm. The combustion pipe uses a 9cm diameter and 125cm diameter pipe, then welded with 1cm diameter pipe for gas entry, and blower placement at the end of the pipe. Heat pipe made of galvanized iron pipe diameter 2.5cm and 2m long as much as two pieces, weld with iron pipe diameter 9cm and length 12cm. drum as a place of gas and water with a diameter of 57cm, height 43cm, on the side is given a hole 2 parts to connect the heating pipe. In this study observation of temperature changes in the furnace every 5 minutes and fuel consumption. Tests performed to test the casting result are depreciation test, porosity observation, chemical test, brinell hardness test, and micro photo test (ASTM standard E 3). From the test results can be concluded that the highest temperature 790oC. To meleburkan 10 kg of aluminum into liquid diperluhkan time 30 minutes, with fuel consumption 9 kg LPG gas (3 tubes size 3 kg). The value of pouring distance of 25 cm is 5.691% for cylindrical specimens, and 3.864% for beams. While the depreciation value of casting distance 50 cm greater than the casting distance of 25 cm, ie 6.842% for cylindrical products, 5.329% in the form of blocks. The results of hardness testing, the value of HB to two sepesimen less than 70.00 kg / mm2. The chemical composition found in Alumunium (Al) 88.33% as the main material, and Silicon (Si) 7.01%, so that the existing elements include aluminum alloy silicon (Al-Si). Keywords: Krusibel Furnace, Gas, Aluminu

    Study Pengaruh Campuran Bahan Bakar Premium Dan Ethanol Terhadap Unjuk Kerja Mesin Motor Bensin Empat Langkah

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    Issues of fossil fuels which surfaced in recent years is the problem of depletion of fossil fuels and global warming. This time is considered very important to continue the efforts of observation and the development of alternative fuel technologies. With high levels of alcohol can be used directly on the machine , or can be mixed with a certain level in gasoline as fuel. Utilization of alcohol as a fuel substitute for gasoline , pertamax , pertalite or as a mixture of petrol is expected to reduce fuel consumption of petroleum. This study aims to determine the effect of using a mixture of gasoline and ethanol and the corresponding fuel type and to obtain engine performance 4 stroke petrol engine optimum exhaust emissions and determine the level of fuel consumption. The results of this study indicate that the fuel by using a variation of premium fuel or a mixture of premium variation and ethanol ( 5 % , 10 % , 15 % , 20 % ) there is a change of characteristics, namely an increase in power up to 7000 rpm rotation. At high rotation , the addition of ethanol is able to provide more torque compared to when using premium fuel. On the exhaust emissions are also the highest value of CO concentration on premium fuel and 20% ethanol. At 7000 RPM HC gas concentrations have decreased in all variations of the fuel was 286 ppm. And the smallest value HC concentration in the exhaust gas is at a premium fuel and 20% ethanol. At 7000 rpm at 155 ppm

    Analisis Hidrolik Sistem Lifter Pada Farm Tractor Foton FT 824

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    Farm tractor foton suatu alat berat yang dipergunakan untuk membajak tanah, menarik benda dan transportasi.Farm Tractor foton ft 824 bekerja dengan sistem hidrolik yaitu sistem yang menghasilkan suatu gaya dan gerak dengan mengunakan fluida, tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisa hidrolik dan mengidentifikasi kerusakan pada lifter farm tractor foton ft 824. Prosedur pemeriksaan kerusakan lifter yaitu pemeriksaan secara visual, Pemeriksaan secara visual dilakukan dengan melakukan pemeriksaan apakah ada oli yang bocor dan mengoperasikan lifter untuk mengetahui yang mana mengalami trouble. Setelah mengetahui trouble pada lifter maka dilakukan disassembly lifter untuk mengetahui kerusakan. Hasil dari analisa menunjukan penyebab terjadinya trouble dari lifter adalah O-ring yang sudah aus atau sudah tidak standar lagi dan harus dilakukan perbaikan atau diganti, dan hasil dari analisa hidrolik pada lifter sebagai berikut, pada pompa memiliki tekanan sebesar 200 bar, volume oli yang dibutuhkan kesilinder lifter 1,071 liter, mengetahui debit aliran yang masuk kesilinder lifter 0.13343 liter/dt, gaya yang dihasilkan oleh lifter 14252,4 Kgcm^

    Analisa Sistem Bahan Bakar Pada Wheel Loader XCMG ZL 50 GN

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    Sistem bahan bakar merupakan proses mengalirnya bahan bakar dari tangki menuju pompa bahan bakar sebelum bahan bakar disemprotkan ke ruang bakar. Pompa bahan bakar yang digunakan adalah pompa plunger. Pada sistem bahan bakar terdapat komponen elektrik yang berguna untuk membuka dan menutup aliran bahan bakar menuju kepompa bahan bakar yaitu solenoid cut off. Pada wheel loader, komponen elektrik tersebut sering terjadi kerusakan sebelum hm mencapi 1000 sehingga menjadi kekecewaan terhadap konsumen setelah membeli unit tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui konsumsi bahan bakar pada putaran tertentu, menentukan spesifikasi pompa bahan bakar yang akan digunakan untuk sistem bahan bakarbakar wheel loader dan mengidentifikasi komponen pada wheel loader yang cepat rusak terutama yang berada pada sistem bahan bakar. Untuk mencari konsumsi bahan bakar spesifik diperlukan beberapa data yang kemudian di olah. Yang pertama yaitu menentukan torsi dengan menggunakan variasi putaran, Untuk menentukan spesifikasi pompa bahan bakar diperlukan study literarur kebengkel resmi pompa bahan bakar bakar sehingga kita dapat lebih mudah menentukan dimensi pompa yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan bahan bakar. Untuk mengidentifikasi komponen wheel loader yang cepat rusak diperlukan pemeriksaan secara visual pada sistem bahan bakarnya, setelah mengetahui bahwa solenoid cut off yang cepat rusak kemudian kita ganti solenoid dengan yang baru kemudian masalah terpecahkan, tetapi penggantian solenoid cut off merupakan pemecahan masalah yang kurang baik karena life time solenoid yang baru juga tidak akan lama, oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan analisa terjadinya kerusakan dan kemudian dilakukan improvement pada solenoid cut off dengan cara merubah cara kerja dari solenoid tersebut Dari hasil perhitungan secara teoritis didapatkan bahwa pada putaran 1400 rpm merupakan konsumsi bahan bakar terendah yaitu 195,16 g/kw.jam dengan torsi 900 dengan daya 176,783 HP. Pompa bahan bakar yang di perlukan adalah pompa dengan dimensi; diemeter plunger 0,9 cm, S (panjang langkah plunger) 0,2 cm dan Dh (lubang buang pada plunger) 0,45 cm. Kerusakan solenoid cut off sebelum HM mencapai 1000 di karenakan arus selalu masuk ke solenoid cut off sebesar 2.71 mA pada saat engine running. Setelah dilakukan improvement, arus yang masuk ke solenoid hanya sebesar 0,83 mA

    Studi Proses Electroetching Material Tembaga dengan Variasi Arus Listrik, Komposisi Larutan dan Waktu Pencelupan

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    Electroetching merupakan proses penggerusan pada bagian benda kerja menggunakan larutan kimia yang terkontrol agar dihasilkan produk yang sesuai dengan keinginan. Proses ini dapat digunakan untuk material benda kerja berbahan logam seperti tembaga.Beberapa parameter proses yang akan dikaji adalah arus yang diberikan, lama waktu pencelupan dan konsentrasi larutan serta pengaruhnya terhadap profil dinding dan laju etsa. Pada penelitian ini tembaga dietsa dengan 3 variasi parameter yaitu arus, waktu celup dan konsentrasi larutan. Penelitian tahap I dilakukan pada variasi arus 0,09 A, 0,12 A, 0,15 A, 0,3 A,dan 0,35 A dengan waktu celup 2,5 jam dan konsentrasi etchant 7,1%. Penelitian tahap II dilakukan dengan waktu 1 jam, 1,5 jam, 2 jam, 2,5 jam dan 3 jam pada arus 0,3 A dan dengan konsentrasi etchant 7,1 %. Penelitian tahap III dilakukan dengan konsentrasi etchant sebesar 7,1%, 9,1%, 11,1%, 13,2% dan 15,4%. Dari percobaan tersebut didapatkan data massa tembaga tergerus yang akan menjelaskan laju pengikisan material. Bentuk profil dinding dan kedalaman etsa kemudian diamati melalui uji foto makro di laboratorium. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan arus, konsentrasi larutan dan peningkatan lama pencelupan akan meningkatkan kedalaman penggerusan serta meningkatkan laju penggerusan material pada logam tembaga. Laju pengikisan material dapat diamati dari bentuk profil kedalamannya, dimana makin tinggi arus, lama pencelupan dan konsentrasi larutan akan menghasilkan bentuk lubang yang makin dalam. Sedangkan profil dinding samping mempunyai bentuk dengan kecenderungan yang sama

    Analisa Kekerasan Pada Pengecoran Aluminium Terhadap Proses Artificial Aging Dengan Variasi Suhu (150˚C,175˚C,200˚C)

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    Casting is a metal smelting process by melting and then poured into a mold and allowed to freeze. The metal used in this study is Aluminum because it has a light density, corrosion resistant and easy to obtain From the EDX test results, it was found that the elements contained in the cast product were (Al) 70.03%, (C) 13.24%, (Si) 10.15, (Fe) 1.17%. , (Ni) 2.75%, (Cu) 2.48%. Judging from the elements that exist, it can be classified as Aluminum Alloy (Al-Si) The results of the research on SEM testing of the most dominant element is Aluminum (Al). In the morphological structure photo, the variation of Aging 150˚C shows that the crystal structure is bigger than the aging variation 175˚C and 200˚C. It can be concluded that the higher the hardness value, the more small crystal shape Analysis of the data shows that the value of the Rockwell hardness test results at Aging 150˚C is 69.11HRB. While at Aging 175˚C is 74.46HRB, and the highest value of violence occurs at Aging 200˚C that is 80.36HRB


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    ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the development of creative industries, the usefulness of the implementation of entrepreneurship training, the factors that support and inhibit, and formulate a creative industry development strategy based on entrepreneurship training in an effort to develop local economic areas in the city of Parepare. This research is a type of evaluation research using a qualitative approach. This research was conducted in Parepare Town of South Sulawesi. The subjects of the study were the participants of entrepreneurship training in Kota Parepare, and the Department of Manpower of Parepare City as the manager and implementer of training through UPTD BLK Kota Parepare. Data collection techniques used are Document study, observation, and interview. Data analysis techniques include: (a) Data processing, which consists of categorization and data reduction, (b) data presentation, (c) data interpretation, and (d) drawing conclusions/verifications. The results show that (1) The development of creative industries through entrepreneurship training includes: Information and Communication Technology, Garment Apparel, Beauty, Building, Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Refrigeration, Manufacturing Engineering, and Welding Technique; (2) The usefulness of the implementation of entrepreneurship training that can shorten the learning period, improve business performance, establish attitudes, help solve business operational problems, prepare entrepreneurs to acquire expertise in certain fields, and produce output that has the ability and knowledge that qualified (3) There are several factors that support and hinder the development of creative industries through entrepreneurship training in developing creative industries, both internal and external factors, and (4) development strategy based creative industry entrepreneurship in an effort to develop the local economy of recruitment and selection of trainees, selection of training instructors, the provision of facilities and infrastructure, curriculum development, and the provision of funds or training budgets

    Analisa Mekanisme Kerja Hidraulik Pump Pada Mixer Truck (Studi Kasus: Pt. Tugu Beton Semesta Abadi Semarang)

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    Operating a Tank Mixer requires hydraulic power which consisting of Main Pump Hydraulic and Main Pump Motor. Basically a hydraulic system is a system that control of forces and movements fluid with liquid. Pressurized oil from the pump is distributed to various kinds of attachments. This study is to determine the distribution of hydraulic power in Tank Mixer Trucks. To find out the power that occurs requires a large flow rate and pressure on the hydraulic. Power in units of kW, flow rate in units of 1 / min, and pressure units in N/m2. The amount of power that occurs then compared to the available power. The power generated by a Varable Displacement Pump is 79,152 kW. And the power generated by the pump is then distributed to the attachment of 30,600 kW. The total amount of power distributed to the Hydraulic Gear Box is 30,600 kW. Then the power used is 38.6% of the Hydraulic Pump power. Keywords: mixer truck, hydraulic power

    Analisa Komponen Undercarriage Dan Kerusakan Track Adjuster Excavator

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    Excavators are used as a tool to dig, dredge, move material, etc. The Track Adjuster component has the function of adjusting the tension of the Track Chain Assembly and also positioning the Front Idler above the track frame. In general, the Track Adjuster is a cylinder filled with grease. In its use to tighten the Track Chain Assembly the way is to add grease, while to relax the Track Chain Assembly by reducing the grease on the Track Adjuster. Damage to the Track Adjuster can be in the form of damage to the Seal and O-ring Track adjuster. the occurrence of rust and damage to the surface of the rod (scratch), Recoil spring Broken, Grease Leaks